
Published on Aug 7, 2018


Ours: Chapter 7


by Dominic N. Ashen

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Chapter 7

Cory was practically bouncing in his seat in the back of Derek’s car. It was Friday, and school had just let out; they were headed to the cabin for the weekend. That itself would normally be something Cory would really look forward to, but what he was really excited about was the fact that tomorrow is the day his chastity cage comes off. He’d been on his best behavior, especially since his night alone with Derek. The possibility of earning another reward was certainly incentive enough.

“You doing okay back there, Cor?” Nic turned in his seat, sensing Cory’s excitement.

“Yes sir! Just... looking forward to the weekend.” Cabin weekends were always fun, but this would be the first time they would be back in almost three months, since the weekend Nic and Derek had first taken ownership of Cory. Nic had even told Amy he would be in the middle of the woods all weekend and wouldn’t be able to check his phone much. They’d both be all Cory’s. Or Cory all theirs.

“Looking forward to getting that cage off too, right?” Derek turned the car off the main road into the woods as he spoke.

“...The thought may have crossed my mind, sir.”

“Well careful boy, don’t get ahead of yourself,” Nic warned, smiling devilishly. “You still gotta make it through tonight.”

“Yes, sir,” Cory knew Nic was just teasing him...right?

“Besides, I kinda like you like this. Quiet, obedient... might need to keep locked up and horny more often.”

Cor wasn’t sure he’d survive being locked up any longer. The hardest part of this week and a half had been not being such a smart-ass, and that was almost impossible hanging around these two. “Are we doing anything special this weekend, sirs?”

“Ouch, Cor. I’m hurt,” Derek spoke with feigned offense. “I thought everything we did together was special.”

Cory rolled his eyes. “Of course sir. I treasure every moment spent with you both.” He made no attempt to hide the sarcasm in his voice.

“Good, because we are goddamned delightful,” Nic insisted, turning back around as Derek drove up the path to the cabin.

Derek parked the car and the three boys piled out of the car. Popping the trunk open, the boys started to grab their bags and a few supplies - Derek was usually pretty good about remembering to hit the grocery store the night before a cabin weekend. Cory made to take a case of water bottles Nic had just pulled out when he pulled it back from Cory.

“Hold on,” Nic narrowed his eyes. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

Cory looked puzzled, what was he forgetting?

“Your uniform, boy,” Derek motioned to his clothing. “Lose em.”

Cory’s eyes went wide for a moment - Derek and Nic expected him to strip down right there in the open. He looked around for a moment, the trees surrounding the cabin provided more than enough cover, and in all their time up there Cory can’t recall ever having someone drop by unexpected... So fuck it. Looking first at Derek and then locking eyes with Nic, he took his shirt off, pulled down his shorts and boxers and stepped out of them, and held his arms out to Nic to take the case of water.

Surprised and even proud at the brazen display, Nic handed over the water, which Cory took, turned around, and walked into the cabin without complaint. Nic looked to Derek.

“This is gonna be an interesting weekend.”

The car was unloaded quickly, food put away and bags unloaded. For the first couple of hours, the boys just relaxed, it had still been a school day and they all needed to unwind. The three hung out, same as they always had here, the only difference being what they wore.

Derek and Nic were on one of the couches, both wearing just a pair of shorts, same as always, and Cory was in an easy chair, having pulled out one of the jockstraps Derek had bought him at Good Vibrations to change into. He liked the way it hugged his butt. It didn’t take long for Cory to stop thinking about his state of undress. He had become increasingly comfortable with his own body and nudity since this had all started. No one else batted an eye either.

But as is often the case with teenage boys, especially when kept in close quarters together, hormones began pumping. One minute, the three were talking about the last episode of Archer they had watched, and the next, Derek is rubbing himself through his shorts, his erection beginning to strain the material.

“I know the show isn’t as good as it used to be, but I’m still gonna miss it when-” Cory stopped mid sentence once he noticed Derek’s cock tenting his shorts.

“...See something you like, Cor?”

“...yes sir, I do.” He was already stripped down, no reason to play coy now.

“Great. So why don’t you get over here between my legs and warm up my cock with your mouth.”

“Yes, sir,” Cory spoke as he slid to the floor, crawling over to the couch Derek and Nic sat on.

Derek rested his hands behind his head, laying back on the couch with his legs sprawled. His shorts were still on, his erection starting to leave a small wet spot at the apex of the tent it was pitching, precum leaking through the fabric. Rather than pull down his waistband, Cory instead reached his hand up the leg of Derek’s shorts. They were wide, so there was no issues in pulling off Derek’s cock that way, the fabric easily sliding up his thigh to free it.

Cory took the head into his mouth, swirling his tongue around to collect and swallow the precum that had collected there. Once that was clean, Cory licked his was down the shaft until her reached Derek’s full, furry balls. Nuzzling his face in, he inhaled the intoxicating scent of his best friend and dominant. He can feel every fold of skin as he runs his tongue along Derek’s sack, feeling them tighten to his body at the initial stimulation before loosening back up under his ministrations.

Derek took a deep breath before letting out a nice relaxing sigh. He pet his hand through Cory’s hair before guiding him to swallow his cock. “Good boy. Nice and slow, I don’t wanna cum, just want you to make my dick feel good,” Derek spoke as Cory began to slowly bob up and down. Then, he turned to Nic, and the two continued their earlier conversation about Archer as though it hadn’t ended, and like he wasn’t getting his dick sucked right then.

Nic could only shake his head at Derek’s display... At first. A few minutes in, and he decided that not only was it a great idea, but he also wanted a turn.

After a few more minutes, Nic paused the conversation to make his request known. But it was to Derek, not Cory. “Yo D, send the boy over here for a minute. My dick needs a little warming too.”

Derek smiled at his friend, happy to oblige. He tugged at Cory’s hair, who was too engrossed in what he was doing to be paying attention. Derek nodded his head towards Nic. “Time to switch cocks, boy.”

Cory looked over to see Nic sitting in a similar position to Derek, though with his cock already pulled out. “Yes sir,” he said with a smile, shuffling over to Nic’s end of the couch. He mirrored his actions on Derek, starting with the head and working his way down to Nic’s heavy sack. His balls were a little heavier than Derek’s, and his body hair much thicker, the black hair coating his entire body. Cory ran his hands up Nic furred thighs as he moved up to take the shaft into his mouth slowly.

Nic’s hand found its way to Cory’s hair, and the conversation resumed once more. The boys continued using Cory as a cockwarmer, trading him off between them every few minutes. Cory was only too happy to shared, losing track of time, and the rest of his surroundings...

A few hours later, Cory was outside, standing over a grill. He was happy for the apron - burger grease burns are no fun - but wearing it, a jockstrap, and nothing else out here felt a little ridiculous. He was glad it was the fall and not mosquito season - the idea of getting bitten on the ass made him subconsciously scratch himself.

The burgers looked good, so he walked back inside to check on the fries he had thrown in the oven. Aside from the dick being fed to him earlier, the boys hadn’t eaten anything since lunch. Once Nic’s stomach started rumbling mid-blowjob the boys reluctantly pulled him up from the floor and set him about working on dinner.

Cory didn’t mind cooking, it was something he actually liked. He had to learn how to cook for himself at a pretty young age, his mom’s work schedule not allowing for many family meals together. And cooking for three people was a lot easier then cooking for yourself. The fact that the sub in him warmed at the thought of doing a good job was also pretty nice.

“Burgers should be ready in a few minutes, sirs,” Cory told them as he made his way to the kitchen.

“Thanks boy,” Derek told him from his spot on the couch with Nic. The two of them were nursing on a couple of beers, Derek having wrangled another 12 pack to bring with them. He turned when he heard Nic’s stomach rumble again.

“Duuuude, I’m fucking starving,” Nic complained. “Shouldn’t have skipped lunch to hang out with Amy.”

Derek rolled his eyes. “Well yeah, you aren’t gonna be able to bulk up if all you’re eating is pussy.”

“Yeah, but it just tastes so good.” Nic emphasized his statement by making a V in his fingers and flicking his tongue through.

Derek rolled his eyes, then watched as Cory exited the kitchen to walk outside again. “Bro...you ever think about how awesome this all is sometimes?”

“Actually man, to tell you the truth,” Nic started, “I try not to think about it at all.”

Derek’s brow furrowed a little. “What do you mean?”

“It’s just... so weird. It’s still hard to wrap my head around this being just... a normal thing for us now,” Nic continued, taking another swig of beer. “I never thought I’d be doing... that stuff with another guy. And def not you or Cor...”

Derek could understand that, it’s not like he’d ever pictured any of this himself... but so far he hadn’t regretted any of it. Nic couldn’t even bring himself to name what they were doing - sex.

“Plus man... look, I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I am really into Amy. And I‘m pretty sure she’s into me,” Nic continued, “I mean, it’s not like I’m gay. I think there could be something, like, serious there. I just...”

Derek watched his best friends face as he spoke. He and Nic had been like brothers for almost as long as he could remember. He looked like he was legitimately conflicted. Whether it was about Cory or about Amy, or maybe even something deeper, he wasn’t sure. Nic didn’t usually like talking about his feelings.

As if on cue, Nic changed the subject from himself to Derek. “I mean, what about you and Tricia man? You guys have been seeing each other more too, right? She looks happy when she’s hanging on your arm at school.”

“Yeah man, stuff with Tricia’s been great.” Derek and Tricia had been getting together a couple of times a week, though not nearly as much as Nic and Amy. “I can’t say we’re getting up to all the shit you and Amy are, but she seems plenty satisfied.”

Usually for dinner, sometimes a movie, and more often than not sex, Derek and Tricia would make plans a couple of times a week. At school, they'd walk to class together, sometimes eat lunch together. Hell, they went to homecoming together. They were for all intents and purposes a real couple. So why did Derek sometimes feel like he was just doing it because that's what he's supposed to do.

Just then, Cory walked back inside again, this time with a plate of cooked burgers.

“Fuuuuuuck, those smell so good,” Nic’s hungry (and slightly inebriated) caveman brain making him drop the previous subject completely. “I gotta piss, don’t eat all the burgers.” Nic spoke in a completely serious tone as he walked to the bathroom.

Derek sighed, and then got up to walk to the kitchen. Cory had set the burgers down and was just pulling the fries out of the oven when he entered, his ass on display as it had been all afternoon.

Derek wolf-whistled as Cory bent over, causing the boy to chuckle. “You’re too kind, sir.”

Derek took a swig of his beer as he watched Cory work, pulling out the fixings for the burgers from the fridge while the fries cooled off.

“Should be just about ready!” Cory smiled at Derek, removing his apron now that the messier parts of cooking were done. He stepped over the sink to wash his hands.

“You know boy, I just wanted to say... good job,” Derek told him.

“Thank you, sir,” Cory smiled at the praise. “But I mean, all I did was grill burgers, I’ve seen you do it a million times.”

“No, not on dinner, Cor,” Derek corrected. “But I mean, good job on that too. I just meant with everything. Can’t say I know too many guys who would take to being made a sex slave by his two best friends as well as you have.” Derek teased with a wink.

“Well... thank you for that too then, sir.”

“Alright, I’m starving, let me help you move some of this to the table.” Derek grabbed a few of the plates Cory had set out and brought them out to the living room/dining room table.

Cory hadn’t really thought about it much. Things happened so fast that it all Cory could really do was go along for the ride. He guessed that maybe it hadn’t started off that great, not the way he would have wanted to go about it if he’d had a say... but it had been worth it, right? The sex was fun, Cory was learning about himself, hell he might have gone to college a virgin if this hadn’t happened. And besides, it’s not like Derek and Nic didn’t care about him, weren’t looking out for him. They always did.


"Boooooooooooy,” Nic half called/half whined from outside the kitchen. “Come on, burger me, daddy’s hungry.”

Cory snorted and almost dropped the plate at Nic referring to himself as “daddy.”

...maybe in a few years...

“Coming, sir,” Cory moved past Nic to the table, setting the food down and taking a seat.

After Nic took his seat, the three boys tore into the food, reaching across the table and each other to grab what they needed. Most thoughts of rank and station went out the window as the hungry teens filled their bellies, the eating only slowing enough to talk once all three had already put away a single burger, each now on their second.

“Good job on the burgers, Cor,” Derek said around a mouthful of meat.

“Therouthly,” Nic said as he actively tore into his burger. “Ith great.”

Cory beamed at the praise, digging into his own burger. The rest of the meal was mixture of garbled words, stifled laughter, and chewing noises. Cory was the first one finished, but Nic and Derek soon followed.

Nic burped, loudly, after pushing his chair away from the table. “Fuck, I’m stuffed.” He slapped a hand over his belly, which he was intentionally pushing further out. “That was great, boy.”

“My pleasure, sir.” Cory stood and grabbed his and the other’s dirty plates bringing them into the kitchen. He was just about to go back for another set when he saw Derek and Nic carrying in the rest for him, setting them down on the counter next to the sink. “Oh, thanks sir.”

“Thanks again for dinner, boy.” Derek told him. “Meet us back out there when you’re finished.

Cory worked quickly washing the dishes. There wasn’t too much to wash, he was good about cleaning as he was going, so in a few minutes he was drying his hands off and re-entering the living room.

Derek and Nic were both standing next to the couch, which they had pulled out into a bed. On the floor next to Derek was an open duffle bag. The two were talking but stopped at Cory’s entrance.

“There he is. Get over here boy. Got a new toy to try out.” Derek nodded him over. “Alright, on the bed, on your back.”

Cory climbed onto the pullout, assuming the position requested.

“After our little show the other night, Nic’s been itching for a shot at tying you up again,” Derek spoke as he reached into the bag. “Now, moving and setting up all the straps up here would be a pain in the ass. So I got the next best thing.”

In his hands Derek held...well, Cory wasn’t sure what it was. It looked like... a neck pillow? With two straps attached, which ended in some rather wide cuffs. Cory was lost.

“It’s not exactly the same as tying you down,” Derek climbed onto the bed with Cory as he spoke, Nic standing by watching. “But it comes pretty damn close.”

Derek kneeled up at Cory’s side. Taking the ‘neck pillow’ portion of the device, he had Cory lift his head and settle it behind him comfortably. Then with one strap running down each of his side, he settled between Cory’s thighs, holding them down like he would when he was fucking Cory on his a back. Cory could feel his confined cock being to harden in its cage as he was manhandled.

Pulling one of the straps tight, Derek attached the large cuff to the bottom of Cory’s thigh, just above the knee. He did the same with the other strap. Then he adjusted the length of both straps so that Cory’s legs were held up evenly and still spread wide.

“It’s a portable sling,” Derek grinned at Cory devilishly before turning to Nic. “What do you think, bro?”

Nic stood at the side of the bed, annoying Derek's handiwork. “Yeah, man. I mean it's not as great as what's at your place but this is still pretty cool. And easy for transpo.” Nic tugged at one of the bonds holding Cory's thighs, testing the strength. “How about you boy? Comfortable?”

“Yes, sir,” Cory answered. It was a little weird at first but Cory could already see the benefits. He didn't have to worry about holding his own legs up, and neither of them would have to help him either. He might be immobile but that seemed like a small price to pay for the provided ease-of-access.

“Good,” Nic dropped his shorts, stroking his already growing dick. “Time to take it for a test run then.”

Nic moved onto the bed, kneeling up next to Cory’s head. He grabbed his cock and tapped it against Cory’s lips, which opened almost automatically in an attempt to capture it. Smirking, Nic held himself still, allowing Cory to turn his head, engulfing the first few inches. Cory hand came up to wrap around the base of his dick, stroking it slowly.

The weight on the bed shifted as Derek moved to Cory’s other side, mimicking Nic. Feeling the wet tapping of another cock against his cheek, Cory grabbed it with his remaining free hand, attempting to stroke it in time with the other.

After a few minutes of allowing Cory the freedom to swap back and forth between the two, Nic took charge. Grabbing Cory by the hair, he held his head in place, removing the hand from his cock. Thrusting his hips quickly, Nic fucked the first few inches in and out of Cory’s mouth as he held him in place.

Cory remained still and allowed himself to be manipulated. he continued to stroke Derek’s cock with his free hand, no longer attempting to keep pace with Nic's cock as it pistoned in and out. He moaned as he felt Nic tighten the grip on his hair.

Extracting his cock momentarily, Nic watched as Cory struggled in vain to recapture it, mouth agape. Smacking it down against his face with a wet slap, he rubbed the precum slick head across his lips and nose. Cory groaned as the scent entered his nostrils, again attempting to once again swallow down Nic’s turgid length.

“Fuck yeah, bitch,” Nic almost sneered. “You love that dick, don’t you”

“Yes sir,” Cory spoke almost reverently. “I love you cock, sir.”

“Beg me for it then, bitch,” Nic slapped his cock down a few more times. “Beg me for my cock.”

Please, sir, use me, use my mouth, fuck me, sir, please,” Cory whined as he tried in vain to reach for Nic’s cock with his mouth. “I want your dick, sir, I want your cum.”

“Fuck yeah you do, slut,” Nic sneered as he quickly shoved his way back into Cory’s oral cavity, head brushing the back of his throat. As he let Cory slobber on his knob, he reached down and smacked his exposed thigh.

“You care if I go first bro?” Nic lifted his head to ask his question to Derek.

“Nah, bro,” Derek looked down at the way Cory was attempting to almost devour Nic. “This one’s all you.”

Stepping off the bed, Nic rummaged through their “toy bag” for a bottle of lube. Moving between Cory’s spread and lifted legs, he popped open the cap, dripping some of the clear slick liquid onto his still hard cock, spreading it with his hand. Wiping the rest against Cory’s hole, he slowly inserted one, and then two fingers.

Cory inhaled sharply around Derek’s cock, having taken Nic’s place once he got off the bed. Allowing him a moment as he was stretched, Derek waited before thrusting his hips forward as Nic did. Cory’s head was once again held in place as his mouth was used, this time with his ass being stretched at the same time.

Nic scissored his fingers once they were fully embedded within Cory’s hole, stretching him further inside. He began to move them in an out, rotating his hand as he did so. Cory shuddered as he felt Nic’s thick fingers open him further, his knuckles dragging across his prostate.

Once he felt Cory was stretched and slick, Nic removed his fingers, watching the hole as it furled closed again, as if it missed having something to grip. He’s be remedying that shortly.

“Tell me again what you want, bitch,” Nic slapped his cock down against Cory’s thigh, his large, almost angry looking cock completely dwarfing the small plastic cage that contained Cory’s.

Cory pulled off of Derek with an audible pop. “Fuck me sir, please.”

Not waiting for any further begging, Nic aimed his cock against Cory’s exposed hole, the head popping in easily after Nic’s stretching. Cory half groaned, half whined as the combination of pleasure and pain that always accompanied the start of a fuck overtook him. Turning his head back towards Derek, he sucked on the head of his cock as if it were a pacifier, distracting himself from the slow burn of Nic’s thick cock pushing deeper and deeper within his hole.

Half wanting to help distract Cory, half wanting to have some fun himself, Derek grabbed Cory’s hair and began to push is own cock in and out, feeling Cory’s lips as they stretched around him. Looking over, he could see Nic looking down, watching as his cock was slowly swallowed by Cory’s ass, mesmerized. Derek was looking forward to his own turn.

Nic was about half way inside of Cory, happy to take his time. He hadn’t realized it until just now but he hadn’t fuked Cory in almost a week, that had to be some kind of a record. For every inch of cock he pushed in, he pulled another half-inch back out, slowly easing his way in and causing Cory’s hole to twitch as he rubbed against his prostate.

“Fuck, boy,” Nic spoke as he continued to look down. “That hole is just fucking starving for some cock. Look at the way it’s swallowing me up.”

Cory could only moan and whine around the cock in his mouth, though were he able to talk he would have wholeheartedly agreed. Any feelings of pain were gone and all he could feel now was the delicious pressure of Nic’s thick member pressing and squeezing his prostate. He could feel his hole subconsciously gripping tight to Nic and even the slightest hint of withdrawal.

Goddamn...” Nic muttered to himself as he watched Cory’s hole twitching, his toes curling. “Your hole fucking loves this dick, boy.” He punctuated the end of his sentence by flexing his fully hilted cock, forcing another moan from Cory.

With no further stretching or teasing needed, Nic, pulled his cock back a few inches, seeing Cory’s hole pulled along with it as it struggled in vain to hold it in place. Then he watched them give way as he pushed back in, eager to accept his length once more. He gradually picked up the pace, all while watching his cock toy with Cory’s hole, listening to the boy whine and feeling him struggle to writhe in his bondage.

Soon, Cory’s breathing began to pick up, Derek feeling his breath and watching his chest rising and falling quicker. Nic could see Cory’s feet twitch uncontrollably, before suddenly feel him bearing down on his cock as he was fucked. Nic continued to fuck forward even as Cory’s hole spasmed and attempted to force him out. A sudden scream tore through Cory as his first orgasm of the night tore through him, his caged cock twitching in vain as his hole continued to spasm.

“Fuck yeah, cum on my cock boy,” Nic began to fuck faster and pull his cock out further. The sight of causing that to his boy, his property, only served to make him feel cockier than he already did. He gave Cory a few light smacks to his thigh as he continued to fuck into the now relaxed hole.

“Poor boy, been all locked up for a week and a half,” Derek half mocked, half soothed from his spot near Cory’s head. “That was even faster than last time you got one of those fucked out of you. Probably gonna wring at least half a dozen more of those outta you by the end of the night.” He stroked Cory’s cheek gently for a moment before giving it a smack and resuming his shallow face fuck.

Cory again whined around Derek’s dick at the mention of having half a dozen orgasm fucked out of him. God he hoped so, because fuck that felt amazing. They always did, but being locked up for this long, going over a week without a regular orgasm, it only made cumming like this feel so much more intense. He’d almost be willing to forgo cumming any other way if every time he came felt like that. Almost.

Nic watched Cory as he sucked on Derek, his eyes half lidded. Every so often when Nic would thrust particularly powerfully, they would open more fully, Cory looking at Nic with a mixture of surprise and awe. Suddenly seeing his face scrunch up, Nic felt him bear down again as another orgasm tore through his body, eyes rolling to the back of his head.

Kneeling upright, Nic put both his arms behind his head. Sweat dripped down his fur covered body, his hips never slowly from their pace. Cory watched as this stud of a man used his body as he saw fit, more than happy to give up whatever he needed. Loving the attention, Nic put on a show for his boy, flexing his arms and chest as the sweat rippled down onto Cory’s stomach and groin.

Even Derek was getting a little turned on at the display. He was hardly out of shape, but attending football practice several times a week put Nic’s body into a whole different category. Even the cocky look on his face had some charm to it. He didn’t blame Cory - or Amy, for that matter - for being so enamored with him.

Nic could feel that he was getting close, but he wasn’t ready yet. He wanted to make Cory cum again, one more time, before he did. Grabbing him by his bound thighs, Nic pulled Cory forward, nearly dagging Derek’s dick from his mouth, seating him further on Nic’s cock. Then, without warning, Nic began to piston his cock in and out of Cory’s hole at a rapid-fire pace.

“Oooohhhhhfffffuuuuuucccckkkk,” A long, continuous moan followed the expletive out of Cory’s mouth as he felt Nic’s cock jackhammering his hole. He quickly turned his head and re-swallowed Derek, needing a distraction from the sudden and intense pleasure.

Nic just watched as Cory struggled against the slapslapslap of his hips. He angled his cock up, ensuring that he was hit and rubbing against his prostate with every stroke. His breathing became heavy as he kept up his furious pace, determined to make this last one something Cory would remember.

He soon felt the telltale twitching in Cory’s hole, followed by the intense squeeze of pressure as the feeling built within Cory. He watched as Cory’s stomach muscles tightened and his toes curled once again, before releasing in a sudden scream of pleasure as the release washed over him. Seeing his work done was all he needed, his thrusts becoming faster for only a few moments before changing to jagged, sharp thrusts as he felt the first shot of his load building up, ready for release.

With an animalistic roar, Nic sheathed his cock to the hilt inside of Cory. As he unloaded his balls, he could feel Cory’s hole once again gripping him tightly, as if it were trying to ensure his load would coat it’s deep confines. PUlling back but shoving forward again almost immediately, the second shot volleyed, followed by the third and fourth. He continued to slam his cock forward with each subsequent shot of cum, animal instincts pushing him to bury himself deeper still inside of his bitch.

“FUCK,” Nic shouted to the ceiling as he caught his breath. Looking up he could see Cory was still work on Derek’s cock with his mouth, albeit slowly. His hole was still tight around his cock, as if it were afraid to lose it’s quarry. Nic allowed himself a few minutes before pulling out, his muscles sore from holding position for so long. He watched as a trickle of cum leaked from Cory’s hole before it quickly tightened up, not wanting to release anymore of it’s creamy reward.

“It’s all yours, bro,” Nic spoke about Cory’s vacant hole as he moved back to his earlier position by Cory’s head, though now sitting instead of kneeling. After Derek pulled out of Cory’s mouth, Nic replaced it with his own cock, presented to Cory for cleaning after his breeding.

Derek moved between Cory’s legs and looked at the red, wet, and angry hole before him. Grabbing the lube from where Nic had tossed it, he slicked his own cock, using his own fingers to prod at Cory’s hole. Cory whined at the intrusion, not sure if it was in protest or desire.

“Damn dude, you fucking wrecked him,” Derek told Nic as he aimed his cock at Cory’s hole. “Now, it’s my turn.”

Cory again groaned as he felt himself stretched wide on a cock once again. Derek did not have to struggle or fight his way in, his holes weak attempts to keep out any further intruders in vain.

“Fuck,” Derek watched much as Nic did as his cock was swallowed by Cory’s ass. “I don’t care if this sounds weird but I seriously love fucking his hole when it’s been stretched out like that.” Derek watched as the lips of Cory’s hole followed his cock each time he pulled out. “Damn dude we’ve practically given poor Cory here a pussy with how bad we’ve wrecked his hole.” Derek let the filthy words fall from his mouth, knowing the effect they would have on Cory as he was talked about like an object. As if on cue, he hear Cory groan at use of the word ‘pussy.’

“He’s a real fucking cock hound when he wants to be, huh?” Derek began to steadily fuck in an out of Cory, no longer watching his hole but instead watching the rest of him. His breath was once again starting to labour, each seemingly accompanied by a small high pitched moan. “Fuck, look he’s cumming again.”

Cory’s muscles tightened up again, the fourth time, and then suddenly released as he came yet again, on his second cock of the night. Nic’s half-softened cock still in his mouth, he could only moan weakly in vain as Derek fucked him through it. Everytime he came it felt more intense, took more out of him. He was practically exhausted and he was the only one currently immobile.

“Good boy,” Derek rubbed Cory’s lightly furry belly as he continued to fuck. “Now let’s get another two of those out of you before we finish.”

“Mmmmph?!” Cory whined, unsure if he could manage that. Fuck he wasn’t going to have a choice.

“Yeah boy,” Derek place a his hand near Cory’s groin, above his caged cock, to help hold him in place and get some leverage. “I know you got it in you. Come on, cum for me again.”

Cory half cried out, mouth still full. he could already feel another building, the time between them growing shorter each time he came. He squeezed his toes together as he felt the familiar muscle tightening begin.

Feeling his hole tighten once more, Derek immediately picked up the pace. Each orgasm wasn't just happening closer together, they were also getting stronger, and Derek felt like his cock would almost be forced right out of Cory’s hole, pushing him to fuck through the spasming muscles to continue to stab and scrap at Cory’s abused prostate. By the time Cory’s fifth time cumming had finished, Derek was jackhammering as fast as Nic had been when Cory was bred the first time.

“One more boy, come on,” Derek spoke encouragingly. Nic’s cock no longer in his mouth, Cory’s face was buried again his thigh, letting out short, breathy moans as he was fucked. Derek could sense Cory’s exhaustion, could see how hard he and Nic had pushed him. He was proud. He just wanted to see this through to the end.

“Nnnnggh...sir,” Cory moaned weakly, he could feel it happening again. One more time, that was Derek wanted, he could cum for his sir one more time...

“That’s it boy, cum on my cock, one more time,” Derek continued to speak gently to Cory, the opposite of the onslaught his cock was unleashing on his ass. As he felt the familiar twitching and squeezing around his cock, he knew he had met his goal.

“AaaaaAAAhHHhhh, sir!” Cory was cumming, like really cumming. He still felt like he was having one of the most intense prostate orgasms of his life, but he felt something else, some kind of pressure in his cock. He couldn’t think straight enough to make sense of it and just cried out, face still buried against Nic’s leg.

As Derek fucked his way against Cory’s weakly protesting walls, he watched as something shot from the head of Cory’s caged cock. ‘Wait, was that... piss?’ His stomach muscles rippled and his toes curled, weak, exhausted groans falling from his lips.

Holy shit dude. I think I just made him squirt. Like a girl. Look. Derek watched in awe as he fucked forward further, ignoring the fact that he was nearly ready to cum himself. Fuck what he said earlier, he needed to make THAT happen again.

Nic watched as Derek spoke, pointing to his cock where a small pool of... well it’s not water, lay trapped between Cory’s belly and crotch.

“Ohfuckohfuckohfuck it’s happening againnnn,” Cory lost his voice as he spoke, all his muscles once again tightening and making him bear down, once again losing control of his bladder.

Holy shit bro, you did,” Nic was nearly in awe. “I didn’t even think that was possible.”

“Fuuuuuuck boy, that’s so fucking hot, fuck, I’m cumming, fucking take it-” Derek spoke his words rapidfire, emotions of lust and pride and cockiness all rushing to his head at once as his reached the precipice of his fuck, his own orgasm spilling out.

Bending over Cory’s body, he suddenly grabbed him by the shoulder, pulling him down onto his cock and he thrusts his hips forward to meet them, slamming and holding his cock as deep inside Cory as possible. as he felt his cock start to unload, his own cum mingling with Nic’s, he felt Cory’s caged cock spurt once more, the warm liquid coating both of their stomachs. He held himself there until he felt his own cock finish twitching. saving the warmth of the body contact Cory provided.

Holy shit, how was it that every time they fucked they somehow found ways to make it hotter? He was finding himself getting insanely turned on by things he never would have even knew existed a few months ago.

Derek’s cock twitched, still embedded in Cory and causing the boy to groan weakly, too exhausted to move or protest. Derek knew he needed to get up. Needed to get a towel and clean up. He just didn’t fucking care. He was perfectly happy right where he was, buried to the hilt inside his boy, next to his best friend.

Right now, life was fucking good.

Like what you read? You can find and read more stories like this on my website at https://www.dominicashen.com. You can also email me at dom@dominicashen.com or find me on Twitter at @DomNAshen where I post updates, story art, and more!

Next: Chapter 8

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