Our Story

By Lindsey S.

Published on Dec 18, 2018


For the rest of this story I am going to be putting out some of my emails/stories/fantasies that I have been sharing and working on with Jeff. The storylines might not always match up but the characters will be more or less consistent (kind of like the Simpsons..). Sorry in advance for editing and typos, I hate that part of writing. Love to hear feedback, feel free to email me. Xoxo

My initial email to Jeff... I was thinking about the camping one yesterday. Xoxo, I know I had just gotten to the site and put on my bathing suit, and finished reverse cowgirl ;). We never made it to the lake to swim.

I was working on a hiking/walk in the woods one in my head yesterday. We meet for the first time in person, had chatted on line/exchanged erotic emails... and decided to meet to hike, me in my panties but dressed in guys clothes. We chat in person for the first time, and everything is casual. The trail is not crowded but there are other people on it occasionally.

I've never been with a man before, despite our correspondence. It took a lot for me to even meet up when you were in town. I keep on trying to flirt, and am looking at your lips a lot. I take any opportunity to show the top of my panties but not look like I am trying to show you.

We reach a part of the trail that's a little thinner and obviously less traveled, and choose to go down it. "This is much quieter back here," I say after a couple minutes of walking. We stop and both open our water bottles and drink.

Lindsey couldn't do it. She wanted to so bad, but she felt like she had to be hidden away again today. Despite her excitement to meet Jeff for the first time in person, she couldn't muster the courage to put herself out there. After pulling up her panties and watching herself in the mirror, she finished getting dressed , and Will stared back at her. Just like most other days of her life. Over her pink cotton cheeky panties, she wore jeans that everybody would recognize belonged to a guy, and a non descript grey T-shirt. She grabbed a long sleeve to add to her pack just in case, filled up her water bottle and headed out to the car.

The drive to the trail head was filled with just as much anxiety as it was excitement. She knew Jeff, but had never met in person, so the usual questions circled her head, in addition to wanting to be liked or wanted. She wanted Jeff to want her as much as she wanted him.


As they turned up the trail, it became narrow, and immediately felt more private. It was barely wide enough to walk side by side, and in the few areas where they could'nt Jeff would let her go first. After about ten minutes they stopped to admire a clearing that overlooked a lot of the park. She grabbed her water bottle and began to sip, Jeff did the same.

"Good make out spot," she blurted out. Another awkward attempt at fitting l, that Jeff greeted with a smile.

"This water does taste good, I wonder if your lips do too." His smile assured he meant it, but for good measure he reached down and grabbed her hand.

A shiver went through her body, and she felt all her senses wake up. The feel of her panties, the smell of the grass, And the pressure of his grip on her hand. She shifted her weight. "Where was your first kiss?" she asked nervously. "I mean I've kissed girls, but never a guy," she wished she could shut up.

"How about right here for yours?" He leaned in so their bodies touched, and she stood her ground, and licked her lips.

"Ok," is all she could muster before closing her eyes and leaning in. She felt his lips open after they lingered together for a second. Tilting her head to the right a bit, she swallowed and opened hers slowly, pushing her tongue out just a little and found hisnwaiting, slowly moving forward to find hers. She let out a sigh, she hadn't realized she had tipped breathing, or that her heart was racing.

"You've done this a million times," She thought to herself, but she could not stop from feeling so nervous. Her muscles were stiff, and she felt frozen, except for her mouth and tkngue. She could not move her arms or hands. She exhaled again, this time she felt herself loosen, and she became aware of the fact she was almost fully erect already.

Jeff let her hand go and slid her pack off her shoulders, and took a step toward her so their bodies touched for the first time. She involuntarily presses back against his, and she could feel his lips smile as they kissed. Sliding his hand along the waist of her jeans, he lifted up her shirt and played with the elastic of her panties, tracing the line where the cotton met her skin.

Lindsey became aware that she had not moved her hands, they were just hanging from her shoulders. Nervously she kept her lips and tongue exploring Jeff's while she put one hand on his hip and the other up on his shoulder. She felt him slid his hand under her panties and down between her cheeks. She grabbed his shoulder and stopped her tongue.

"You all right?" He asked, Neither of them moved.

"Yes, I umm, yes," she said. She could still feel his fingers against her skin.

"This is what you want?"

She bit her lower lip, and looked him in the eye, "yeah."

She leaned in, and she felt him pull her closer, and felt a warm lump press against her. He rubbed it against her by shifting his hips up and down.

"You sure?" He asked again.

She ran her hand up to his neck and nodded. He leaned in and kissed her neck sweetly and continued to rub against her slowly, his hand grabbing her ass. She closed her eyes and relaxed as he kissed up to her ear. She relaxed as he came back up and pressed his lips to hers, but this time there was an urgency.

She opened her mouth to catch her breathe, but his tongue didn't stop. He pressed against her harder, so she stuck her tongue out of her mouth so he could continue. She opened her eyes and glanced down to catch a glimpse of the stiffening lump rubbing against her. All she could see was their torsos pressed against each other, but she became aware that she too was rubbing herself against him, her panties getting tighter.

Closing her eyes she locked her lips back to his, this time pressing her tongue into his mouth, as if she wanted as much if her touching him as possible. In one quick motion, he is his hands down the back of her panties, against her skin and pulled her cheeks apart, making her stand on her toes and grab his waist to stabilize. She felt the button of his fly with her thumb the same instant she felt his bulge pull away. Unsure of what to do, she froze for a second. Jeff sensed her hesitation and encouraged her.

"I've been waiting to get a look at those panties all day," he suggested, pulling her closer.

She but her lip. "They aren't that cute, I had to be comfortable for the hike."

"I can be the judge of that, but mine aren't that fun either," he touched her hand still on his button and began to open up his jeans. Lindsey glanced down instinctively, wanting to see it. The grey of his boxer briefs peeled out. "I will show you mine...". If Lindsey has looked up she would have seen his smile, but her eyes were fixed.

She reached for her own button and began to follow his lead. As she opened up the front of her fly she looked up to meet his eyes, and watched as he looked down her body. She pulled them down to her thigh and let gravity do the rest of the work. There she stood in the middle of the field, her pants at her shins, in her blue cheeky panties. Jeff reached around her back and pulled her close, his pants now down as well. Slowly he pressed his body against hers and began to lean in, softer and sweeter. "I like them," he said as he slid his hand over the front of her panties, rubbing her with his palm. He kissed her softly, as she said her hand along the elastic of his bixer briefs. She reached down and felt his cock for the first time. He was still only semi hard but she could tell right away how heavy it was.

"Ahhhhh," She let out a half sigh. She full on grabbed his cock as a shiver ran through her, squeezing his shaft.

"Want to taste something else?" He asked.

She was no longer in control. She licked her lips and leaned in to kiss him. Playfullly he turned his head and gave her his cheek. She tried again, but found his neck, and began to kiss it, opening her mouth and lightly sucking and using her tongue. "Yes," she whispered.

He turned his head to meet her lips and their tongues went back to work. Pressing and circling each other. Jeff's hand went up to her shoulder, and began to press down, leading Lindsey down to his neck, to his short collar. With his other hand he pulled down his underwear exposing his half hard cock.

Lindsey opened her eyes to see it for the first time. Uncircumcised and much larger than hers, she couldn't take her eyes off of it. She kneeled down and began kissing his thighs, tasting the salt of his sweat, and looking up. Both her hands were on his thighs as he stared down at her.

"Nice ass," he said as he looked down. He put one hand on his cock and began pulling back the foreskin.

"Nice cock," she teased back. Kissing up his thigh she watched him getting harder in his own hand. Her lips now next to his balls, she reached to help him. "I've never done this before." She said, but knew he already knew that. It felt like she had to say it.

"Your a great kisser, I'm sure those virgin lips will be feel great."

She smiled and began kissing his balls, sliding her tongue out as she sucked. She could smell him as his hair tickled his tongue. She could hear his breathing get deeper before he said, "here." He out his hand on her cheek and guided her up. His other hand on his dick, he put it up to her lips. His eyes never blinked as she helped him pull back the foreskin and she stuck her tongue out. He pushed his lips forward and she had to, she wanted to, she began to kiss it. Using her tongue to flick the head she wrapped her lips around it and started breathing through her nose.

With short slow pumps he pressed deeper into her mouth. She did her best to keep up but quickly her jaw began to tire. She needed a break and backed off, illiciting a soft grunt from Jeff. She closed her eyes and worked her tongue down the shaft, tasting some fresh salty sweat and taking in a more if his odor. He smelled masculine, and it mixed with the grass. She could feel him pressing her to get back into her mouth, but she continues to tease with her tongue.

"You are a tease," he muttered as he played with her hair and tried again. Again, she teased with her tongue. "C'mon, baby" he said as he tried a third time.

This time she opened her mouth and took it back in. "Ufhhhhhh," he moaned as he urgently began pressing in and out of her mouth. As soon as she bobbed her head down to take it a little deeper she felt his body change. His long slow strokes turned to short quick thrusts. Her hands accidentally reached for his balls as she was taken off guard by the sudden shift. Just in time she felt them jump in her hand, just enough warning for her to prepare herself for the first watery shot of cum into her mouth. She half pulled out, but Jeff's thrusts pushes him back in as the second thicker fish came out.

"God baby, ahhhhhh," He said as his cum coated her tongue and the inside of her mouth. She tried to swallow but choked a bit, leaving some to dribble out of her mouth. His hot cum tasted salty, as she got her breathing under control. Careful not to go to hard, she ran her tongue around his shaft, feeling it soften a little in her mouth.

Slowly he pulled her off and stared down at her.

"I hope I wasn't bad," she said, using her hand to wipe her mouth.

"Don't worry, I can give you more practice," he said while pulling her up and pulling her against him. Softly he kissed her, opening his lips to run his tongue against hers. "Did you like it?"

She nodded, "mmmhmmmmm. I liked feeling your body wanting it."

"And the taste?"

She smiled, "all of it, the sweat, you, the smell... I just wish I was wearing cuter panties."

"I think they are cute," he said. "Here," he spun her around so his back was against his chest. "This is so cute," he reached down to her panties and began to run his finger along the head of her cock, scooping up some Precum.

He brought his finger up to her lips, instinctively she opened her mouth and found the familiar taste of her own cum. Locking her lips around it and sucking a little, she knew what she wanted him to do with it, but she didn't have to ask. He reached between them, down the back of her panties and spread her cheeks.

She spread her feet a little, bent her knees and stuck out her hips. He pulled her close, holding her up as she tilted slightly forward. Reaching behind her with one hand she pulled her ass open wider, giving him more room to work, while her other joined his hand on the front of her panties.

"I can tease too you know," he said on her ear as he used his wet finger to trace her pucker. "I feel lucky, to have followed this cute little ass around all day, state at it and now I get to play with it."

Their pace on the front of her panties became more urgent as they both rubbed. "Ohhhhhb," She Lernout a soft moan and shuffled her feet a little to keep her balance, "your going to make me cum."

"Not her baby," he whispered. "Just enjoy it." He pulled his hand away from her cock and snaked it up her shirt to her nipple. Pinching it lightly he still teased her opening.

"Ahh," her body tensed at the pinch, then relaxed. She kept her hand on the front of her panties, let go of her ass, to join his hand groping at her chest. She stood up straight, turned her head and kissed him hungrily. Their tongues fought as she began to try to press against his teasing finger.

"God," she muttered between kisses. "This feels so good."

"You looked so sexy on your knees, and your body is so tight," Jeff ran his hand to her stomach, feeling her abs, before finding her cock again and rubbing. "I can't wait to see what it looks like in something more feminine."

She closed her eyes and let go as she felt his finger start to press against her opening. She pushed back gently, providing the needed pressure for him to pop past the first tight ring. "I'm going to cum in my panties," she moaned, letting his finger keep pressing deeper. She felt her muscles spasm around it, tightening with each burst of cum, both their hands covered in her warm goo. She held his hand inside her panties as the moment lingered, as the other reached behind her to wrap around his neck.

"I made a little mess," she said before laughjng and kissing him. He slowly popped his finger out of her, but kept petting the front of her.

"I like it," he joked back as he kissed her. After several minutes she turned around to face him, both their pants around their ankles. His cock now flacid and hanging down between his legs, hers tucked away in her soaked panties.

Pulling up their pants, they both wiped her cum off on her panties, joined hands and enjoyed the silence for awhile. "So my first time is on a trail, in these ridiculous hiking boots. I thought forever I would be wearing..."

"Don't over think it," he interrupted. "But if it means that much to you, we can make the next time what you always thought it would be. You have lots more firsts you know."

She looked over at him, "Oh yeah?" She asked. "And you want to be there for those?"

"I have every intention..." his voice trailed off. "What do you want your next first to be?"

"Ummmm," she smiled, "I'm really looking forward to my second blow job."

They both laughed. "And the third, fourth, fifth," he replied. "We can plan those right now if you'd like."

"Oh yeah, that should get us through tomorrow."

"Well, it was taking everything I had not to taste that sweet little hole of yours."

She bit her lower lip, "you can," she said as she looked at him, "if i can taste yours too."

Next: Chapter 8

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