Our Vacation

By Vicki

Published on Aug 23, 2008



Our Vacation

By Vicki

I am at the airport. I am standing near a counter in by gate D. I am waiting for Clarissa's plane to land so we could make the connection together to Miami, Florida. I haven't seen her in over two weeks and its killing me. The longer I wait the harder it gets. I look down at my foot that has started to tap by itself. It seems my left blue high heel just tapping the beat to some song only it can hear. My black pant leg seems to have heard the song before too because it is also lightly moving to the beat of the silent tune.

I arrived at the airport straight from work. I didn't go home because I didn't want to miss a moment with Clarissa if her plane landed early. It didn't and right now I'm wishing I did go home first. I feel all grungy in my work clothes. I feel that my black pant suit is begging me to be dry cleaned. Work was horrible. I don't know if it was the anticipation of Clarissa's arrival today or the fact that everyone thinks that I should be the savior to every distraught teenager that walks into the clinic. I mean I know I signed up for this work and I really love it, I do, but does being a psychiatrist mean I have to be a 24/7 drug counselor? A lot the teenagers I see use being gay as an excuse for their problems, not the problems themselves.

"Mom and Dad don't love me because I am a homosexual so that's why every night I have to go to the club and get wasted on alcohol and ecstasy"

I would say that about half of them aren't really gay; it's more like 'the cool thing to say right now'. Some of these kids are sincere and I would do anything to help them, but the other ones......I just want to ring their neck and tell them to grow up. But I don't. I just sit there and ask why they think they need to do this to themselves. I'm giving the wrong impression. I love my job. I love the kids I work with. If I didn't I wouldn't be the head of the Counseling department at a major LGBT organization. It just seems that today was the day that everything goes wrong.

I think that the man upstairs knew that the only thing I wanted to do today is to have an uneventful workday, leave early, and meet my girlfriend. He knew this and thought up ways to see how badly he can screw it up for me. I had three new clients on my caseload, a record for one day. Half the paperwork I filled out had the wrong date on them so I had to go back and redo them. And one of my top counselors had to go to the hospital today because of some kind of stomach virus that is going around.

Back to right now though, I can't decide if I want to change into the extra set of clothes now or to wait until I get together with Clarissa. When I arrived here I thought I could wait, but one look at my reflection in the glass window tells me otherwise. I take my little carry-on suit case and head for the nearest ladies room. As I walk pass the rows of chairs to the bathroom on the opposite wall, I can't help but feel the gazes of two women watching me cross the distance. Is my makeup smudged? Do I really look that bad? I glance at them as I walk by. Two women about my age, both white, one with green eyes and dirty blonde hair, the other has freckles with hair a brownish red tint. Probably a dye job. They look vaguely familiar and they were definitely looking at me as I walked on by to the restroom. Too old to be one of my patients and I don't think they work at the organization.

The question of their identity is still lingering at the back of my mind when I enter the third stall on the left. The first stall was taken and I wanted to put some space in between her and me. The stall is clean, which is a relief because I think that there are very few things in life that are worse than a dirty public restroom. As I try to hold and unzip my luggage at the same time I thank myself for putting my change of clothes on the top where it would easy to reach. I pull out a pair of worn jeans and an orange tank top. Normally I would wear something warmer because I know airplanes tend to be on the chilly side, but I know that this shirt drives Clarissa crazy. Now about my shoes, I brought dark orange, almost red high heel sandals that go perfectly with the shirt.

I change my clothes as fast and as smoothly as I can in my little cubicle and then go to the mirror to see how bad my hair looks. The once perfect bun I put it up in this morning is now sagging to the left. As I go through my purse for some bobby pins or a hair tie, I remember that I packed all my bathroom supplies in my big suitcase that I checked in earlier. Nice going. All I brought with me is a little brush I use for touchups in between appointments. I take the remaining bobby pins out of my hair and brush the bun out trying to make my hair at least somewhat presentable. After about five minutes and some looks from a few women I feel I have done the most I can with just a brush. Now my hair is down and sort of frames my face a little. As for my make up, all it needed was a little this and a little that and I was ready to go.

As I left the ladies room I felt relaxed, but the excitement started to come back when the gate she was supposed to land at was in view. As I went to my little spot in the back by my counter, I didn't notice that the same two women were still looking at me. I was too busy looking at my watch thinking that Clarissa's plane will definitely be late. After a few minutes of standing there and waiting, I get a tap on the shoulder.

"Hi, you're Stephanie right? Stephanie Martin?"

I look around to see who has spotted me. It's those two women again. The familiarity is getting stronger though I can't quite guess who they are yet. "Yes I'm Stephanie. Hi."

The dirty blonde speaks up. "You don't remember who we are, do you? It's me Megan from high school, and this is Julie from-"

"From my volunteer work at the hospital. Hi, how are you guys? Sorry I didn't recognize you"

It's all coming back to me now. Megan was my undeclared best friend in high school for all but my freshmen year. She had the money, but I had the car and always paid. I didn't have many close friends in high school. In fact, now that I look back, I really didn't have any close friends, including her. I was heavier then, almost 80 more pounds. I lost most of my weight in college. I remember because I had to replace all my clothes almost every month for six months. I loved it. I knew Julie from when I volunteered at the front desk at the local hospital for 4 years. I met her about the same time a met Melissa. Again, we were friends and went to the movies occasionally, but it wasn't like we were close or anything. They met through me at a movie we all went to. It looks likes they became the better friends out of the three of us.

This time Julie spoke.

"We almost didn't recognize you ourselves. You look so different. We saw you standing here earlier and thought it might be you, but we weren't sure until you walked passed us on your way to the restroom. When you glanced our way we were both sure that it was you."

"Yeah you looked good in the suit on your way in to the restroom, but we had to do a double take when you walked out."

"Oh stop. You guys are exaggerating. I'm not the only one who has changed. Megan you look terrific. I love that blouse. And Julie you just have to tell me where you got those earrings, they are beautiful." They both laugh and waved my comments away. Truth is they haven't changed that much from high school other then they both got a little older and maybe a little more mature looking. "It's been a long time. About eight or nine years if I'm counting right. What's been going on? Julie shall I call you Dr. Fonte now?"

Julie slightly blushes and shifts her weight. I know immediately I hit a sore spot with her.

"No, I decided it wasn't for me. I am a supervisor at the same hospital though."

If I remember correctly, about the time we lost touch she was having trouble getting accepted into a medical school. I inwardly grimace because I remember that all she wanted to be was a plastic surgeon.

"Good for you, it's where all the big bucks are nowadays. I'm happy for you. How about you Megan; what do you do now? If I remember correctly you wanted to do something in photography?"

She does almost the exact same thing that Julie does. Now I feel really awful. How was I able to make them both feel uncomfortable in ten seconds? No wonder we lost touch. I would lose touch with me too.

"No I work for my father in his Tiling business. I run the books."

"That's cool. How's it like working with your family?" I purposely said with instead of for.

"Its fine, I get to set my own hours and it's close to home."

"Very cool, sounds like you guys are set up and living large." This puts them at ease when they laugh and I grin trying to be sincere.

"How about you Stephanie, what do you do? I remember you doing something with the insurance business last time we talked."

I laugh, I almost forgot all about that. "Yeah, that didn't last long. Actually I am the head of the mental health department for a civil rights organization." I decided to spare them the details of which one. I didn't want to make them uncomfortable again.

"Congratulations, sounds like an important position," Julie says.

"Not really, I'm more a like a supervisor than anything." I was trying to play it down because I could see a hint of surprise in their eyes. Let's just say I was by no means an Einstein when I knew them. Actually, I barely graduated. What turned it around for me was when I met Clarissa. She said she couldn't be with me any longer unless I cleaned up my act. That's one of the things I love about her. When other people gave up on me and wrote me off, she pushed me to do better and help me become a better person. There was an awkward silence.

"So where are you guys headed?" I had to get the conversation going again.

"Miami, a friend of ours is getting married there and we decided to make the trip out together. How about you?" asked Julie.

"Wow what a small world, I'm going to Miami too. My friend is flying back here now and we were making the connecting flight together. It's been a long time since either of us took time off work so we decided to fly to Miami and make the best of it."

"That is a coincidence," Megan replied.

The conversation goes on from their talking about this and that, but I'm not really paying attention because Clarissa's plane has just landed. As I watch everyone getting ready for the passengers to come out, I feel this balloon inflating in my throat. I wasn't paying close enough attention to Julie and Melissa because all of a sudden they are both looking at me waiting for a response. What were they going on about? Something about their pets. They had trouble leaving them at the kennel. They asked if I had any.

"Umm... No I don't have any pets. Clarissa is allergic to pet dander." I slipped. I wonder if they'll figure it out.

"You have roommates? That stinks."

"Oh just one, but it's not bad at all. Actually she's the one that's flying in." The doors have just opened. I'm holding my breath; my attention is wholly on the opening. One by one the passengers start to trickle out. It must be the people who need help exiting because they are either using a walker or in a wheel chair. Now the crowd comes. There are a lot of people and I'm searching not so patiently for the most important one. Then I see her. She has already found me and is coming my way. She is stunning. She is wearing dark blue jeans and a brown shirt with sleeves that come up to her elbows. Her fiery red hair is styled perfectly. Definitely not a dye job.

"Excuse me for a moment" I say as I brush passed them hurriedly towards Clarissa. The closer I get I can see the tears welling up in her eyes and my I notice that mine are doing the same. Because of her head start I don't make it far before she slams into me with a hug with such a force I almost get knocked down. We hold each other tight for a second not saying anything. It feels good to have her in my arms again. She loosens her grip to talk to me but she doesn't quite let go.

"I missed you so much! You can't believe how hard these last couple weeks were. Nothing went right. The lead actress kept throwing a hissy fit and ruining her clothes and my assistant was brand new and had to be taught everything. Twice."

"You can forget about all that, you're home now." Now I can definitely feel the tears in my eyes.

"Not for long. Miami here we come!" I laugh with her and we hug again. This time not as long and hard, but just as nice. When we let go I can see Megan and Julie looking at us. If they haven't figured it out by now they never will. Clarissa catches me looking at them.

"Looks like two weeks is too long."

I look at her for a second not comprehending. Then I smile.

"Don't be silly. They're friends from high school. They ran into to me."

"Ooh look it's your past. You have to introduce me. I want to know how much of a nerd you were in high school."

"I don't have a single ounce of nerdiness in me, plus I don't think they have any good stories. I told you I kinda kept to myself."

"We'll see about that" At that she nudges me over to the women. As I lead her by her shirt sleeve, I know that our flight will be an interesting one.

"Hi you guys, this is Clarissa. Clarissa this is Megan and Julie. They are friends from when I was in high school." Clarissa smiles and turns on the charm.

"Well hello friends from high school. I am friend from college and beyond!"

Her vivaciousness puts the other two at ease and I can tell right away that they like her. They exchange pleasantries and start to talk about all things me. I think by the end of their conversation I was as red as a cherry.

"Stevie, you look like you are about ready to pop."

"Well you guys would too if you were in my shoes." We all laugh again and I can feel the redness leaving my face."

"Is that what people call you now, Stevie?" Megan asks.

"Actually no, Clarissa only calls me that because no one else does. She just has to be different."

As I say this Clarissa and I communicate with our eyes without the other two knowing. We know that what I told Megan was a lie and what actually happened is that Clarissa told me she loved me. The real reason Clarissa calls me Stevie is because early in our relationship I let it slipped that no one ever calls me Stevie. From then on Clarissa started calling me Stevie and now this is her way of telling me she loves me. She forbids anyone else from calling me that and only calls me Stephanie when she is mad at me.

"Yep, that's me different."

We all laugh and continue our conversation with the subject turned on our impending vacations. We talk about where we are staying which turns out to be not too far from each other. My cell phone goes off and I look to find that its work calling me. I groan and excuse myself from the rest of them.

When I answer the ringing cell, I find out that its one of our newer employees who can't find a certain file. While he is telling me his problem, I am staring a Clarissa who is about 15 feet away and am reminded of how much I love her. My phone call fades to the back of my mind as I wonder why such a goddess is wasting her time with me. Clarissa catches me staring at her and winks at me bringing me back to earth.

"Travis, the file is on the Mr. Barris's desk. When you're done with it, please if you could, put it on top of Ms. Stone's desk. I know they would both appreciate it."

Travis says he would and apologizes profusely for calling me after work. I tell him it's no problem and wishes he has a good night. As I put my cell phone away, Clarissa walks up to me.

"What's up? Any major breakdowns yet?"

"No it was just Travis needing help with something minor. You remember Travis I introduced you guys before you left?"

"Oh yea. He seems like a sweet guy with a head on his shoulders."

"He has. You wait, he's still new now, but I can see him moving up rapidly."

"That's good. Do you know where the restroom is so we can 'freshen up'?"

As she asks this I can see that evil twinkle in her eyes she sometimes gets. I decide I'm going to tease her a little.

"Yep, its right passed those chairs." I say pointing to the restroom I left earlier. "I'll wait for you out here. I used it before your plane landed." I smile as sweetly as I can at her as her frustration starts to show.

She leans in close to me and talks so low I can barely hear her. "If you don't come with to the restroom now, I won't let you come with me for the rest of the trip."

Now I'm excited and can feel my heart start to pound in my chest. I lean in to her and whisper as low as she does, "What about the other two?"

"They went to grab a bite to eat so we don't have to worry about them for a while."

I look at her eyes and can see the fire in them. My heart feels like it's about to break through my chest. I can also feel the heat in my pussy start to get very hot. I've been waiting for this for two weeks.

I take her hand a lead her into the restroom. When we get inside, there are a couple of people at the sinks washing up. We pretend to touch up our make up, until they leave. As the last girl steps out of the bathroom, Clarissa yanks me into the farthest stall from the door. The moment she gets the stall door locked, she slams me against the wall, kissing me so passionately I can feel my knees start to buckle. I wrap my hands around her neck and deepen the kiss. I start to moan softly each time I feel the silk of her tongue touch me. When the kiss ends, the only thing keeping me up is the pressure of her body pushing me against the wall.

As we try to catch our breath, she caresses my face looking deep into my eyes. I return her gaze and can feel my heart try to rip right through my rib cage. For this brief moment as we look into each other's eyes, my need to rip her clothes off and take her right now dies and all I feel is a great love for her coming out of my heart. She hugs me and whispers in my ear,

"I don't think I've ever needed and loved you more than I do right now."

I instantly feel myself get wet and I moan into her shoulder. I grab her hips and start rocking them against my leg. Making sure she grinds slow and hard against me. As I do this I'm kissing her neck, making my way up to her chin, then finally her mouth where I kiss her for all that I am worth. This time it's her turn to moan at the kiss. Suddenly, she takes my hands from her hips and pins them to either side of my head. She gives me one more quick kiss before she starts to make her way to my earlobes, down to my neck, and to the top of my chest. She can't get any lower because my shirt is in the way, but she quickly remedies that problem by lifting my tank top up and off me and one quick move. After she takes my shirt off and hangs it on the hook on the door, she presses and squeezes my breasts through my bra.

She unclips my bra, but doesn't take it off. She sort of hikes it up to my neck and immediately takes my right nipple in her wet mouth. I moan again and bring my hands to her head pulling her to me. She moves to my left nipple and again I feel like I'm in heaven. After a couple moments of this, she starts to move down to my pants and then, Bam! She smacks her ass hard against the other wall of the bathroom stall and her head hit my stomach. I start to giggle instantly, breaking the mood. She gets back up also giggling. At this point my giggling is starting to get uncontrollable and she puts her hand to my mouth to try to prevent me from getting any louder than I already am.

"Shh Stop laughing! That's not funny!" She whispers at me between her giggles. Thankfully, though she is getting hers under control. "My ass hurts and it's your fault!"

"My fault?! You're the one with the big ass!" I put my head on her shoulder trying to smother my giggles in her shirt. When I finally start to get control of myself again, she whispers in my ear,

"I thought you liked my ass?"

"I do." Then I bring my hands to her ass squeezing and kneading them. "Does that feel better, babe?"

"Much better Stevie. Mmm... don't stop."

If I wasn't back in the mood by then, I definitely was when she moaned that into my ear.

"I'll do you one better."

I remove both my hands and bring it to her front and unbutton her pants. I put my hands and on her lower back and slide them under her jeans and panties, down to her ass so I can feel her properly.

"Oh God Stevie, that feels so good."

I am starting to smell her sex and its beginning to drive me wild so I take my left hand and slide it around to her front so it is resting on her mound. I slowly rub my hand on it in a circular motion so she can feel it but not too much.

Clarissa's is breathing ragged now and she puts her hand down my jeans without unbuttoning them so the pressure is unbelievable. She puts her head on my shoulder again and whispers, "Let's do this together."

I in turn lean my head on her shoulder and agree. I move my hand down to her slit and put my fore finger in her slit stroking her inner lips lightly. Clarissa copies my movements and for a moment that's all we do. I can feel her hot silky wetness covering my whole hand. The realization that I made her that wet makes me want to cum right then. "Why are you so wet, lover?" I whisper into her ear.

"You make me so hot. Oh God Stevie, I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me until I cum on your hand."

Clarissa then moves her hand down and slides her finger in slowly fucking me. I feel her for a second then a slide my finger in her doing the same. We fall into a rhythm so we push into each other at the same time. I then slide another finger into her and start to fucker her in earnest now. I take my thumb and put it on her clit, flicking it left to right then up and down. Clarissa's breath is now coming in gasps and I know she is getting close. Clarissa adds her own finger in me and is rubbing my clit into a circular motion. We are both slamming our hips into each other's hand trying to get more of our fingers into us. As result we are actually slamming our pussies together adding to our pleasure. I can feel my orgasm coming quickly.

"Clarissa you're about to make me cum. I'm so close."

"Me too, Stevie."

All of a sudden Clarissa clamps her hips against my hand and bites my shoulder. I can her say "Oh Fuck Stevie" into my shoulder. When I hear her say my name, it sends my own orgasm crashing into me and all I can feel is whiteness. All I can see is white and it feels as if as though the color white is bursting out of my body. That is the only way such a mind blowing orgasm like that can be described.

We stand still together for I don't know how long with our hands down each other's pants, fingers in our pussies. After our breathing becomes somewhat regular, and I can hear the sound of a toilet flushing. Clarissa looks at me with a mortified look and she mouths "Oh my god, do you think anyone heard us?"

When I understand what she said I start to crack up again. She quickly clamps her free hand over my mouth and nose causing me to laugh even harder, but then start to choke because she's blocking my air. When she realizes what's going she takes her hand away and I start to cough trying to catch my breath. While I'm coughing up my lung, she takes her hand out of my pants and starts to clean herself up.

"Serves you right!" She hisses at me.

I start to smile at her and am about to laugh again, when she hisses at me, "Don't start that up again. Hurry and clean yourself up. I can't believe we did that."

"Yeah but it was worth it, wasn't it?" I whisper back as I button my jeans after giving myself a quick wipe. She looks at me and smirks.

After we try to make ourselves look somewhat presentable, we wait until we think the restroom is empty we leave the stall together. As we walk out an older lady walks into the restroom and looks at us with a surprised look. Clarissa blushes and looks at the ground. I look at her and loudly say,

"Thanks for helping me find my earring. I wouldn't have been able to find it without you."

She glares at me and mumbles something like no problem. The lady goes to one of the stalls and we head to the sinks to try and fix our makeup.

As I look at myself in the mirror I can't believe that I was here just 20 minutes ago and fixed my self up.

"Jeez will you look at my hair I'll never be able to make it look the same." Clarissa whines as she grabs her brush out of her suit case and starts to put her hair up into a ponytail.

"Oh stop complaining, you know it was worth it" I tell her as I try to get the lipstick off my earlobe. She notices what I'm doing and smiles into the mirror looking at me. I give her wink. Soon we look ok again and we had out of the restroom.

Once we leave Clarissa's mood lightens up and she grabs me giggling.

"That was so amazing. I can't believe we did that. We should do it more often."

"Yeah right, you should have seen your face when you realized we were probably caught." I give her a goofy face. "A Kodak moment."

We laugh at each other a bit more just walking around the terminal and feeling close.

Part 2 is still in the works, but will be posted soon.

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