Our Story

By Lindsey S.

Published on Mar 29, 2018


Sorry this took so long and for the grammar/spelling/formatting errors. Time has become harder to come by.... Hope you are still reading and enjoying. I love feedback and want to hear from you.

Give to nifty, this site is incredible.

Jeff pulled into the parking lot of the shop off of the highway. There were a couple trucks parked in the lot next door at the Waffle House, and several other cars scattered around. The windows of the sex shop were covered, so there was no way to see how many people were inside. It didn't take long for him to spot Will's car, making the corners of his mouth curl up into a grin. He opened the door and stepped out of his car. As he walked toward Will's car, the door opened.

By now he had become acustommed to seeing Will but knowing he was really Lindsey, however he felt a little disappointed seeing she was still dressed in guys clothes.

"I was kind of hoping you would get a little more dressed up," he said as he walked over to the car. Lindsey shut the door and let the words sink in. "Maybe we should get you changed inside."

She stood frozen. It hadn't occurred to her that she should have worn anything different, and she felt like she had disappointed Jeff. "I didn't think I guess," she stammered.

"You are fine," he sensed he had put her on the defensive and reached out for her hand. "I was just saying that I can't wait to see that ass of yours in a skirt or a pair of leggings." She exhaled softly as he leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Want to head in?"

"Sure," She said, running her hand down the front of her shirt, trying not to think about what she was wearing.

He slid his hand along her lower back, "pretty smooth" he said, making her smile. Pulling her close he slid his hand and felt the top of her panties, "did you leave any landscaping?"

"I guess you will have to wait and see." She flirted back. His touch and teasing had made her relax enough to put her hand on his. Holding hands they walked into the store, but not before Lindsey snuck a glance at Jeff's crotch. Getting that cock in her mouth had been on her mind since their make out session that morning.

Inside it was mostly empty and creepily quiet. The only sound was some pop music playing softly over the store's speakers. There were less than ten people in the store including them and the woman behind the counter. Lindsey had always been fascinated by people that worked in these shops. She had so many questions about things they had seen and people they had met. The girl looked up for a second, then casually but quickly turned her attention back to the computer. Lindsey took a couple more seconds to wonder about her before some costumes and lingerie sets caught her eye.

Jeff was casually strolling down the center of the store, and every patron made a point to casually check out the two new additions. This was kind of public, and it felt good to be openly affectionate with Jeff, but she felt a little like she was being mis judged. Everybody probably thought they were a gay a couple, which felt like a lie. With that feeling in her gut, she realized what Jeff had said in the parking lot was what she wanted, she wanted to be wearing a sundress or a shirt skit or heels. Anything to show how she felt.

She squeezed Jeff's hand before letting it go. The French Maid costume was calling her name, and this was a chance to let everybody know how she felt. Running her hand over the lace clad manakin she turned to Jeff.

"Need some cleaning at your house done?" She didn't mean to say it so loud, it was like she had broken some unwritten rule that you weren't allowed to talk.

Jeff walked over. "Not as much as I need a cute girl like you walking around in that." He matched her volume, and the two people she could see gave both of them a little side eye.

"Cute," she said, a little more quietly. "How about drop dead sexy."

"Oh, do you know somebody who would wear that?" He teased before wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck. "You don't need a costume for that."

She turned her head to meet his lips with hers. She slid out her tongue softly before closing her lips. It was a small kiss but as soon as their tongues touched she felt the urge to rip off her clothes and beg Jeff for more. Letting her lips linger for a couple seconds, she closed her eyes and for a second forgot they weren't alone.

He picked up a box and looked at it. "I don't think that this would be that comfortable to do chores in."

"It's not about feeling comfortable," she replied, wrapping her arm around his. "Maybe your valentines gift could be a clean house."

Holding onto the box he walked with her on his arm to the other side of the store. They strolled slowly through the aisles casually glancing at the DVD's and books. Most of the men in the store were in that section, each trying desperately not to make eye contact.

Moving past them, Jeff seemed to be headed to the toy section. Lindsey's eye caught a pink and black butt plug with a clear plastic jewel. She reached up and grabbed it. It was about twice as big as the one she had at home, almost five inches. "I think this could be fun."

"Oh, yeah, for sure." Jeff's grin was ear to ear. "What would it take to have you put that in now?"

Lindsey bit her lip. The size was a little intimidating, bigger than pretty much anything else she had ever used. "Ummmm, I don't know," she started. But she stopped herself halfway. "Maybe just ask."

"Want to have some fun?" He raises his eyebrows.

Lindsey looked up at the attendant, who was still focused on her computer. She shook the container as she thought, hitting it against her chest. She looked around and spotted the bathroom. It was a very clean store, so she assumed the bathroom would be the same. She licked her lips before heading in that direction, Jeff right behind her.

The attendant looked up, "you need to pay for that first." It was the knowing look on her face that actually comforted Lindsey. The relaxed and calm the comment was reassuring and made it seem as if all of this was relatively normal.

Lindsey walked up to the counter and pulled out her wallet. "Where's the purse tonight sweety? Leave it at home?" There was a warmth to her sarcasm that had Lindsey attention, and her initial curiousity had become deeper and more complex. It was less about employees in sex shops and more about her.

"I'm pretty new to this." Lindsey replies.

In seconds the transaction was complete and Lindsey was signing Will's name.

"I don't want to see Will ever come back here. What's your name hun?"

"Lindsey. What's yours?"

"I'm Erica. You can put that here," she gestured to Jeff, I will hold onto that for you while you're in there."

Lindsey turned to smile at Jeff as he placed the maids outfit on the table.

"Thanks," He said before grabbing Lindsey's hand.

They walked to the bathroom, which was a small room and shut the door behind them.

Lindsey started to unbutton her pants. "We are really going to do this?" She asked. She slid her jeans down exposing a pink pair of sheer panties, trimmed with lace. They head three tiny bows two in the front and one on the back. Jeff could make out the outline of a small dark triangle of hair abover her otherwise completely bald penis.

"Yes, if you want." Jeff said, opening the package. The size was not as intimidating as she thought it would be. It was bigger than anything she had used before, but it wasn't going to stretch her as much as Jeff would. She reached out and took it from Jeff.

He smiled at her as she brought it up to her lips. It was as if she were by herself in her own home, she opened her mouth and began to work her tongue around it, coating the firm rubber with her saliva.

"You look so hot like that." The bathroom wasn't big, but Jeff's steps toward her felt long and slow. She kept her eyes on him as she sucked. It felt like time was stuck as he placed his hands on her stomach and slid one up her shirt and the other down and around to her ass. "You are going to look so pretty with that little jewel inside you and my cock in your mouth."

Shots of electricity sparked inside her. She pulled the plug out of her mouth and licked it, her tongue barely touching the toy, trying to tease Jeff. "I can take care of this. Can you help get my me ready?" Lindsey didn't think about it, it just came out, and the look on Jeff's face was exactly what she hoped for.

He leaned in and kissed her, rubbing his hard cock, still in his pants against her panties. She reached down to touch it while his tongue assaulted hers. It was as like a drag racer that just saw a green light, he was moving so fast and hard she could barely keep up. She stood there with her mouth open, letting him do whatever he wanted with she tried to control herself as best she could. His hands had come down to spread her cheeks. Roughly he pressed a finger against her hole, making her squirm and let out a sharp "ahhh".

He slid down to his knees and held up her leg up, exposing her brown entrance. Lindsey leaned back against the wall and looked down. With the view she had she could not resist the urge to reach down and grab a little of his hair. She gently tugged it while still holding the plug. She used the other hand to reach down and pull her semi hard cock and scrotcum up, exposing her tight freshly waxed hole. "Use your tongue baby," She moaned at the same second she felt it make its first lap around.

Jeff looked up at her, taking in her scent. Her cute little dark circle winking at him with every move she made. The fingers of his left hand still held her cheeks and panties to the side while the his right hand searched for hers. Holding hands they slowly squeezed and jerked, making her leak. His tongue began probing and pressing harder, trying to prepare her for the toy.

After one final tug of his hair, she reached down and handed Jeff the toy. It was the jewel in the end that caught her eye before it disappeared under her. The pressure was un mistakably different, but she could feel Jeff's tongue still working her. He pressed harder, letting an extra half inch enter before he slid it back a little. This slow small motion made Lindsey's muscles tense. "God baby," she whispered. She found herself pushing back, wanting it deeper. Jeff's toingue had moved to her sack, where he lapped rhthmically against her bald scrotum. "Keep pressing," She moaned as she felt her cock losing some of its stiffness, but leaking more than before. "Get it deeper, all the way inside me."

"You look pretty slutty right now baby," Jeff said as he looked up with a grin.

"I don't fucking care," she laughed as he pressed. After a deep breathe, "you like it, " She said with a smile. The plug was three quarters of the way in.

"You like it," He said back as he pressed a little harder, making her close her eyes.

"I do," she said, "I like you down there."

Gently he pushed in the final half inch, and the plug settled inside her. She let it a soft moan as she felt it fill her, and the small poke as she moved. She pulled Jeff up to her and kissed him. He have her ass a quick little slap before putting her panties back in place. "Want to walk around?"

"I want your cock in my mouth." With a little urgency in her voice she grabbed the fabric of his shirt and held it tight in her fist.

"Not yet baby, but you will get it." The jeans around her ankles made it hard for her to move, and Jeff noticed her pullong on his shirt to help her balance. He made sure she was stable before he stepped away.

Inside of her She felt the pressure and heaviness of the rubber invasion. Each movement gave her a reminder of what was going to happen. It was spreading against her insides, and the round shape of the jewel glided between he cheeks. She bent down to pull up her pants, bending over she couldn't help but watch Jeff watching her. As she buttoned and zipped her jeans, she noticed his cock poking awkwardly at the fabric. She smiled to herself as they walked out, her panties wet with anticipation.

Both of them gave the attendant a glance and a wave, which she returned with a smile and a shake of her head. Jeff walked back to the toy section, with Lindsey behind him. Once he stopped she reached around his waist and wrapped him up in her arms, and softly kissed his neck. He spent awhile looking at the wall as she snuck her fingers under his shirt and kissed his neck. Any attention he had on the cock rings he was looking at was lost once she pinched his nipple. With a small jump, he grabbed her hand and pulled her tight.

"Which one do you like?" He asked her.

She looked up and couldn't believe the about of cock rings on the wall.

"I don't know, I've never used one." She pressed her body against his.

"What do they do anyway?"

He pulled one down off the wall. It was blue and looked like it had tiny silver vibrator on it. "This would vibrate," he pointed to the little silver part, "and the rest would be wrapped around my cock keeping me nice and hard so I can get as deep into that tight little pussy of yours as I can."

Lindsey felt herself drunk on his voice, her cock stiffening in her panties. The secret burried inside her teasing her. "I want that," she said in an almost whisper. She leaned in against him and pushed her chest into her back. As she leaned into she unconsciously began fumbling around with the button of his jeans. She began to unbutton them, as Jeff turned his face to hers.

"We should go watch a video in one of the back rooms." It was phrased as a suggestion, but she didn't need it, Lindsey was becoming too excited to hold herself back.

She lead the way, practically pulling him into the back. As they walked in a sign read, "$3 a minute, pay the cashier when you are done. Smile, you are on camera."

Lindsey looked up, and she could see three cameras just in the entryway.

"Seems a little expensive," she said as she reached down Jeff's pants.

"And I think I want to take my time." She smiled at him. She watched him play it cool while she wrapped her fingers around his cock. He put his arm around her shoulder and used the fingers on his other hand to trace along her lower back. They watched each other as they waited in limbo.

One of the viewing room doors suddenly opened behind them. Lindsey could swear she felt eyes watching them as Jeff grew firm in her hand. She leaned into him and closed her eyes, pursing her lips, trying to feel as much of him as she could. The space between them shrank as Jeff held her closer, his hand now down the back of her jeans, tracing the lace of her panties. She leaned forward another half an inch and felt his lips opening against hers just before his tongue slid a long her upper lip. "We are going to get those panties nice and wet baby."

She let out a sigh before he pulled her into the room. Playing on the screen two blondes were making out with a huge big black cock in between their tongues. Lindsey followed Jeff to the back row, and couldn't tell how many other people were in the room, but she didn't really care. She watched as Jeff sat down, but she remained standing. He began to unzip her pants, her hands guiding his. The sounds from the video were turning her on, it seemed like seconds till she stood naked from the waste down in front of him, just the thin materials of her panties between the two of them.

She felt him turning her around, his hands moving her so she was facing the screen. "Ohhh," She moaned softly as she felt him spread her cheeks and press against the plug. Soft sweet kisses made their way down her lower back till they landed at the top of her thong. She reached down in front of her just in time to feel Jeff's hand in axing her panties. "I'm so wet," She Murmured as they both rubbed her over her panties.

She watched as the scene in front of her changed to a girl riding reverse cowgirl. She watched her tits bouncing up and down as she grinned ear to ear. Right before she closed her eyes Lindsey thought to herself, "one day."

She focused on Jeff's hand, and that her hips had involuntarily begun rocking back and forth. His tongue was now hurried in her freshly waxed crack. If began to make laps around her jewel which he was pressing in and out.

It built suddenly and there was no stopping it. She wouldn't have wanted to even if she could, but something hit her just right and she exploded all over his hands. The rush was so quick and hard she let out a loud "fuck." Before she grabbed his hand and held it still, her hips bucking back and forth. She was sure everyone had glanced back at them, but she didn't really care, as several gushes of cum coated the inside of her panties.

Jeff's tongue continued as she settled down, her chest heaving. She knew exactly what to do, and turned around. Giving him a soft kiss at first she whispered, "Thank you," before assaultong his tongue. Her hands went right for his pants and began working the button and fly. Before she could get on her knees in front of him his underwear was halfway down his thighs and his cum coated fingers were in her mouth, feeding her. "Clean it up," He whispered as she licked and sucked it, her hands jerking his niwnfulky erect cock. Her jeans around her ankles, she went to work. Dutifully she tried to tease him, but she could tell he was on edge. With more urgency than he had ever shown before she felt him grab her hair tightly and steer her onto the head. She took a deep breathe through her nose before decending, working her tongue around the shaft as much as she could before it hit the back of her throat. She held it there, feeling him before pulling off. She looked up and watched him as she stuck out her tongue, patting it against her lips. Using her closed lips she slurped and kissed it quickly before pushing it against her cheek. Jeff let out a groan, and began to lift up his hips. The room was filled with the sound of a girl moaning, and Lindsey couldn't hold herself back. "I want your cum baby," she said before taking it back into her mouth. Within two or three strokes she was rewarded with a thick ooze that shot out in four steady bursts. She couldn't help but smile as she let it sit in her mouth. Her hands kept jerking after he came, pulling as much into her mouth as she could before she swallowed.

"Come here," he said as he pulled her up, making out with her as feverishly as they had that morning, her panties ass sitting on his naked lap. She felt his now semi hard cock against her thing and she knew right then that she meant what she was about to say. "I want your cock in my ass the next time."

"I enjoyed watching you wave it," he said giving it a hard grab.

"I didn't even realize I was," She replied.

A voice from behind her spoke up, "oh you were."

It was Erica from the desk, sitting in the row in front of them.

Lindsey grabbed her jeans and pulled them up, embarrassed. Jeff followed suit, but not as quickly. His movement was more out of comfort than anything else. Together they watched one more scene before heading out. Erica followed them, and met them at the register. Another attendant had taken over, but she made sure to ring them up.

"You should hold onto a girl who likes to suck that much," she told Jeff. Lindsey smiled out of shyness, but took it as a compliment.

"I know," he said with a smile. "And that is that good at it." He gave her a kiss on the cheek before they walked out hand in hand.

Next: Chapter 6

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