Our Story

By Lindsey S.

Published on Dec 19, 2018


"You really don't have to come, I know you don't like them as much as I do." Lindsey fries not to sound too needy, but she didn't hide that she wasn't telling the whole truth. Anybody listening could have figured out she wanted him to come along. Jeff wasn't buying it, but wasn't showing any sign that she was being a burden.

"I think you think I hate them, and I don't. They just aren't as good as some of the other bands here. I want to go, and it's not just because you are there."

"Ok, well, if you change your mind or get bored you can just leave." She but her lower lip, and paused.

"Deal," is all Jeff said before leaning in and kissing her sweetly on the lips. Both of their eyes closed, their hands joining for a second, before they slightly opened their mouths. His hand slid to her hip and grabbed firmly. Their tongues barely touched before they separated and smiled at each other. "But we need to do that between every song."

"Deal," she replied, smiling a little brighter. Holding hands they walked across the lawn to the stage where her band had already started their set. It was early Spring, and normally she wouldn't wear shorts and a tank top in sixty five degrees, but she was desperate to wear her more summery clothes. She was comfortable, but every once in awhile she would get a small shiver, making her nipples harden against her sheer bra. Goose bumps would cover her arms and legs, inviting Jeff to rub them away.

She faced the stage and listened, by the second song the world around her had faded away and each moment felt alive. The music, the way her she moved with the music, and Jeff's presence consumed her attention. Swaying she mouthed the lyrics, and closed her eyes. Jeff's arms wrapped around her and his voice filled her ear, "you look so fucking sexy right now."

Lindsey danced and felt Jeff's hands guiding her hips. Without turning around she felt him move with her. Placing her hands on his she let the music take control, lettinc the beat dictate her pace, it didn't take long till she felt his familiar bulge against her. She did her best to tease for a bit but had to indulge, taking his hands on a tour of her stomach, waist, and thighs.

Lindsey moves to the music and felt Jeff's hands wrap around her stomach and hold her. Instinctively she leaned back and put her head on his shoulder, where she felt his breathe as he sang along to the chorus. Pressing herself back into his body she could feel him moving and breathing, as her pony tail bobbing up and down as they danced.

"Those aren't the words," she teased, "you should use your lips for what you are good at." She closed her eyes and Jeff leaned in.

He started slow to tease, "is this what you meant?" He asked.

Lindsey closed the gap for him as Jeff played coy. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I just love when these lips are anywhere on my body." She opened her eyes to find him watching her. Spinning her around, he grabbed her hand and pressed his body against hers, this time pulling her in close and firm. They both leaned in, letting their lips and tongues show the care free mood the afternoon had taken on. He did not hesitate to suck on her bottom lip, and she was not quiet or suttle about her state arousal. She exhaled and left her tongue probing his mouth, their lips not even closed around each other. Another sigh and her leg was wrapped around him.

"You came to watch the show, and i'd Love to watch you." They both could feel their heartbeat in their ears. "We will have time for more of this later." He smiled, kissed her one last time, and spun her around to face the stage.

She smiled to herself, and made sure she showed her appreciation by grabbing his hands and wrapping them around her. She had to fight to keep from going too far, but as she danced she moved his hands around her body, from her hips to her stomach, and down to her thighs. She could sense him behind her, she knew he wasn't watching the show, his attention was in her.

As the set ended and the crowd headed out, they held hands to the parking lot. A large grass field filled with rows of cars, it was going to take sometime before they could leave.

The joy of the evening had taken control, and Lindsey desire to share that with Jeff was obvious. She kept taking their joined hands and pulling herself close to her body as they chatted and joked. "This is going to take a long time to clear out," She said wrapping her arm around his waist.

"I don't feel like waiting."

"It won't be that bad, once we get to the car we can put on some music, watch the world go by. We don't need to sit in the car. I say we try to be the last car out of the parking lot." He looked over and tried to wrap his arm around her shoulder. Playfully she ducked under it, stepped behind him, and wrapped both arms around his waist. The height difference made it so her mouth was right behind his shoulder. They both kept walking, and she stepped up onto her toes and put her chin up on it. As they walked she pressed herself into his back, and her nipples sprang up, and her panties began to tighten.

"Last ones in the lot, that could be fun." She did her best to keep her body pressed against his as she walked on her toes, his pace slowed as he reciprocated. Her hands searched from around his waist, up to his chest, where her pink polished nails contrasted against the black of his shirt. One hand stayed and held his chest and the other found a home in the pocket is his shorts, where she probed. She was happy to find his arousal on par with hers, and she felt the warmth of his blood flow before she even teases him. His cock was a little heavier than normal, and she could tell by the change in his stride he was growing in his boxer briefs.

"See what you are doing to me?" He asked over his shoulder.

"I feel it," she responded, kissing him on the cheek and rubbing over his pubic hair, giving a teasing little tug. "Gotcha by the curlies..."

Jeff smiled, "you do don't you...". Grabbing behind him he leaned forward a little and lifted her up. instinctively she wrapped her legs around his hips and let her carry her the rest of the way to the car, her hands on his shoulders and head next to his. He placed her on the hood of the car and turned to face her. "Felt like you were having fun," he said as he leaned in for a kiss. His hand started on her knee and found its way to the crotch of her shorts. With one finger he traced the seam of her panties, just under the head of her semi hard surprise. "We could have some fun while we wait," he said slyly.

"We could," her eyes fixed on his. She scooter forward on the car and wrapped her legs around him. His hands worked at the button and zipper of her shorts, concealed by the darkness nobody would have been the wiser. She put her hands around his shoulders and looked down as he unwrapped her. He let her free, a pair of lace bikini briefs holding her in.

He admired her body for a minute, using his hands to explore, his eyes fixed on her lace underwear. As soon as he looked up she assaulted his tongue with hers. Before he had a chance to pull her closer she was on top of him, pressing her hips against his stomach. To any passerby it just looked like a hot make out session, but he had one hand in her panties, teasing her. Every fiber of his being wanting to rip the panties right off her.

Tongues entwined she reached down his back and grabbed his ass, pulling him against her as she rubbed herself against his hand. Turning her head to the side, hernither hand snaked up his shirt to feel his skin. It's soft firm cushion occasionally covered by coarse dark hair on his stomach and chest. She have another playful tug at it and smiled.

"You looked so hot tonight, dancing," he said. His hand grabbed hers and helped her reach down the waist of his pants. "See how hard you made me baby?" She took over and, leaning into him and reaching down the las three inches to grab and stoke his cock.

"How far are we going to go here?" She asked. "Because I want to see how much you liked it." She looked him in the eye as she jerked him. Her shorts still undone, with the space between them, anybody playing close attention would see her, and that her hands were down his pants. The cars waiting in line to get out or people walking to their cars would be able to make out the black of her panties or the fact that Jeff had a raging hard on.

Jeff leaned down and helped her slide off the car. They watched each other as he slidnher shorts down to her thighs and grabbed her ass firmly. "How about I use my tongue for something more than kissing."

She bit her lip and thought for a second. Jeff started to lower himself and she nodded, "ok, but please be discreet."

Jeff smiles up at her from his knees, reached a hand up and grabbed her tit firmly as he locked her thigh. She leaned back and lifted her leg up to his shoulder. Partially to block the view of any on looker, although it was pretty obvious what was going on. It was also to give Jeff access to what she wanted him to do, and Jeff's ginger took no time separating her cheeks.

She let out a quick gasp, the moisture from his tongue felt like a shock against the the elastic of her panties. The cooler night air on her exposed flesh made her shiver. Jets hand left her breast, and cake down to spread her. She waited for what felt like forever for his tongue to find her opening. She knew it was there winking at him with each small movement she made begging for attention. "Please Jeff," she murmured, placing one hand on the back of his head and sitting up a little to give him more access.

Show me," she moaned, pressing herself down trying to run herself against his lips and fingers. She looked down at him. "Pull it out and show me."

Jeff abided, first with his tongue, forcing Lindsey to close her eyes for a second to feel it against the rim of her hole. She opened them to find Jeff using one hand to pull his shorts down, his cock almost full and standing up, gravity giving it a slight dowward curve. She wanted it in her hand, and jnsticrly began rubbing herself over her panties. She closed her eyes as Jeff began picking up the pace of his tongue. Soon she felt a familiar pressure, a finger pressed against her. "Oh fuck," she moaned as he pushed in, his tongue now teasing her taint.

The thought that anybody could see them occurred to Jeff, but he didn't care at this point. He wanted two things, and he wanted to fight the urgency for both. The way Lindsey was reacting, he wasn't sure he could hold her off any longer. He tried to slow her down by placing his hand on hers as she played with herself, but it was too much. As soon as his hand touched her she exploded all over him. He could feel her lose her balance, her leg swung over his shoulder, pressing his finger in past the knuckle.

"Ahhhh, ohhhb," She bellowed, her hips and hand still grinding.

Jeff couldn't help but keep teasing. Lindsey looked down as Jeff probed her, his finger still teasing. "That was so good baby," she smiled.

Jeff reaches up with his cum covered hand and offered it to her. She gladly accepted, taking it into her mouth, leaned over, eyes fixed on his dick sticking out under her.

"I could watch you do this all night." Jeff's hand now clean, he reached down and grabbed her breast and squeezed it. Lindsey's one leg on on the ground, she kept putting more and more weight on him as she felt him goping her. His finger was now in as deep as it could go, moving with her.

"You could watch me fuck myself on your finger?" She whispered.

"Just your hot body, and whatever that dirty mind of yours comes up with."

"You are teasing me," she replied, grabbing his wrist.

"I think you are enjoying it," he pulled his finger out of her, eliciting a small sigh from her. His lips kissed up her thigh, and he helped her leg back to the ground. She put her hands on his head as he slowly stood up so they were face to face again.

Both of their shorts around their ankles, a noise next to them made them glance over. It was just some people walking by, but it snapped them both back to reality. Their bubble was popped, and Lindsey suddenly felt very aware of how exposed she was. Trying to play it cool she managed to get her shorts back up, but in doing so made eye contact with two people in the car parked behind them.

Jeff looked around, but kept his pants down. "Come here." He pulled her up against him at the same time she stepped forward. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to, but I can't blame people for wanting to watch you." He kissed her sweetly, trying to read her.

"How chivalrous of you," She giggled, grabbing his cock which had gotten a little softer. She tugged it, letting the head rub against her shirt. Using her other hand she propped her elbow up on his shoulder keeping her lips inches from his. She began singing some of the songs from the concert quietly as she stroked him.

"Who is teasing now?" He asked. He grabbed her hips firmly as if they were dancing and began moving with her. "I think everybody here would appreciate it if you used your lips for something you're Better at," he laughed.

She leaned in and kissed him. Sliding her tongue to meet his, both their mouths open. She could feel him getting fully hard as they rocked back and forth, her hand pumping him. She pulled back the skin and played with the head, running pre-cum all over it.

Jeff pushed his hand down the back of her shorts, using his finger to rub the top of her crack. The other hand went to the clasp on the back of her bra and snapped it open. Now free to feel her, he pinched her nipple, her shirt scrunched up, showing her stomach. After a couple handfuls, he lowers his mouth to them, pulling her shirt up, exposing her breasts and dangling bra to anybody watching. He sucked in her nipples before coating them with his saliva. His eyes looked up at her, enjoying his tongue.

She arched her back, pressing her chest against him, encouraging him as she continued to jerk him off. "I want you in my mouth, your tongue baby,". She bit her lower lip. "I love being your girlfriend," she laughed. "Can I please suck your dick?"

"Mmmhmmmm," he responded, still using his tongue. He glanced over at the couple in the car, who were now trying to act casual, but kept stealing glances. He waited for them to glance over again before standing straight up. "It's all yours," he said.

She dropped down to her knees, not even bothering to tease. She took the head and licked one lap around before wrapping her lips around it.

"Mmmmmm," She moaned.

"Your mouth feels so good Lindsey. This," he paused for a second as she pulled her head up and looks at him. "Reminds me of when we did this on that hike on our first date." He finished. She smiled.

"I've gotten much better I hope."

"You've gotten practice," he smiled, lining his cock back up to her mouth.

"That why girl is gone, huh?" Using his hand, he rubbed himself against her lips.

She missed it seeetly, "hard for me to be shy when I see this monster."

She licked it playfully. "That sounds so slutty."

"Mmmmmm," He grunted and pressed the head to her lips. She opened them willingly and let him stoke into her mouth twice before taking over. Jerking him forecefully into her mouth a couple times before letting him dictate the pace with his hips. One hand began massaging his taint, tickling it with her nails. He couldn't hold back, something inside him shifted and his only focus was to try to hold on for a little longer. He tried to pull himself out, but she wouldn't let him, moving her whole body to keep him in her mouth. It was too late, but he tried again, this time successfully popping the head out of he lips an instant before cum shot onto her cheek. She jerked him and managed to open her mouth to accept the second shot, some of which went into her mouth, but some up to her forehead. She couldn't help but smile as she caught the third full on her tongue. Jeff's heavy breathing making it hard to predict where the fourth would fall, she took over, using her hand to put it back into her mouth.

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