Out of Control Series

By george Robinson

Published on Jan 7, 2023


Out Of Control ch2

It was 6.30 in the evening when the gang arrived at David's place. They were greeted by David who introduced his parents to them. "my my Mary...you sure have a pair of awesome fucking tits" exclaimed Luke. Mary did her best to ignore the remark while John reached out to shake Luke's hand but Luke grabbed his balls and squeezed them with a vengeance making John squeal in pain and finally falling to his knees. " There you go Dom..he's ready for you. Dom and Sol were the only gays in the gang. Dom stepped up to John.still on his knees, whipped his seven inch cock out and said "suck it John". John opened his mouth and started to suck the tip of Dom's cock but Dom grabbed the back of his head and rammed his tool to the back of John's throat making him gag and choke. Mary and John knew just how their night was going to go.

Mary served the meal to the gang while the lads continually put their hands put her dress to feeling her arse and pussy. At one point. one of the lads pulled her knickers off her and put them on John's head like a hat with the instruction " and leave the fuckers on" John complied with the order all night.. After the meal Luke spoke to David " you having a problem with what's going on" " No problem what's so ever..in fact I can see my dad sucking my cock every morning from now on...he's such a fucking wimp". " well David..it's now time for us to fuck your mum and while we all fucking her, Dom and Sol will be keeping your dad busy. In no time at all the two gay lads had John stripped naked and were fucking him without mercy. At the same time Luke and co had stripped Mary and were taking turns to fuck her in either her pussy or arse and at one time both at the same time. When they had all fucked her Luke turned to David and simply pointed to a naked Mary and gestured to David to fuck her. David paused for a second then with the words " why fucking not" he stripped naked and mounted his now traumatized mother. He fucked her hard and fast and showed no concern when she was clearly in distress and he continued until he had planted all of his seed deep inside her and it was only then that he got dressed" well Davey boy..you are now a member of the demilo gang" announced Luke " We've had a great time Mary and we'll be back for more thanks for the meal and hospitality.." At that the gang left with David in tow. " don't wait up..I might be in late..things to do... girls to fuck..you know normal gang things" David said in a casual nonchalant manner. Mary and John knew that there had been a fundamental shift in their lives and it wasn't going to change back in a hurry if ever. They had lost all control of their son, not that they'd had much previously, but now they had none. There choice was simple. They either accepted the changes to their relationship with their boy or see him leave their home forever.

The latter could never be contemplated as their love for David was absolute. They would just have to bear the indignity of being sexually and verbally abused by their son and a bunch of fifteen year old kids. The one positive thing to come out of this event was that their son had some friends and he was happy. something every parent wants for their children.

Next morning, David came down stairs wearing only a very thin black jockstrap. He fixed himself a bowl of cereal and sat down at the breakfast bar. " Hey mum.....the gang decided last night that you must never again wear knickers. If any of the lads see you in town, they want to be able to put their hand up your dress and finger you with no obstructions....so get the fuckers off now.... .Understood." Mary said nothing but quickly dropped her pants in total submission to her fifteen year old son "and while I'm talking...You dad...no fucking underwear ever again so get the fuckers off now.." "Yes son If that's what you want" said a very grovelling John. He removed his jeans and took his boxers off and replaced his jeans. " did I tell you to put your fucking jeans back on....the answer is no I didn't tell you to put your fucking jeans back on so get the fuckers off and come over here and suck my cock....right fucking now!!!!!!! screamed David. John, shaking from head to toe, got to his knees in front of his son and moved the jockstrap to one side exposing David's prick. Seconds later he was gobbling David's prick for all he was worth. Mary pretended to be busy with her back to this exhibition but David had noticed. " hey mum come over here and watch dad suck my cock ...now!!" Mary, red faced, complied with the order and watched John suck David's cock like he was a pro. David quickly shot his load to back of john's throat with the order " swallow it". David was clearly out of control and because his parents were so weak, they could do nothing about it except take whatever abuse was dished up regardless of which fifteen year old it was.

The days and the nights had ticked by and the abuse that they had suffered since that first night had remained constant if not more frequent. They never knew when David would bring one of the lads for a sleepover. These sleepovers were a little different from normal sleepovers. Who ever came with David slept with Mary and John was made to sleep on the settee. On the odd occasions, David would bring one of the gay lads and Mary slept on the settee with John getting his arse pounded all night. One fine summer morning Mary and John had been into town to do a little shopping. While they were waiting in a bus shelter for their bus, a couple of lads from the gang approached them. "hello Mary" said one of the lads. Without any further delay he put his hand up her dress and promptly finger fucked her using two fingers while John tried to look the other way. He was ordered to watch as his wife was finger fucked in a public place. To John's distress Mary was clearly enjoying the experience as she was making some very strange moaning sounds. and on the ground beneath her, pussy juices dropped copiously. All sorts of incidents like this happened all the time.

Next: Chapter 3: Out of Control 3

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