Our Sons First College Apartment

By Mark Tholtow

Published on Aug 27, 2024


Our Sons First College Apartment:

Chapter 5: Routine Interruptions

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Part 1: Under the Big Screen

Jake sat in the center of the sofa in their apartment living room holding the remote up at the 72" TV screen. He was dressed in just a pair of threadbare, gray, drawstring sweatpants - no shirt, no socks, nothing on underneath. He got a whiff of his sweaty arm pit and turned up his nose. He had been lazy. He hadn't showered after his workout last night and had just gone straight to bed.

He rubbed his belly and reached inside his sweats to feel up his junk. He cupped his balls and gently squeezed them, jostling them back and forth in his palm. He pulled his hand out and lifted the waistband and looked inside. He smirked at the dried jizz that was matted into his bush from jacking off and then promptly falling asleep last night. He dragged his fingers through his wavy, golden hair that was matted down on one side of his head and sticking straight up on the other from a hard night's sleep. He'd been studying a lot. It had been working. He'd gotten an A, an A- and a B+ on his first three tests. His fourth class was all papers; writing wasn't his forte, so he was nervous.

The apartment was empty which was a rare occurrence. It was Tuesday morning and the only time all week when all three of his roommates were in class when he wasn't. He woke up horny, of course. What college-age male doesn't wake up horny? He wanted to take advantage of having the big screen to himself. He was half hard already in anticipation of a quality, hour long edging session, and scrolling for the perfect porn for what he hoped would be a weekly Tuesday morning ritual.

He had been scrolling for at least ten minutes. There were times when he could waste an hour or more just searching for exactly the right video - and then end up watching something lame. He only had two hours of alone time. He couldn't waste time today. Eric would be the first one back though, so if he interrupted him, it wouldn't be as embarrassing. Eric was the one who'd taught him how after all.

Jake's phone buzzed. He picked it up and saw it was a text from Brett. He hadn't seen Brett since their encounter at the sorority house party, Saturday night. He'd been jacking off, re-living it, three times on Sunday and twice on Monday.

On Sunday morning, Brett sent him a pic of just his bush. It was an odd choice, but Jake laughed and snapped a shot of his own bush, coated in a fresh load of cum. Brett responded with three laughing faces but then didn't text back again until Monday when he just texted 'Hey.' Jake was anxious. He never felt anxious. He wanted to hang out with Brett again. He also wanted to make out him, and see him naked again, and sixty-nine again. He wanted to see his boner between Brett's ass cheeks while he moved his hands all over Brett's beautiful beach and surf tattoo.

Jake had texted back. "What's up? Besides your...what do you Aussies call it? Your Donger?"

Brett responded with another laughing emoji. "My donger's fine." Then he added, "thanks for checking on it." It was playful, which he took as a good sign. Brett wasn't freaked out about what they'd done - or if he had freaked out on Sunday, he'd gotten over it. It didn't quite rise to level of flirtation though. Jake pondered whether to push it or be satisfied that things between them seemed normal and cool. Jake decided to push it.

Those thoughts gave Jake wood. He looked down to watch his dick grow inside the loose gray cotton sweatpants. His dick head, expanding and pushing against the thin fabric, making a nice, big tent. He clenched his groin muscles and made his boner flex and stretch the fabric even more. Then he read the text.

"Hey." Brett texted.

"Hey Bro. Sup?" Jake texted back.

"Just woke up." Brett texted. "Don't have class 'til after lunch."

"Still got morning wood?" Jake texted.

"LOL." Brett responded.

Jake paused and scrolled to a scene with fraternity pledges standing blindfolded in their underwear with their Greek letters painted on their naked chests.

"Whatcha up to?" Brett sent.

"JO to some porn. Like every morning." Jake texted.

"LOL. Seriously?"

"Aren't you?

"LOL. My roommate's here." Brett texted.

"Got the place to myself. Gotta take advantage." Jake replied with a smiley face and water droplets.




"What do you do about it when your roommate's there?" Jake texted.

"Do about it?"


"LOL" "wait" Brett texted back.

"So you'd be at it too if he wasn't there?" Jake texted.


"Just probably? LOL" Jake texted with a laughing emoji.

"Ok definitely LOL"

"Come over." Jake texted. "Your roommate's not here."

There was a pause. Jake worried that he'd gone too far. He wanted to be chill and not seem like he was pushing Brett to do something he didn't want to do. He also didn't want to seem too eager. He definitely didn't want it to seem like he'd planned anything. Up to this point, their encounters had been organic. Jake had wanted them to happen, but they hadn't been planned. This was different; this was an invitation.

Jake started to get a knot in his stomach. He worried that he'd fucked up. He wondered why he couldn't be more patient. He prided himself on being in control and then he lets his dick do the controlling. In his defense, he was thinking with less blood in his big head. He still had a stiff boner tenting his sweats. He looked down to see that a dime-sized precum spot had formed at the tip of his prick, making a dark circle in his thin gray sweatpants. He reached down to squeeze his shaft. He wanted to just start stroking, thinking about sucking Brett's cock, but he wanted to wait and see if he texted back.

After ten minutes of casually playing with just his plump cock head through the fabric, keeping himself aroused and making the dime into a half dollar as he scrolled, he landed on a video that looked too hot to move on from. It was one of his recent favorites: a video of two college roommates lying in bed at night. One starts playing with themselves and the other pretends not to watch. It progresses from there in a surprisingly realistic way for porn until the watcher becomes the sucker.

When he'd accepted that there would be no more texts, Jake finally gave in to his urges and tugged on the drawstring of his sweatpants, letting his stiff cock free. He still had a pit in his stomach, but it had become indistinguishable from that horny feeling in his gut. He wasn't going to waste these two free hours alone with the big screen.

There was a knock at the door.

"For fuck's sake." Jake actually said out loud. The world appeared to be conspiring to prevent him from getting off this morning. He pulled up the sweats that had been tucked snuggly under his nut sac and tide them again. A second precum spot formed immediately. He walked to the door with his tented sweats leading the way and peered through their peep hole.

It was Brett. He felt his breath catch like his heart had skipped a beat. He instantly smiled and then tried to wipe it off his face before he backed up and opened the door.

"Hey, Bro!" Jake said. His huge smile returned. He couldn't help it.

"Hey." Brett said, also smiling. They both just stared at one another. Brett admired Jake's bare chest as he was dressed in gym shorts, flip flops, and a faded orange tank top that nearly matched his tan skin. Jake scanned down Brett's toned body, finally returning to his face. "Can I come in, or are you just gonna stand there with a stiffy?"

"Yeah, yeah. C'mon in, Bro." Jake said backing out of the way. Brett stepped past him. He shut the door and locked it. "How'd you get here so fast? It's like, at least a twenty-five-minute walk from your house."

"Took an Uber." Brett said. This made Jake smile again. Brett had been in a hurry to get here. Or did he just not want to walk? Maybe he thought Jake was kidding when he said he was masturbating. Maybe Brett was just here to hang out.

Brett walked to the sofa and sat down. Jake had only paused the video. The screen was frozen on the two roommates in their dark dorm room. One with his head clearly in the lap of the other.

"I-" Jake started but was uncharacteristically speechless and unable to provide a rational explanation for why he was jacking off to roommates engaged in oral sex instead of some college boy fucking a hot coed. Jake was panicking. Why didn't he stop the video? Why didn't he put on some straight porn? He did watch straight porn - sometimes. This wasn't fair. He'd just gotten to college. So much could go wrong for him right in this moment. Jake's erection was gone. His plump dick hung down and bounced around in his loose sweats as he also walked to the sofa and stood in front of Brett, blocking the screen. Jake watched Brett's eyes follow his crotch. He couldn't tell if he was surprised or disgusted or intrigued.

"So, we're for sure alone?" Brett asked, ignoring both the video content and Jake's aborted explanation.

"For at least 90 minutes now." Jake said.

Brett sat down on the sofa. He looked at Jake who was still standing looking between Brett and the TV screen. His dick was leaking precum as it continued to deflate, making a third wet spot in the front of his sweats.

"That's hot." Brett said, smiling at Jake.

Jake followed Brett's gaze and looked down at his own crotch just as the third wet spot grew as his pecker leaked more juice. He blushed and felt a return of the arousal in his groin at the same time. Jake looked up to catch Brett's eyes again. Brett leaned back against the soft cushions of the sofa and put his hands behind his head. His trademark tank top displayed his dirty blonde arm pit fuzz. He spread his legs, leaving a wide gap between his inner thigh and the legs opening of his shorts. Jake couldn't see anything but a dark chasm, but he knew what was almost exposed and it made more blood flow to his prick that was now tenting straight out, straining against the fabric. The wet spot got even darker.

"Push play." Brett said, leaning to one side to see the screen behind Jake.

Jake sat down and grabbed the remote. "This isn't what I-" he started and still didn't know how to finish.

"This is my favorite part." Brett said.

"Wait...what?" Jake said. "You've seen this?"

"All summer long." Brett said. Jake had been looking at the screen but stopped and turned to look Brett in the eyes. His face was only a couple of inches from Brett's fuzzy right arm pit. Jake felt relief wash over his body like a warm summer breeze. He lost control. Jake never loses control.

Jake leaned into Brett's armpit and stuck his nose firmly into the short, straight hairs. He inhaled deeply, smelling the erotic combination of sweat and lingering deodorant and the intoxicating pheromones from Brett's tan skin. He kissed his pit and brushed the hairs across his lips before moving his mouth up around Brett's shoulder, kissing it every few inches until he reached the taught muscles of Brett's neck and jaw line.

He sucked Brett's earlobe into his mouth and then climbed up to throw his leg over Brett's lap so he could straddle him. He sat down and felt Brett's stiff erection standing straight up inside his shorts. He sat down hard and felt his bulbous cock head land squarely up against his pucker - only separated by two thin layers of fabric. He clenched his butt cheeks, trying to grip Brett's boner with his crack. He sat back down hard again to feel it push against his hole. Then he opened his mouth and mashed his face against Brett's, and they started making out like horny teenagers in the backseat of a car. Jake reached down to pull the front of his sweats down under his balls and ground his bare shaft against Brett's shirt, leaving another wet spot.

Brett pulled his shirt off over his head and then reached around and slid his hand down around the outside Jake's sweatpants to grab his ass. He slid his fingertips down Jake's sweaty crack and pulled his glutes apart when they reached the base of his ass so he could thrust up against his soft little star. He wanted inside.

Brett moved his hands and struggled to yank his shorts down to his knees where he could wriggle out of them and let his naked boner push against the soft, worn cotton of Jake's sweats. Brett grabbed Jake by the ass again and pulled the fabric hard in each direction until the sweats ripped open at the center, exposing Jake's sweaty, hairy crack. Jake felt the cool air hit his anus. Now nothing stood between their body parts.

Jake sat down again, feeling the wet tip of Brett's soft cock head push against his hole. He bounced up and down on it several times, making Brett moan as he held Jake's ass cheeks as far apart as he could spread them.

"I wanna fuck you so bloody bad." Brett said.

"It needs to be my turn to do the fucking?" Jake said. They continued to make out, grinding their bodies together. Brett moved his hands up Jake's back and wrapped his arms around his torso.

"Fuck, you're so hot." Brett said, ignoring Jake's question and thrusting his boner up against Jake's little pink star.

"It's like I can't stop." Jake said. He'd essentially just verbalized his inner thoughts to himself. He was always in control. HE decided when to make a move, when to let someone touch him, even when to allow himself to get hard. This was different. He got hard just thinking about Brett. He wanted to keep his cool and just hang out and decide when to let things progress. But he couldn't stop himself. He'd just stuck his face in Brett's pit and then jumped on top of him. And he couldn't stop kissing him or grinding against him. He wanted to be inside him so badly. He felt like he couldn't get close enough.

Jake had his hands on either side of Brett's head on the back of the sofa. Brett moved his hands to Jake's shoulders and pulled him down until his face was buried in Jake's right arm pit. He inhaled deeply and moaned and then licked and kissed his golden pit hair. Then he moved to the opposite side and buried his face in Jake's left pit. Jake moved his left arm behind his head, exposing his entire underarm and leaned forward forcing himself onto Brett's face. Then he moved to his left and planted his mouth back on Brett's.

"Making out has never been this hot." Brett said.

"Seriously, it's like I can't stop myself." Jake said. "I want to suck your whole face into my mouth and swallow you."

"I got sumpin' else you can swallow." Brett slurred through their kisses.

"Fuck, yes!" Jake said and backed up until he could drop his feet to the floor. He dropped to his knees between Brett's feet and pushed the big square ottoman away to make room. Jake started laughing. "You got dried jizz in your pubes too."

"Last night." Brett said.

"In bed?" Jake said, cupping his left hand under Brett's balls and combing his right hand through his trimmed blonde bush.

"Uh huh." Brett said, nodding and smiling.

"Your roommate was out late?" Jake asked, looking for more detail to fuel his mental image.

Brett smirked. "Nope. Carson was asleep."

"No shit!!" Jake said. "Nice." He paused, stroking Brett's shaft. "You sure he was asleep?" He added, smiling.

Brett laughed. "Yup...he snores like a bloody freight train."

"Cool." Jake said. He kissed Brett's cock head and then slowly spread his lips apart to take his head into the warm wetness of his mouth. Brett threw his head back against the sofa and moaned. Jake swirled his tongue around the ridge and flicked it under Brett's piss slit.

"OOOHhhh!" Brett moaned again. "Fucking hell, you're so good at that." Jake took him to his base and squeezed his sac just enough to make precum leak out into his mouth. Now it was Jake's turn to moan and reach down to tug on his own stiff prick.

Brett settled in to his blow job, spreading his legs wider and watching Jake's golden waves bob up and down on his lap. Jake was twisting his head around, making Brett groan and thrust his hips up off the cushion. He grabbed the remote and pushed play so he could watch the college boys blow each other. He couldn't remember ever feeling so horny for someone. He put the remote down and gently laid his palm on Jake's head. He let his fingers brush through the thick, soft waves and played with the hairs at the back of Jake's neck.

"You're getting me close." Brett said. "Come back up here and sit on it. I gotta be inside you again. It's been sooo long. It's all I thought about all summer."

Jake smiled. He was shocked that Brett was being so forthcoming - so vulnerable. He reached between his legs and tapped his own hole with his middle finger. Then he pushed against it. It felt good. He wanted to let Brett inside. But it wasn't a good time for that.

"Is that what you thought about last night when you jacked off in bed?" Jake asked, pulling off and continuing to stroke Brett's slippery rod. He licked up the underside of his shaft and blew on it, making Brett shudder. "Or were you thinking about Carson while you spooged up your sheets watching him sleep?"

"Carson's not hot like you." Brett said, smiling. "And I 'spooged up' my sock. But I appreciate your concern for my laundry."

"A sock?" Jake said, smirking. "What are you, twelve?"

"What?" Brett said, laughing. "Research has shown that socks are still the number one cum rag in all age brackets, outpacing Kleenex, condoms, sweaty tee shirts from your laundry bin, and your roommate's Victoria's Secret catalog, combined." He added in an official-sounding voice like he was narrating a documentary.

"Condoms?" Jake said. "That's an expensive method. Is that really a thing? Seems like a waste."

"It's a thing." Brett said.

"You're making that shit up. You do that?" Jake asked.

"I have." Brett said. "Haven't you?"

"Maybe once or twice, just to see what it felt like and to make sure I could put one on, but, fuck - that'd be so many."

"I made you say, 'butt fuck'." Brett said, smiling.

Jake laughed. "You ARE twelve." He went back down on Brett and sucked him hard, making Brett put his hands down on the seat cushion and squirm with pleasure.

"Carson goes through so much fucking tissue, Mate." Brett said, pondering his roommate's masturbation habits to enhance his arousal.

The thought of Brett's roommate jerking off made Jake hornier too. He stroked his cock a little faster and he pressed his tongue against the underside of Brett's shaft inside his mouth. Then he pulled off.

"Are you the Kleenex police?" Jake asked, giving Brett shit.

"Mate, his whole waste basket is full of crumpled up tissues. Like, who uses that many? It's not like he's sick."

"Have you...like, checked 'em out?" Jake asked, now sitting back on his heels, stroking, still holding Brett's balls. "Like, how can you be sure?"

"You mean like, touched 'em?" Brett asked, scrunching up his nose.

"I don't know, I guess." Jake said. "Smell 'em?"

"Mate, you're gross as fuck!" Brett said. "Why would I do that?!"

"I don't know." Jake said, laughing at how ridiculous that suggestion was. "I just meant, you can't be sure it's from spankin' it."

"It's gotta be." Brett said. His dick had deflated a little. It was still stiff but just not quite as hard as before. Apparently, the idea of sniffing his roommate's cum rags was not arousing to him. The thought made Jake's cock even harder. He went back down on Brett to get him back to fully erect. He wanted to steer the conversation back to something that would get Brett closer again.

"Have you ever actually caught him?" Jake asked.

"Nope. He's stealthy." Brett said. "But so am I." He smiled. "I've caught a bunch of brothers though. Somebody's always going at it in the house. There's a TV room in the basement. No lights. Just the TV screen. It's called the Nut Hut. You can only play porn. Well, sometimes sports if it's a game day."

"Wow. No shit? Thought you were gonna say the showers." Jake said, remembering their circle jerk with Brett's fraternity brothers, Rick and Wes, the morning after Jake had stayed overnight in Brett's room, when Eric kicked him out. He winced at the thought of Eric being pissed at him. He was glad that had blown over.

"Yeah, there too, but I've walked in on a couple of other mates in their rooms too." Brett said. "Fucking lazy blokes not properly locking their doors for fuck's sake." Jake mouth was firmly around Brett's shaft as he said all of that and felt the surge of blood stiffen Brett's cock as he was apparently picturing those encounters in his head. The idea that Brett got hornier remembering catching his frat brothers in the act made his own cock surge to an almost painfully hard state. He pushed his face deep into Brett's trimmed pubes and stuck out his tongue across Brett's balls at the base. He tugged on his nuts and pushed his hand up against Brett's rock-hard taint.

"Oh, FUUUCK!!" Brett said. "Bloody fucking hell, you're gonna make me spoont!"

Jake took that cue and slid his middle finger up along Brett's hard taint until he reached his soft pucker. Brett's ass crack was sweaty, giving Jake's finger a coating of lube. He pressed his fingertip against the hole as he slowly pulled up on his cock, milking it and sucking hard. Then he went back down to the base again and pushed his finger in at the same time. His fingertip broke through the ring. Brett grunted and thrust up into Jake's mouth. Jake pushed a little more until his first knuckle was inside. He curled it around and pulled slightly until Brett's cock slide further into Jake's mouth. He pulled up and swirled his tongue around Brett's cock head once more and went down hard and fast again to the base as he pushed his finger in further. This time his entire middle finger easily slid in until his other knuckles pressed against Brett's taint. He moaned in an awkwardly high pitch that made Jake smile.

"Holy FUCK!!" Brett yelled, Feeling the tingling knot between his scrotum and his taint. Jake curled his long finger against Brett's inside searching for the little electric button that he knew would send Brett over the edge. When he found it, Brett spasmed and thrust upward into Jake's mouth again. Jake felt Brett's cock get extra hard right before his head flared out and twitched. Jake braced himself for the ejaculation. "GGNNMMPPHH!!!" Brett grunted through gritted teeth as he erupted into Jake's throat.

Jake's mouth was immediately filled with semen that began to leak out around his lips, coating the base of Brett's shaft. Jake swallowed as much as he could and slurped up the volume as the pulse of cum jets slowed to a steady stream, filling his mouth again. Jake simultaneously pulled up off Brett's cock and pulled his finger out of his hole at the same time. Brett suddenly felt empty. He was breathing hard.

"Damn, Bro." Jake said. "You said, you shot a load last night?"

"I did." Brett said, exhaling.

"These tanks work fast on the reload, Bro." Jake said still holding his slippery balls in his left hand and wiping the sticky mess off his face with the back of his right hand. "That was so much....soooo fucking much."


Part 2: Best Laid Plans

"I'll meet you at the library at 6:30." Leo said to his buddy, Max as he replaced the 25-pound dumbbells back on the rack in front of the wall of mirrors in the free weight area at the university's gym. His arms were spent from one too many sets. His tee shirt was soaked through with a wide "V" of sweat down both the front and back. Perspiration dripped down the underside of his arms from his matted pits. He raised his right arm over his head and turned his face to get a whiff of his efforts. "OOOF!" Leo added. "I'm a little ripe. I'm gonna hit the showers. I'll see you at the study group after dinner."

"Sounds good! Later, Lee." Max said. "I need to hit the treadmill for a half hour." He turned and headed toward the next room.

Leo grabbed one of the small towels and wiped his face and the back of his neck. He tossed it in the bin and headed for the locker room.

He stood in front of his open locker and peeled off his sweaty shirt and then stuck his thumbs into the waistband of his nylon gym shorts and his white, lycra compression shorts and pulled them both to his ankles. He stood up again and reached down to unstick his sweaty ball sac from his inner thighs and then scratched his dense black man bush to untangle his flaccid penis from his curly pubes. He grabbed his towel that was folded on the bench, flung it over his shoulder and walked naked to the showers.

Eric once told him about how his high school wrestling team had let their pubes grow naturally during the season in an effort to feel a collective camaraderie of masculinity. Leo convinced his lacrosse team to do the same last spring and had never bothered to trim again all summer and had returned to school in his unkept state. Leo had a lot of pubes. Some guys' natural amount already looks trimmed up, but Leo was one of those young men that had a wide, thicket of dense, dark curls stretching across his pelvis and up into a long treasure trail that extended to his navel. He liked to look down at it. It reminded him of when he first started growing public hair. He was one of the first in his friend group and had relished the feeling of being a man among boys, if only until the rest of his buddies caught up. It was a position of alpha superiority that stuck with him throughout his high school career.

The university locker room showers were three-sided enclosures with white subway tile and Kelly-green shower curtains that hung from aluminum rods and stopped about a foot from the floor so one could tell if they were occupied. He'd never understand why shower curtains in every locker room always seemed to be just a couple of inches too narrow to completely close the opening. He walked down the aisle of stalls and could catch a glimpse of the shadowy figures in various stages of washing their hair or soaping up their naked bodies. He was relieved that the only open stalls appeared the two at the end of the row where he'd have more privacy.

Leo had woken up horny, as always, but hadn't left himself enough time to rub one out before he had to be dressed and headed to class. He was distracted by the girl sitting next to him in Econ 101. She was wearing a tight, V-neck tee shirt that showed a lot of her perky, C-cup breasts and the lacy edge of her bra. He pictured running his fingers just underneath the lace and feeling the soft flesh along her cleavage as he sat through more than half the class with an erection in his jeans, not paying any attention to the lecture. He really needed a release. He decided not to go back to the apartment and instead go to the gym where he hoped to take his horny aggression out on the free weights.

It hadn't worked. He'd been picturing the girl from class during his walk over to the gym, during his workout - picturing her slowly pulling her top off and unhooking the front clasp of her bra to show him her tits. It was a good thing his junk was held snuggly in his tight compression shorts so no one would notice his arousal.

He thought of her again as he walked naked through the locker room to the showers. His dick was slowly expanding, hanging loose and heavy between his legs, swinging back and forth as he walked. He felt the weight of his balls. It had been two days since his last ejaculation, and he was ready for a release. He had already decided as he did his last set of curls; he was going to crank one out in the shower - and he was going to take his time and enjoy it.

He hung up his towel and entered the empty shower at the right end of the row. He closed the curtain and turned on the water, nice and hot. He stepped under the stream and felt the heat engulf his body. he felt his dick continue to expand. He ignored it, deciding to clean himself up before he would enjoy his reward. He washed his hair and soaped up his body, bending over to massage his aching calves and then standing and lingering on his manhood, making sure it was extra clean. He rinsed off and pumped out a handful of conditioner, laughing to himself that it looked like he'd already cum as he slathered his stiff shaft with the slippery white goo. He was right-handed so was stroking with his dominant fist as always, his left hand gently caressing his sac. The skin of his scrotum was loose, and he lifted his firm balls and worked them around in his palm. He washed his crack again, enjoying the feeling of his fingers brushing his sensitive anus. Then he backed up against the cold white tile and started his long, slow strokes from his base to his head, where he twisted his palm around the ridge before gripping himself tightly again and going down to his bush.

He'd been jacking off for about five minutes, picturing the girl from his Econ class leaning against the shower wall, popping her ass out at him. He thrust forward, wanting to feel that moment when his sensitive cock head pushes through the slippery opening to be held tightly inside.

He could see through the two-inch gap at the edge of the shower curtain. He saw a guy he recognized from his calculus class hang up his towel at the shower across from his. He thought about how strange it was to see someone in class several times a week and then suddenly know what they looked like naked. He was beefier naked than he looked with clothes on. His body was completely smooth. He had curly dark brown hair. He looked like Eric but without all of the body hair. His muscles weren't quite as well- defined as Eric's hard wrestler body, but he was still fit with nice shoulders and lats and biceps and thick thighs. He looked like he may have been a wrestler or a football player in high school, but maybe hadn't played since then because his butt looked softer, almost like girl's nice round ass. It didn't have the firm dimples of Eric's muscular meaty bubble ass but it was just as round. He pictured his hand grabbing one of the firm, round globes. It reminded him of one of the sorority girl's asses that he hooked up with freshman year. He remembered how she sat on his prick, reverse cowgirl style and he watched that fat ass bounce on his bush until he filled his condom inside her. Then he looked back up at the body and shook his head. He must be really horny to have completely detached that ass from who it belonged too, he thought. His mind was somewhere between amused and embarrassed.

He couldn't remember the guy's name - something that started with an 'R', he thought. He was standing with his back to Leo. His ass had a pronounced tan line that made his round butt look as if he were wearing off-white trunks - except for the dramatic dark line of his hairless crack.

The guy didn't pull his curtain closed, leaving a gap of at least a foot. He turned on his water and disappeared under the stream so that only his soft, round butt was still visible. Leo's mind wandered back to the sorority girl when all he could see was that ass. He watched the ass as the guy washed his body behind the curtain and then saw his left-hand reach back to scrub his ass crack, his fingers lingering between his smooth globes for longer than Leo thought necessary to ensure he was clean back there. Then he turned around and caught Leo watching from his narrow gap. He looked shocked initially but then smiled at Leo and reached down to soap his front. He turned sideways so that his full-frontal display was facing Leo and the empty cross aisle. The guy had both soapy hands around his junk and was technically still washing himself, but in a way that was obviously no longer for the cleanliness.

Leo instantly stepped forward, behind the curtain and rinsed himself off. He panicked a little. He had definitely been caught staring. Now, every time the two of them made eye contact in that math class, they would know. Why did it take him so long to move? Maybe it wasn't that long. Maybe it just felt like a long time. It had only been a couple of seconds. He'd seen a million naked guys in the locker room before. Why was he even looking?

Then Leo wondered if he was still there - still standing in the open gap just soaping up his junk. Maybe he was imagining that there had been any connection. All they did was make eye contact for a split second. It happens in the locker room - even when you're trying not to - especially when you're actively trying not to look below the belt. That was just the basics of locker room etiquette. Eye contact is way better than being caught looking down. But he had been caught looking down.

Leo's erection had waned with his panic. He needed to know if the guy was still there or if he had just resumed his shower routine. Leo wanted to resume his own routine. He'd been thinking about getting off all morning. He needed to rid himself of the distraction of his horniness.

He backed up again so that he was leaning against the wall opposite the shower head where the gap in the curtain was. He waited a few seconds as if he'd just casually tried to get out of the heat of the stream and then just glanced through the gap, nonchalantly. His hand was still wrapped around his plump cock. He was absentmindedly stroking it slowly. He looked to his left. Calculus guy was still standing in the gap, facing Leo's shower. His cleaning motions had now, unmistakably, become stroking. He was leaning against the tile wall, pumping on a very stiff, curved boner. He was not well-endowed. His erect cock was probably only five inches and of average girth but with a fat, purple, mushroom head. He had completely shaved his bush, likely in an effort to maximize its appearance. He had a well-developed, hairless chest, with small, pink nipples. He looked right into Leo's eyes and smiled.

Leo immediately moved back under the shower stream behind the curtain. He was rock hard though. He stroked his cock under the water. He was confused. Why was he aroused again? Why did he want to back up and look again? He'd never seen a guy just openly jacking off like that. It was just a curiosity. He squeezed his cock and put his face under the water as if to wash away his thoughts.

It wasn't true that he'd never seen a guy openly jacking off. He meant he'd never seen a stranger jacking off. He'd seen Eric of course. Many times actually. They had forgone the awkwardness of sharing a dorm room by dispensing with the formalities of hiding it from each other. They had gotten to a point where they both secretly liked their late night or early morning masturbation bonding sessions. That was different. Neither of them wanted anything sexual from the other. They had stopped even looking at the other's junk after the initial curiosity of seeing a bud's privates and comparing.

But it wasn't just Eric. He'd also jerked off with his other roommates now - Jake and Aaron - and Brandon, who wasn't even technically a roommate. That was just horny bonding - just like with Eric. They were all roommates now so eliminating that awkwardness was just a convenient way for everyone to be comfortable together.

That's what he'd told himself at the time. He needed to rationalize it - because it was weird. Bros didn't just do that with each other. Not where he grew up anyway. It had obviously been different for Eric and Jake and Aaron growing up - they circled jerked all the time in high school and apparently no one thought anything of it. It was no big deal. Maybe it should just be no big deal. All guys get off in the shower. Why hide it?

Maybe calculus guy was the same. Leo wondered if he had just been up tight growing up - afraid of what his buddies would think - afraid to lose his manly alpha status. And then there was that time at Cell Block when he'd jerked off with just Aaron. He'd even touched Aaron's giant porn dong. But that was definitely just curiosity as well. He'd never seen one that big. Anyone would want to see what it felt like, if they were honest with themselves, he thought.

His brain was working overtime trying to rationalize his desire to back up against the wall again and see if it was still happening. Maybe calculus guy had moved on.

He backed up and leaned against the cold, wet tile again. He continued to stroke his cock. It felt so good to just stand in the shower and feel the intense pleasure, knowing the room was full of guys just a few feet away. Maybe they were all jerking off - or at least some of them. He couldn't be the only one who came to the gym horny. Obviously, calculus guy had too. Maybe he'd also been thinking about how awesome it was going to be to finally rub one out as a reward for a solid workout.

Leo glanced through the gap in the curtain again. He was still there. He had both hands working his junk. One hand was slowly stroking, as if he was in no hurry - and the other hand was playing with his balls. He smirked at Leo. Leo felt himself blush. The guy stepped his feet apart a little more and thrust his hips forward. He slid his thumb along the top of his curved shaft, pushing his cock straight out at Leo and let it go so that it slapped back against his pelvis, splashing water onto his smooth pecs. Then he moved his hips like he was on the dance floor, making his boner bounce around, slapping up against his abs. It was playful, like ten-year-olds in the shower at the local swimming pool, just making jokes with their body parts.

Leo smirked back and actually felt himself chuckle. Calculus guy nodded down to Leo's crotch, making it clear that it was his turn to physically respond. Leo hesitated for a split second but then decided to take the plunge and play along. The idea of being allowed to be goofy, made him feel young and carefree again, in contrast to the stress of being back in class after summer break.

He turned sideways and leaned against the side wall and spread his feet and squeezed his cock. He was still behind the curtain. He impulsively pulled the curtain back just far enough to show off his junk to calculus boy - whose gaze immediately shot down to take in the sight of Leo's pretty, nearly seven-inch prick. Calculus boy's eyes got wide, and he looked back up at Leo's face and smiled with an expression that was clearly intended to acknowledge that he was impressed - impressed but not lustful - exactly what put Leo at ease. They both continued to stroke at each other as if just volleying a tennis ball back and forth for exercise - neither of them trying win the point. Leo relaxed. He was having fun.

The guy pointed to Leo's cock and mouthed the words, 'big one' in a way that seemed like just a compliment and not a come on - like he was admiring a buddy's abs or arms. Leo felt flattered and superior. He wanted to say something like, 'same to you', but the guy didn't have a big dick. He didn't seem bothered by his lesser endowment. He seemed perfectly comfortable. Leo pointed back at the guy, held up his left arm in a flexing pose and mouthed the words, 'nice guns' instead. It was what Leo was legitimately admiring on the guy. Leo's arms were toned but he didn't have big biceps. He'd always been envious of Eric's massive guns too.

The guy reached over and pumped out some more conditioner and slathered up his stiff rod and closed his eyes, enjoying the additional pleasure as his hand followed the arc of his shaft.

Leo did the same and they just stared at each other's cocks as they stroked, occasionally making eye contact and smiling.

The shower next to Leo's suddenly shut off and a few second later, he heard the distinctive sound of the metal rings that held the curtain slide across the rod. Calculus Guy got a panicked look on his face and immediately turned toward his shower head to be hidden behind his curtain with only his bubble ass visible to the guy exiting.

Leo followed suit and turned behind his curtain as well. He smiled as he lifted his face into the hot stream of water and continued stroking. He was smiling at the excitement of almost getting caught and also with relief that Calculus Guy wasn't keen to jack off in front of everyone. He was more discrete as if their playful mutual stroking had genuinely just been horny spontaneity.

He heard the guy's wet feet as he padded down the aisle out of the shower area. He continued to stroke. He wondered if Calculus Guy would come back to his open curtain again. This time Leo's anxiety was that he wouldn't be there; the opposite concern he'd just had only a few minutes earlier. He wanted to continue their playful fun. His cock was rock hard. He pumped out more conditioner, stepped back into his open gap and aimed his boner at the aisle.

As if Calculus could sense Leo's return, he stepped back a couple of seconds later. He leaned out into the aisle and peered down the row to ensure they were alone again. Then he smiled and started stroking again.

As they stroked, they were interrupted two more times as the shower next to Calculus Guy changed hands and as someone new took the stall next to Leo. Each time they repeated their retreat behind the curtain, anxious to return to the open gap.

Leo's excitement had gotten him close to the edge. This wasn't the slow, solo edging session he'd envisioned when he walked to the shower room with his towel over his shoulder and his plump dick swinging out in the open - but this was fun. He acknowledged again that maybe Jake and Eric and Aaron had had the right idea growing up. He felt like a man. Men work out; men get horny; men shower together; men can get relief together. He smirked at the thought that women couldn't possibly understand. There's no way women would ever get off together in their showers. But then he pictured it: naked college girls all standing under the streams soaping up their tits, sliding their hands down between their legs, inserting their fingers into their smoothly shaved slits.

He suddenly felt the tickle in his gut. He looked up at Calculus Guy and mouthed the words, 'I'm gonna cum' and then made his awkward orgasm face as he launched semen out across the aisle. He always came with forceful jets, but this experience brought him an even more intense ejaculation and his cum shots sped out in rapid succession, aimed right at his buddy across the aisle. Three jets in a row all landed in the center of Calculus Guy's abs and then his right thigh.

Leo busted out in a silent laugh at both the absurdity as well as the impressive force. Then he panicked again and mouthed, 'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry' several times while watching his cum drip down and around the base of the guy's hairless boner. The guy scooped it up with his thumb without missing a beat and used it in place of the conditioner. Leo watched his own jizz being used as lube as the guy squeezed it out around his cock head and went back down to the base. He stroked a few more times and then thrust his pelvis out and they both watched as six or seven arcs of thick white spooge launched back at Leo. Fortunately, Leo only got hit on the foot. For a split second, he panicked but then just casually slid his foot behind the curtain to rinse it off.

They both leaned back against the tile wall again and causally milked the remnants of their loads out, each shaking the last strands off to mix with water on the floor. Then his Buddy smiled and turned into the stream again behind the curtain. Leo peered out into the aisle. All the showers were closed and oblivious. He too stepped under the water and felt the relaxed relief of the brief reprieve from horniness. He thought he might feel shame, but that feeling never materialized.

He soaped up his body and rinsed one more time as if washing off any lingering awkwardness and then turned off his shower and grabbed his towel to dry off. He expected to see his buddy exit too but he remained sequestered behind his curtain.

Leo walked through the room to his locker. As he passed guys headed in the opposite direction to the shower, he smiled to himself. They don't know he just got off in there - maybe in the same stall. They don't know he can still feel cum dripping from his piss slit under his towel. That made him wonder if the guy in the shower before his had secretly gotten off. He realized that the end shower might get more action being slightly more secluded.

He sat on the bench on his towel. He dried his feet and stared at the spot where his new buddy's jizz had landed on his instep. Then he stepped into his boxer briefs and jeans and pulled his tee shirt over his head and down his lean, long torso. It stopped just short of his jeans, leaving a half inch of his exposed underwear and exposed skin that included the dark line of his happy trail. He did that on purpose. He knew girls liked it. After he'd tied his trainers, he headed for the exit. Before he reached the door, his saw buddy was coming from the showers wrapped in his towel.

"Calculus, right?" The guy said, pointing to Leo.

"Yeah." Leo said. "How's it going for you?"

"Not bad." He replied. "I had it in high school, so it's mostly review so far. You?"

"Yeah, same." Leo said. "He's a good prof." His new buddy nodded.

"I'm Robbie." He said, holding out his hand. As Leo shook it, he thought about the fact that it was the same hand that just been tightly gripping his stiff dick a few minutes earlier. That made him realize, his hand had been too. They were shaking with their jerking off hands like some twisted version of a blood brother handshake. He let go.

"You play lacrosse, right?" Robbie said. Leo got a confused look on his face. How did Robbie know that? Was he stalking him? Was what just happened in the shower some sort of weird obsessive come on?

"Uh...yeah." Leo said. "Have you..."

"You wear your jersey to class all the time." Robbie interjected. "I was thinking about trying out. I played in high school. You like it? The coaches?"

Leo was instantly bathed in relief. "Yeah, it's awesome!" He said. "The coaching is great. Way better than high school and we went to state. The team is really tight. You should totally try out."

"Cool." Robbie said. "Thanks, man."

"Oh, fuck. Leo." He said. "I'm Leo. Sorry." They both paused. "We have a recruitment meeting right after midterms. You should check it out."

"Sounds good. Thanks. Leo." Robbie said. "Well, I'll see you in class."

"Yeah, cool. Later." Leo said. He continued out of the locker room, relieved that Robbie was the one to exit the conversation first and had acted as if what happened in the shower hadn't actually happen. 'That was weird' he thought to himself - or maybe it wasn't.


Part 3: back in the Apartment

Brett stood up from the sofa and walked naked into the kitchen. He started opening cabinets looking for a glass for water. Jake watched his ass as he walked away and smiled at the crease across his left butt cheek from the pattern of the stitching on the sofa cushions.

"You're not gonna leave me like this, are you?" Jake said to Brett in a way that made it sound like an order rather than a question. Jake sat on the sofa with his legs spread wide, stroking his stiff cock.

"Don't know, Mate. You seemed all ready to sit back and enjoy your big...screen. I think I should just leave you to it." Brett said, smirking at his own joke and enjoying teasing Jake. He knew Jake liked to be in control of the situation and was enjoying taking that control away, even if only momentarily.

"Dude. You need to get on your fucking knees and get that mouth on my cock!" Jake said. It came out more forceful than he'd intended, but he was horny as fuck and wasn't about to let Brett leave without reciprocating. Brett looked a little shocked but then smirked again.

Brett filled his glass from the faucet, without asking Jake if he wanted one too. He walked over and sat next to Jake and drank half of the glass in one Long gulp. "Is somebody horny?"

"Fuck, yeah I'm horny!" Jake said, squeezing the plump head of his cock. "I was fucking horny as shit before you even got here and then...THAT happened, and now I'm-"

"THAT happened?" Brett said, interrupting him. "THAT...was sucking cock like a fucking whore, Mate." He handed the half-full glass to Jake and sat back, leaning his head on the cushion as if he were re-living the experience already. "THAT...was the best bloody gobber I've ever had."

Jake smiled to himself. He is a sucker for praise. "I appreciate the kind words, but don't you think that's even more reason to provide some...payback?" He turned and looked Brett in the eyes, unsure if Brett was just yanking his chain or if he was really going to be an asshole and get dressed and bolt. "If you're not gonna give up that fine little ass of yours today, you should at least let me have your mouth."

"Yeah...I gotta get to class." Brett said, casually glancing around the room for his clothes. He grabbed his tank top and pulled it back over his head. Jake looked at him incredulously. Brett saw the veins in his neck start to pop. "Oh my god, Mate, I'm just giving you shit. You think I'm gonna leave my boy hanging?" Brett added, laughing. He slid off the sofa onto his knees and moved between Jake's legs. He grabbed Jake's boner and gave it a few tugs. Then he licked up the underside of Jake's shaft. Jake moaned and precum drooled out of his piss slit. Brett lapped it up and moaned as well.

"Fuck, Bro. You had me goin'." Jake said, starting to breathe heavily already. "I was about to tackle your ass and skull fuck you, you got me so fuckin' horny!"

"You can be so sweet when you want to be." Brett said, laughing and then took his entire cock head in his mouth and sucked hard. Then he went down as far as he could until he gagged. He hadn't yet developed Jake's level of skill. He bobbed up and down on Jake's rod, doing the best that he could for about five minutes. Jake's moans had made him hard again already. He couldn't remember a time when he was with a girl that he'd recovered his erection so quickly. He usually required at least a half hour and some considerable stimulation. Sucking Jake's cock, he was hard again in under ten minutes, and he hadn't even touched himself yet. he decided to rectify that, and he wrapped his fist around his cock and started to stroke it he sucked.

He closed his eyes and just enjoyed the feeling of his lips passing back and forth over the velvety ridge of Jake's head and the rock hard arc of his shaft. He felt himself getting close again. How was that possible? He pulled off Jake's cock and stuck his middle finger in his mouth.

Jake's eyes were closed. He opened them when he felt Brett's warm, wet mouth retreat. "Don't stop, Bro. I'm getting really close. Please don't stop."

"I'm just returning the favor." Brett said, smirking, after pulling his slippery finger from his mouth and skid it under Jake's balls and between his ass cheeks on the sofa cushion.

"What the-" Jake said and inhaled sharply as Brett's middle finger entered his asshole without any foreplay. "Dude!!" He added, about to complain, but the truth was, it felt good. A slippery finger was nothing compared to Aaron's giant member. Brett felt Jake's hole grip tightly around his finger. He began to move it around, testing the resistance from various angles and depths. Then he went back down on Jake's cock and got into a solid rhythm of finger-fucking and cock sucking.

Jake closed his eyes again and spread his legs. He raised them up in the air and grabbed his legs under his knees. Brett continued to slam his fist against Jake's taint as he tried to get more and more of Jake's bone down his throat.

"Don't stop! Don't stop!" Jake said, panting softly. "Please don't stop! I'm almost there...so close." He grunted and moaned until Brett felt Jake's cock head flare and his shaft became as rigid as a steel post. Then he felt Jake's sphincter begin to pulse and his mouth was flooded with cum.

Brett hadn't even felt the jets hit the back of his throat or the roof of his mouth. There was so much cum that it instantly filled his entire mouth. Brett coughed and gagged and spit the entire load out onto Jake's bush and his balls and the edge of the sofa cushion.

"Keep going!!" Jake yelled and then just grabbed his own cock and began to jack himself off rapidly until the waves of his orgasm had passed. Another puddle of semen pooled on his belly, filling his navel and coating his happy trail.

"Sorry, Mate." Brett said, still coughing. He tried to take over stroking Jake with his left hand. He was still jacking off with his right.

"All good, Bro." Jake said, breathing hard and recovering. "That was awesome!"

"Oh, fuck!" Brett said and Jake watched Brett plant his face in Jake's junk, slurping and licking up as much cum as he could. "Who knew I'd like the taste of bloody spoont!" He mumbled as he was lapping up the spooge that dripped off Jake's sac and then slurped up the puddle from Jake's abs before sucking Jake's deflating cock back into his mouth. "MMMmmmppphh" he grunted and began to jack his cock hard and fast until he shot a second load right at the front edge of the leather sofa, just under the seat cushion. It dripped down onto the floor where it made its own puddle, like someone had poured the batter for a silver dollar pancake onto a griddle. It formed a nearly perfect circle.

Brett sat on his heels and lowered his head to rest on Jake's fuzzy right knee. "Bloody fucking hell!"

"Bloody fucking hell is right!" Jake said, leaning against the back of the sofa, exhausted. He placed his hand on Brett's head on his knee and played with his messy blonde waves.

"That feels nice." Brett said.

"It does." Jake said. He stared at the frozen sex scene on the big screen and smiled at himself for having not needed the porn today.

They stayed in that position for what felt like an unusually long time until Brett raised his head and rubbed his cheek against the golden hairs on Jake's thigh. "I gotta take a piss." He stood up, his flaccid dick drooling the last remnants of his load. He grabbed his dick and milked it again to expel the final strand into his right hand and then nonchalantly wiped it on his thigh.

"Me too." Jake said. He stood and followed Brett into the bathroom. They stood next to each other in front of the toilet and held their soft peckers waiting for the piss stream to flow. They relieved themselves and shook off their dicks next to each other. They both turned to each other at the same time and smiled. Brett leaned toward Jake's face. Jake was surprised but accepted the brief, tongueless kiss on his lips.

"I'm still horny." Jake said. Brett didn't respond. Jake went to wash to his hands. It occurred to him that Brett had cum twice already. Brett stepped in behind him and pressed his body against Jake's back so that his warm, plump dick was nestled between Jake's sweaty ass cheeks. Jake felt the tiny droplet of piss that still hung from Brett's dick touch his crack. He smiled and looked at his matted pubes just above the edge of the countertop. Brett wrapped his arms around Jake's torso from behind. He looked over Jake's shoulder and they locked eyes together in the mirror.

"That was really great." Brett said.

"It was pretty great." Jake said. They smiled at each other. Jake didn't even have the desire to add something snarky. He was just happy.

"Being with you is...like the hottest sexual anything I've ever had." Brett said.

"Yeah, it's awesome." Jake said. It wasn't the hottest sex he'd ever had - but Brett didn't know he had more experience with guys. Jake stared at Brett in the mirror and his smile got wider. He didn't care that the sex wasn't the best he'd ever had. He assumed that would get better - much better.

What he knew was that he'd never been with anyone he wanted more than Brett. He wasn't even sure he'd ever really 'wanted' anyone like he wants Brett. It had never been about 'want'; it had always been about who he could 'get' and how he could get it. It was the thrill of the chase. Even the sex with Aaron was not about wanting Aaron, it was about their shared desire to get off - and to instigate. It was about the secrecy, the locations, the plotting to involve someone else. He'd never felt this desperate desire before. He wasn't sure he liked it. It made him nervous. He couldn't control this feeling.

"So...no one can know about this, right?" Brett said in a way that was completely trusting - as if he already knew Jake would be on the same page but nevertheless felt the need to verbalize it and confirm.

"Totally, Bro! No one can know! At all! It would ruin everything here!" Jake said. He was relieved but then felt bad that he'd made it sound like he was embarrassed by Brett and what they'd done, which wasn't his intention at all. Fortunately, Brett accepted it in the way it was intended.

"Oh my god." Brett said. "I'm so glad you feel the same. It would totally fuck everything up." He paused. "I still wanna fuck girls, you know. The guys...the brothers...they wouldn't understand this either."

"Fuck, yeah - totally!!" Jake said, equally relieved. "I wanna get as much pussy as possible, Bro! I just gjot to college. I want it all!"

"Cool!" Brett said, exhaling. They smiled at each other in the mirror again. Brett stepped back. Jake instantly missed the feeling of Brett's body against his. "Can I shower? I think I smell like sex."

Jake leaned and sniffed him between his pecs then moved his nose up along Brett's neck and stopped behind his ear and sniffed again. Their flaccid ducks touched. Brett got shivers. "You definitely smell like sex." He said, smiling. He bent over to open the cabinet below the sink and caught Brett staring at his ass in the mirror. "Here's a towel."

"You wanna join me?" Brett asked, raising his eyebrow.

"You wanna go again?" Jake asked.

"You said you were still horny."

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