Out in the Shower

Published on Nov 29, 1998



Everyone does things that are private, secret, personal and often involve sex. Arnie found new ways to give himself pleasure all the time. He remembered the first time he did those things and tried to relive the sensations he remembered. As a boy he could double himself over and touch the tip of his cock with the very tip of his tongue..the first time he did it, his body exploded immediately and he swallowed his own cum. But as he grew older, his body wouldn't allow him the same flexability but he kept trying. The times he was the most horny, he almost made it. It was one of those times his roomate walked in on him. Arnie had propped himself against the dorm room and threw his legs back over his head...his hard hard cock pointed in the right direction but not quite close enough. He strained and he pulled but his tongue didn't make it....and so he lay like that with his mouth open as he jacked off until streams of his cum landed on his own tongue, face and in the back of his throat. He choked a bit. "Hey man you'll hurt yourself doing that..." Mike said. How long Mike had been watching, Arnie didn't know. He choked a bit more and rolled off the bed. "Sorry...horny as hell...." Arnie mumbled admidst his embarassment. "No prob roomie, I get that way too" Mike said as he stripped naked and went to the shower. Arnie watched his tall rommate's butt as it moved away from him. HIs cock dangled and swung as he walked. Arnie's cock was hard again. One of these days, he knew, he would make a move...but not yet.

Arnie lay on his bed that night...Mike was out as usual. He felt his body, hairy in places and developed in places. His nipples rose to the touch of his own fingers..and he grimaced as he gave himself the type of pain that sent shivers of sexual delight throughout himself. He felt between his legs, under his balls...the hairy area between his balls and asshole. Arnie remembered when he first discovered that area. It was smooth then..and he coudldn't get enough of the sensation of it being petted, teased, .....many a teenage cum load escaped him as he played there. He jumped up and got the tools and then began to take the hair off....his butt, asshole, under his balls, even his balls and around them. The smooth baby butt like skin felt great to him..his body ached for release. Arnie pretended he was thirteen again, discovering this area for the first time, he once again doubled up to touch it with one hand and jack off with the other...his mouth was full of his own cum load again and he lay there until he dozed off. - It was dark...except for the moonlight when he awoke. Mike was in his bed now..and Arnie played with himself again..that now smooth area, his smooth balls, his smooth butt...the skin under his balls....his cock hardened and he wanted to cum again..but knew the noise would awake Mike. So Arnie moved to the shower....turning the water on hard and hot he leaned against the wall..with one hand and felt his shaven butt, crack, and underneath. He shivered with pleasure, he groaned with his need for release. But he wasn't about to end this too soon. It had been years since he felt this smooth skin on himself. He pinched a nipple then the other, he fingered his butthole and dug deep to get up as far as he could. He was oblivious to the hot hot water, the steam that was filling not only the bathroom but into the dorm room. As he was petting the smooth skin under his balls, he felt a hand move his away and then the tongue that replaced it. Arnie started to stand up..but he heard the whisper telling him to stay there. The tongue licked the shaven skin, teased his asshole, swirled over his buttocks, and went back under his balls. Two fingers traced a line from the lower back down into his crack, separating them then going underneath and surrounded the shaven ballsac holding on...while the tongue pushed deep into his butthole. He was groanding so loud a whispered SHHHHH told him to be quiet. The fingers kept his buttocks apart as his asshole felt the stabbing pain and hands moved around to the front of his thighs..pulling his ballsac. Fingrers moved under them while other fingers kept them pulled forwared. Arnie could only keep his hands on the shower wall, keeping himself from falling over. The cock inside him moved, in and out, side to side, around and seemed to go deeper and deeper with each stab. He breath in his ear..the hands that pulled at his shaven flesh...and th ecock in him were desperate. Arnie couldn't hold back any longer as it forced every bit of moister inside through the skin, out his nose and mouth and through the tublular channel in his dick out onto the shower wall. He was exhausted..drained..helpless but the cock, the hands the fingers kept tearing at him..again and again until his own body caught fire again and quickly spewed out more sperm. Then the arms surrounded him, supporting him as he stood..his knees trembled as he let the supporting arms take him out of the shower stall. They didn't speak as they dried each other off ... and walked back into the bedroom. Arnie let himself be put on the bed face down..let his legs be spread..and then sighed as the fingers and toungue found that special place again..the now shaven area between his legs, under his balls..and he drifted back to the days of his youth as he felt that special area. His cock strained hard under him..as sensations took charge of his body. A hand jacked him under him...and another fingered his butt while the tongue licked againg and again. "no nono nononon" Arnie kept saying....not believing his body wanted to orgasm again. He knew the cost of the orgasms he had had..and the one he was about to have. But there was nothing he could do..and when his body gave in the sperm soaked under him..making his sheet and mattress know the extent of his sexual needs. The hands pulled him away..into the other bed and the arms of his roomie who had seen that smooth butt, balls and special area..it was too much for Mike. He had waited for the right time..and throwing caution away, gave into his own needs...licking the skin of the man he wanted. They slept..but only until their bodies demanded attention again.

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