Our New Foreskins

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jan 23, 2006



Our New Foreskins By Jackinnm@yahoo.com

I'd dropped by the adult bookstore after work to pick up another bottle of Astroglide and browse the new books and products. I was alone with the clerk in the store as the evening traffic had not yet appeared.

"Help you find anything?" he asked as he approached me.

"I've already found it," I said, holding up the bottle of Astroglide.

"That's what I use," he said helpfully.

"Yeah, a couple of drops under my foreskin keeps it nice and lubed," I replied.

"You're uncut," he said. "Lucky you. I was cut when I was a baby and now I'm trying to restore it by taping. By the way, my name's Chris." He held out his hand.

"I'm Jack," I said as I shook his hand. Chris appeared to be a few years younger than my 50, and had thinning blond hair and blue eyes. "Have any success taping?"

"I think I'm about halfway there," he answered. "I'm lucky that the doctor didn't cut me close the way I've seen on some guys." He seemed very open and direct so I decided to confide in him:

"The foreskin I've got is not what I had when I was born," I began as his eyes widened slightly. "They cut mine when I was a baby. I had plastic surgery to put on a new hood a few years ago."

"But that must have been expensive and risky," he said. "Why didn't you tape the way a lot of guys do?"

"I didn't know about taping then. I thought plastic surgery was the only way to go."

"How much did it cost, if you don't mind my asking?"

"About eight thousand, all told. I didn't even finish the series of operations. It would have been more if I had," I explained. At this point a couple of customers came in and Chris said:

"I'd really like to talk with you about this. I get off work at six. Can we get together? I live only a mile down the road."

"Sure. North or south down the road?" I asked


"Then let's meet at that pizza place on the corner," I suggested.

"I live only a block down the side street from it. Say I meet you there at 6:15?"

"Good deal," I replied, stepping up to the counter and paying for the Astroglide. "I'll see you then." I got into my car and ran a couple of other errands before pulling up to the restaurant just before six. I knew that this was probably the best pizza and Italian food place in town, and it had some tough competitors.

It wasn't yet crowded, and I got a table right away. I waited, and by 6:20 I began wondering if Chris would show up. Possibly he'd gotten cold feet. Maybe he was uneasy meeting with a total stranger. I continued to wait, and at 6:25 he came in the door. He saw me immediately and came over to sit opposite from me. "Sorry I'm late," he said. "I was just leaving when several customers walked up to pay, and I didn't want to leave the night guy to handle all that." "No problem," I said. "I'm glad you showed up." A couple took the table next to us. "This place is filling up now," Chris said. "People know it's really good and that's why it's so popular. Let's eat and then continue this discussion at my place. As I said, I live only a block away." The waitress came and we ordered a large pepperoni and sausage pizza, salads, and cokes. The service was very quick and soon we were crunching our way through crispy crust and toppings. Afterward I followed Chris home and parked in his driveway behind him before following him inside.

"I don't know how you feel about show and tell, but I have no problem showing you mine," he began, sitting next to me on his couch. He unbuckled his belt and slid his pants and boxer shorts down, revealing the object of our discussion. His penis seemed a bit shorter than mine, and the skin was gathered in front of the glans and held in place by a ring of surgical paper tape.

"You use Micropore, don't you?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's Micropore. I found it's easier to peel off than the usual cloth surgical tape. I peel it part way to pee and then when I want to remove it altogether I just apply a little water and it comes right off."

"You seem to have the head completely covered right now," I remarked.

"That's only because of the tape ring holding the skin over the head. If I remove the tape, it'll slide right back. Right now I only have enough skin to cover the head halfway when it's limp."

"Does it slide back all the way when you get hard?" I asked. "I mean, do you have no coverage with an erection?"

"That's right, Jack. When I get hard you can see my cock is circumcised." He began removing the tape ring, slowly and carefully.

"I'd better show you what I've got. When you see it you'll be glad you decided to do it with taping." I pulled my pants and boxer shorts down and over my shoes, removing them altogether as Chris stared at my crotch. He'd finished removing the tape and I saw the blunt front dome of his glans emerge from the encasing skin. He looked at mine.

"Your foreskin's long enough, but it looks two-tone, and there's a scar line where it was stitched to your shaft," he said. "You've got about an inch overhang beyond the tip."

"Oh, yes," I replied. "I've got plenty of foreskin length. I did stretch it after I'd healed from the surgery, to get more length."

"Did something go bad with the surgery?" he asked. "You said you didn`t finish the series of operations."

"That's right, Chris. I had the first operation, where the surgeon cut my shaft skin halfway down the shaft and pulled it forward over the head to form the inner layer. He then buried my penis in my scrotum so that the scrotal skin would develop its own blood supply on my penis to form the outer layer. That took a few months. He did make it kinda tight, though, and I couldn't peel any of the new foreskin back at all. I wasn't the only one he botched. I talked to another guy who'd developed phimosis from the surgery. He couldn't skin it back at all either."

"Then what happened?" he asked.

"Well, he didn't do all that good a job in the first operation. That left the prominent scar you see when it healed. The second operation was to cut the scrotal skin that had grown onto my penis free from my scrotum, and stitch it together on the bottom. This is where the surgeon really botched it. After the surgery I saw that it was bleeding, and the nurse told me that the surgeon had gone out of town for the weekend. It kept bleeding, and the whole are filled with blood. This undermined the graft and I lost a lot of skin." I lifted my penis.

"See here on the underside? That's not scrotal skin. It's scar tissue." Chris reached out to touch the scar tissue with his fingertip

"Do you have any feeling at all in the scar tissue?" he asked.

"No, that area is totally numb."

"Any feeling in the rest of the foreskin?" He ran his finger along the top of my new hood.

"A little bit," I answered. "It's not an erotic sensation, as if I had my original foreskin with all its nerve endings, but I can feel your touch." I noticed that Chris had begun to have an erection, the blunt glans filling out.

"Can I see yours skinned back?" he asked.

"Sure. You can do it, if you want." He grasped my foreskin around the head and began pushing back. My soft penis gave way, and the foreskin remained forward.

"Doesn't seem to work," he commented. "It's kinda tight."

"It's a little harder to skin back when it's soft," I said. "Just grasp it with both hands and stabilize my prick, then peel it right back." He followed my directions and watched as the thick hood began uncovering my head.

"You've got a big head like mine," Chris commented. "It made a big bulge inside your skin, and now it's growing even as I uncover it."

"That's right, Chris. It's also the sliding friction from the foreskin." I grasped his prick around the shaft and began jiggling the slack skin over his rim, feeling his prick swelling in my hand as I stimulated him.

"Aaaahhh, that feels nice," he moaned. "I'd better get my pants and shoes off." He quickly shed his pants and shoes, and pulled his shirt up over his head. Now he was completely naked next to me.

"I'll do the same," I said as I got rid of my shirt. Now I was as bare as he was, my swollen prick arcing out from my groin, not yet completely hard.

"Your cock turns me on," he said. "That long thick foreskin's really interesting."

"Yours is nice too," I said. "I think we both have big heads on our pricks." I resumed stroking the slack in his shaft skin up over his rim, compressing the nerve endings, and felt his prick stiffen decisively in my hand.

"Now let's see all of that big head," he said as he stripped the hood back slowly, watching it ride over my corona and drop into the deep groove behind it.

"Your tip's getting darker," I said. "Mine turns darker too when I get excited."

"You've got a lot of skin," he said. "It completely fills the groove behind the head and forms a collar behind it." He grasped the thick fleshy collar between thumb and forefinger and lightly pulled forward on it. "Does it stay stuck behind the head?" he asked.

"No, it's not stuck. You can pull it forward again, but normally my thick rim holds it in place."

"You've got a big head and a high rim. I once saw an uncut guy with a small head, and every time he pulled his skin back, it would just slide forward again when he let go."

"Some guys are built like that," I said. "I'm glad we're not." I gave his swollen glans a few squeezes.

"Wow! That feels good," he exclaimed. "I felt that right down to my cock-root."

"When your new foreskin's long enough to cover the head even when you're hard, I think you'll find that it slips back easily and stays back until you pull it forward again."

"That'll be a couple of years yet," Chris whispered ruefully.

"Yeah, I think so," I agreed. "You're ambitious. You want not only the head covered, but an overhang too."

"Oh, that's for sure," he replied. "I saw how yours is like a nipple in front of the head when you're soft, and how it still covers the head when you get hard. That's the kind of skin I want."

"Well, I'm sure you'll get it," I reassured him. "Just keep stretching and you'll have what you want."

"Your hole's got a teardrop shape," Chris commented. "Is that only when you're hard?"

"That's right," I answered. "When my prick's limp its just a slit like yours. By the way, you've got a pretty long slit."

"Yeah, I like it that way. I can even stick the tip of my pinky inside it." He demonstrated and I saw the ball of his fingertip enter the slit, lubricated by the film of lubricant that had formed.

"Mine's not that big," I commented.

"Your rim's nice, really nice," he countered. "I like the way it flares up. That looks really sexy."

"Your tip's more sensitive now, isn't it?" I asked.

"Oh that's for sure. It's really rim-sensitive. My rim was always more sensitive than the rest of it, and now that I keep it covered it's gotten even more sensitive. That makes jacking even more fun."

"Does the tape ever come off during the night?" I asked.

"Yeah, it sometimes does," he answered. "When the tape comes off these days, the skin doesn't always slip all the way back. Usually it keeps the rim covered, and that's what's made my rim even more sensitive." As he spoke I ran a fingertip lightly around his corona, and noticed his body tense.

"That really gets to you," I commented.

"Yeah, it really does. I'm already hot from playing with your skin, and touching my rim's really turning me on."

"Can you do something for me?" I asked. "I know that the scar tissue part of my hood's numb, but I'm not sure how sensitive the rest of it is. Can you touch it lightly with the end of a totthpick to see how much I can feel?" Chris got up and went into the kitchen, returning with a toothpick.

"How do you want me to do this?" he asked.

"Okay, first touch the end of the toothpick to your shoft skin to get the feel of it. Use the lightest touch that you can feel." Chris did so, probing his skin several times.

"Now what?" he asked.

"Okay, now I'm going to close my eyes and you touch my foreskin in different spots with the toothpick. I'll tell you if I can feel the touch or not." I closed my eyes and felt him start to touch different spots on my shaft and foreskin with the toothpick.



"Yes." It went on like this every time I felt it touch.

"Okay, Jack, I think I tried every spot on your new skin," he said.

"What's the verdict?" I asked. "What areas did you find sensitive?"

"Well, your shaft skin behind the scar is very much like mine. You felt every touch. Most of the scrotal skin on top is sensitive, but underneath where you have the scar tissue you felt nothing."

"That's what I thought," I said. "I just wanted me to make sure. Thanks a lot for your help."

"Oh, it was my pleasure, believe me. I'm so fascinated by your cock and its new foreskin that I could play with it all day. I noticed your balls are kinda tight though."

"That's because he took skin from my scrotum to form the new hood. Also, I lost more s crotal skin from the hematoma. They've been tight since the surgery." As I spoke Chris gently peeled back my hood and began touching the glossy surface of my glans with his fingertip.

"That feel nice?" he asked.

"You know it does," I answered.

"Your helmet feels so warm, so smooth..." he commented. "Do you lube a lot?"

"No, I don't," I replied. "I never had much lube even when I was younger and now it's almost nothing. Some guys lube like faucets."

"I'd better get some lube then," he said as he got up. He returned with a bottle of Astroglide in his hand.

"You like that stuff too?" I asked.

"I love it. I know there are other brands, but a lot of them are greasy or oil-based. They're hard to wash off. This stuff is glycerin-based, and it just rinses off with warm water."

"I like it for another reason too," I explained. "It's got some water in it, and that helps to keep the mucus membrane of my glans moist. "Oil-based lubes don't work as well for that."

"Moist means sensitive," he said. He lifted my prick and looked at the underside. "I guess the doctor cut off your fren, didn't he?" I knew that he meant my frenulum, the strip of flesh that normally connects the glans to the foreskin.

"That bastard who circumcised me took everything, my foreskin, all the inner lining, and even my frenulum," I answered bitterly.

"I guess I was lucky. The guy who did me left me my fren."

"You were lucky. Some doctors skin them down to the balls, while others leave a little skin," I agreed.

"Our cocks are about the same size, six inches," Chris observed.

"We're almost twins, Chris. Both have big heads on them and we've both got thick shafts."

"Do you shoot or dribble?" Chris asked.

"I used to be a shooter when I was a teen," I answered, "but nowadays I'm a dribbler." "I shoot a lot of cream, but with my long slit it doesn't really shoot. It kinda rolls out, so I guess I'm a dribbler too," Chris said. "Depends on how excited I am and how long I take to come," I added. "Sometimes, if I'm masturbating for a long time, when I finally come I do shoot. Does that happen to you, with a long build-up?" "Sometimes," Chris answered. "I shoot more, and it goes for a couple of inches if I'm really horny and it takes me a long time to come. Shooting isn't the main priority with me, though. I like to play for a long time, like this." As he'd been speaking he'd dribbled a few drops of Astroglide onto my naked helmet and was now gently running his fingertips over it, exploring the contours and circling the swollen rim. "Let me do that to you," I said as I poured a few drops of the clear lube over his swollen mushroom tip and began working it in with my fingertips, massaging the slippery fluid into the tender nerve endings. I felt his prick throb in response, and he moaned with excitement. "I really like this," he whispered. "We're both into foreskins, we're both restoring, and we're both into hand jobs. This is really sexy." "I love making it with another guy," I replied. "Your prick feels so hot in my hand." I was squeezing his shaft as I stimulated its swollen head. "Your tip's getting darker, Jack. I think you're getting close." "You know I am," I said. "I can tell this is working for you, too. Your balls are right up against your body now." "Yeah, Jack, they really tighten up when I get hot." I slowed my stroking of his tender tip. "I wouldn't want you to blow your load before you're good and ready," I explained. "Getting there is half the fun." Chris stopped massaging my turgid glans but still held on to my shaft. "I want you to last too, Jack. I want to be able to watch when you come. That's always a real turn-on for me, watching another guys coming." "It turns me on too," I added, "especially if I'm holding his prick and making him come." "This is especially hot for me, since we're both into foreskins, Jack. It wouldn't be quite the same with a cut guy." "I know what you mean," I said. "We're both reading off the same page." Chris now resumed stroking my glans lightly, following the corona before working down the head to trace small circles around my meatus. I felt my cock-root throb in response. "I'd like to make you come first, Jack. Watching and feeling you come will really get me going." "Go ahead, Chris. I'm so hot I'd like to come. You've got me so hot I really need relief." His fingers twirled rapidly around my slippery and swollen helmet, sending thrills deep into my body, and my eyes closed as my mind went blank.

"Just let yourself go, Jack, just let it happen," he ruged as his fingertips worked their magic on my tortured nerve endings. Now he pulled back hard on my sfhat skin, and I knew the fleshy collar was pulling back from my glans, exposing its rim to his attention. His fingertips circled the back face of my rim, hitting the studded nerve endings, making my prick throb.

"You've got those little bumps around your rim," Chris commented. "I've seen them before. I know they're nerve endings and very sensitive." Hot sparks of sensation stabbed deeply into my hard swollen prick, and I felt my cock-root tightening as my breathing grew more rapid. I wasn't even trying to stimulate his prick, as I was so caught up in my own compelling sensations.

"Any second," murmured Chris as his finger flew over my straining helmet. The sensations were intense, and I felt as if I were poised on top of a huge wave about to break. My breathing was ragged, and my entire body tensed as I felt myself slipping into the throes of orgasm.

"AAAAHHH!" I heard myself cry as a heavy pounding began in my lower region. Amassive muscular contraction sent the first burning jet searing its way up my urethra, and I writhed helplessly as I felt it slamming through the lips of my pouting slit. Immediately a second wave of liquid fire burned its way up my tube, and I cried out in agonized ecstasy. A third heavy gush poured up my shaft and I felt it rounding the upward curve as my urethra slanted up into my glans, before pouring out into the air. My fourth torrent filled and distended my tube, finally oozing from my teardrop shaped orifice.

Several more spasms gripped me as the last dregs of hot semen drained from my body, and then I was still, paralyzed by the after-shock of my orgasm. I gradually returned to full consciousness, but still dazed by the fury of my biological storm. I opened my eyes and saw Chris smiling at me, a few drops of my juice running down his cheek.

"You shot that first one, Jack," he said. That went up in a long stream out of your helmet and landed on me. I ducked my head and the others landed on your stomach. The last few were dribblers, but the first three were really hot streams." His fingers casually caressed my glans and I winced, moaning loudly.

"Don't! It's too sensitive!" I shouted, and his fingers immediately withdrew.

"Sorry about that," he said. "I forgot for a minute. Mine gets that way too after I come." He still held on to my shaft as my erection softened, and when my helmet had shrunk enough he eased the protective hood up over it, and let my prick drop into the pool of cream on my stomach.

Now I was reviving quickly, and I grasped his prick once more, my fingers playing over the engorged head. Chris relaxed, and then I saw the tension grip his body as the sensations built up inside him.

"I'm going to make you come now," I said as I worked on his glossy, distended mushroom shaped head. "I can feel it getting harder, and it's darker too." A drop of lubricant parted the lips of his long slit, and I swept it up with a fingertip and spread it in a small circle around his slit. His gaze was fixed on the ceiling, and I knew that his consciousness was fading as the sensations inside his body took over, captivating his attention.

"HUNNNHHH!" he grunted as I felt his shaft throb and watched a heavy stream pour from his long slit, arcing into the air before landing on his stomach. His hips bucked and thrusted into the air as another heavy flow parted the long lips, running down the glans where my flying fingers massaged the hot viscous fluid into the tender surface.

Chris grunted again as another heavy throb filled his shaft and I felt the pulse of the tube on the underside as a stream of cream flowed from the end of his turgid mushroom. Another spasm and another stream came forth, and now his prick settled into a rhythm of weaker throbs as his body emptied itself of sperm.

When the flow stopped I removed my fingers from his swollen tip, remembering that he too became super-sensitive immediately after orgasm. I felt the light throbbing of his heartbeat in his shaft as he sank nto a stupor for a couple of minutes.

His prick softened as I watched it shrinking and retreating into my fist. His glans retreated into the sleeve of skin that I held tightly, knowing that he'd want his precious head covered as soon as possible.

"That was nice. That was intense," Chris said to me as he began to recover. "I've had powerful orgasms before, but this is the hottest one I remember."

"Mine was intense too, thanks to you," I replied.

"This was really a mutual experience in every way," he said.

"We have a bond..." I said, trailing off.

"I think we ought to take a shower now, to get the stuff off our bodies." Chris got up as he spoke and led me into the bathroom. "Then I can tape up again and we'll figure out something else to do."

The end

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