Our Story

By Lindsey S.

Published on Mar 14, 2018


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Chapter 4

At work all week Lindsey been made sure Jeff could see what she was wearing under her clothes, or really Will’s clothes. Lindsey had become her default as soon as she saw Jeff. Some days she would flash him in the passing, of send a picture, but everyday she made sure Jeff knew she was wearing panties for him.

They always got a couple minutes to chat and it was getting hard for them to keep it professional and low key. Especially for Lindsey, she felt like she was OK about being subtly flirtatious, and Jeff was being a total gentleman. He was funny, respectful, and assertive. Lindsey was becoming more desperate for his affection, and was worried she had turned into the office bimbo dressed as this guy Will.

By the time Wednesday rolled around she had made a point to keep Friday open for ankther date, but a reality check hit her pretty hard. A midday phone call from her friend who saw them together was too real, and made her feel ridiculous. Despite their flirting, Jeff still hadn’t asked her out, so she let her friend talk her into getting drinks on Friday after work. She was ready to cancel if Jeff asked her out, but he never did.

On Friday her conversation began as if nothing happened. Just as she was begining to think maybe he hadn’t seen anything, they finished their first drink. Almost on cue he asked, “So are you guys together?”

It took a minute of talking around the point before she got to the truth, “I don’t really know what’s going on but, I know I like it.”

“Do you guys talk about anything serious?”

“Kind of, I guess, I mean, not really. Some small talk. He knows I like the cubs...” She continued to ramble, but his point has been made, and she had to admit the truth. This relationship was pretty shallow. She looked down at the table as she felt that the weight of what she had just admitted. They sat silently before he asked another bombshell.

“Did I see you were wearing panties? Is that because you like it or he does?”

She was so drained from the first question she felt no need to over think it or cover anything up. “Both, I’m pretty sure he does.”

“So you do?”

She swallowed hard and looked him in the eye, “ummm, yes.” This is the first time she hadadmitted that to anybody in person. Well anybody but Jeff while they were both sexually charged up. “He actually saw me wearing them, that’s how all this started.”

“What about other clothes or bras? or make up.?”

“I have some lingerie sets” and then she paused, suddenly uncomfortable. He was a friend, but this had always been private, so she began to become cryptic. “Just some other stuff for fun...”. Her voice trailed off.

“Hmmm, ok.” Is all he said, sensing her guard coming back. “Maybe you guys should talk about it.”

They went back and forth about why it was hard, but she never admitted her embarrassment. She admitted she needed to say something to Jeff.

“Maybe you should meet for coffee in the afternoon. Pick a place where you won’t just start going at it but can actually talk.” He suggested.

“Yeah, that could work,” she admitted.

They finished their drinks and transitioned to talking about dating in general. With a buzz she worked up the nerve to text Jeff. “Want to go get some coffee tomorrow.”

Jeff’s response came seconds later, “Sure, name the time and place.”

————- Lindsey is always early, and this coffee date was no exception. It’s actually a curse and drives a lot of her friends nuts. They hate that she pressures them to get out of the house and they end up just waiting wherever they are, but she prefers it that way. She had already got her morning workout in, even though their coffee date was at ten in the morning. The discipline to get out of bed and Be productive or work out had stuck with her since running cross country and track in High School. It annoyed all her roommates in college that she would be up so early, but they loved when she would wake up after parties and have the entire house clean before they were out of bed.

She sat and waited for Jeff in a chair with a couch right next to it. Jeff walked up with a smile on his face, just before the waiter. Lindsey stood up, nervously, unsure how to greet him. Casually put his hand on her hip, making her chest feel tight. He took his time to sit down, and pointed down at the chair Lindsey had stood up from, “after you.”

The waiter patiently stood and watched their greeting, which Lindsey did not realize till she was in her chair. She blushed as she ordered a Mocha.

“Whip cream?” He asked.

A chuckle from Jeff made Lindsey smile, releasing some of my nervousness.

“Of course,” she said quietly.

Jeff interjected, “Just a coffee, Black.”

The waiter walked away, leaving them alone.

Lindsey was more comfortable now that Jeff was there, but couldn’t shake her irrational fear. Was this is some elaborate plan to take her to jail for wearing panties? Some if it was also fear of rejection, because she had really enjoyed their flirting and romps.

She crossed her legs at the knee and wedged her hands between her thighs. On the outside she was dressed as Will, jeans and a grey half zip sweater, and you can see an athletic half zip top under it. “Thanks for meeting me, I wanted to meet up last night but I met with my friend for a couple drinks,” She said. “You know the guy from from the party.”

“Oh, yeah, Johnny. Everything all right?” Jeff’s asked matter of factly. Lindsey could tell he was checking in on how she felt, but he didn’t seem worried about anything.

She smiled, “Yeah, it’s fine, he just had some questions.”

“OK,” Lindsey could tell that was enough, she didn’t need to say anything else, but she thinks he might be mistaking her body language. She’s not sure if he thinks she doesn’t want to talk about it.

“It occurred to me you and I should be having that conversation instead, because it’s not really his business.”

Jeff leaned in a little, the shop was busy enough for there to be a background buzz but it was easy to hear. “You want to talk about it?” Jeff asked.

“Ummm, yeah, kind of. I want to know more about you too.” Her thoughts just started erupting out of her. “I have dated before and I have been in relationships,” it just kept coming. “I should have a better sense of what is going on. I mean I have been wearing panties on and off since Middle School and here I am a 36 year old and you come along and I like it. I really like it. Here we are not even two weeks later and I want to do things with you that I never thought would really happen, I mean I’ve already done things that I never thought would really happen.” She took a breathe and slowed down. Jeff patiently listened, waiting for her to finish her last thought “I don’t know what I’m doing,” She concludes, and leaned back in her chair.

“Ok, are you enjoying yourself?” Jeff asked.

“Yes, are you?”

He chuckled, “I thought that was obvious.” He smiled and looked her in the eye. “So why are you making this so hard?”

“Because I’m worries I look ridiculous.” She held his gaze. “I’ve always worried about that.”

“You don’t to me,” Jeff said. “I really like the way you look, and that you wear things for me, making sure I see panties and that I know. I like that this girl keeps flirting with me to get attention.”

She bit her lower lip, “but look at my clothes,” she began.

Jeff cut her off, “I bet you are wearing panties right now.”

Their waiter came back and placed their coffee on the table, interrupting them and giving her a second. Slowly she nodded, looked up and thanked the waiter. “I am,” Sje said. Taking sip of her coffee, “I have just never done this before and I’m nervous.”

“Have you?” She asked. “Been with a guy or girl like me?”

Jeff began discussing his experiences. He shared about three partners he had that were ‘girls like Lindsey’ and about some heterosexual relationships he had enjoyed.

“I still see some of them from time to time, but haven’t been in a committed relationship in a couple years.” Lindsey sat up and fidgeted. Jeff watched her and paused, “Does that bother you?”

She answered almost impulsively at first, “no,” But then she paused. “I don’t want to control anybody, and if it makes you feel good or you like it you should be able to do it. I am glad you are honest about it.”

He smiled, “Let’s talk about a hat makes you feel good?”

She laughed. “Well, do you want broad ideas or specifics?”


“Haha, we could be here awhile then. We should trade off one for one,” her tone had turned a little flirty. “I like reading a partners reactions and turning them on. It’s a combination of being desired and giving them what they want or need.” She licked her lips. “Your turn.”

“Those panties you wear are pretty hot, and knowing you like to get ready for me is a nice start to my day. It has made me excited to go to work.”

Lindsey began again almost immmiatley, “I think I like to show you my panties because you like to see them. I like they way they feel too, don’t get me wrong. I really like oral because it’s all about you...” Sje paused to read his face. Jeff was listening intently, and she realized how aroused she had become talking about it out loud.

She stood up and sat next to him on the couch. “Even right now,” She said close to his ear. “How intently you are listening to me, I can tell you like it and it’s makkng me really horny.”

“That makes two of us.”

Lindsey folded her knees over and put them next to Jeff on the couch, ever so slightly leaning toward him. She was unaware that it looked like she was trying trying to straddle him to passers by. She was too focused on their conversation to think about how it looked.

“Any turn offs?” He asked.

“Ummm, not really into toilet or feet...” she paused as she thought.

“That makes two of us,” He interjected. “What about right now? What Would turn you on right here?”

“Teasing and dirty talk are always a good start,” she said. She adjusted her sitting position a because her panties were getting tight.

He reached his hand between her thighs and rubbed gently, “like touching you here, and saying I loved watching you suck my cock last week. I was hoping you would ask me out last night with that cock sucking mouth of yours.” He could have been talking about anything his voice was so smooth.

“I am disappointed I still haven’t seen you model your panties for me because I can’t stop thinking of your hot little ass .”

Lindsey felt her skin heat up and she was suddenly reminded of where they were. She leaned back a little and glanced around but nobody was paying any attention to them.

“Want me to stop?” He asked.

“No,” She said. “But this was supposed to be just talking. I picked this place and this time so we couldn’t...”

“I have time,” he said, “what are you doing right now?”

“I have an appointment in half an hour.”

“For what?” He asked. His hand still between her thighs.

“To get waxed.”

“What are you having waxed?”

She squirmed again, trying to fight the urge to rub against his hand, “everything I want you to kiss.”

“Well what I have in mind will only take twenty nine minutes,” he said with a smirk. “Or I could see you later tonight.”

“Ok,” she said, “I can see you tonight.”

“But you have to ask me out, it’s your turn.”

She couldn’t tell what he was playing at, but she went along with it.

“Will you go out with me tonight?”

“Oh, sure, what did you have in mind?” His response had a very thinly veiled amusement to it.

“I don’t know, Ummmmm,” she tried to think, “was hoping,” she stalled again unsure of what to say. “Want to watch me try on some panties?” She felt ridiculous but couldn’t think of anything.

“That sounds fun,” he said casually, “in a sex shop?”

She licked her lips, “sure.”

Jeff pulled out his wallet and dropped a twenty on the table, “Can I walk you to your appointment?”

“You want to walk with me to the waxing place?”

“Sure, do some shopping before this evening?” He suggested.

“We can do that. I would like that” Lindsey said, happy to spend a couple more minutes with him. “If you keep teasing me like this I might not be able to keep my lips off you.” She stood up and he put his hands on her hips before looking up at her.

“I never said I’d stop teasing you.” His smile was mischievous as hjs fingers traced around to her stomach. He stood up and slid his hand around to her back, under her shirt, against her skin.

Jeff lead me her of the coffee shop and she turned to walk toward the waxing salon. “Wait,” he said. “Let’s pop in here first.” He pointed to victoria secret. Lindsey froze and stared at the window.

“I usually shop for my panties online,” she whispered.

“Ok, well yoy are the one that asked me out.” He teased. “For coffee and later tonight.”

She watched his face, and tried to get the nerve up to go in.

He took two steps toward the store and she followed behind him a little slower than him. Unsure of how far this will go, Lindsey’s tries to look casual. Jeff pickex up a nighty with a plunging neckline and immediately Lindsey wondered what it would feel like against her skin. She cautiously walks up next to him. It is still early so the whole mall is empty, and this store is no exception.

“I like this, feel it.” She reached out and couldn’t help but notice how close they were standing to each other. With one had she felt the soft lace and with the other she put her arm around his waist.

“I also like how you coax me into things,” She said. “I always thought it would be a guy making me do it, but you are so patient and...” she paused.

“I wanted to come in this store and you waited for me to be ready and guided me there. That turns me on.”

“You asking me out and knowing how want me turns me on. And when you tell me how bad you want it, that’s pretty sexy.” Lindsey was looking at the lingerie. “Want to try it on?” He asked.

She leaned in to him, trying to feel his body against hers. “They won’t let me.” She wasn’t even sure if that was true, she just said it.

“So should we just steal it?” He joked, putting it back on the rack.

Lindsey chuckled as they walked out of the store, “Is that what you like, bad girls?”

Chatting, they walked toward the waxing studio, when Jeff started guiding Lindsey to the side of the hallway. Where there was a small break in the wall, most likely where the payphones used to be. He all but pushed her inside. Unless somebody was looking close, they wouldn’t be seen by anybody

“Of course you found this,” She said as she felt her back against the wall. His lips went right to her neck, his wet tongue circling as he sucked gently. Lindsey closed her eyes, “I never knew I liked public and sneaking around so much.” She slid her hands down the back of his pants and squeezed his ass. She just wanted to feel his body, as much of it as she could, so she started to rub herself against him. She tried to get her lips to his but he wouldn’t shift his focus from her neck. His hands grabbed at her chest, and softly pinched around till he found her stiffening nipples.

Lindsey grabbed harder, pulling him as tight to her as she could. “I want to feel every inch of you.”

“That’s my girl,” he said, as he pushed his hips up against hers, grinding. He could feel her hard cock against his.

“I need to go,” she moaned, “but I don’t want to stop.”

His lips finally met hers, and she attacked his tongue with hers. She moved her hands to his hips, her heavy breathing might have caught somebody’s ear. Her jaw locked open and her hips rocking back and forth, She moaned between each tonguing “My panties are so wet.”

“I will let you go, but first I need to know,” he slowed down his lips and tongue, but kept firm pressure against her. “When am I going to get to please my lady with my tongue,” wrapping his arm around to ass, “and make her beg me to fuck her?”

She nodded, “ummmm, I was hoping for dinner on Valentine’s Day.”

“Did you just ask me to be your valentine?”

She nodded and leaned in, pushing her lips back against his. “Mmmhmmm,” She moaned as she stuck her tongue out to meet his.

She felt a sudden rush of excitement and stood up on her toes. Jeff went right back to her neck, this time taking small nibbles after every lap of his tongue. He made his way up to her ear as she tilted her head back against the wall. She brought her hand to his stomach and prayed open the waist of his underwear, shooting her hand straight to his hard cock. Using her finger to scoop up some pre-cum onto her fingers, she got as much of the slippery liquid onto her hand as she could.

“I’m going to be late to my appointment,” she whispered. Jeff gave her earlobe a soft bite before pulling away.

“Have fun.” He said with a mischevious grin.

She took the pre cum spiked finger and brought it to her lips. Sticking her tongue out to taste his salty prize, she watched him. Her lips wrapped around it, sucking off the mostly clear cum, and then worked it around her mouth, feeling it’s slippery texture.

“There is a lot more where that came from.”

She smiled, “I hope you save it all for me.”

Next: Chapter 5

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