
Published on Jul 6, 2018


Ours: Chapter 5


by Dominic N. Ashen

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Chapter 5

“Seriously? You guys are both busy tonight?” Cory pouted from his seat at lunch.

“Yeah, sorry boy,” Derek apologized. “I forgot I told Tricia I’d take her to see that new Oceans 8 movie tonight.”

“And I finally got Amy Palladino to let me take her out,” Nic added. “Sorry Cor, but there’s no way I am passing up on a chance at that.”

Tricia Helfer had been Derek’s on and off girlfriend for a couple of years. His usual date to school events and dances, they were both popular, both from wealthy families, and both incredibly attractive. It only seemed natural that the two of them would be together, though they were never quite serious enough to ever make it official. Amy Palladino was the current captain of the varsity cheerleading squad, and someone Nic has been trying to hook up with since she transferred here sophomore year.

“It just sucks,” Cory explained. “You guys both told me we were hanging out tonight.” Cory paused and looked around to make sure no one was close enough to hear them. “It's been almost a week since we've been able to…” he trailed off. After their visit to Good Vibrations last week, the boys quickly found their free time eaten up. Between school work, football practice, and unexpected family obligations, the only “intimate” time any of them could find were for hurried blowjobs at or right after school. And now girls were getting in the way too. Cory was horny and frustrated.

“I know boy, I know,” Derek tried to reassure him. “We’ll make it up to you, promise.”

“Okay,” Cory continued pouting from his seat. He didn’t want them to make it up to him. He wanted them to spend time with him. He wanted them to fuck him.

Nic rolled his eyes at the dramatic display. “Cor, come on. It’s one night. Quit acting like a girl.”

“Yes sir,” Cory forced out, his tone filled with false respect.

Nic raised his eyebrow but said nothing. “Alright, later,” Nic nodded to Derek and then left, making a beeline for where he knew Amy typically had lunch.

“You’re walking a pretty thin line, Cor,” Derek warned. “Careful.” He took off himself, needing to hammer out the details with Tricia for their date.

Cory was left alone with his thoughts. It’s not like he was jealous. He wasn’t. He was just pissed off at them for ditching him. For what, to hang out with some chicks? What could they do that he couldn't? He knew he was way better at sucki-

“Hey, you okay man?” the sudden question caught Cory off guard. Looking up, he came face to face with...wait, who was this guy? Cory was pretty sure he was someone on the basketball team. He had seen him at some of the parties Nic and Derek would drag him to.

“Uh, yeah, thanks,” Cory couldn’t remember the guy’s name. It started with a J. Jarred? Jackson? Jason? “I’m fine.”

“Sounded like your bros ditched you for some chicks,” J-whatever opined. “Pretty shitty of them.”

“...it’s not that big of a deal.” What was up with this guy?

Before J had a chance to respond, the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. Seeing a chance for a quick exit, Cory grabbed his stuff, waved goodbye, and waded into the crowd of students headed to their next class. Too busy trying to get away, he didn’t notice the suspicious look in J’s eyes as he followed him through the crowd.

“I told you it was going to be good!”

“I never doubted that it would be,” Derek smiled at Tricia from across the restaurant booth. The movie let out a little while ago and the two headed to the nearby burger joint for some late night grub.

“I know, I’m just so sick of having to hear from everyone about what a ‘surprise’ it was that the new all-female comedy was actually funny,” Tricia groused. “Why is it still a surprise that girls are funny?”

“Yeah, that’s a lot of bullshit,” Derek agreed. “In a few months it'll be some other movie and we will be having this conversation all over again.”

He liked Tricia. The two of them always had a good time together, and she was easy to talk to. They had been “dating” on and off for most of high school. She was smart, funny, kind...they both ran in similar social circles, shared mutual friends, even their parents knew each other. Plus the sex wasn’t half bad either.

Not that Derek was in it just for the sex. Making things between them more official had been discussed in the past, but with so much going on at school and home, they both thought it was better to keep it casual for now. But now that things had slowed down considerably...maybe it was time to revisit things.

“Then I guess in a few months you’ll have to take me out again,” Tricia teased as the waiter came by to drop of their drinks and take their order.

“Yeah,” Derek flashed his teeth in a smile. “Guess I will.”

“Oh my god,” Amy exclaimed from her spot on her bed, somewhat breathless. “Where did you even learn half of that stuff?”

Nic smiled to himself from his own spot, next to Amy. “Can’t give away all my secrets.” The two were still naked, covered in a light sheen of sweat.

Nic had arrived a few hours earlier to pick Amy up, planning on taking her to dinner and then hopefully find a nice secluded spot with her somewhere to get busy. That plan went right out the window when Amy opened the door wearing nothing but a bra and underwear. Her parents were out of town, and Amy not only knew what Nic wanted from her, she wanted the same thing from Nic. She quickly pulled him in the house and the two had spent the last hour and half in bed together.

Nic rolled off the bed and made his way into the bathroom to clean up while Amy continued talking. “No seriously, that was amazing,” She stood in the doorway to the bathroom, watching Nic over the sink. “Like, I knew you football guys can get rough sometimes but holy shit...I don’t think I’ve ever had a guy hold me down like that...and when you started pulling my hair and spanking my ass…” She quivered for a moment. “Fuck. I didn’t even know I’d like that. I owe whoever the girl is that taught you all that big time.”

Nic smiled and finished washing off his dick in the sink. He’d have to pass on her praise to Cory later. And test out a few more things on him that Amy might enjoy. She wouldn’t need to know about that, of course. “Glad you had so much fun, girl,” he turned and walked towards her, leaning against the doorframe. “Hopefully this wasn’t just a one time deal.”

“Oh you bet your sweet, sexy ass we are doing this again,” Amy closed the distance between them, placing her hands on Nic’s chest. “Like, really soon.”

“Yeah?” Nic wrapped his arms around her body, grabbing her ass with one hand and pulling her into his chest with the other. He could feel himself getting hard again. “You up for round 2 right now?”

Amy grinned up at him. “Yes sir!”

Cory’s night was a lot less fun than either of his Dom’s. Resigned to spending his night alone, he kept himself busy to keep him from thinking about Derek or Nic out with their girls, with mixed success. He finished all his homework in barely an hour, none of his video games appealed to him, and while he debated jerking off, he that was still against the rules. That didn’t mean he couldn’t still look at porn, he just couldn’t jerk off. Easy, right?

No. Not easy. What started off as a single video morphed into several hours of videos, stories, and pictures. Throughout it all, Cory sat with his hands on his desk, one hand gripping the mouse tightly as if it would immediately shoot to his dick if it were free. There was a defined wet spot on the front of his briefs, cock leaking nonstop since he started. It took all of his strength to not blow his load right there. He even debated getting out his dildo, but he didn’t trust himself to not cum the minute it touched his prostate. Frustrated, rock hard, and leaking, Cory fell into a restless sleep that night, and woke up the next morning to a hard cock and even more sexual frustration.

Cory’s frustrations continued that morning as he headed to school with Derek and Nic. When Cory entered the car, the two of them were comparing notes on their respective dates.

“Duuuuuude I told you, Amy’s a freak,” Nic explained excitedly.

“She seriously opened the door in her underwear?” Derek almost didn’t believe it. “She might be hornier than you.”

“Right?! She’s perfect,” Nic sounded smitten. “Seriously dude, every trick I pulled out last night, she was into it.”

Cory rolled his eyes from the backseat. Apparently being able to take a dick makes you ‘perfect.’ Where was his award?

“What about you man?” Nic turned the conversation to Derek’s date. “How’d it go with Tricia?”

“It went just fine. Good movie, grabbed a decent burger,” Derek paused for a second. “...Headed back to my place for the night… She left my place early this morning.”

Nic punched him on the arm. “Nice man!”

“Yeah...it was a good night,” Derek was smiling when he looked at Cory in the rearview mirror. “How about you Cor? Have an okay night without us?”

“It was fine. I did homework. Played some games.” Cory did nothing to hide the disdain in his voice. “Woo.”

Derek gave him a weird look, but said nothing as they pulled into the school and parked.

“Hey Cor-,” Derek tried to talk to Cory, who was already walking away from him and Nic.

“Can’t talk, gotta get to class, later,” he waved a hand behind him, almost dismissively.

“What the fuck is up with him?” Nic asked, just as confused as Derek.

“I don’t know,” Derek responded. “But I don’t like where this is headed.”

Spending first period away from the two of them allowed Cory to calm down some. Though he wasn’t exactly smiling, he at least wasn’t storming off like he did this morning. He probably shouldn’t have done that. But when neither Derek nor Nic said anything about it in class before lunch, he relaxed a little. Maybe they knew he was just blowing off some steam. Still, he should probably apologize.

Cory approached their usual lunch table, tray in hand, intending to tell Derek and Nic he was sorry when the 3 of them had a chance alone. As he approached, he saw Nic talking animatedly to a few of his friends on the football team.

“...then I used my shirt to tie up her hands,” Nic was still bragging. “She fucking loved it.”

“Wow Nic, are you still talking about last night?” Cory threw his lunch tray down on the lunch table before sitting down. “We get it, you got your dick wet, big fucking deal.”

Cory regretted the words the second they flew out of his mouth. The entire table fell silent as all eyes turned to look at him and his outburst.

“The fuck’s your problem, Cor?” Derek was the first one to speak. “Might wanna try pulling the stick out of your ass. People might start to think you’re jealous or something.” Derek’s comment got a few of the guys at the table to laugh, diffusing the situation.

Cory sat silently, staring at his tray of food, red-faced. As he ate his lunch, he continued to listen to Nic regale his teammates with more of his evening. At one point he dared to look up and locked eyes with Derek. Shit, he was pissed. Cory knew he was in for it. What “it” was...he didn’t know yet. Still, he sought to bring no further attention to himself and kept quiet the rest of the lunch period.

When the bell rang and the students began to dispersed, Derek moved to stand behind Cory. Hand on his shoulder, he leaned down to whisper in his ear.

“Auditorium. Now,” the order felt like fire in his ear.

“Yes, sir,” he nodded, swallowed down the lump in his throat, and stood up.

Dropping off his lunch tray on the way, he made his way towards the auditorium. He entered the dark room which was once again empty. A half built set lined the stage, rehearsals for the school production of Arsenic & Old Lace were in full swing everyday after school. Derek and Nic stood together at the base of the stage, talking to each other. At the sound of Cory’s entrance, both turned to look at him, distinctly less-than-pleased looks on their faces.

Cory hesitated to approach them for a second, taking a deep breath before walking to stand in front of both of them. The room was once again silent.

“You want to explain to us what exactly is going on with your shitty attitude, Cor?” Derek was the one to break the silence. “You’ve been acting like a brat since yesterday.”

“I’m sorry, sir,” Cory stared at his feet. “I don’t know-”

“Bullshit!” Nic jumped in. “You know exactly why you’re acting like this. Are you seriously that jealous that I fucked Amy last night? Or that D was with Tricia?”

“It was one night Cory, you know we can’t spend all our time together. Even if we wanted to, we have other shit to do, appearances to keep up.”

“I know, but you guys said we had plans!” Cory would probably be embarrassed later by how high his voice just went. “And then you both just...ditched me!”

“I know what we said, Cor.” Derek cut him off this time. “We didn’t ditch you. Plans change sometimes. I told you we were sorry. I also told you we’d make it up to you. Did you not believe me?”

“I...I believed you sir,” Cory half-lied. “It just...really made me feel bad. Like you guys didn’t want to hang out with me anymore.”

Derek and Nic’s features softened. They knew Cory had always had issues with rejection and feeling alone. It was half the reason they made a point of including him in everything. But still, his behavior today was unacceptable.

“Cor,” Nic was grabbing his shoulder this time. “Come on dude, you know we’d never do that to you.”

Cory was too embarrassed to look up.

“I understand why you felt that way, boy,” Derek was at his other side now. “...but I’m afraid that still doesn’t excuse the way you acted. If you have a problem you can always just talk to us, even about this stuff. Acting like a dick just makes you a dick.”

“Well they say you are what you eat, right?” Nic quipped. Derek could only sigh at the terrible joke while Cory remained silent.

“I guess it’s time for your first punishment, boy,” Derek finished his thought.

Cory’s head shot up “Punishment?!”

“Yeah, boy. When a boy misbehaves, he gets punished,” Derek explained. “We’ve seen your porn, remember? I know you’re familiar with the concept.”


“Yours is the one you should be worried about right now, boy,” Nic put a stop to any further protests. “We’re going to Derek’s after school. We’ll deal with this there.”

“...yes sir,” Cory was resigned. He knew he had this coming, but that didn't mean he wanted it to happen. Suddenly, he was pulled in by Derek for a hug.

“I’m sorry we made you feel like we were ditching you, boy,” Derek started. “I hope you’ll just talk to me next time instead of acting like an asshole.” He then shoved Cory towards Nic who ruffled his hair. “Alright, we’re all late for class. See you guys later.” Leaving the auditorium, the boys headed to their classes and waited for the day to finish out.

A few hours later and the three boys were piled into Derek’s car, headed for his home. Cory stared out the window wistfully, trying not to think about the fact that he was about to experience his first punishment. He’d already spent the last 2 or so hours in class doing just that. Was it going to be a spanking? Not letting him get off for some time? Oh god did Derek buy that paddle at the sex toy store?! Cory didn’t want to speculate.

Once they arrived, everyone climbed out of the car and headed inside. Derek’s parents were still gone, so there was no worrying over having privacy.

Derek didn’t bother taking his stuff up to his room, opting to throw it on one of the couches in the living room. “Alright boy, go get cleaned up. There’s an enema kit under the sink for you. When you’re finished, meet us back here, stripped” Derek made sure his instructions were very clear.

“Yes, sir,” Cory put down his own bag and walked to Derek’s bathroom, no questions asked. Better to just do what he is told and get this all over with.

A half hour later, a naked, freshly showered, and cleaned out Cory rejoins his two dom’s in the living room. Both Derek and Nic were shirtless, and finished the conversation they were having as he entered.

“C’mere, boy,” Derek pointed to the floor next to them.

Once Cory had moved to the spot he was directed Derek produced a small package from his bag. “I wasn’t expecting to have to use this so soon, but now I’m glad it came in the mail a little early.” It was a chastity cage. “I assume you know what this is?”

Cory nodded, his mouth suddenly drying out. He knew very well what a chastity cage was. He just wasn’t sure how he felt about them. Some aspects of them turned him on - being locked up and controlled like that, having his orgasms regulated. But those same aspects worried him. Jerking off to fantasies of chastity was well and good, but after he came he was decidedly less interested in remaining locked up. Also it’s not like you can jerk off when you’re locked into the thing. But it didn’t seem like he would have a choice here.

“Good. This is the first part of your punishment. This,” Derek held up the cage, a small piece of black plastic, “stays on for the next week.”

“Yes, sir,” Cory resigned himself to his fate. “...do you know how it goes on? I’ve never actually worn one before...”

“Uh, this one is all you, D,” Nic held his hands up as if they would be filled with cocks had he left them down. “This was your idea.”

“You are such a fucking baby. It’s a just dick,” Derek rolled his eyes. “Alright boy, let’s get this on you.”

Cory spread his legs and Derek handed him the outer ring, which he fastened around his junk. Next came the sheath which was a little more difficult to put on. Once those were in place, he did his best to remain steady while Derek attached a small padlock, locking the two together. It wasn’t easy, and he could feel himself starting to grow hard for the first time since finding out he was being punished. Standing, Derek showed him the key.

“I’ve got one and so does Nic,” Derek tossed the second key to Nic, “so if it needs to come off early for some reason, we’ve both got it covered. That just means like, if it’s hurting you or you’re going to the doctor or something, not because you want to jerk off.”

“Yes, sir,” Cory understood the concept.

“Next: a safeword,” Derek continued as Cory’s eyes went wide. “You’re not going to enjoy what’s about to happen, but it’s not going to be anything too awful. But, if for some reason it does get to be too much for you, I want you to be able to let us know. You say that word, everything ends, full stop.” Derek had done his research.

“What’s my safeword, sir?”


Cory snorted and immediately covered his face, trying to stifle his laughter.

“Fuck you!” Nic threw a pillow at the side of Derek’s face. “Assholes!”

“Okay, okay, we’ll just go with ‘bacon’ for now boy,” Derek finished his thought was he was done laughing. “Sound good?”

“Yes, sir,” Cory wiped a laughter-induced tear from his eye.

“Alright,” Derek tone became serious. “You’re being punished because since yesterday you’ve been rude and insubordinate to both of us. You acted out, not just to us, but in front of several other people at school.” Derek finished listing off his charges. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I don’t care how pissed off you get at us,” Nic figured he should take charge at least a little, “you don’t act like that. Not anymore. You have a problem, you don’t throw a tantrum, you talk to us.”

“Yes, sir,” Cory was resigned.

“Alright, let’s get this over with,” Derek plopped down on the couch he was standing in front of and patted his thigh. “Let’s go, over my knee.”


Cor,” Derek deadpanned, “I know damn well you know what a spanking is, and how it’s done. So quit drawing this out, and get over my knee.”

Cory took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a moment, and then lowered himself over Derek’s lap. His caged cock fell between Derek’s legs and his head was about halfway to the floor. He felt ridiculous. “I feel ridiculous.”

A quick - though not hard - smack to his ass had him clam up. “Well it’s not called _fun_ishment,” Derek laughed at his own terrible pun. “Alright, we’re going with 20,” Derek paused. “This is going to hurt. Don’t worry about counting them out or anything. Make whatever noise you need.”

Cory tensed up for a moment. This suddenly was very real. He was naked over his best friend’s lap about to be spanked.

Sensing his nerves, Derek put a hand on the small of his back. “It’s okay, boy. It’s nothing you can’t handle, and it’ll be over before you know it,” he soothed. “Promise.”

Cory took a deep breath, doing his best to relax as Derek’s hand trailed downwards to his ass. He actually felt himself start to grow hard as it rested there for a moment before being drawn away. Before he had a chance to tense up again - SMACK - the first blow connected with his ass.

Cory yelped, partly in surprise but mostly in pain, as Derek administered his punishment. Before he had a chance to protest - SMACK - the second spank connected with his opposite cheek, causing him to yelp again. Derek gave him a chance to catch his breath before administering the next four - SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK - in steady succession, alternating sides each time. After another pause - SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK - Derek brought them to the halfway point.

“Fuuuuuuck,” Cory yelled out after the tenth spank landed on his increasingly reddening ass. “that fucking hurts.”

“Just be glad I’m letting you curse,” Derek rubbed his sore ass, half soothing and half torturing the abused flesh. “Some dom’s would have you counting and asking for another.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you,” Cory was going to be on his best behavior going forward. The spanking fucking hurt, thought it was more of just a dull, warm throbbing now. It wasn’t entirely unpleasant, if he was being honest. Plus, the feeling of Derek’s hand on his ass was kinda nice.

“Alright, my turn!” Nic said, almost with glee from the other couch. “Get over here, boy.”

Cory groaned as he extracted himself from Derek’s lap. He didn’t miss that Derek had to adjust a tent in his pants as he switched couches. At least he wasn’t the only one kind of enjoying this. Wordlessly, he resumed the position over Nic’s lap. He barely had time to register that Nic was also hard in his jeans before the first smack landed on his rear. He groaned out in pain.

The remaining nine spanks happened in near silence, only the sounds of flesh hitting flesh and Cory’s noises of pain filling the room. Nic fell almost into a trance as he methodically finished out Cory’s punishment. His breathing grew heavy, with every strike of his hand he could feel his cock grow harder and twitch.

From where he was sitting Derek could almost feel the air crackling, like there energy begin exchanged between Nic and Cory. He groped himself through his jeans, feel the starts of a wet spot as he leaked through his underwear and into the denim.

Even Cory could feel the air change, despite feeling the pain of each smack to his ass. The dull throbbing he had felt earlier had only spread, not quite making him numb but almost sedating him. With the punishment over, he felt warm, kind of fuzzy. He was in pain, he knew his ass was sore, but he was also really, really turned on. He felt owned. Nic’s hand rested on his ass, and all three boys were breathing heavily, but remained still.

It was Nic who took charge first. Grabbing one side of Cory’s waist, he maneuvered him off his lap and onto the couch, his head and chest resting on the cushions while he kneeled, ass propped up at the edge. He said nothing as he was moved, simply held position.

“Lube,” Nic motioned to his own bag - they both had taken to carrying a small bottle on them lately. Derek fished it out and tossed it over.

Kneeling down, Nic popped the cap on the bottle, squeezing some out into his hand. After running it up and down his shaft, he spread Cory’s ass with his other hand, causing him to hiss in pain, though not move. Inserting one, and then two fingers, Nic prepared him quickly before shuffling closer and resting his cock against his ass.

Nic looked down and grabbed Cory’s ass in both hands, eliciting another hiss, and spread him. The contrast between the tan skin of his cock and the almost cherry red of Cory’s ass fascinated him. He moved his hips back and forth, grinding his cock of Cory’s hole, drawing out a few moans alongside his whimpering.

Cory’s eyes were shut, which was just fine as the only thing he’d be able to see anyway would be the couch cushions. All he could focus on were the feelings behind him as Nic kneaded and prodded at his sore ass. It hurt, but it also felt really good being played with like that. He wasn’t positive but it sure seemed like Nic was enjoying himself, if the hard cock grinding up and down the crack of his ass was an indicator.

One of Nic’s hands returned to his cock, this time taking aim, pointing towards Cory’s hole. As he pressed forward, he moved his hands again, grabbing the back of Cory’s neck with one and placing the other on the small of his back, holding him down and in position.

Cory groaned into the couch, the feeling of being handled combined with the stretch in his hole mixing together. He couldn’t move even if he wanted to, but holy fuck did he not want to. He subconsciously pressed his ass backwards, spreading his thighs further and trying to take Nic’s cock further in. As the cock buried itself completely, the hand on his neck moved to his hair, grabbing a firm handful.

“Fuck,” Nic muttered to himself, eyes locked onto the sight of his cock disappearing into Cory. With a quick spank (and a yelp) Nic pulled his hips back and snapped them forward, beginning the fuck.

Nic ground his cock against Cory’s ass and heard him moan into the couch. He could feel the heat radiating from the abused skin against his groin. Then he pulled his cock out until only the head remained, before smoothly sliding all the way back in in one smooth stroke. He continued to long-dick Cory like this for a few minutes, each stroke in eliciting another moan from Cory.

As Nic picked up the pace of his fucking, Cory gripped onto the cushions he was laid across, holding himself steady. His mind was on autopilot, focused on keeping him in position so that he could continue getting pounded by that wonderful cock in his ass. He arched his back as best as he could, no longer registering the soreness in his ass. Even when Nic would bottom out and grind their hips together, it was the scratch of his pubes and the stretch of his cock that he was focused on.

Nic hands moved, from his head to his waist, gripping it firmly as Nic stood slightly. His cock never leaving Cory’s hole, Nic planted his feet on either side of Cory’s knees, his form towering over Cory’s. Placing his hands on the couch for leverage, he drove his cock straight down, the angle pushing his cock deeper than before. Cory once again moaned into the cushions.

As Nic resumed fucking, his strokes were now more focused on power then speed. He allowed gravity to help him as he slammed his cock down, on each pass scraping his cock directly over Cory’s prostate. Cory could only continue to whimper and moan as his body was used. After only a few moments, Nic could feel cory’s ass suddenly constrict around him - Cory was having a prostate orgasm. The knowledge that he just made his boy, his bitch cum hands free only drove him to fuck even harder and faster. As Nic slammed into him more and more, he could feel his own orgasm approaching. By the time Cory was cumming dry for the second time, he was ready to blow himself.

Nic groaned out loud as he pressed his hips forward, leaning over and covering Cory’s body with his own. The feeling of his prostate being pressed and scraped against overpowering any pain in his ass. He could feel Nic’s cock pulse as it shot load after load of cum inside him, breeding him thoroughly. He whimpered at the feeling of being owned washing over him and tried to press back into Nic, wanting to feel more of him. He could hear Nic growling in his ear as he came, and then Nic’s breath against his neck as he calmed down.

Derek had watched the entire scene play out before him, hard cock in hand. He could see Nic’s balls pulsating as they shot their load deep into Cory. It was another moment before Nic was finally able to push himself up and off of Cory, extracting himself from his hole before nearly flopping onto the couch in exhaustion. Cory remained still, only moving his head so that he could look at Nic on the couch next to him.

Derek stood and walked over to the two, kneeling behind Cory as Nic once had. He spread Cory’s ass and examined the sloppy, somewhat distended hole. A trickle of Nic’s cum could be seen, not quite leaking out, but on the verge. Derek spit into his hand and quickly slicked his cock - he wouldn’t need much more lube than that.

As Cory felt Derek move into position behind him, he spread his thighs and arched his back - with what little brain power he still had, he knew what was coming and was so incredibly fine with it. The main object of his attention right now was Nic. He watched Nic sprawled on the couch next to him. He was sitting back, eyes closed, chest slowly heaving as he cooled down from what could only be described as a power fuck. Covered in a sheen of sweat, Cory’s not sure what came over him but he pressed a kiss to the thick, furred thigh next to his head.

The feeling of lips against his thigh had Nic opening his eyes and looking down, meeting Cory’s. As he looked up, Cory did his best to convey his feelings through his eyes, before feeling Derek’s cock push into him, causing him to close them and groan. He then felt Nic shifting, his thigh being lifted until it was placed back down in front of Cory, spreading his legs wide. With a smile on his face that was warmer then Cory was used to, he guided Cory’s face to his cock.

Cory didn’t protest as the cock that had just been inside of him was pressed into his mouth. There was no urgency in Nic, nor any intent to even get his cock hard again. Cory simply gently nursed on the softening cock as Nic ran his hand through his hair, tasting cum, some lube, and probably a little of himself.

Derek was steadily fucking into Cory’s ass as he continued to watch everything playing out in front of him. He could still feel the energy between the two, could sense that they were having some sort of moment, and he had no intention of breaking that. He also wasn’t even going to try to match the intensity of Nic’s early rutting, he was just going to give Cory a nice firm dicking and dump his load.

Derek watched Cory nurse on Nic’s cock, the cock that had just been fucking him. Looks like another skill to add in to Cory’s repertoire. He looked down to watch his cock sliding in and out, looking slick with the load that he was now churning with Cory. He squeezed Cory’s ass in his hands and picked up the pace, Cory’s ass rippling with each slap against him. Cory whimpered around Nic’s cock. He wasn’t going to cum a third time, but he was still feeling the bolts of pleasure as his prostate was once again played with.

“Fuck...,” Derek pressed his cock in as deep as it would go as he prepared to unload. He gritted his teeth, a low groan escaping from behind them.

He remained inside of Cory as he cooled off himself. He hadn’t gotten worked up nearly as much as these two, but it was more than enough for him. Gently he removed himself from Cory’s thoroughly stretched hole, a splotch of cum escaping once his cockhead was dislodged. He flopped onto the end of the couch opposite Nic, on Cory’s other side. Wordlessly, Derek guided Cory’s face to his own cock, cleaning it gently with his mouth while all three boys caught their breaths.

“...holy shit,” Cory was the first one to say anything after releasing Derek from his mouth. “That was…”

“Incredibly fucking hot?” Nic finished his thought. “Yeah. Yeah it was.”

The three were too dumbfounded to say anything more, too worn out to move. Eventually, the sticky feeling of cum and sweat finally got to them, and they begrudgingly moved into Derek’s large bathroom. Nic and Derek had to help Cory stand, his legs too shaky to make it on his own. He leaned against Nic as they walked down the hall until he was able to once again stand on his own two feet.

Derek turned on the shower, and Nic handed over Cory to him, helping him to lean against the shower wall. Carefully, slowly, the boys showered, Derek exiting first, and Cory staying in the longest. Cory hissed when the warm water hit his ass, feeling much hotter then it actually was. When it came time to finish washing, Cory realized he was still in his cage.

“I’ve really got to wear this for a week?” he prodded the black plastic encasing his member.

“Yep, it’ll come off this time next week, pending any emergencies” Derek was drying his hair as he spoke. “I don’t think you’ll have any problems though. You seemed to do just fine with it on earlier.”

“He came twice just on my cock,” Nic bragged as he stepped out of the shower himself. “I think he did more than fine.”

Cory blushed inside the shower, half embarrassed and half...proud? He thought that was what the feeling was. He felt good that he gave his dom something to brag about.

“Thank you, sir,” Cory turned the water off and stepped out, reaching for a towel.

Once the group had finished drying off, the returned to the living room. It wasn’t a total disaster, but they still needed to clean it up before Nic or Cory headed home.

As they removed the evidence of his punishment, Cory relieved some of what had brought them to this point. As everyone redressed, Cory spoke to both Derek and Nic. “Thank you for punishing me, sir. I’m sorry for acting like a jealous brat earlier.” He meant it, and he hoped that the two of them knew that. He was really going to be on his best behavior with them from now on.

At least until the next time he got punished.

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Next: Chapter 6

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