Our Journey into Hapiness

By Eric Lee J

Published on Sep 6, 2021


Black Master white slave: Our Journey into Happiness Part II

NOTE: Once again, to set the record straight, this is a true story of my Master and me. We are middle-aged, college educated, professional men, and under mutual consent, entered into this lifestyle. For legal purposes, we are listed as husbands; in our private lives, I am the slave and property to my Husband, my Superior Black Master. For the writing of this entry, the words I, me, my, and mine are capitalized where they are grammatically needed. Under normal circumstances, they are not capitalized when writing to Master, other Superiors, or other slaves. The word Black, along with family associations: Brother, Nephew, Cousin, etc. are always capitalized regardless of their position in a sentence to show my respect to both Master and other Black Superiors.

After the first writing to Nifty, a few interested readers sent emails of thanks or questions regarding a Black Master and white slave lifestyle. Many writers of emails asked about the daily life of Master and me, so in this installment, I hope that your questions will be answered.

Again, Master and I live in the Dallas metropolitan area. Our brief biographies are listed in the previous entry. We recently celebrated the twenty-first anniversary of our first date, and in December will celebrate our eleventh anniversary as Master and slave. For ten years, we were "equals;" although, we had reached a point in our lives where sexually, we had pretty much begun a Dominant/submissive life. Sex was always when, where, and however he wanted it, and I had no decision in this matter.

After Christmas 2010, when we returned from Wyoming as Master and slave, several months of intense slave training took place even after Master branded the left side of my crotch and right side of my buns. Training consisted of learning CBT and TT (Master's favorites), being chained to a wall, being tied securely to a bondage table while being blindfolded and wearing a mouth gag and learning how to position my hands in different positions in the corner for both normal relaxed and punishment positions. Breaking my independent nature/personality and accepting that any freedoms or privileges I previously had were now taken away were also played a part of my slave training. Accepting being naked all the time was no problem; it did take a few months to finally feel at ease when naked in front of a Black Superior Mistress or white female slave.

In my former life as a free man, other than being tied up for sex occasionally, I had never experienced any of these newly trained positions. During this intense training period, Master always had either a paddle or flogger within easy reach and used it frequently in making me the submissive and obedient slave I am today. As painful as slave training was at times, and as strict as Master was in "cutting me no slack", I am grateful he took the time to train me in becoming his obedient and submissive white slave.

Master does have a playroom with all of his sex toys in them, and contrary to what many may believe, I am not in bondage that often. Master has trained me in the usage of my hands behind my head during sex, and if I should mess up during this time, I am then tied up and punished after. There is an old bed in the playroom where I lie down in during sex. As a slave, I may never lie down or have sex in Master's bed. Yes, occasionally Master does tie me up during sex with either leather straps or handcuffs, but again, this is not that often. Throughout our entire relationship, I have always been oral giving and never oral receiving. Hard for some to fathom, Master has never sucked my dick. Even before my slavery, he has controlled my jacking off with longer periods of time in allowing me to do this, Today, I rarely have the urge to do this. As a diabetic, most of the time when Master gives me permission to cum, I cannot do it in the short time frame he gives to me. So, I've basically lost my interest to cum; this pleases Master, and I no longer feel pressured in possibly disappointing Master. Receiving Master's Superior seed in my mouth and up my ass is an honor, privilege, and reward for a slave.

For punishment, I am sometimes handcuffed with the handcuffs attached to hooks on the wall that restrict almost all movement. Master is very strong, and I usually receive a bare ass spanking with a paddle and a flogging on my back. Redness and welts will always be an end product. I have also been trained to stand in the corner with my hands behind my back for several hours. A 6' stand up cage is positioned in one corner of the playroom, and I once stayed there for twelve hours and given only one five-minute break to use the bathroom and get a drink of water. The bondage table is positioned in the middle of the room and is most often used when Master believes I am acting like a free man or during Black History Month. Restrictions may also be added to the punishment if Master chooses to add this to my punishment.

Yes, I am the cook, housekeeper, yard man, masseuse, personal and domestic servant, valet, and "flunky." Master enjoys a life of leisure, while I engage in all of these activities, along with other chores or errands that may be assigned to me. Mornings begin with me getting up about an hour before Master. During this time, I do morning exercises, do my morning body shave (chest, pits, crotch, ass. I am now allowed to keep hair on my arms and legs), shower, put on my collar, go to my bed area on the area rug next to Master's bed, kneel, and wait for him to wake up. I still drink his morning piss and give the tops of his feet a morning kiss of submission. I then get his breakfast; during the week because of time, it is usually coffee, toast, and a piece of fruit. He eats breakfast; I then bring my breakfast of dry cereal to him, and he pees in the bowl before I eat it. He then showers. I make his bed, take his dishes to the kitchen, eat my breakfast, put the dishes in the dishwasher, and go back to Master's bedroom. Some days I am his valet; other days he chooses to dress himself. Between 7:00 and 7:15, we are both ready to leave for work. I then go into the garage and get my clothes out of the storage cabinet, "my closet," and get dressed for work. I dress and undress in the garage and am never clothed in Master's home.

After work, I repeat the process, grab my collar from the "closet" and go inside. I am required to call Master's cell phone from the house phone in the kitchen, so he knows I am home. It must ring three times before I may hang up. Occasionally, he may pick up his phone and talk to me for a minute or two; usually, he doesn't. Since I now run my own PR company (Master is owner and CEO on legal documents), I have a 6:30 curfew to get home; if I have to work late, I must call Master to let him know. While he understands this happens, I am given one demerit in my daily tasks; ten demerits mean an automatic trip on the bondage table. After letting Master's two dogs outside, I then start getting dinner ready and do a little housekeeping every day while waiting for Master to get home. Usually, I have time to take a quick shower before Master comes home, so I am freshly cleaned and groomed to greet him at the door.

When he gets home, I give him a full body massage and then dress him in shorts or warmups, usually a muscle shirt, and slides or flip flops for his evening of leisure. I serve him dinner in the dining room, clean the dining table when he's finished, eat my meal standing up in the kitchen, clean the dishes, and then report back to Master. Most nights I am able to sit on the floor near his feet while he relaxes in his favorite chair or on the sofa. Other nights, he may tell me to go to the corner in my relaxed position: a military attention position with my hands behind my back. If I am punished, I generally stand in my punishment position with my hands behind my back in the corner or in Master's playroom.

Later in the evening, he will tell me to take the dogs out before bedtime. I then go to his bedroom, pull back the covers to his bed, and get the bedsheet I use to cover with. He then sleeps in his comfortable bed, and I sleep in my bed area: the area rug on the side of his bed. Master likes to use several pillows to sleep with, and I have none. My bed area is very plush and comfortable, and I am grateful Master allows me to sleep on the area rug and not on the wood floor. It's nice to look up at night and see Master sleeping peacefully and comfortably in his bed.

Every other Saturday morning, I trim Master's fingernails and toenails. He rests his feet on a small stool while I trim his toenails. At times he may rest his other foot on my crotch while I do this. Sometimes, I may feel a kick or two in my crotch. If I please Master, he may reward my foot fetish, and I am given permission to lick the emery board residue from his toes before I clean his feet with warm water and soap.

During the week, he will give me a list of meals to cook for the next week, and I give him a list of items we need at the grocery store. He will then approve my list and may add other items to the list. I am given a credit card to use at the store. I run any other errands Master may give me while I am out. While I am out running errands, Master may relax at home or in the pool, leave for the gym, or go out and do things with other Superior Black Masters and Mistresses. Weekends and holidays may be time off for Black Masters, Black Mistresses, and free people to enjoy, but they are days of labor for slaves.

I then do the yard work, naked of course. I am allowed to wear a cap to block the sun's rays, and Master tells me whether I will wear the topsiders or flip flops he has bought me to do these chores. Master's home is in a gated community, and there is a wooden fence around the homes to guarantee privacy, which is why I am able to do yardwork naked. Another responsibility is to keep the pool clean, through sweeping it and maintaining the proper chemicals. I am also required to keep both the car and SUV up to date with proper oil changes, washings, and tune-ups. Keeping the dogs up to date with yearly shots, flea medicines, and grooming are also part of my duties. Sundays are usually reserved for cooking three or four dishes, which I will then only have to warm up for Master's dinner during the week.

Since we first moved in together, we have had a joint checking account. Certain activities are granted to me for professional reasons only. During the week, if needed, I may write a check up to $25.00 without first getting Master's permission; I must tell him this when he comes home from work. Otherwise, I am not allowed to write a check without his permission. A personal credit card is kept in my name, with Master being the secondary card holder. This is done in the event Master should die before I do so that I can maintain a credit rating. As with the checking account, I may not use the credit card without first getting permission. A business credit card is listed with my business name, and Master knows that there are times in the business day that the card must be used. I tell him and as owner/CEO of the business, he sees the monthly bill and all transactions on the billing statement. As a senior vice president in the bank, Master is subjected to occasional credit checks as part of his employment contract; this is another reason, certain things may have my name listed on them: car titles and house deed, for example, as not to cast any suspicion with higher level executives or members of the board of directors.

I am given a generous weekly allowance and must acquire a receipt for every purchase I make during the week. On either Friday evening or Saturday morning, when Master tells me, I present him the receipts and leftover money. The receipts and money must balance, or I may lose spending privileges for the upcoming week, get punished for being irresponsible, or both. Master then gives me my allowance for the upcoming week. When the mail comes in, I put it on Master's desk in the office, and he goes through it. This includes mail with my name on it, which I am not allowed to open up.

Sorry for the length of this installment, but I hope I answered questions some of you may have had. If you're interested in a Master/slave lifestyle, remember this is the real thing. It's not like an erotic story you may read on a website; you read it, jack off, shoot your load, and then go on with your life. Master, like other slave owners of any race, has a life of leisure and all of his personal and sexual needs are met. I leave his home to go to work during the week; after work, I am home for the evening, unless Master sends me on an errand or a social obligation requires my attendance, which Master will approve. Weekends require me to complete errands early on Saturday morning, and I am then home for the rest of the weekend completing household and yard work duties. When Master is invited to a function of other Superiors, I accompany him to work alongside other slaves in the preparation and serving of appetizers and the meal, and clean up after, while the Superiors are mingling and enjoying the social gathering.

This is not the life for everyone. Master and I have known some Masters who have lost their slaves because the slave could not handle the many limitations, which a slave must accept. For slaves like myself, I feel honored and privileged to serve my Superior Black Master and look forward to serving him the rest of my life.

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