Our Gang

By Ricardo Escobar

Published on Jun 29, 2010


OUR GANG -- PART TWO By Ricardo_246

Here I am again, fellow pigs. Hope you had a chance to read Part 1 and could hardonly wait for Part 2. Well here it is. Get naked, lube up and read on!

By the way, the session with Brian and Diego was awesome! The variety of goodies in his turd, like peas, and carrots, and corn and nuts, was a real feast. He even enjoyed eating from it himself. Talk about gourmet.

Anyway, here are the last few lines from Part 1 just to help refresh your memories.

Quail finally calmed down and his dick softened. I pulled off and he sat up. "Man you are some cock sucker, Josh. That's the finest job I've had in years. You'll be numero uno on my list from now on."

I said, trying not to be a party pooper, "Gotta get going bros., not that I have that much to do. But I'm about all out of pep here, even with Quail's seed down there in my belly. As for being your numero uno, Quail, I'd like that. Never had such a fine mouthful of cum."

Hank commented too, "Yeah, I need to take off too, guys. Even though the wife and kids are gone this weekend and I'm batching it, I'm about outa fuel here. I'll go find something to eat and get some stuff done around the house. This experience today is something I'll always remember. I love you guys so fucking much."

I took the opportunity and said, "Hey Hank, you can hang out at my place and I'll fix us something to eat. I'm a pretty good cook and you can clean up and shower there." I tried not to have my evil eye showing.

Wise ass Diego chimed in, "Watch out, Hank. He might molest you!"

"Well, I can always hope for the best," he said with sorta nervous laugh.

I think he meant it.

As we broke up our 'meeting,' Hank said he'd take me up on my offer. "I'm starved after all this activity. And I'm pretty smelly, Josh, so I sure need that shower." That made me bone in a minute, thinking how great his pits and feet and ass would smell... and taste.

Diego, of course, had to add his 50 cents worth, "Don't say I didn't warn you, Hank. Josh digs smelly bodies... like mine... Bet you're pregnant by the time we get together again."

"Well, like I said, Diego, I'm ready for what happens. At least I think I am." He sort of half smiled like maybe he wasn't so sure.

I smiled and said, "No worries Hank. I never push where I'm not wanted. Not too hard anyway." This is really gonna be a challenge for me. Holding back when I really want to attack... to molest this hot fucker. I hope to succeed in letting him take the lead. That might work, or it might not. My balls rule my head at times like these.

Hank followed me to my place in his pickup. When we got there and I got out, I noticed that he turned off the engine and just sat there. He looked stressed. So I went over to talk to him.

"What's up, Hank? You look like you're ready to run. You feel like that? I know that you let yourself go today and last week. I never dreamed you, or even all of us, would get into what we got into today. Now, though, it's a one-on-one here and that's a lot different isn't it. Is that what's bothering you?

"Yes... uh, no... uh, fuck I don't know, Josh. I know this is different, and I know that you're not going to push anything on me that I don't want... but... damn... but..."

"But? Let me tell you this, Hank. Honest like. You are one hot man, dripping with sex. But there's a hell of a lot more to you than just that. You're very intelligent, hard working, ambitious, and outgoing... got one of the world's greatest laughs. You are just all around fantastic. I want you to know that you can pretend you have this STOP button on you. If and when things get too heavy for you, just push that button and I'll back off. Deal? The important thing for me is to have some time with you. Get to know you better... We can pop a few brews, clean up, have some supper and just watch movies or talk about the weather or whatever. And, most of all, for you to be honest about your feelings and what you want. And the same for me."

"I hear you. But at the same time... but... damn, I want to know you... to get with you... to... shit, I don't know what the fuck I want... "

He got out of the pickup and came up and put his arms around me tight. I put my arms around him and we just stood there with his head snuggled into my shoulder. And he started sobbing. Sobbing hard. I could feel that in his belly. He was beginning to spasm he was sobbing so hard.

"Let it all out, Hank. There's so much stuff inside of you that got out today and last week. It must be pretty mind blowing to you and hard to handle. So just let it all out. I'm here to help if you need me, but you gotta do it for yourself first."

I licked the tears that were flowing down his cheeks. So salty. His nose was running and I sucked the snot from it. So sweet. He just kept on sobbing hard. I thought he might puke, but he didn't. He just wretched and spasmed, but no puke. Actually, I was relieved at that. Not sure how I'd handle him puking on me or in me. Every thing was quiet except for his sobbing. But finally, he calmed down and started breathing normally. I kissed the tears from his cheeks and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Damn, Josh. Somehow that felt so damned good. Like I cleaned a lot of stuff out of my head. I'm tired and exhilerated at the same time. Go figure. Thanks, bro, for being so supportive through all that."

"No need for thanks, Hank. You needed some arms around you and a place to let loose. Come on Dreamboat, let's go in and have a couple of brews and just take it easy. We can shower in a bit and I'll work up some supper." "Dreamboat?!! Fuck, what did I do with that STOP button!" And he laughed hard. That broke the ice.

So we went in and he sat down on the sofa while I brought out a couple of beers. He swigged his down like there'd be no more left on earth. I downed mine too, to keep up with him. So I got us a couple more and we drink them down slowly. That was more like it. We were a lot more relaxed now after all the drama.

"Whew! This has been a day, Josh. Still hard to believe everything that's gone down with the four of us. Damn I love all you guys. It's just that all this is so new to me that at times it's pretty overwhelming."

"Of course it is. What's gone on is pretty awesome to me too, and I'm used to a lot of it already. Just remember as for me, and I'm sure the rest of the guys, no one's going to push you into doing anything you don't really want to do. Just remember that and you'll be fine."

"Thanks for that, Josh. I understand what you're getting across to me." He pulled me close and gave me a big hug and a little kiss on my lips. Of course I boned. He reached and grabbed my dick through my shorts and squeezed. Damn it felt good. I still resolved to let him take the lead, and he was doing it. "I like the feel of your stiffer, Josh. Just like I dug fucking your tight ass. And fucking Quail's. I think I'm falling in love with ass fucking. Sure is a lot different than fucking pussy"

"Hey Dreamboat, an ass is meant for more than just taking a dump. You fucking mine felt just as good to me as it did to you. Did you dig my tonguing your hole too?"

"Damn, yes, bro! Sure did. And I even got to like licking assholes of you guys. Never knew people did things like that. By the way, when you were licking my hole and working my dick... I remember cumming hard and I thought maybe something might have slipped out of my hole. Did it?" He was taking his leading role big time. More than I thought he would.

"Yep sure did. A nice little turd." I held up my hand with finger to thumb to show him how long it was -- about an inch or so.

"Oh damn I'm sorry, bud. Jeez, what did you do with it?" Now there was the lead I was looking for.

Here it went... "I ate it." You could hear the crickets outside, and our breathing, and nothing much else. He just looked blank for what seemed like a long, long time.

"You ate my shit!!!!?... You actually ate my shit!!!" I could tell the wheels were going around in his head. And more... and more... then, "How did it taste?" Can you beat that? That hunk is getting up there... or is it down there? "Did it make you about to puke? Or sick? Or.... well? "

"No, Hank. I've been playing with and eating shit for a couple years now. And drinking piss out of some fine dicks. At first I puked and backed off from shit for awhile. And I've gotten a case of the runs now and then. But it didn't take long before I got used to it and really got into it. Now I actually crave it."

All he could say was, "Damn."

"Now yours was very mild that time, but the taste and feel of it varies with what a guy has been eating. Some is very strong, some is spicy and some mild like yours was. Some guys say the turd they've just eaten is 'earthy'. Now that seems weird to me unless the feeder has been eating dirt, which I doubt. But no matter. I love a guy feeding me his dump and washing it down with his piss."

"Well, just the idea of feeding my turd to a guy is amazing, but I think I can understand what you're saying. A little something like I really get off on eating my wife's pussy and sucking out all her juice when she cums. Not was wild as eating shit, but.... Well, I'm glad you were up front with me and told me about it. I doubt if many guys would be brave enough to do that."

"Well, I was taking a big chance of turning you off big time and you picking up and getting out of here. I'm glad you didn't. Who knows, I might get the chance to eat from you again, but that time you'll know what's going on. No hiding it. In fact, I have a feeling I might be eating from you this evening."

"You know, I don't feel turned off at all. And that surprises me like hell. And maybe that might happen. This evening? Well, we've talked about it, so if it happens, it happens. I'm actually hoping it does. Whew!" Talk about being open!

Somehow, I got the feeling that he hoped it would. Now I know he did. And so did I. To eat some shit from this hot man would be heaven.

"Dreamboat, you're something else! Hey how's about that shower and some dinner?" I leaned over and kissed him and even tongued his mouth a little. He didn't back off at all.

"You bet... hey, Josh, would you undress me?... please? I'd like you taking my clothes off instead of me doing it myself."

"At your service, Dreamboat. But I probably will be slow at it." I really meant that. I wanted to go good and slow and get his smells and tastes before we washed it all off. "OK, just sit back and relax. I'm gonna start with your shoes and sox." I stripped off my clothes first so they wouldn't get in the way, just in case he might.... well, you know... a guy can always dream, can't he?

"Well, my feet are sweaty as hell. Are you sure you want to smell my stinky feet?"

"Just don't worry, man. I'll be doing what I really like, so go with it. You always got that STOP button you know." I unlaced his shoes and slowly took each one off. I buried my nose in one of them and inhaled his wonderful sweat stink mixed with the smell of leather. Nothing like it.

"Damn, Josh, that makes me hot just watching you." I could see that fine dick of his tenting his shorts. "Just the idea that you would like the smell of my feet gets my hormones going bonkers. You really like that, don't you?"

"Hank, I'm really into the smells of a sweaty man. I'm not going to stop at your feet." I inhaled the other shoe as I eased off his damp sox. I love the smell of leather, and having a man's sweat inside them is fantastic! Then I sucked on one of his sox and smelled up the other. Fuck I boned up hard with that taste and smell of his feet. I started sucking on his toes and got the hot taste of his toe jam.

"How does that taste, Josh. Let me have a taste of it." So I got some of that hot toe jam on my finger and let him smell it and lick it. "Mmm, I can sorta see why you like that. Not bad at all."

When I finished sucking the jam from his toes, I worked my way up his foot, then his legs, relishing the salty taste of his sweaty skin. I guess he thought I was going after his dick since he raised up some so I could get his shorts and briefs off. "Not so fast Dreamboat. I need to smell up your pits first."

"Oh, OK." He sounded a little disappointed that I was going to delay the inevitable for awhile. I squeezed the tent where his boner lived just to let him know I knew what was there. "Damn, Josh, you're fucking me over now!"

He laughed as I pulled off his tee shirt and sucked on the pit area of that sweaty shirt. Man, it stunk so good and had a wonderful, somewhat bitter taste. I laid that part of his tee over his nose so he could smell it as I invaded his wet, hairy pit. "Dreamboat, you got fine pits. Love how they smell and the taste they have. Maybe this is as far as I go," I said, teasing him.

"Like hell, man. You got me so riled up here if you stopped there I think I'd call Quail to come rescue me." At that, he pulled my face to those hot pits and I inhaled and sucked all the more.

"Well, if you want to get raped, go ahead" I said, and squeezed that tent again, "But who knows what will happen to your virginity if you do." I raised up and kissed him full mouth and slipped my tongue into it and roamed around his tongue and teeth.

"If you promise to rape me nicely, then I won't call him," and he sucked some of my saliva into his mouth.

"OK, if that's what you want... I'm on my way south." I slowly licked down his salty body. I nibbled and sucked on each of his big nipples, which nearly drove him nuts. I chewed on his dick through his shorts and he eased up to let me pull off his shorts and skivvies. Damn, what a sight! His boner leaking a load of pre, which I lapped up like a thristy dog. His skivvies had some piss stains on the front and nice skids in the back. I paid proper attention to both, but especially to the skids. A nice preview of the flavor of his shit that I was determined to get at soon. His pubes were damp with sweat. The aroma from his balls was a real turnon, but the smell coming up from his asshole topped the cake. I wasn't going to go after that until I deep throated that thick cock of his. It had a nice upward curve, which gave me the 'excuse' to get around in 69. So I could more easily deep throat you know... no other reason... yeah right. Maybe I could get him hot enough to suck my dick or even just play with my hood.

I licked his piss slit more and sucked out some more of his salty goo. It was so good, and there was a lot of it. I fondled his furry balls while I licked around his dick head and up and down that fine shaft. Loved the tickle of his pubes on my nose when I got down that way. He started moaning and squeezed my tool hard and milked out some of my pre. So we had pre flowing all over the place. He rolled back the hood and munched softly on the skin there. "That's the way, Dreamboat. Show my cock you like it." No comment, but as I slowly took his cock in my mouth, swirled my tongue all around the head and eased it into my throat. It was hard not to gag a little since it was pretty thick and hard to get down there. He pulled down on my butt and licked my asshole good and deep. Oh fuck, that man was getting hotter and hotter. Suddenly, he pulled on my head and his cock went all the way down until my nose was buried in that fur. I kept it there as long as I could but had to slowly withdraw so I could breathe. But it felt wonderful having that tool of his in my throat that way. I kept repeating slowly while holding his balls in my hand until I felt them start to swell and get hard. I knew then that I'd better stop and get to his ass before he shot his load. I had to have his shit and I feared that would be difficult for him if he came.

"Damn, Josh... why did you stop? I never felt so hot like that, ever. It felt so wonderful. Please don't stop, bro."

"I want to get some other things done, Dreamboat, and I don't want you to cum yet." I gently sucked on his balls, taking them one by one in my mouth and getting them good and slimy. I ran my finger around his shit hole and rubbed that baby good. Eased my slimy finger in aways and felt a treasure inside. That treasure is gonna be mine soon. I eased out and licked his brown off my finger. He moaned all the more and I knew now was the time to get into that hole and get fed. He was ready. So was I. I was so fucking high servicing him that I was afraid I'd lose it too. So I turned around to face his crotch and lifted his legs up over my shoulders. His pucker was so fine... tight looking with only a few hairs there and the skin around it was just a little darker. I dove in and tongued the hell out of that hole. He moaned and groaned and writhed around. I almost lost contact with his hole he was moving around so much. It was a little ripe, but not as ripe as it soon would be. But a good preview.

"Dreamboat, I just gotta have your shit, man. I'm needing it so fucking much. Give it to me baby... feed me good."

"I'll give you anything you want, bro. I want to share it with you if I can take it. Keep that in mind. Don't eat it all."

I started sucking on his ass lips, licking and kissing and sucking on them. They were so beautiful framed by his smooth ass crack. "Push, Dreamboat. Push easy now, don't hurt yourself. But I need that turd right from your insides." He pushed and a little fart slipped out. "Love your farts baby. Keep 'em coming." His ass lips started to open up and balloon out, sorta like a blooming flower. The opening grew larger and larger and finally I could see the head of a turd start to show. I got so fucking hot I could hardly stand it. "Baby,it's beginning to show. It's a fine looking turd. I can't wait to get a taste of that beauty! Ease it on out, Dreamboat." More and more of it showed itself. It was medium brown and so fucking beautiful. Finally, the last of it slipped out quickly and I had the first part of it in my mouth. I pulled away so he could see it.

"Man, did that come out of me? I can see why you like the looks of shit. Maybe I'll be able to have a taste or at least a lick." I pulled the whole thing out of my mouth, much as I hated to, and let it rest on my hand. Hardly any shit smell at all, but enough to make my nose twitch. I licked on it and kissed it and made love to it. "Josh, that is so fucking hot watching you make it with my shit. Let me hold it for a while." He took it in his hand and just looked at it. "It's so nice and warm, baby. That was inside me just a minute ago and now I got it right here in front of me!" He lifted his hand, and the turd, to his nose and inhaled a deep breath. "Not bad, bro. Maybe now I can tell people my shit don't stink." He stuck out his tongue and touched it lightly to the turd. He didn't make a face or anything. He just smiled. "Never in the world did I think I'd ever to that. Never. Look at me now. Tasting my own turd."

"You've gone further than I did with my shit the first time or two, Dreamboat. Good going!"

He got brave and licked the turd from end to end. Stuck out his tongue and it had a light brown coating. He started to spasm, but caught it in time. "I think that's as far as I can go right now, Josh. Plus, I'm so boned I'm afraid I'll shoot my wad if I go further. Here, baby."

I took it in my hand and broke it in half to show him how it looked inside. "Let's see what you've been eating, Dreamboat. Mmmm, some pieces of lettuce. There's a couple kernals of corn. A few hunks of carrots. Pieces of red onion. Some bits of nuts. Looks like you ate well, baby." I took the head end and put it in my mouth. I stuck out my tongue and showed Hank how it was laying on my tongue ready to be eaten. Then I mashed it up against the roof of my mouth. Damn it was gourmet shit! Best I'd eaten in a long, long time. I ran it around my mouth to get all the flavor then finally swallowed it. "Dreamboat, get your dick in my mouth and give me some piss to wash it down. I need that now." He started pissing just before he got it in my mouth and gave my face a good soaking, then finally hit the target. Love piss, and his was like fine wine. Maybe even a little better, considering where it came from. I opened my mouth up wide and took in his bladder full of his nectar. Until he finally ran out.

"I need to fuck you now, Josh. This afternoon when I fucked your ass, I was in heaven. And I'm ready again. Can you believe?'

"Yeah, Dreamboat, I believe. You're a hot, horny fucker and fucking is one of your talents. How you want me, baby?"

"Just lay on your back and get your legs over my shoulders and I'll take it from there."

So I did as told. "Once you're in, hand me the rest of your turd so I can munch on it while you're fucking my ass." He licked my asshole good and deep and got some lube and eased into me with a glob on his finger. Then two fingers. Then I was good and open for him. He moved up to my hole with his dick and slid into me. It didn't take long until he bottomed since he'd opened me up so well. When his dick passed my gland, I shot out of big wad of pre. "Damn, Dreamboat, that feels so fucking good. Hand me that turd and go for it baby." He put the turd to my lips and I opened up and let it slide onto my tongue. I was chewing on it as he fucked me slow and deep. Talk about heaven!

Hank's fucking was so slow and almost rhythmic. Deep in, and slowly almost all the way out, then slowly all the way in until he bottomed with his balls resting on my crack. This went on seemingly for hours, although I knew it wasn't that long. He is a master at fucking, no doubt about it. "When you finish swallowing that turd, I have more for you. Just tell me when you're ready for it."

"You didn't tell me you had more. You were holding out on me. How's come?"

He smiled and said, "You didn't ask, Josh." He kept on fucking me although I thought he was speeding up with his strokes little by little. He chewed gently on my legs as he got hotter and hotter. "Damn, man, it feels so hot inside your rectum. So smooth, so warm. And the way you clamp on my dick as I move in you. Damn! My turd wants to come out, baby. Don't eat it right aways, I might want to try working on it again if I get buzzed enough. Don't know if I can let it out while I'm fucking you, but I hate to stop fucking."

"Don't worry Dreamboat, I know you can." I held my hand right at his hole and worked my finger all around his hole whilc he continued to fuck. Once again, I could feel his asslips start to open up and his turd showed itself for me to rub. It was nice and firm but a little softer than the one before. I knew it was just as beautiful. Suddenly, on his down thrust, it slipped out into my hand. Damn, it was even warmer than the other one. I took it and put it in my mouth, where Hank could see it. I teased him by easing it in and out of my mouth.

"Baby, I gotta have some of that." He was stroking faster and faster and I knew he was getting close. He sucked on his turd and took it all in his mouth and then pushed it back out into mine. No spasming at all. Just fucking harder and faster as we passed that marvel back and forth between us. It was getting smaller and smaller as we took his shit into our mouths. He was getting closer and closer to cumming. He kept speeding up his thrusts. I swear my ass lips were smoking! Just about as the turd was nearly gone, he pulled back, stopped breathing and suddenly pushed full stroke all the way back into my ass and screamed loud. I could feel his red hot sperm firing out of his dick and coating my inner rectum. I shot my load all over my belly. He collapsed on me full weight. He opened his mouth wide with his lips against my open mouth. He poured his saliva into me. He hacked up a thick wad. I think some puke came with it since it was bitter tasting. All of a sudden it all came up along with what was left of his turd. He emptied his vomit into my mouth and I took it all. Every drop. And I loved it. He calmed down then and laid back down on me and started sobbing. Sobbing hard. That went on for awhile until finally everything got quiet. Just the two of us breathing softly.

"Josh, I'm so fucking sorry I lost it. I hoped that wouldn't happen. I'm so sorry" and he kissed me.

"Dreamboat, no need to feel that way. Anything that comes out of you is perfect for me, including your puke. That's the first time I've had anyone puke in me, and it was wonderful coming from you!" I really meant it. I'd often wondered what it would be like, now I knew.

All he could say was, "Damn! You are really something!" He kissed me deeply again.

We finally got the gumption to get up and go shower. We had fun in there too, with me pissing all over him before we turned on the water. He loved it. After drying each other off, and making out like a couple of teens, we went to the kitchen and got some supper together. That over and things cleaned up, we got in bed and almost instantly fell asleep. Can't imagine why we were so tired... can you? Oh yes, he threw away the STOP button.

There were other times with Hank, when he was able to have some time away from family and all, but none quite as hot as this time. The guys at work kid us of course, especially Diego, but that's fine, we kid each other a lot. We're all comfortable with what goes on with each of us. No secrets from any of us. We are very truly OUR GANG.

Even with all this "activity" over the past few days and weeks, one day after quitting time I felt like being ready for some perversion time. I thought I'd check out the porta potty and see if I can do some turd rescuing (some pigs call it "farming," but to me that doesn't give a rise to my dick like "turd rescuing" does.) When I got to it, there was someone inside. Shit, that could mean a fresh turd to explore! I heard a lot of grunting and groaning and a big fart now and then. Finally I heard a big sigh and the paper being reeled from the roll. Then the door opened and it was Miguel. Be still my fucking heart!

There was a big smile on his face. "Hey papi! How's the man?" He came close and gave me a big hug. Almost cracked a rib or two, but I forgot the pain having him that close and smelling the aroma of his sweaty pits and the roughness of his stubble against my cheek. Then he lowered his hands to my butt and squeezed hard. Must run in the family.

"Nice nalgas there, Josh. I'd like to fuck that hole of yours one of these days." Well, no one can say he was bashful.

"Hey, bro. I think I could stand a good fuck from you most anytime. Just make your reservations early. My hole is pretty busy. Anyway, you must be feeling good now, after taking a dump. Hope everything came out OK."

"Yeah, it finally did big time. I've been bound up for a couple days, and it finally let loose, although it felt like I was giving birth to a kid. Nothing like taking a big dump to calm the savage beast." He let go and gave my butt another squeeze. Damn, he knows how to get me going.

"I know the feeling bro. Right now, I feel a biggy right at my hole waiting to come out in the light."

"You better go on in then, before you bust. Oh, by the way. I got a heads up for you. Alejandro's got the hots for you. Big time, I think. And when he's got his mind on something, he's gonna do his best to get it. And, that's YOU, papi. That's YOU! Looking at the way your shorts are tenting, I guess that means you'd be up for a tussle or two with him. Right?"

"You got me to rights, bro. You got me pegged." Damn, things sure have been coming on hot and heavy lately. And now the possibility of hooking up with Alejandro. Damn!

"OK, just remember, when you two get married, I'm gonna be the bride's maid." And he busted out laughing hard and took off.. I turned around and watched that fine butt of his as he walked away. Then he turned around, blew me a kiss, and went on his way. I nearly creamed my drawers.

So, now that I was boned as hell, I went on in the shit house to see just what Miguel left. I had my zip-lock baggie with me just in case his deposit was worth taking home. Come to think of it, there was no doubt in my mind as to that, judging by all the noise he made while he was taking a dump. I lifted the lid and damn... what a sight! His light colored turds -- three of them -- resting on top of the older dark ones. I cleared away the paper and just rested there looking at those works of art. Looks like they had been all one turd, but broke when they hit the pile. The head part, all lumpy and crinkled, and nicely coated with his ass gravy. The middle part, smoother with even more of his ass gravy. And the tail part, smooth and slick with more slime and tapering off into that beautiful tapered tail; the part that tastes the best. I knew I needed to take all those beauties home with me. I wouldn't waste my time with the other logs. I touched the head part. It was still warm. Seemed like electricity was going through my body out onto that wonderful turd of his. I picked it up, kissed it, licked it, sucked on it and then put it in the baggy. The taste was spicy, just like the shit of most Latinos is. Guess it's their spicy diet. Then I picked up the middle piece. I just had to eat some then and now, and not wait until I got home. Again I made love to it and bit off a piece and let it rest on my tongue while I put the rest in the baggie. So good! And still nice and warm, almost alive. I squashed it against the roof of my mouth to get the full flavor of his shit, and it was gourmet! After it melted and I swallowed it, I picked up the last piece. I broke off a bit of the tail and rubbed it up my nose so I could smell it while I drove home. I was gonna have a feast that night for sure. I wasn't going to waste any of it. I really scored big here, and to make it even better, that shit came out of Miguel's hole.

So, I sat on the stool and took a good healthy dump, just in case another turd rescuer came by. Wiped my ass and went on outside with my baggy in hand. Fuck! This apprentice, Oliver, was waiting to come in. Hot, young, slender, chocolate-skinned dude. Sexy as hell. Made my mouth water. I tried not to smile, though, since my teeth were probably brown.

"Hey man, what you got in that bag there?" Damn he was a doll!

Always the quick thinker I said, "Well my doc said he wanted a sample of my shit, so I thought I'd give him as much as I had."

"Jeez, Josh, don't ya think you went a little overboard?' He looked that baggy over good.

"Well maybe so. Maybe I'll tone it down some when I get home. Could be, though, he's using his samples to fertilize his garden."

Oliver laughed. "You're fucked!," he said, and went on in the shit house and shut the door. It entered my mind how I'd just love to be fucked by that hunk. I had a brief thought of coming back a little later to see if I could scavenge some of his shit. But, since I had Miguel's to keep me occupied when I got home, I forgot that. Enough is enough. Or was it?

No it wasn't! In the frame of mind I was in, I had to get Oliver's shit too. Too good to miss I was sure. I needed it. So while I waited for Oliver to leave, I opened the baggy and smelled up the fumes coming out of it from Miguel's shit. I rubbed off some of the gravy and licked it off my finger. Damn, I could hardly wait to get home and feast on those turds. When I heard Oliver's truck start up and leave, I put the baggy in the glove box, got a fresh one and went back to the porta potty. I went in, and inside I was hit by the wonderful stink of Oliver's farts. I opened up the lid and looked down in. Man, there was this golden brown turd all in one piece and waiting for me. It seemed as if it was beckoning me to rescue it. So I just had to. I didn't want to break it, so reached down and under it and gently brought it up. Damn, though, it broke in half. No matter, it was all mine now and I'd break it up later anyways. I licked it to get a taste of the ass gravy that coated it. Nice! So nice! I chewed off a piece just to get a preview of what I'd be eating later. It had a "rich" taste if that makes any sense. Not mild, not spicy, but "rich." Use your imagination. No matter how to describe it, it was awesome. So I gently bagged it, and licked my fingers clean and went back to the pickup and drove home. Salivating! Boned!

I wanted to make this a wonderful experience, not just the run of the mill turd rescuing. These turds came from a couple of the hottest men around and that made them very special. I would really dig eating directly from either of these guys, but that, at the moment at least, seems pretty impractical. So I put the turds in their baggies on the stand next to the bed and took off my clothes. I loved being naked in the presence of these beautiful turds. I was going to eat from both of them, but not the whole of either one. Just enough to really satisfy me. The rest would go in the freezer along with other turds I've rescued from time to time. These two would be the stars of that freezer! I decided to slice each batch so that the tails -- my favorite parts of shit -- would be separated from the rest. I took the turds out of the baggies and laid them out on the stand. Look at them! They are just about perfect. Hills and valleys, bumps and smooth areas. Shaped by the ass lips they emerged from Look at them. I made love to them. Licked them. Kissed them. Talked to them. I was falling in love with those pieces of these men they came from. Beautiful men. Beautiful turds! I took a knife and cut the tails from the rest of those beauties. I put the remainders into one of the baggies and put them in the freezer. The tails I put in the other baggie, sealed it, and went into the kitchen... filled a pan with hot water and put the baggy into the water. I left them for about five minutes while I lubed up my shithole and eased my favorite dildo into my fuck tube. Damn, it felt wonderful. This dildo was a battery vibrating type, so I turned it on to low speed. And walked over to the pan and lifted the baggy out of the water. It felt like it was ready so I opened the baggy and took both turds out. They were nice and warm, just as they were when they came out of Miguel and Oliver. Perfect. I went into the bedroom with them with the dildo still vibrating in my ass. Laid down on the bed and laid the turds on my face, right next to my nose and mouth. I inhaled their aroma. Smelled so wonderful. I licked them each. They tasted so great. These men made fine shit for sure. I would suck on one, then on the other one to get the full flavor. They were delicious. The scene was so hot. I felt the vibrator working on my prostate and I fucked myself with it, all the time letting those turds roam around my mouth, resting on my tongue, pushed to the roof of my mouth. I slowly chewed on them and I got closer and closer to orgasm. I tingled all over. I crushed the turds into all parts of my mouth. They were so good. Just as I was swallowing them, I came. I shot wads of my seed all over my body and rubbed it into my skin while those turds slid slowly down my throat into my belly.

My turd rescuing expedition was a total success!!!

When I got home from work one afternoon, I was horny as usual and decided to chill out awhile before taking a shower. I was sweaty and my pits stunk like hell. Love to smell my ripe pits almost as much as someone else's. Got myself naked and a beer and checked out my favorite scat web site. Lots of hot shit vids on it and I always get turned on watching them. I smoked a doobie and got nicely turned on. I decided to give birth to a turd rather than go to the bother of defrosting one of the beauties I have in the freezer. I fingered my shit hole and felt a nice one up there. So I fingered it up and down the side and got my finger good and brown. With my love of scat, my own shit is just about as good as any others. Well, almost. Just as I was about to give birth to it, the phone rang. I almost let it ring, but something told me that I'd regret that. Turned out my premonition was right.

"Hey Josh, Quail here."

"Hey super stud, how's it hanging? Anything like when I sucked you off a few days ago?"

"Well, it's boned like that for sure... Anyway, Pussy's got the rag on this week and my balls are filled up and I need some relief, baby. Your black buddy here is climbing the walls. Know anyone, especially like some dude named Josh, who could give me some service? "

"Hmmm... yeah I think I could help you out there." Damn, maybe this is the chance to get some shit out of this hot stud. More than the couple of tastes I got back a few days ago. "Would another good Josh blow job work?" I licked the rest of the brown off my finger and got even more turned on thinking about getting his.

"That was one fine blowjob, bro, best I've ever had, but I need something more than that. I need to use your ass. You know what I mean?"

I thought I'd play him along awhile. "Hmmm, well, let's see. Just how do you plan to use my ass?"

"I plan to plant a flag pole in it, run up the flag, salute it and sing the National Anthem... Ooooohoo say can you see..... "

"Enough! Enough! Damn Quail, I was hoping you'd want to fuck it." I love playing around with him like that.

"OK shithead, you know damn well that's what I got in mind. I need to fuck your ass. Get my piece in that hole to the hilt. Fuck you 'till you beg for me to stop. Fill your fuck tube up with my load until it runs out all over your nuts. That's what I got on my mind. Dig?"

"Yeah, I dig, stud. What you got to offer as an incentive? You know, to sorta sweeten up the deal."

"You're playing with me aren't ya. OK, I'll tell you one thing that you might go for. I'm totally sweaty and stink up a storm. I know how you white bois dig the stank of a sweaty black man down there amongst his goods. Well, that stank is working up overtime on me, baby. How's that for a sweetener?"

"Fuck, you got me going baby.. get your hot body and that stank over here in a hurry before I go bonkers." Just the idea of smelling him up around his balls and crotch has got more than just casual interest from me, it's got my hormones raging!

"See ya in ten, man. You better be hot and bothered and ready to go." He hung up and I was so boned at the thought of him being here and servicing him that it hurt. You know that feeling?

Don't know why, but I pulled on a beat up, dirty pair of shorts and waited out on the porch for him. It's plenty private around here and no need to dress up... but... It wasn't long until he pulled up in his pickup and killed the engine. When he got out he was totally bare-ass naked and his piece was pointing at the sky. He walked over, upped the steps to the porch and, right on, pulled my face to his wet, smelly pits. Oh damn! Oh fuck! I licked and slobbered all over each pit and nearly came unglued. I came close to shooting my load just doing that. And that was only his pits.

"Down Fido, down! Shit, you really are in heat here, baby. Just like me. Let's go in and have a brew and share this dooby I got and chill out a bit. I need to empty my balls, but there's no big rush. As long as it's not too long. For one thing, lose those fucking shorts. We're gonna rock here and they'd get in the way."

So I did as he said, and my dick popped up and slapped me in the belly. Obviously it was relieved to get out from under those shorts.

"Damn, I really dig that hood of yours, man. Wish my folks hadn't had the doc cut off my skin when I was born. Fucking brutality is what that is. So that means I gotta play with yours today. I doubt if you mind."

"Don't mind at all, Quail. There might be a wad of cheese under that skin. Want me to wash it off?"

"You do that and I'll... I'll... well, just don't do that man. I aim to lick that cheese off that dick big time. Haven't tasted cheese since that day with Diego. You didn't have much that time."

So I went in and got a couple of beers and came back and sat down next to Quail. Damn, but he smelled so good. He played with my nips and rubbed up my balls. My legs were against his and it felt like electricity rubbing against his nappy leg hair. I worked his dick with my sweaty hand. "You know, Josh. I love my family big time and always will, but there are times that I gotta be with a guy. And as hot as you are, there's no guilt attached to that feeling at all. It's just in my genes and that's the way it is. Understand what I'm saying? "

"Yeah I do, Quail. Totally."

"One thing I've realized, and my black bros do too, is how you white bois dig the stank we have down around our goods. I've never been with a white dude who didn't come unglued smelling up that stank and licking it up. But, maybe you didn't realize that we get that same feeling smelling up a white dude who's all sweaty. I dig that more than smelling up a black brother. Go figure."

"It must go back to caveman days or something like that... think so?"

"Don't know and don't care about those guys. Knowing you, if you'd been around in those days, you'd smell up every one of them and then some." He laughed up a storm. "Right now I want you to get down to my goods and inhale this stank of mine and while you do that, get around so's I can roll back that hood and see how much cheese you got under there. Hope there's a lot."

So I got in 69 with my nose in his crotch and my dick right at his mouth. The stank was so fucking hot! The best I'd smelled in a long, long time. Not sure how to describe it. Smelled sorta sour I'd say, but even different from that. All I can say is that there is no other aroma like that on earth. If they could somehow bottle that odor, no one would need poppers. The taste went along with that smell. Not a great description for those of you who've not been fortunate enough to sex with a sweaty black dude, but others who have should know what I mean. I licked up his balls and got my tongue real close to his smelly shit hole. I wanted to rim him, but was a little afraid to right then. Then I figured what the fuck. I wanted to do it, so I did. Dug my tongue deep into that shithole and sucked on it. It stunk and tasted ripe as hell, but I loved every bit of it. Sucked on his dick to get a wad of his pre. I was in queer heaven for sure. "Damn Quail. This is pure HOT. No other way to describe it. Don't want to stop. Your stank is primo, and really got turned on by the smell and flavor of your hole."

"Well, you'll have to stop when I get around to fucking your ass. Sorry, but I don't think any other way would work without breaking something. But having your tongue up my asshole... jeeez man, I love that." He worked my hood down until my dick head came out in the open. "Damn, what a fine glob of smeg, man... creamy with some lumps in it. And it stinks so fine!" He licked my dick head and just moaned as he slurped up my cheese. By the time he finished eating it, he was going crazy, just as I was inhaling and tasting his stank. How long did this go on? Hell, I don't know. Who worries about time when things like this are going on! He pulled me up and we open mouth kissed. I could taste my cheese on his tongue, and I guess his stank was all over my face. "Damn you Josh. I'm so fucking turned on now. Baby, this... this... I love it. Don't want it to end."

"I don't either Quail. I suppose it has to some time, but not right now. You know I really got off on taking that big load of yours the other day, and then drinking your piss. Damn, that piss of yours is so slick and strong. You cum was thick enough to lube up a dozen ass holes.. I really was sad I wasn't able to take it all. But, seems I've about done all I can with you except for you to fuck my ass."

"Not so, Josh. Not so. I found out that day when you sucked my shit off of Hank's dick after he fucked me, and when you felched up the mix of cum and my shit that leaked out of my ass, that you dug shit. Am I right? Come on, baby, don't be bashful about something as natural as eating a guy's shit. I've never eaten another guy's but I have munched on mine when I'm high."

Whew! Now that he knew, I could relax and get some of his fine shit to eat. "Yeah Quail. Your shit then got me going but I knew I couldn't go any further that day with the other two around. I never knew how they'd react." Little did he know that I'd scarfed up shit from the both of them after that day. "Now that we're here by ourselves, I need to eat some of that shit of yours. A lot of it. All of it that you got."

"Don't be so fucking greedy man. And, I have a suspicion that you've feasted on Diego's and Hank's turds. Am I right?" He eased his finger up his ass and pulled out some brown and let me lick it off.

"Yeah, you got it, bro... you seem to know most everything that goes on with us. Yeah, I had a lot of it with Diego and his 19 year old bud who's addicted to shit and gives out good turds too. Hank was a little shy about feeding me at first, but finally let loose. Both of them had great shit."

"Well now, here we are. I'm the last one of the group to give you scat. No matter. I got a tube full, baby and ready to give it to you if you're ready. And I feel like I need you to share some of it with me. Now and then when I'm really stoned and horny as hell, I sit on the crapper and when a log starts easing out, I grab the firm, first out part and play with it awhile, then eat it. Not bad shit, although I don't know what good shit is like."

"Quail, as far as I'm concerned, shit is shit. I've had all flavors and firm and medium and soft and I love it all... and, yeah, I'm ready baby."

"OK, man... I'm gonna get in doggy with my butt facing you in the air for you to worship and eat from. I'm a little constipated so it might take awhile to get some out. I'm gonna take my time and when some is out, I'm gonna clamp and break it off for you to take your time eating it. So get ready for a feast."

He did get his beautiful hairy ass up and facing me. I kissed that hole and licked it and pulled his buns apart so I could get a good view. Damn, it was a hot view -- wrinklet up pucker surrounded by his nappy hair. Licked up and down his crack and paid a lot of attention to his shithole. His asslips ballooned out a little and I pushed my tongue as hard as I could to try to get in there. He pushed some and blew a load of ass gas. Guys, that ass wind about blew me away, and I loved it. "Suck on those lips, baby... suck hard... see if you can suck out a turd. Suck on it baby."

I did just that. Got a lot more fart in my mouth and across my face. I sat back a little to see what was going on with his shithole. It was really opening up. He pushed and grunted and passed another fart. Finally I could see the head of his turd start to show itself. That is one of the most erotic sights there is in my book. He grunted some more and more eased out of his ass. It was one beautiful turd. A work of art you might say. I put my lips around it and sucked on it. Damn it tasted fine! When it got out an inch or so, he clamped and it broke and I had it in my mouth. I licked his shitty hole and let that turd ripen on my tongue.

He turned around, "Let me see that turd on your tongue baby.. damn, look at that! That makes me hot as hell. French me baby. Let me have a taste of it." I stuck my tongue, with that turd on it, into his mouth and he sucked it off and let it melt on his tongue. "That is fine shit if I do say so myself." He kissed me hard. Oh man, he was really turned on by all this. Even as much as I was. I never dreamed it would go like this with this stud.

"I'm ready to give you some more baby. You ready for more?'

"Damn right, man. Give me more this time." He got in doggy again and l got my mouth right on his hole so I could feel his asslips open up again. I was a little easier this time and in just a while, and a few farts later, a nice log eased out. A little softer this time. It slid across my tongue and laid there. He turned around again and looked like he approved of this birth of his. I let it melt on my tongue so that the shit juice started it's journey down my throat.

"Damn, man. You really dig shit, don't you. Makes me feel hot baby. I'm gonna squat over your chest and let the rest out, OK?"

"You bet. Make sure you empty out all the way." So he did what he said and his ass lips parted again and I fingered around his hole. I felt his lips open up again, and his soft shit eased out and onto my chest. I picked up some of it and smeared it around his butt. I took some more and smeared it all over my chest and belly and ate some more. He slid up so his butt rested on my chest and moved back and forth to spread his shit all over me. Oh damn. I'm in scat heaven. Never been smeared like that with warm, soft shit. He turned around and laid on my torso and frenched me hard so he could taste the last of his shit in my mouth. He was moaning and shuddering. He was really turned on. Not that I wasn't. I rubbed my fingers along his crack and he shit out the last of what he had. Very soft. Very warm.

Finally, he calmed down and said, "Josh, that was the hottest thing I've ever experienced, and that's the truth. I gotta fuck you now, bro... I gotta get deep inside your body and make you scream for more. I'm gonna breed you, baby. I'm gonna make your ass lips smoke and beg for mercy!" And he did just that. He knew just how to massage my gland so that I shot a couple loads before he finally gave one last grunt, spit up a wad of phlegm all over my face, pushed in deep and shot and shot and shot. He really unloaded his balls. And that was that. We both held each other still wallowing in some of his shit and calmed down. That took a long time, believe me!

"Quail, you are something else, man. You are something else!"

A few days later, I was getting some stuff at the hardware store in town. As luck would have it, Alejandro was there too. Damn, be still my heart! He looked like he'd been working - dirty shorts, messed up hair, a little sunburned. So fucking sexy!

"Hey papi! You're lookin' good, man. Good enough to eat. What's up?" He had that twinkle in his eyes as he checked out my growing bulge as he talked.

"Just getting some stuff together to do some things around the house that I shoulda done weeks ago. How about you, bud?"

"Well, a lot of the same, although with this fine weather, I'm not really into it. I just put in some overtime at the job, so I'm sorta skuzzy..."

"Yeah, I can smell you. I'm not really that much in the mood either. Hey, how's about stopping by the house for a brew or two and some... uh... whatever we can come up with, like smelling up your armpits." I can't believe I said that. "I can even get some supper together later, so we won't starve," I was getting hot as hell, and he knew it. I think there was a little steam coming out of his ears. And drool out of those beautiful lips of his. I know there was from mine.

"Deal, papi... get your stuff paid for and I'll meet you out in the parking lot. I think I parked next to your pickup. I thought it looked familiar. Guess that's why I threw a boner." He didn't even try to hide his tenting shorts. That fucker is so hot!

So when I was bringing out my materials, there he was leaning against his pickup grinding his butt against the fender and rubbing his crotch. "You show off good, Alejandro. Real good." He rubbed my butt as I was putting the stuff in the truck. He got me so worked up that I dropped a couple of things. That gave him the opportunity to feel me up some more. Damn!

"Getting a little nervous, papi? Well, I got the cure for that, man. I'll calm you down when we get to your place."

"Somehow, I doubt that, Alejandro. You got me so het up now I'm about to shoot a load right here."

"Go ahead, papi, and I'll lick it up. Nothing like a good tongue full of cum to get things started. You know I've been hot for you for a couple of months now, so you're in for it. Would love to fuck that fine ass of yours right here."

I couldn't believe what was going on. He never gave a hint at work that he was hot for men, let alone me, even though he did a little grab-ass on me coming out of that shit house. And now he's coming across like a forest fire. Anyway, we finally got going and were at my place in 20 minutes or so, and I never even hit any little old ladies in my rush to get home.

"Damn, what a nice place here, papi... all those trees and space, nice and private, like we can get naked and sit out on the porch and fuck like mad!"

"You're a fucking pervert, Alejandro. Thank God for that. I haven't been perverted with for quite awhile."

"Come here, papi... hold me tight, baby... rub me up... get my dick out and suck on it and I'll feed you a load." I could smell his damp, sweaty body as I held him. Talk about an aphrodisiac!

"Let's go inside, bud... I got to piss and I think getting naked might be a good idea now."

"OK papi, but haul out that piece of yours first and let me drink fine piss of yours. I'm good and thirsty for it. I'd hate to see you waste it." He took my dick in his mouth and when I was able to start the stream, he drank every drop down. "That's the stuff, papi.. good stuff. Damn, look at that foreskin! Need to roll that hood down and see what you got there." And he did that. "Man, I hit the jackpot with you papi." He licked the smeg and smeared it around his lips and sucked on my dick some more. "Fuck, all gone, baby... but I bet you make more in a hurry when you need to. OK, let's go in now."

"Bro, we got plenty of time, since I want you to stay over tonight. Let's take it slow and easy. OK? "

"Sure papi... fine with me... I just get carried away when I'm with a hot pig like you. Hard for me to slow down, but if I'm staying the night, no prob."

"How about Miguel? Do you two live together?

"Nah, papi... we don't share the same digs. He's married and got a two year old kid. That kid is the joy of my life, for sure, and I dote on him. I love Miguel and I love that kid of his. When his wife is having her period, he comes over and fucks me good most every day on the way home from work to keep from going nuts. Fine with me. He's a good fuck! And now and then, if he's pointed in the right direction, I lick his asshole. That sure gets his attention. He doesn't wipe all that well and is so fucking tasty there. You might say, overall, he's a bit oversexed like me." He laughed that wonderful laugh of his.

"You are something else, man. You are something else!" We went inside and made out some more without bothering to take our clothes off. His boner was pushing into my belly. I rubbed up his butt hard and could hardly wait to get my tongue in that crack of his. I ran my hand down inside his pants and felt that furry butt and eased my finger into his hole. It was slimy and I knew I hit some gravy there. His mouth tasted so good to my tongue and his saliva ran into my mouth like a stream, heavy and so sweet. We were both breathing harder and harder, it was so fucking hot and I... well, I loved the feeling of this hot man against me.

He pulled away and pulled out his hard. It was uncut, dark and slender with a nice bend to it.

"Peel back the hood, papi. Check out the cheese I got there. I haven't washed it off for a few days."

I did as he told me, and you shoulda seen the creamy slime all over the head of his dick. I got a glob on my finger and eased that stuff up my nostrils so I could smell of it for hours. Then I got down and got that tool of his in my mouth, licking off the rest of the cheese. I was in cheese heaven. I backed off just long enough to say, "Man, that is so fucking good. Primo cheese you got there. I hope your asshole tastes just as good."

"Papi, I've been told it does, and you'll find out soon. I want you to wear out your tongue on my hole."

We settled down some, just cuddling and exploring each other. I loved putting my face to his wet pits, and licking them up. A real sharp taste and hot smell.

"Tell me something papi."

I wondered what was coming next. "OK, what's on your perverted mind, bro."

"You remember waiting outside the crapper when I came out?"

"Yeah, you did a grab-ass on me and took off. Hell yes I remember."

"Me!? I did that? Nah, must've been someone else. You sure it was me?" And he broke up laughing again. "Anyway, when you went in, did you check out the load I dumped in the bin?

"Yeah, that was quite a log you gave birth to, bro. All that ass slime all over it, and bumps and valleys all along that thing." I do remember that so well for sure... how could I forget.

There's shit, and there's HIS shit.

"Did you do anything with it?"

"Wanted to eat it all, but I didn't dare, having to go back to work. But I rubbed back and forth on it. It was still warm. I licked my finger to get a taste of your ass gravy. Then I broke off a little piece and popped it in my mouth and swallowed it. Damn, bro, it was fantastic!"

"Papi, I was wondering if you might've done something like that. Well, I got more in my oven ready for you to play with." He kissed me as we took our clothes off, since they were obviously going to be in the way. He eased his finger up his hole and pulled it out and held it to my mouth. I licked the brown off and... well, I could hardly wait for more.

"Damn, bro... I gotta get more of that shit of yours. What you gave me so far just isn't enough. You got me so fucking hot, I can hardly stand it."

"That makes the two of us, papi. Yeah, I'll feed you good, and realize that I think I could dig a good mouthful of your shit too. I get hungry too, ya know!"

"No worries, bro... I got a shitter full too, enough for both of us if I don't get enough from you." I was salivating with the thought of having one of Alejandro's turds to worship and munch on. Damn!

Alejandro upped and got on his knees with his hairy butt up in the air, right in front of my face. I think the time has come... his asshole was barely visible in that hairy crack of his. His golden brown skin turned to dark, chocolate brown surrounding the soft folds of skin that rimmed his gate... his gate to scat heaven! If there was an award for the most beautiful asshole in the country, his would get top honors. Women would faint, men would bone, kids would wish to be grown up enough to be ready for that.

"Take in the view, papi. See anything interesting? Go ahead and spread my nalgas and get a good look at where my log will be coming out."

"That's a hot one man, damn, that's one of the finest holes I've ever seen, and I've seen lots of them." I licked those soft ass lips and the hairy brown crack above and below them. He eased out a nice, slow fart that bathed my face and gave me an idea of the smell I'd be getting closer to in a bit. "Man, you're playin' with me. I gotta have that log in there."

"All in good time papi. Remember you told me there's no rush. Go ahead and ease your finger in there and see what my log feels like."

So I did. My finger eased in through his pucker and on up alongside the turd. It was lumpy with some ass gravy all along it. It was firm and so warm. I could hardly wait to get it in my mouth and taste that piece of this beautiful man. I slowly pulled my finger out, and sucked the gravy and brown off my finger. "Bro, I gotta get that out of you and into my mouth where it belongs. Don't fuck with me any longer. I can't stand it."

"OK, papi, you asked for it. Stay up close. Let me know what's going on."

I could hardly stand the tension I felt waiting for the birth. I watched as his pucker worked open and closed. I kissed it and licked it like it was a fine piece of chocolate. More fart gas quietly eased out. "Bro, that is so fucking hot watching you work that hole." Then I spotted the crinkly end of that fine log. It showed itself, and when I licked it, the damned thing went back in! "Hey, bro! Your ass swallowed that turd before I had a good chance at it." So, once again, his pucker worked and more gas eased out, and that turd head showed itself once again. This time it came out a little further and I got my mouth on it to help it out. It slowly eased out of Alejandro and onto my tongue. I guess there was about three or so inches of it and I let it just sit there, part in my mouth and part out. Then I got it in my hand and got it to where I could bite off a piece of the head. I got that part back in my mouth and let it melt on my tongue and mashed it up against the roof of my mouth. Damn! It was good shit! No lie.

"Watch out, papi, there's another piece to come." So I swallowed what I was chewing and put the rest aside and waited for the next one. It soon eased out. It was a lot softer and tasted even better than the first one. I rested it on my tongue and let it melt and ease down to my belly. It felt wonderful slowly going down my gullet. I was in shit paradise.

Alejandro turned around and kissed me hard. "Man that shit of mine got some flavor, papi. I might sell that stuff, 'cept I'd never have enough with you around eating most of what I made."

"You're right, bro, I'd never get enough."

"OK, enough chatter. Now it's time to feed your feeder. I'm hungry, man, I need that food of yours."

"I'm ready, bro... how you want me?"

"Hmm let's see... how's about squatting just a few inches above my face, so I can see your birthing and get my mouth on it easy."

So I got in that position with my dick laying on his forehead, but he said, "No, turn around so you can suck my dick while you're feeding me. Damn what a beauty of an asshole you got there. Feed me, papi, feed me!"

I turned around and it was a lot more comfortable that way. I could lean forward and work his dick and balls and he was free to lick my hole and play with my dick and whatever else came to mind. I told him to give me his piss as I got his dick loosely in my mouth. It wasn't long until his hot stream was washing the inside of my mouth. It was strong and slick, and I loved every drop. And he was licking my asshole like it was the last one on earth. Licking and sucking on my pucker. He got to sucking so hard on it that I thought he'd suck my innards out.

So from that, I figured it was time to feed this hot stud. I relaxed as much as I could -- not all that easy considering all that was going on. I pushed a little to get my turd going on its trip to out in the open. I could feel it easing down my rectum to push against his waiting tongue. He moaned loud and started trembling hard, and I knew my log and his tongue had connected. I wanted to take it good and slow, so he had a chance to savor that log. But, no! I lost control of that thing and it all zipped out into his mouth. Guess it was tired of staying in my bowel so long.

"Damn, I'm sorry, bro. Didn't mean to overdo feeding you..."

"Mmmmf, mmmmf" was all he could say until it took most of it out of his mouth so he could talk.

"No worries papi. Damn it's so good and I expect to eat it all in a bit. Want some of it?"

"Sure, break off a piece and I'll work on it. Here, here's what's left of what you fed me awhile ago."

So we both inhaled and dined on each others' dump and on some of our own. Not only just flat out ate them, but explored each piece by breaking them open to see what was inside. Some parts were pretty fibrous, the head ends that we'd already eaten were firmer and nicely grooved and lumped, the outer parts smoothed out as they approached the tail, softer insides with pieces of food inside. We really made quite a production out of this. It was so cool! Strangely enough, they both tasted about the same. "You think they taste or smell any different from each other, bro?"

"Nah, I was just thinking that as you asked. Could be we've been eating the same thing, but I doubt it. No matter, I dig eating from both of them. And inhaling that fine stink; nice and earthy. Yours smells a little better I think."

"Let's call it a tie, bro... what's important is that we're easy with eating and exploring shit and drinking piss from each other. How many dude buddies can ever say that?"

"Well, they are sure missing a lot. Fun, yes, but also about as intimate as a couple guys can get. And I feel that so much with you, especially."

Anyway, we laid down with each other and talked some and cuddled more. "Hey bro, even though we've been eating from each other right here, how's about me fixing us some dinner? You up for that?"

Alejandro laid a hot kiss on me and said, "That sounds great papi. Somehow, all this good stuff we've been eating has made me hungry as hell. Let's do it!"

"Maybe we need to take a shower first, to get some of the dust and piss and... well, let's take a shower."

Alejandro got up and I slapped his gorgeous hairy ass. I just couldn't help myself. He's got such a beautiful butt.

"You keep that up papi and I'll sit on your mouth and really give you a feeding!"

"You talk outa your asshole, bro... but I'd love it. You mean you got some left that you haven't given me? Damn, you've been holding out on me, bud."

He smiled that hot as hell smile of his. "No papi, I wouldn't hold out on you. No way."

So we got up and went to the shower. The water was running over both of us. Seeing his thick bush and leg and butt hair laid flat on his body was so beautiful. I guess I've said it before, but HE is SO beautiful. We made out under that warm water. Kissed and rubbed and got hard and worked our dicks. Damn! Then turned off the water and soaped each other up. I managed to ease my finger up his asshole.

"Hey, careful papi. We might just get messy again if you keep that up."

Tempting as it was, we'd wait for later for that. So I turned on the water again and we rinsed off. Toweling each other off was just one more intimate time for us. Just nice. What more can I say, guys? What more?

The house was getting a little cool. A real relief from the past few hot days and nights. "I'm gonna lay a fire in the fireplace, bro. How's about getting that mat over there laid out in front of the fireplace, and we can use that later after dinner. Bring that light blanket too. I'll get a couple of robes."

"Got it, papi."

We both put our robes on and with the fire going, it felt so good here. I poured a couple glasses of wine for us. Didn't fill them full up, so we could piss in them to liven up the taste of the wine. Never tasted wine like that. Maybe we should open up a tasting room. Cabernet Urino. How's that?

Then we started getting things together for dinner. He looked so fucking hot with his golden brown skin, black hair and furry legs standing out against the white robe. Damn! Every time I'm close to him, I get boned and get a severe case of butterflies.

"Papi... you make me feel so good! I love the way you look me over and touch me and kiss me. Look how you ate my shit and drank my piss and smelled my stink with no hold back at all. And even wanting more. Well, papi. I'm asking for more, man. I'm asking to fuck your fine ass. That I need to do."

"No worries, bro. I need that dick in me as much as you want it there. So, that's a promise baby. That's a promise. But we gotta get some dinner together first, you fucking horndog." I slapped his fine ass again, and gave him a good tongue-in- mouth kiss.

"OK, OK, papi... I'll just wait. I know... well, I know that it will be so worthwhile waiting for."

So we got dinner together, turned down the lights, put on some music and lit a couple of candles and sat down close to each other. Very close. Not all that easy eating dinner practically sitting on top of each other. Come to think of it, that ain't all that bad at all.

As we were eating our steaks and some of the other goodies we made, Alejandro pulled me close and put his mouth to mine and eased a piece of meat from his mouth into mine and I finished chewing it and swallowed it. It was fantastic! So we did this back and forth until the steak was gone, as was the rest of dinner. What a way to enhance the flavor of food, to say nothing about enhancing a relationship.

"Damn, bro. That got me so fucking hot! I don't know if I want any dessert or not."

"Hey, papi... how about me for dessert. I'm available you know and don't even need to be defrosted. Just give me your butt and I'll give you my all." He smiled and rubbed up my ass as we were cleaning up the dishes. "Come on, baby... let's get down on the mat and make out big time."

He didn't have to invite me to do that twice. The fire was still going nicely, and we took off our robes and snuggled under that blanket. We just rubbed each other up. I sucked on his beautiful nipples.

"Damn, that feels good! You sure know how to turn a guy on big time. I guess you've had a little practice."

"Who me? I'm as pure as the driven snow. A virgin's virgin." Of course that gave us both a big laugh. "You know, I've often wondered how it would be if men could lactate like women do. I wonder how your milk would taste."

"It would be fine stuff, papi, especially with YOU sucking on my tits and drinking my milk down."

We settled down to a lot of making out, and more exploring each other. He tasted so good. His mouth was so hot on my mouth, and his saliva so thick and sweet. His dick, like mine, was gushing gallons of precum and we both licked it up and rubbed it all over our bodies. Although we were in no hurry, things were getting real steamy. We were both so hot we were covered with sweat. Nice salty sweat. Finally, Alejandro laid on top of me and slid back and forth on me. He went down and lifted my legs up and told me to put my knees to my chest. I knew that the time to get fucked had arrived and I could hardly wait.

"Damn, your asshole is so hot, papi. I gotta fuck it." He made love to my hole, kissing it, sucking on it, tongue fucking it, fingering it. He eased up to my mouth and as he got his tongue in deep he put his stiffer right at my hole. I was so hot that it seemed like my hole was wide open. With no trouble at all he eased into me. Very slowly.

"It feels like velvet in there." He kissed me hard and gave me more of his sweet saliva. I sucked on his nose and he rewarded me by blowing his mucous right into my mouth. Man, it was so thick and good! He did it again, and this time it was even better. By now his fuck stick was all the way in me and his furry balls rubbed against my crack. It seemed like there was electricity flowing between us. He didn't move, just kept that hot dick deep inside me. We explored each other's mouths -- tongues, teeth, all over. He gently gnawed on my legs and knees. I asked him to hawk up a nice wad, and he did. Big and thick. I relished it just like I did his turd. Every thing this hot man did was perfect.

It was so quiet in that room. Just the crackle of the fire, and the heavy breathing of both of us. It got to the point where it seemed that the boundary between us as separate persons disappeared and we blended into one being. Just a single soul melting into each other with the heat we both generated for each other. I loved the feeling of his hairy legs and his butt. I rubbed up and down his ass crack and found that he'd produced a nice firm nugget. I took it in my fingers and put it in my mouth and offered it to Alejandro. He took it and we passed it back and forth until it finally disappeared. We just.. well, we just were so into each other that there was nothing else that mattered in the world. We totally lost any notice of time. It could've been minutes or hours. Who knows. It didn't make any difference. Our feelings for one another during this mating was all that was important.

The electicity slowly got stronger. Our saliva flowed heavier. Our breathing grew more labored. The finale was approaching.

Our orgasms were not explosive as most usually are. Rather, his seed flowed like a river from his dick coating the walls of my rectum while my hot semen flowed onto my belly. It was pure heaven.

We settled down and our breathing grew gentler. Sleep was approaching slowly. Alejandro whispered:

"Tú eres tan especial, papi. No creo que ningún hombre me ha hecho sentir algo tan maravilloso como tú. Tú eres especial más allá de todos mis sueños."

["You are so special, papi. I do not think any man has made me feel so wonderful as you. You are special beyond all my dreams."]

And we went into a deep, peaceful sleep.

Well fellow pervs, that's OUR GANG -- Plus ONE Will there be more later? Who knows. Just keep tuned. Your comments might help me make up my mind about that.

Talk to me: ricardo_246@hotmail.com

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