Out of Body

By Leslie Carr

Published on Jan 18, 2016


Out of Body 5

By Androgyne

We soft foot it into a section of the hotel that the guests never see or enter. This is where the staff keeps the whole place running but hopefully there aren't any of them around right now. Once Gee and I are inside Minerva is as good as her word and the door's lock clicks home behind us. I take hold of Gee's arm and keep my voice down to a whisper so faint only Gee's enhanced hearing could possible catch it.

"That's the goods lift over there. I can't see anyone moving around or hear anything either. Keep an eye out while I call the lift if it's not here already."

The corridor's dimly lit by normal human standards but as bright as day for me and Gee. As I look through the glass panel in the sliding door I can see that the lift in fact isn't down here on ground level. I thumb the call button while Gee's head turns left and right like some kind of radar scanner. By sheer luck the lift is below us not way up at the top. There's a basement level car park and sub-basement but whichever the lift was at it arrives fast and the door slides open.

Once inside I press the button for the 13th floor. Well it certainly was unlucky for Mr Dragan Maric wasn't it? The lift ascends smoothly and quietly and slides to a halt at 13. Again we've got lucky that no hotel workers stop the lift to get on. When the door hisses open once more I pop my head out to find this corridor is thickly carpeted and panelled with some kind of blond wood; but best of all it is deserted. I lead off with Gee close behind me till we reach the "Orion Suite" that my would be killer was booked into.

Swiping the card through the slot frees the lock with a soft click. I push open the door with a lack of caution explained by the fact that I could hear zilch from the suite before opening the door; and in infra red vision there's nobody in the main room. Stepping inside, followed by Gee who closes the door behind us, I snap on the lights and look around. Gee breaks the silence though softly.

"Jeeze it looks like being a hired killer's a decent job if he can stay in a place like this."

He's got a point there! This place is in the middle range of luxury level.

"Yeah nice! Okay Gee I've always wanted to say what they say in the cop shows on TV, so let's toss the place, quietly though and not too much of a mess okay?"

The dresser drawers just yield a few clothes and nothing out of the ordinary. While I'm working through them, fast, Gee's checking out the bathroom and finding nothing more than shaving tackle and toothpaste and brush. It's when I open the wardrobe that things get interesting. I give Gee a shout to come check the pockets of the clothes hung up in here while I take an impressive looking case out and dump it on the bed.

It's triple locked and made from some kind of plastic but I'm pretty sure lined with something strong under the tan cover. I suppose I should be more cautious but if something inside self destructs well that's a chance I'll impatiently take. Digging my fingers into the first lock I force it open and repeat the process with two and three. As I do Gee holds up something he's found in a jacket pocket.

"A hire car receipt and a ticket for a multi story parking garage that just happens to be real close to your uncle's HQ."

"We'll check that out Gee no danger...!"

Then I shut up for a second when I flip back the lid of the case.

"Jesus fucking Christ Gee we've found his arsenal!"

Assorted handguns and ammo are, I suppose, a given, but it's the dissembled weapon that grabs my attention and stiffens me. I take it out and with absolute certainty snap it together section by section. I finish by clipping the impressive scope onto the top of an assault/sniper's rifle that shouldn't be here. Gee's been watching me with his head on one side and eyeing me oddly.

"How did you know how to do that so fast and easy Eric?"

The best way to allay doubts is to tell as much of the truth as possible. So that's what I do.

"Because this rifle is made by a part of uncle Len's company and he had one in his underground lab. However they're still in the development stage and there's only supposed to be around a dozen of them; and all of them are supposed to be in one place. Apart from Len's that is! Uncle Len has a depot down south that does weapons research and all the rest of them should be under lock and key there."

Gee, as I've said, is as sharp as a tack. Maybe his virus/nanite treatment has sharpened him even further and he picks up on my line of thought instantly.

"So your uncle's company has a bad guy or guys equipping an assassin with high tech weaponry? And an assassin who tried to kill him too!"

"Spot on Gee and this baby has its experimental serial number right here on the side. We'll take it back along with all these other killer's tools, to uncle Len, and he can trace how it got out of a secure plant and into Maric's hands. Now let's make one more sweep before we leave okay?"

We've already done our search with ruthless efficiency and faster than any two ordinary boys possibly could have. Of course we are one artificial boy and one heavily upgraded and modified human boy. Our final fine tooth comb search is just as fast and turns up nothing new. When I finish checking out the writing desk I walk into the bedroom to find Gee laid out on the king sized bed. He's giving me a sly smirk.

"Ready to go? Okay I'll bite. Why are you on a hotel bed in a suite we've technically broken into?"

He props himself up on one elbow and grins.

"Being in here without anyone knowing we're here has me thinking. I'm wondering what it's like being fucked in a luxury hotel room by my boyfriend. Wanna find out Eric?"

Jesus it's not that long ago we did each other seven ways to sundown and he's up, probably literally, all over again. Even as I'm thinking that I start getting hard just looking at him. What the hell if he fancies more then I'm ready to oblige. I'm leaning against the jamb of the bedroom door and I decide let's go for it.

"Damn right I wanna find out boyfriend. Get out of that set of fancy sports gear and get naked. Oh and we'd better keep the sound levels down in case the next suite wonder why two boys are yelling "don't fucking stop" or something!"

"You don't think I'm crazy then Eric?"

"I think you're the sexiest boy ever and I also think you're right. Being in here and thinking about doing each other on that bed is a huge turn on!"

Even while I'm watching him skin out of his pricey and stylish sportswear I'm peeling off my own gear fast. It's like the two of us have some kind of sexual fever because I can't get enough of Gee's body and for sure he can't get enough of mine. With him naked slightly before I am I feast my eyes on his slim body and his long hard cock!

My clothes are now scattered on the bedroom carpet; apart from my briefs that I'm easing over my own rock hard erection. Gee's cock has a clear curve to it while mine stands up dead straight; but as I look down at mine I can see the blue veins standing out thick against my cock's pale skin.

I constructed this "Eric" body but I'm not sure tiny details like this were so clear and prominent. If I get the time I've got to check out my theory that I'm seeming more and more human without any modifications being made.

For now though my thoughts are centred on the naked shape of my Gee on that bed. He's grinning at me, still looking as sexy as hell, and holding something up clenched in one hand.

"Okay love what's that you've got there?"

"I found it in the bathroom. It's called "Blue Velvet" and says "For Intimate Sexual Pleasures" on the tube. Maybe the late Mr Maric was a gay guy?"

Gee's a real bright boy but he's not had my years in the world so he's owed an explanation.

"Yeah well maybe he was love. However some women need lube if they can't get wet. Oh and some straight guys like doing a woman up the rear just like we do to each other. So you plan on using it?"

His eyes are zeroed right in on mine as he strokes his stiff cock with his free hand. His words are soft but send tingles right through me.

"I want you to use it and then fuck my rear as hard as you can and cum inside me."

My lips have gone dry and my tongue feels too big for my mouth as I move closer to the bed and my boyfriend. More odd events! How can this created body be reacting so uncontrolled? I'm supposed to just ride in here but now Eros seems to be me! My scientists mind is blown away as I slide onto the bed and wrap myself around Gee's smooth body.

We're a tangle of arms and legs as our mouths find each other's and our tongues duel delightfully. Gee's slender thigh moves between mine to press against my throbbing cock and a soft moan escapes my lips.

"You want me to fuck you hard love? Fine! This time I fuck you from the front baby."

Gee's teeth are nipping at my neck and his hands sliding over my buttocks as he murmurs into my ear.

"Front or back just get that stuff on your cock and fuck me right now! I wanna see what it feels like when you're "velvet" Eric."

I can't hold back something that's half a giggle and half a choked snort as I pull free of him and snatch up the tube off the bed.

"Have you seen the price of this stuff love? I hope it feels as good as it says it will."

"Only one way to find out Eric. So do me now!"

The lube goes onto my cock, silky smooth, and, easing back my foreskin, I anoint the swollen bulge of my helmet thickly. More weirdness when I feel a cool tingling on my knob end, when my body is just so hard to damage, but apparently also so sensitive. With one finger I use some more on Gee's taut pucker. Turned on and a little wicked I slide that finger deep inside him and Gee gasps.

"Like that do you love?"

His eyes are almost closed and he's breathing faster now.

"Yeah but I'd like your cock in there better!"

"Well let's give you what you want then."

When Gee and I first fucked aboard my yacht I found he was supple and lithe. That was the old unimproved Gordon though. Now his body is flushed with my tailored virus in combination with those incredible nanites which have worked their magic on his body. With catlike speed and elegance he spreads his silky thighs and rears back; hooking his arms around his legs to open himself to me.

Kneeling I move close up to him and guide my long cock between his taut buttocks. Clasping his slim hips I ease my cock deeper till the bulge of my helmet rests against the pucker of his arse. A firm thrust of my own hips takes me forward and I slide into his anal canal with a gasp of delight from me and a soft moan from Gee.

His drum tightness clasps my rigid cock, and before the wild need for release overwhelms me, I briefly wonder if this is another adaption down to those amazing nanites and the virus. Then lust and desire take over! Clasping his hips I do what he wanted and fuck his arse smooth and fast! Our eyes are fixed on each other's as his arms lock around my neck to drag my mouth down onto his.

Our tongues wrap around each other's as his hands leave my neck, to claw at my back, as my hips pump my throbbing cock in and out of him. If an unchanged boy had been doing the fucking Gee's fingernails would have torn loose skin and shed blood. He can't hurt me but if he ever goes with a normal boy he'll do damage. I'll warn him later because now the heat is rising from behind my balls.

Each time I thrust forward my ridged belly grinds against Gee's rampant cock and we're both grunting deeply in the back of our throats. Somehow Gee's canal is squeezing my cock as the familiar white hot line roars up my cock and I pound at him flat out. He bucks and howls and his cock spurts thick cream across his belly and chest as I rear back and shoot my load into him. His legs are now wrapped around me like silk smooth cables as we both orgasm hugely.

I'm savouring the after burn of another fantastic fuck with my literally super boyfriend, after easing out of him, when he props himself up on one elbow. His smooth body shows a light sheen of perspiration and to my surprise so does mine. It seems sexual coupling has my amazing body aping what my lover's does.

"Holy crap Eric that was fantastic. Each time we do it seems like it gets better. I can go again how about you?"

He's neither lying nor bragging because he's stroking his fingers down the barrel of his cock and he's hardening as I watch.

"You know it boyfriend! I think maybe we suck each other this time. I love swallowing your cum as much as you love mine."

Gee's movement is as fast and lithe as before as he pushes me flat and straddles my head. Reaching up I cup his silky buttocks to guide him down to take his cock into my mouth. Before he does the same to my erection he shivers sensuously.

"I was right Eric! Doing it here and now is even more of a turn on."

I can't reply as his hot smooth cock is deep in my mouth and my tongue is sliding over the bulge of his helmet. A moment later his lips lock on my hard cock and his head is bobbing smoothly up and down; bringing electric waves of pleasure rising all over again. I alternate between sucking on the full length of his cock and using my tongue tip to explore the swollen knob end that is so sensitive. Now he's sucking on my balls as well and the noises in this room are harsh gasps and wet sounds.

I swing my legs around to lock them around him and hold his head down as I get ready to erupt again. At the same time I'm sucking on him like a vacuum pump and jabbing my tongue against his helmet. I cum so hard I wonder, for a brief moment, if this Eric Janus body can pass out. I don't but my mind spins as I shoot out hot juice and then I'm gulping down Gee's delicious fountain!

Locked together we writhe and shudder through repeated jets and spurts of mind and body blasting cum. Gee rolls off me at last to stare up at the ceiling.

"Jeeze I thought we'd never stop cumming. I can't get enough lately Eric. You don't think your uncle's stuff is out of control do you? I could fuck again right now!"

I'm flat on my back like him but this is something I have thought about after our marathon sessions recently.

"Gee what were you like before we ever met? It's not a guess that I wasn't the first boy ever to suck your cock."

I love the way he grins when I get onto topics like this and right now he's got that grin all over his face.

"Yeah well other boys? You know it!"

He points his index finger at me like a gun barrel.

"But you're the only boy for me now and you know that too!"

"That's good Gee because fuck an ordinary boy like you fuck me and you'll put him in hospital and not just from pleasure and exhaustion."

He heaves out a deep sigh.

"I know Eric but it's easy to forget how strong I am now. I swear I won't touch another boy while you're around anyway."

"My point being boyfriend is that before we met you were a horny pre teen which hasn't changed. Now though the two of us just don't get tired or run out of steam. So you're still horny but you've got amazing stamina which is why you're thinking with your cock and not your high IQ!"

"If you're not worried then neither am I Eric!"

"I'm only worried about us getting out of here and back to HQ with that case full of arms and especially that "Gorgon X" sniper's rifle. You go shower off the cum while I break the rifle down and re-pack the case."

Gee comes off the bed as smooth as a snake and looking back over his shoulder shakes his taut arse at me.

"There's room in there for two Eric so we could share."

I'm up on my feet as easily as he and grinning at him while shaking my head.

"That's the second time tonight you've offered to share a shower and I'll turn it down again or we'll be under the spray and fucking again. Go get clean do you hear sexy boy!"

Gee stalks out still swaying his slim hips and luscious rear just to annoy me. Which it does! As well as starting my cock to stiffening once more. Resisting temptation I break down the rifle and pack it away; forcing the broken catches of the case back into place. Once Gee's showered and is drying I use the shower to clean up too and by the time I'm dry Gee's dressed closely followed by me.

"Okay let's see if we can leave also without being noticed Gee!"

Retracing our steps we encounter not a soul and heading down in the staff lift I slide my communicator out, tap it, and speak softly into it.

"Almost there so trip the locks again!"

Out of the lift and over to the door without more than hearing the sound of distant staff moving around we step outside. The door swings shut and locks behind us. I'm hefting the weapons case and Gee's carrying the sports hold-all we brought with us as cover as we approach our car. Our driver, Sam Drake, is still buried in the paperback he was reading when we left him.

"Where to now boys? Back to HQ and Stein House?"

"Yes please Sam and as fast as you can without breaking the speed limits."

Like all my drivers he's a pro and he gets us back fast and smooth to the vehicle pool. Now for some fast body swapping to set up the next stage of my plans. Using my communicator I assume that Minerva has us on the internal CCTV system by now.

"Hello this is Eric Venus is my uncle in his office at the moment?"

I've set things up with Minerva since it became clear that Gee's hearing is now as superior as the rest of him. It seems sure he can hear the voice from the other end of a phone line so Minerva replies with a generic secretary type tone.

"He's in the building Eric but I'm not sure where. I could page him for you if you like."

"Oh no thank you I think I know where he might be."

Shutting off the communicator I hustle Gee into the private lift.

"You wait in Uncle Len's office and if he turns up tell him I'll be back there soon. I'll check out the labs and if he's not there I've another idea where he'll be. Are you okay with waiting for Uncle Len?"

"Yeah he's a cool guy like I told you!"

I leave him actually sitting in my super comfortable office chair and scuttle down to the sub-basement labs. Into the sarcophagus and jump out as mortal Len Stein. However now I don't feel dull and lumpy anymore and realise how Gee feels all the time now. Okay an Eros body is still a higher level but who wouldn't love to feel like this all the time?

"Minerva is Tony Prior on the premises?"

"Yes he is Mr Stein he's in security section now running some stuff through computer records that relate to his suspicions about material being diverted."

"Tell him I'm on my way and he doesn't move till I get there."

Scooping up the weapons case I use my private express lifts and in no time I'm with Tony in a semi deserted security section. I forget how light the heavy weapons case feels to me and slam it down on a vacant desk. The desk bounces and Tony frowns as he spins his chair around.

"That desk ever done you any harm Len?"

"Never Tony but what's inside it could. Get on security records and inventory the "Gorgon X" rifle prototypes. How many there are and the location of one in particular. Serial number "X 1096/Gamma" if you will.

Swinging his chair back around he works the keyboard briefly and then looks at me over his shoulder.

According to the records we have ten working models and all of them, including that one, are held at Redbridge research depot. Oh and you have your own down in your lab."

"Then how the fuck Tony is that rifle in that case I've just slammed down?"

"Jesus! Where did you get it from Len?"

I shake my head and gnaw my lip for a second or two.

"Lock the lot up secure and don't whatever you do query Redbridge about a missing rifle. There's something very wrong going on there and we'll look into it really softly and carefully. I'll schedule a full security meeting in the next two or three days but for now I don't want Redbridge to get even a sniff of it. I've leave it with you as I've got more things still on my plate."

Now I dive down to my own office and find Gee waiting there as he should be. He has the good sense and good manners to bound out of my chair and takes a guest chair instead.

"Have you seen Eric yet sir?"

"Yes thanks Gee and like Eric you must call me Len. He briefed me on what you two did and well done on that. We have some serious investigating to do soon son and with what you and Eric can do, and have proven you can do, are you up for an even more challenging job?"

I'm not sure I should be putting Gee into harm's way but simply there's nobody I want more at my back when we do what I'm planning.

"You know I am Len so what have you in mind?"

"That rifle should be locked up secure at my Redbridge research depot and if I roar up there to investigate I'm betting there'll be the mother and father of all cover ups. I want you and Eric to infiltrate and take a look around on the quiet and at night. If you're game that is."

I never doubted for a second he wouldn't go for it!

"I'm in Len but can you sort things out with my dad and mum? I'm supposed to go home tonight but maybe you could persuade them to let me stop over with Eric and we can talk over the job together tonight."

I have to keep a poker face because he's thinking as much with his cock as with his brain. Not that I'm complaining because the idea of a whole night with Gee down in the sub-basement living quarters has got me as horny as hell already. I allow an arched eyebrow as reach for my desk phone.

"I can only ask Gee. Is your dad home tonight do you know? If he's out I'll call his cell phone. I know he's not on duty here right now."

"Him and mum should both be home right now Len."

I tap in the Scott's home number and Gee's mother picks up at the third ring.

"Hello Helen this is Len Stein again. I'm always asking you and Martin for favours it seems but this favour is the same one. Eric and Gordon have had another wonderful fun day together again. I've never seen Eric so happy and close to another boy so is there any chance of you and Martin letting Gordon have another sleep over tonight? They can stay in my quarters here at Stein House. I can assure you it's a safe and really comfortable set of apartments."

I can hear her clearly call out to her husband so likely Gee's superior hearing can too.

"Martin it's Len Stein asking if we mind Gordon stopping over again with Eric. It's fine with me if you agree."

I can next hear Martin replying that he's okay too and clearly Gee can too as he gives me a grin and a thumbs up just like he would with Eric. Gee's getting to be at ease with me in two forms now though at ease with Eric is a massive understatement.

"Say thanks to Martin for me Helen. The boys will be delighted. Goodbye!"

I cradle the phone and swivel my chair so I'm directly facing Gee.

"Wait here there's a gift ready for you. I'm heading for home so hang on here for your surprise son."

I'm not lying about the surprise gift but I need to vanish and get back into the Eros body and be Eric again. Back into my private lift system again I call Minerva.

"Minerva how is the work going on updating the other Eros bodies?"

"Surprisingly well Mr Stein why do you ask?"

"I'd like you to schedule one of them as a duplicate of me as I am right now. This double shuffling and swapping around is driving me crazy. I really need for Gee to be able to see me and Eric at the same time. So either you run an Eric body for a short time while I'm there or you run a Stein body while I'm there as Eric. Get the idea?"

"Simple enough Mr Stein and I'll get it started right away!"

Back in the sub-basement labs I get ready to re-enter the sarcophagus but pause as my memory jogs up a fact.

"Minerva did you fix the windows in the sarcophagi like I asked you?"

"Yes Mr Stein they are now 1 inch thick "Starlight Glass" and completely opaque."

"Good then I don't need to worry about Gee nosing around and seeing me inside one!"

Once I'm back in my Eros body I collect the surprise present for Gee and go back up to my office where he's still waiting.

"This is the present Uncle Len wanted you to have Gee. It's an ID pass card to anywhere in Stein House. It allows you access to the private lifts and the sub-basement lab section. You're all the way in now Gee!"

He stands and stretches then hits me with the sexiest grin any boy ever has.

"Then let's get down there and share that bed for the rest of the night because I'm not worrying anymore about whether I'm too horny right now. I want us to fuck till we're too worn out to move!"

The lab is second home to me and Gee's settling in here, and in the living quarters, for the second time tonight we take off those sports outfits and strip naked. One glance at Gee shows me he's fully erect and aroused just like me. I just can't imagine not wanting his body against mine and our hands on each other. Taking his hand in mine I walk him over to the big bed.

"I'm going to suck your cock so slowly you'll be begging me to get you off but you'll love waiting for it."

On that bed we're kissing and caressing, me as expert as always and Gee now almost as skilled, as our bodies slide against each other's. My lips move from his mouth, down his neck, and thence to his flat chest. I kiss and suck on his small dark nipple whilst tweaking the other with my thumb and index finger. Gee wriggles and moans as those nipples seem to harden and swell with his excitement.

Now my lips move downwards again to his flat ridged belly in a series of light kisses and tiny sharp bites. When I reach the smooth groin and his rigid cock I by pass it to lick the sleek insides of his thighs; then tongue that ridged area of skin that runs from his anus to the base of his ball sack. Gee's panting hard now as I slide my arms under his smooth but steely thighs.

With one hand I clasp a hip while the other hand takes hold of his cock and slides back his foreskin to free his cherry pink and rounded knob end. Now clasping his other hip I take his lovely cock deeply into my mouth. Swirling saliva around and over it I suck on him slowly and with all the art I've learnt over the years. My tongue explores the slit of his helmet and the folded back creases of his foreskin as Gee clasps my head in his hands to urge me to move faster.

I refuse to be hurried and continue my agonisingly slow arousal till I know he hangs on the very edge of his climax. Finally, sensing more might bring even his special body special torment, I grip his hips hard, clamp my lips on the barrel of his cock, and bobbing hard bring him to his orgasm. With nobody to hear and no need for caution Gee howls out in triumph as his hot creamy juices spurt forth again and again into my welcoming mouth.

Hips heaving and shudders roaring through his body his ecstasy seems to be endless as I press on with satisfying my boy who seems insatiable. At last even Gee's incredible stamina cannot sustain things any longer and with a sated smile on his finely chiselled features he lays still.

"Oh my God Eric I keep saying it but each time gets better. I thought I'd keep shooting cum forever. I was worried I'd bloody drown you with my cum cream I shot so much."

"When it tastes as good as yours does Gee I'll swallow a pint of it."

"Notice anything while you were down their Eric?"

Mainly I'm thinking I need to get off really soon as I'm as hard as Gee was a minute ago but I content myself with kissing his belly and stroking his thigh. However I confess my ignorance while doing that.

"You mean apart from the fact you came so hard I thought the bed was a gonner?"

"You never noticed how smooth I was around the cock? I've been sprouting a bit of hair down there lately and I didn't want you getting a mouthful when you went down on me. I know I don't like that."

I'm a bit puzzled at this and where he's going with it.

"So don't tell me you're shaving down there before you need to shave your chin?"

"No Eric and that's the weird thing. I was thinking I didn't want a mass of pubic hair sprouting and the next morning, when I woke up, what had grown had just sort of fallen out and there I was nice and smooth again. Do you think that virus and the nanites did it?"

As turned on as I am this jolts me into thinking fast and in this Eros body I can think computer fast. What I come up with tells me Gee's probably right and that he needs to be careful with wishing for things.

"Oh jeeze yeah! Look Gee please don't start concentrating on how you'd like your body to be. I'm sure you're right and the virus/nanite cocktail's happy to change things to how you'd like them to be. Whatever you do don't start thinking you wish your cock was bigger because those buggers in your bloodstream might enlarge you till you're like a bloody bull."

My boyfriend giggles at me and my worried words.

"I reckon what I've got is fine Eric; unless you want bigger when I do you?"

"Your cock's fine for me Gee but honestly I mean what I say. Think or wish too hard and you might get more than you bargained for. I'll have to talk to Uncle Len about this and soon."

"Eric I don't see you getting hairy down there either. Did you wish yours away like I did?"

Christ the things I get asked and have to talk about with Gee when I'm burning to fuck him right now!

"No Gee I didn't but I'm not going to wish for any changes till I've discussed this with Uncle Len. I guess I'm just less hairy than most kids our age."

Gee's stroking his cock and giving me his sexiest grin right now.

"I do know what you're wishing for though Eric."

"Don't tell me you've gotten to read minds from your bloodstream guests Gee."

"You're wishing I'd shut up so you can fuck me and I'm ready to shut up."

Apart from being way smart and super sexy Gee knows when to keep quiet. I lunge at him and give him a few fast kisses and sharp love bites before he drops onto his hands and knees.

"I want you from behind and as hard as you can Eric. With my little bloodstream friends, as you call them, you won't hurt me will you?"

I'll worry about future problems in the future. Right now I want to fuck so bad it hurts. Gee's right and unless I went crazy I couldn't hurt him; so I cradle his narrow hips as I kneel behind him. Pushing my own hips forward I ease my erection between his taut and smooth buttocks till the bared helmet of my cock presses against his pucker.

"What are you waiting for Eric? Do me!"

I thrust my cock forward and he opens to take my long cock smoothly and deeply. This time there's no doubt that the nanites have adapted him; maybe without his even knowing? His drum tight anal canal seems to clamp on my cock in a wonderful grip as I pump in and out like the machine/boy I am.

The way I'm gripping my boy would be dangerous for any normal boy! My hands are locked onto him as I drive in hard enough to have the bed creaking with each thrust, but all Gee does is growl softly like a big cat, as I fuck him like crazy. The fires are rising and I'm losing it big time as the burning excitement rises through my balls to the base of my cock. Gee seems as wild as I feel.

"Fuck me Eric! I want to feel you cum inside me and cum hard!"

If he's that hot then I'm just about soaring towards a huge climax. I'm desperate to cum but I don't want to end this amazing massive feeling of pressure and the tightness clasping my rigid cock. Even, it seems, my super body can't control desire and the need for release. My orgasm is like an earthquake that shakes and topples me into pure bliss.

I'm howling out loud as I shoot out, again and again, creamy spurts that have me shuddering and virtually mindless. Drained and sated, at least for now, I slump onto the rumpled bedding to tangle my arms and legs around Gee. He arches like a cat being stroked.

"Do you know I came again when you came? I can't get enough of your cock inside me Eric!"

I nuzzle his neck, nibble on his earlobe, kiss him a time or two, and then stretch luxuriously.

"Well before we do each other again let's talk action and tactics. Our next mission is Uncle Len's reluctant decision. We get to scout out Redbridge like he told you. We go in quiet, move around quiet, and get out even quieter without anyone knowing. Once we know what's going on there we go back a second time and try to catch them red handed. Uncle Len will run things from here in HQ and Frank Cross will drive us down there. That way two upgraded boys go in there and we have an upgraded Frank hanging around as back up. Are you good with that?"

"With us two and Frank and your uncle's organisation who could stop us? I'm good alright."

I have to try to ground him again so he doesn't get that idea he's unbeatable and indestructible.

"Look Gee we don't know what we'll find when we get in there so no risks and don't assume they don't have things there that might hurt us. We go in and out with a lot of care. Got that?"

"Yeah I got it Eric!"

I sit up and roll off the bed.

I'll be right back. I'm going to fetch a glass of milk so do you want anything?"

My boy's propped up on one elbow blowing me a kiss.

"Yeah I want more of your cock so hurry back!"

I amble out of the bedroom section and then jag left into the lab rather than the kitchen area. Behind the closed door I speak softly enough that even Gee's boosted hearing shouldn't catch what I say.

"Minerva you were clearly monitoring us so I want your opinion."

"Sir I truly try to avoid commenting on your sexual peccadillo's with Master Gordon!"

I slap my forehead at her words.

"Not about us screwing each other! Damnation Minerva I do believe you're a prude! I meant about the virus/nanite cocktail being able to carry out further body modifications on demand so to speak. What do you think about that?"

"I assure you Mr Stein I don't have a prudish bone in my body!"

My jaw drops at that! Not that it's hysterically funny but that it IS a joke. Minerva my artificial intelligence has cracked a joke. Not only has Gee shown that things are very different from what my research predicted but now Minerva seems to be changing too.

"Alright then Minerva so you're secretly a cyberspace hottie! However I want you to run projections on just what the virus/nanites seem capable of in a human body. Remember my real body is carrying them as well as Gee and Frank Cross. It might mean I'll need to find a way to limit their independence inside a body. I'll leave you to work on that then."

As I turn around to head for the kitchen section and that glass of milk I reflect that I AM actually looking forward to a glass of cold creamy milk. And this appetite in a body that doesn't need food at all is yet another puzzle! Minerva's voice comes softly from behind me then.

"Don't tire yourself out Mr Stein or Gordon either!"

I spin around but of course there's no Minerva to see and she says no more.

"I intend for us to exhaust each other thank you Minerva!"

When I walk back into the bedroom area Gee's propped up on the pillows with a brand new hard-on. I'll worry about the risks of infiltrating Redbridge another day but for now I'm stiff and ready myself. Like a snake I slither atop Gee to rub my hard hot cock against his as his long supple legs wrap around me and we both are off all over again. A little later, in the darkened room, we both noisily climax and spurt our cream over each other.

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