Out for a Run

By awb

Published on Sep 10, 2022



All the usual disclaimers apply. The following story is based on personal experience, although lightly fictionalised, and contains explicit descriptions of sexual activity between young boys. READ NO FURTHER if you are under the age of eighteen or offended by such material. I am using this as a safe place to revisit memories of my own burgeoning sexuality. I do not condone in any way the sexual exploitation of minors.

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Any feedback,contact me at awb_1971@protonmail.com

Out for a Run

The day was warm, partly sunny, a bit of cloud, but nice. A good day for a run. I changed into white running shorts, a t-shirt, short socks and training shoes. No pants though; I felt I wanted to air my cock and balls, so decided against underwear. I strapped my phone to my arm so I could monitor my progress on one of those apps you can get for that purpose.

I set off, as planned, about 11 o'clock, and setting a steady pace, I left the town I lived in and headed out into the countryside. The lanes were fairly quiet, just the odd car here or there, all giving me room to keep my pace up.

I had been running at a steady pace for about four miles, breathing steadily, sweat starting to run down my torso, sticking my t shirt to me. I followed the lane I was on around its twists and turns, and around one tight curve, I saw a van parked on the verge, just tucked off the road at a farmer's gate. It was just a plain white van, with no windows at the back, its engine off and I couldn't see if anyone was in the cab or not. It seemed unimportant, and I kept going. Just as I approached the van, I saw the driver door open in front of me and a big guy jumped out into the road in front of me, and I heard what sounded like the van's rear doors open up. I started to manoeuvre out of his way, but he moved across to block my path. I started to slow up so as not to run into him, but was suddenly stopped by a hand gripping my arm from behind, stopping me short. I started to yell in surprise `What the fu...!' but a hand was clamped over my mouth as my arm was twisted behind me. The guy from the cab approached me and grinned.

`Yeah, he'll do' he said.

I was marched to the back of the van. Strong arms grabbed me from behind and I was thrown bodily into back, grazing my knee as I landed awkwardly on the floor. The van had a figure already in it, so it looked like there were three people here. I wondered what was going to happen to me.

I was briefly freed after being flung into the van, and I quickly picked myself up and headed for the doors. They were quickly slammed shut and the van was plunged into darkness. A click heralded a light coming on and I looked around me. By the doors, blocking my way, were two guys, middle-aged, quite well-built from what I could see, one was dressed in t shirt and jeans, the other in a singlet and shorts. The guy in jeans was the one who had jumped out of the cab in front of me who had said `Yeah, he'll do'. He was grinning at me. Will do for what, I thought. I looked behind at the third guy, younger it seemed than the others, maybe late-twenties, but still looking quite built.

The guy who had grabbed me from behind stepped towards me and pushed me hard. I stumbled back, tripping against a pile of rugs left on the van floor and fell back on them. My hands were yanked above my head, and I felt a plastic tie go around my wrists. My phone was pulled from my arm and tossed to one side.

`We're gonna have some fun with this one.' Said the voice behind me as the tie was pulled tight. Oh shit, I thought, I'm going to get assaulted. With my arms stretched above my head as I lay prone on the rugs, I was in no position to escape. The driver headed towards me, and I pulled my legs back to kick against him. He seemed to be expecting this and he grabbed my feet as I raised them, holding them as a wriggled.

`Get the fuck off me you fuckers.' I shouted.

Ah shuddup. Who's gonna hear you way out here? Tape his big mouth Mike.' Mike, seemingly the guy who had grabbed me from behind, leant in holding a reel of duct tape. I spat at him as he got close. Mike scowled at me and slapped me hard across the face. Fucking fucker' he said. The tape went across my mouth as the driver bound my ankles together. I was helpless, gagged and bound, at the mercy of these three men who had grabbed me off the road in broad daylight.

Need a piss' said one of them. Piss on him Andy' replied Mike. I saw Andy, the youngest one who had been in the back of the van already, stand over me, open his jeans flies and pull out his cock. It was half hard, swelling, and looked big. As I stared up a stream of piss flowed from him, soaking my t-shirt, running through the fabric to mix with the sweat from my running, and the fear that now coursed through me. The mix of piss and sweat ran down my chest and torso, soaking into the blankets beneath me. The piss was warm, and although I shouldn't have done, I started to like it. He finished after a few moments and stepped away. Mike turned the third guy, `Your turn Kev' he said. Short for Kevin, I guessed. Kevin was the guy who had grabbed me originally and he was built. I could see his muscly legs as they rose up into his shorts, thick rugger thighs. He poked his cock down the leg of his shorts and let himself go on me. A second stream of piss now followed Andy's, bringing new warmth, the heady mix of bodily fluids, soaking now into the waistband of my shorts. He shook the last few drops from his cock, which splashed onto my face. I heard a zipper go down, and Mike the driver then let his bladder go on me, without warning, pissing from the side, directing the flow up and down my body, his stream soaking me from my legs to my face.

Acting under its own volition, with no input from me, my cock started to swell, aroused by the sight of these three cocks, and the sensation of their piss soaking my clothes. Andy spotted the insistent twitching in my shorts.

E likes it, the little fucker.' They all grinned at me. Kevin leaned in. You do like it, don't you?' I shook my head, in direct disagreement with my cock. He leant down and gave me a slap on my face that made my ears ring. Oh, I think you do. Now, I'm gonna remove this tape from your mouth, so as you can suck my cock clean.' He glanced at Andy who had been watching my shorts. He nodded back at Kevin as my cock started to hit its maximum swell, my shorts clearly tented. If you make a noise, shout out for `elp or anyfing like that, you'll get another slap, get it?' I nodded. The tape was pulled from my mouth, and I watched as Kevin lean in towards me, his cock aiming for my mouth. I clamped my lips shut, but Andy was ready for this. He grabbed my nose, forcing the nostrils shut. I resisted as long as I could, my lungs bursting for air, my vision starting to darken. Andy's fingers kept their grip on my nose, Kevin's cock just inches from my mouth. I realised the futility of the struggle and opened my mouth to drag in a breath. Kevin's cock, short but thick, swiftly entered my mouth, its warm hardness invading me. Andy released my nose, grabbing my head so as to give the best angle for Kevin to enter my throat. I gave in to the moment, lapping my tongue around this kidnapper's cock, cleaning it. Kevin adjusted his position, squatting over my face and started to slowly face fuck me. I felt his cock slide back and forth over my lips, its tip probing towards my throat, his heavy balls getting a little closer into my face with every thrust, until I could feel them tapping in rhythm with his thrusts, his wiry scrotum pubes scratching my chin.

He settled into a rhythm, egged on by Andy and Mike, Yeah, fuck his face, fuck his throat, make him swallow your cock.' As he thrusted, I found my mouth and throat settling into a reciprocal pattern, sucking hard on his cock. I tasted the sweetness of his precum, one of my favourite tastes, and felt his excitement rise. His thrusting became more urgent, more frantic, his breathing heavier, the chants of the two spectators egging him on: Fuck his face', Fill his mouth with your cum', shoot down his faggy throat, he fuckin' loves it.' His cock bucked violently in my mouth, and I felt the shaft swell as he pumped his cum into my mouth. I sucked on it greedily, forgetting I was a captive, taking joy in his orgasm, my own cock leaking precum in its excitement.

Kevin pulled his cock out and wiped it on my face before standing back up. Andy and Mike both had their cocks out now, stroking them to the sight they had just witnessed. I looked up, fully expecting either Andy or Mike to take their turn.

But they had other plans. Mike grabbed my prone body and rolled it over, my trainers and socks were wrenched off my feet. I was now face down in the pile of blankets, breathing in the piss that had settled their earlier. The tie around my wrists was cut, my arms now dragged behind my back before my wrists were tied again. I could feel the wet piss on my t shirt sticking to my chest, warming up again from my own body heat. But I did not have the chance to savour this for long as my running shorts were yanked from my butt.

The cool air in the van caressed my exposed butt cheeks, and I felt my stiff cock pulled back and released as the shorts were pulled further down my legs before being discarded. The ankle ties were cut, then my ankles were kicked apart, my body pushed down into the damp rugs. I sensed either Mike or Andy drop into the gap between my knees.

`Fuck him Mike,' said a voice. It was Mike then. A cold wet sensation told my arsehole that I was having lube applied. A finger jabbed into my hole, spreading the lube around, and causing my cock to ache with desperation, jammed as it was between my body and the rugs.

I felt the finger replaced by a cockhead. It pushed into my hole, forcing my fully ring open. I felt his glans pop in, followed by that delicious sensation of his shaft sliding through my ring as he entered me fully. A lot of guys when being fucked think only of the prostate rub, and although that is important too, the sensation of the anal ring being stretched and massaged by a cock sliding through it is a much-overlooked part of the joy that is sodomy.

A hand reached under my hips and felt my stiff cock. `Yeah, the little fucker like it, don't you, fucking queer boy?' The hand was withdrawn, leaving to concentrate on the dick filling me up. I nodded my agreement with Kevin's question and settled as best I could for a riding.

Mike's cock was not as thick as Kevin's had been, but had length, around 8 ½ inches from what I could judge. He had buried himself completely inside me, his pubis bone impacting on my bottom, his balls, low and swinging, it seemed, occasionally making contact with my own perineum as he settled into a rhythm.

I focused on the cock invading me, feeling its shaft stimulate my anal ring, its head graze my prostate as he pistoned in and out. He pulled right out, a rush of cooler air on my buttocks, and then plunged back in, burying himself in one swift movement. He did this a few times, my body slamming ever deeper into the rugs beneath me as he did so. He slapped me hard on the arse, making me clench my chute, gripping his cock tightly. I heard a moaning sound, rhythmic with the fucking, thick with lust, muffled but nearby. I realised it was me, responding to the fucking I was getting.

A chorus of `fuck him, man, fuck him hard. Plough that queer boy's arse, fill him with your cock' accompanied Mike's impaling me on his dick. His breathing changed pitch, his thrusts got faster, his fingers digging into to my arse cheeks as he built towards his climax. I was totally lost in the fucking I was receiving, oblivious of my surroundings, of my status as their prisoner, desiring only the rich sensations filling me, my body shaking, flying, transported. My fucker's climax arrived, his cock felt like it swelled to twice its size as he pumped his cum into my arse. I could feel it filling me up, flooding my colon. He slowed and finally stopped. His cock twitched and slowly softened within me, and he gradually withdrew.

I remained in the same position, face down, arms tied behind my back, naked except for the piss-soaked t shirt clamped to me. Panting I awaited, I assumed, Andy's cock. The tie on my wrists was suddenly cut, and I was flipped back onto my back. My shorts were torn off, yellow stained fabric tossed to one side. My feet were lifted and my arse rolled up. My legs were pressed down towards my body by Mike and Kevin, my knees by my shoulders as Andy settled in at my arse. His cock was slightly shorter than Mike's, around 7 1'2 inches, so long enough, and thick like Kevin's. He aimed his head at my hole and thrust forward, my hole opening all to easily to his eager cock. This angle allowed my prostate to become more involved, Andy's cockhead pushing against it with every thrust. My cock was now painfully swollen, my balls aching for a release. As Andy fucked me, deep, fast and hard, his cock swimming in the cum of his fellow kidnapper, my own cock started to leak fresh globs of precum, stringing from my cockhead to my stomach, exposed by the riding up of my t shirt as my body rocked back and forth on the rugs.

I looked up and saw Andy's face staring down, watching his cock plough me, and I could see Kevin and Mike watching as well, both slowly stroking themselves with their spare hands whilst they pushed my legs back down to my chest. Andy was, I think, new to this, and his thrusting was irregular, almost amateurish, but his excitement at fucking a kidnapped guy up the arse was infectious.

Andy quickly reached his climax, sweating pouring down his face into his t shirt. As he did so, his face twisted in a rictus of pleasure, Kevin sped up his wanking and came on my face. This was too much for Andy and, tipped over the edge, beyond the point of no return, he blew his cum inside me, adding to Mike's, my colon swishing and gurgling. Andy pulled out and staggered away. I lay panting, my legs, released by Mike and Kevin, slowly descending back to the van floor. Just as I lay prone, Mike and Kevin lifted me bodily off the rugs, my arse now leaking cum, opened the van doors and hauled me back out of the van, naked except for my ruined t -shirt, cum dripping from my arse and still sliding across my face from Kevin's second load. They dumped me on the side of the road, panting and groaning. As the van doors closed a bag was thrown out at me. Mike had in the meantime jumped into the driver's seat, started the engine, and they were quickly away, leaving me alone at the side of the road.

I slowly pulled myself together and stood up shakily, my unfulfilled orgasm messing with my brain. I heard a beep from the bag they threw at me and went over to it. Inside was my phone, a towel, my trainers and socks along with a fresh t shirt and a clean pair of shorts. I looked at my phone. There was a message.

`That was great! A's turn to be the victim next time. A, K, M.' I grinned. Andy had a nice arse, as well as a great dick, so fucking him would be fun. I pulled the shorts and t-shirt from the bag and started to put the shorts on. I stopped, my cock hard again. I looked about me, then dived through the hedge at the side of the road, and lay on the grassy bank bordering the field, out of sight of the road. I put the bag down, and still wearing only my pissed-on t shirt, I leant back and jerked myself luxuriously to orgasm, adding my cum to the forensic evidence already gathered by the t shirt. I laid back on the grass and grinned again.

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