Our Gang

By Ricardo Escobar

Published on May 22, 2010



By Ricardo_246 [ ricardo_246@hotmail.com ]

Here's some of this and some of that... piss, scat, fucking, sucking, stink, and some tender times too, you name it... so, for the faint hearted, best pick up a copy of Playgirl and jack off to that... and any of you under 18, you gotta go away... I'm not about to let those molesters in Congress point their dirty little fingers at me... no way... anyway, from what I hear, there are plenty of guys your age who'd be happy as hell to dump a load on you or in you or to eat what you have...

Don't let the title of this piece confuse you... this story's not about a bunch of kids -- not that there's anything wrong with that for the twink lovers among us. Nor is it about a gang that the Feds might be interested in. It's about four of us who are carpenter-framers on construction jobs. That get you interested? Perverts!!! I thought it would. I don't blame you. I think I hear a bunch of dicks wooding all over the map here. Right on!

Is there a one of you who hasn't gone by a construction job and just drank in the beauty of the men working there? On a hot day, dripping with sweat with their bare torsos and legs gleaming in the sunlight, body hair stuck to their skin with the wet... on a cold day, looking hot as hell in their heavier clothes which leave to our erotic, or perverted, imaginations as to what those clothes hid... tall men, short ones, skinny and chubby, average looking, some homely, some awesome hunks, some with sexy beer guts; bearded ones, bald or shaved ones, hairy or smooth or in between... Blacks, Whites, Latinos, Asians, all the sexiest of men, all with their balls loaded with seed ready to be released into whatever willing receptacle was around... some even emptying their sperm onto the ground or toilet or in a smelly sock or onto their bellies... what a waste when my mouth or my ass longs for it all! One of my favorite fantasies is to empty the balls of a dozen studs -- maybe even more... like soccer players... Longing to get next to them to smell their unique erotic stank and lick the sweat from their bodies, and lick and suck on other parts of their anatomy to please them and to get high as hell on all this perverted behavior. Did I say perverted? Fuck, guys, this is Nature firing us up to do what we were intended to do... shoot the bull, drink a few brews, smoke a doobie or two, suck, fuck, drink piss, lick ass, marvel at the dick cheese on the uncut ones, eat shit, savoring that flavor no other food has, inhale their fragrance, relieve a low hanging, smelly, hairy pair of balls of their product. Hell, no, that's not being a pervert any means...

But let me digress for a few and go back to the `days of yesteryear' as the Lone Ranger programs used to start. Ever wonder what Ranger and Tonto used to do out there on the prairie -- just the two to them. Well, I'm sure they didn't play cards all the time. Hell, two horny, strong men... bet they serviced each other no end -- Tonto's nice smooth ass and uncut cock, and Ranger's hairy crack and curved fuck stick... maybe they even did Silver and Paint some fun too... over the years, I've mounted a mare or two, and I think we both enjoyed it -- I know I did! And even handled a stallion's dick and that's pretty awesome too. Feeling it harden, and the smoothness and slickness of it, and massaging it until it shot a huge load of horse cream. I loved the taste of it. Mmmm... So, you see, I got a lot of perv in my blood.

I've been fascinated by shit and piss since I was in my early teens. Just on my own I got acquainted with the stuff my body produced. Piss first. I'd piss a glass full before going to bed and drink it down while jacking my dick... finished the last drop as I shot my load. Then sometimes during the night, instead of wasting it in the john, I'd fill the glass again and drink it down. A little stronger then, but I loved every drop. Jacked off again after finishing it. And on and on... then, when I was taking a dump on the john, I got so I eased my finger up my hole to see what was up there... Most of the time, a nice firm log. I'd ease my finger up alongside of it and loved the bumpy feel of my shit. Then I'd push and as the turd came down, I'd catch it in my hand and have a good look at my masterpiece. I'd smell it, and got so I'd make love to it -- licking and kissing it. Finally, after a few weeks of this, I'd bite off a chunk and I was hooked big time. Most every dump, I'd eat some of my pride and joy. You guys getting hard over reading that? I thought so... I am right now too...

Well, I got so I was longing to share my new found joy with someone else. I had a good bud, Scott, who I was close to. We were about 15 or 16 then. We talked a lot about our thoughts and fantasies and stuff like that. Somehow we got around to talking about pissing and shitting. And before you know it, we laid it all bare! We'd have our secret place and we'd lick each other's asshole and drink piss. Usually our holes were pretty rank and that really got us hot to trot. We'd give birth to our turds and play with them and admire those masterpieces. One day, after we got more used to all this, I told Scott, as I was probing his hole with my tongue, that I felt a hard thing just inside the door and I thought it was a turd. Told him to push and let it ease out. He did and it did and I went bonkers! It was a beauty and I couldn't hold back from licking as it came out and I took the whole thing in my mouth and Scott turned around and saw that turd half out of my mouth and took that part in his mouth and we invented shit kissing. Needless to say, we were both hooked and played piss and scat games whenever we were alone together... Damn, that was hot!

But back to the story at hand:

The four of us have been working together for the same outfit as carpenter-framers for a couple of years. We're tight, the four of us are. The kind of buds who'd do anything for any one of the others. Most anything anyway. We're really physical with each other as we work... all that time, I longed to be more physical than just horsing around, but... Two are married with a kid or two each. Two of us are single. One of those is me.

Quail is a rangy Black dude, tall, quick and smooth moving - which he says is why he got tagged with that name as a kid - hairy all up and down his torso and all over his beautiful legs - legs I've longed to launder with my tongue until I got up to the promised land at his crotch. Nipples from heaven. And one to-die-for booty that I'd give anything to spread and feast on the treasure deep between those buns. He's good humored as hell and nothing seems to bother him much, except when a foxy lady happens to slink on by. Checking out that fine filly. Just watch his eyes when that happens, and check out what's going on behind his fly that just barely holds in his growing piece. He loves to kid around and play jokes on each of us. He's married with a kid, but, from the way he talks sometimes, I think he might just be willing to share his goodies with a guy now and then. Just thinking so, or maybe hoping so, slut that I am. A guy can dream can't he?

Hank is a stocky guy; sandy brown hair with steely gray eyes that would melt a glacier. About 5'10" or so and muscles all over the place. Smooth body with only a little silky fur on his lower legs and forearms. In the summer he has a beautiful golden tan. He's also fun to be around and has the greatest laugh... one that infects everyone around him. He has sex dripping from him no matter where he is or what he's doing. He's another turn on for me... as if there was a man living who didn't turn me on one way or another. Eye candy, that's what Hank is. And, damn, he's married too and has a couple of kids. Oh well, that's what so many guys do, but, maybe there's hope there too, since my favorites to rummage through the hay with are married -- and "straight" -- love those kinds of dudes. Starving for really hot -- different - sex and seldom finding it with their mates. But fortunately for them, there's ME at their service. Want to see my resume?

Diego! Fuck, what a hot stud he is! Damn! What more can I say... A real smartass type with a perpetual scowl on his face that intimidates a lot of people. But he's a pussy cat, although he does get intense at times. He's got the most beautiful golden brown skin, accented by body hair in all the right places, even on the tops of his feet, and topped off by a kinky, wiry, coal-black head of hair. He's short and slender, but not skinny -- actually really well built, great pecs and abs, no hips but a fine pair of buns, and munchable nips with a ring in the left one. He's Cuban/Dominican by way of his folks which means there's super hot Latino blood roaring through his veins... Diego is eroticism spelled with a capital E; he's hot, and he could climb my bones most any time he wanted to. I spring a wood any time I get near him. You would too, if you're a normal queer anyway. I try to get near him as much as I can, even if it's just for a whiff of his stank... there's usually plenty of that...

Me? Well, my name is Josh -- that's short for Joshua, but I like the shorter version. Hate to feel that people would think of me as somewhat biblical. Besides, I could never "Fit the battle of Jericho." I'm a lover, not a fighter. I've got OK looks and body with hair here and there, tit ring on the left, like Diego, and a nice thick bush. My dick? Well, it's uncut, not all that long, but nice and slender ready to slide into whatever opening is available, and a nice upward curve which makes it easy to deep throat. Wanna try? I'm a rather plain, all-American looking queer, although I don't show the queer part off until I'm ready to attack! In private. Most of the time anyway. In private I mean. And I'm bi, but lean WAY over to the queer side of life, and take whatever comes along and falls into my trap. Mind you, I do fuck a lady now and then just to keep in practice, but I prefer to stick my tool into a hot man's mouth or even hotter asshole. And, I must admit, I get off on servicing a hot dude with a hardon to match. I'm not at all bashful when something about a guy gets the hormones flowing. So there you are... take me or leave me, but I hope you'll take me... I'm ready!

Just to show you how we all -- Our Gang - get along, I want to tell you a few tales of things that have gone down over the months we've known each other... so get ready, pervs, here we go!

We'd been working as a team for several months. Usually, on Fridays after work, we'd go to a spot out in the woods where it's shaded and private -- the four of us. I'd put some camp chairs in the back of my pickup and we'd pick up a couple six packs and just chill out and shoot the shit... This particular time, it had been hot as hell, and still was when we got to our spot. We all were just in shorts and our work shoes and sox. When we got settled in and had smoked a dooby or two and downed a couple of brews, we just, like I said, shot the shit, and got goofy. Feeling little pain as they say. We were sitting fairly close and the fumes from each of us filled the air. Pit stink, crotch stank... you know... if only they could bottle that, who'd need poppers. To top it off, Quail took off his shoes and sox...

"Fuck man, you trying to asphyxiate all of us? Shit, Quail, you got no pity." That's Hank saying that, with that wonderful laugh of his. Damn, that fucker is SO hot! And I'm getting horny as hell...

"You think that's bad, fucker. How about this!" And he blew the fart of farts. I swear it wilted the grass under him. That fart had no mercy on any of us, it bathed us with the smell of his innards... and turned me on like mad. I glanced over at Diego and it seemed to me he sorta enjoyed it too... or am I imagining things in hopes of... well, you know.

Well, that got us going... we had a farting contest to add to the smells that were already in the still air. Not a bit of a breeze at all, not a breath. So we got the sillies, which we needed bad after a fucking hard week. And farting sure relieves a lot of tension in more ways than one... I love the feeling of a hot one passing the lips of my asshole and getting out in the open.

Then all of a sudden, Quail belted out, "Fuck, Diego, your dick is hanging out your shorts! Ugly piece for sure! Ugleeeeeeeeeee! But what the hell is that thing on the end of it? Looks like some sort of metal."

"What the fuck you calling my pride and joy ugly, man. Shit, you're just jealous! That dick has filled the holes of some of the hottest folks around here. It is listed in the little black books of some of the hottest, wettest pussies you could even hope for... It's listed under "A" for AWESOME! And it was featured in an issue of `Perfect Penises Gazette' as one of the finest around. Well, since you asked, that's a PA."

"You talk shit, Diego. `Perfect Penises Gazette' like hell! Fuckhead! Pa? What's a pa? What the hell you talking about, Diego?," I piped in, knowing full well what it was.

"What a dumb shit, Josh! PA... It's a Prince Albert. It's a ring through the underside of my cock head... looks sorta nice, don't it? Plays up my `perfect penis' real good. Come on, shitheads, come up closer and have a look. See what the man about town is wearing these days. Just don't ask me why the name PA... I always thought that was pipe tobacco or something, but that's what it's called." So we all got closer. I had to hide my bone, just looking at that juicy dick. The body-stank of all of us made that even harder to do. Diego's dick hood was covering some of the ring, but enough was out in the open for us all to have a good look. His cock looked so fucking tempting, it was hard not to go down on it right there. I still had some doubts about how these studs would handle my hankering for men's goodies. Yeah, somehow maybe that'll come to light one day... could be this is the day?

Hank chimed in, "Damn, Diego, doesn't it hurt? Does it stay in forever or can you take it out? Do you fuck with it in there? Does it make you piss funny?"

"I still say that's an ugly dick, Diego, but gotta admit that thing makes it look a little better. Must've hurt like hell to have that put in." I'll swear Quail was showing more that a little interest. Was he even drooling? You go figure. I think he was. Like me.

"Jeez, all these fucking questions... making me feel like a star or something. Yeah, I can take it out; no, it don't hurt, yeah, I fuck with it and get a lot of oooohs and aaaahs from the fuckEEs, and yeah, it hurt a little when they put it in and for a few days. But now, when I'm working or just walking it really feels hot rubbing up and down whatever I'm wearing. And when I piss, the piss just goes through where it's supposed to, right out of that hole that Nature gave me to piss and cum through, although now and then some leaks out where the ring goes through the underside. Then I spray my legs. Go ahead and feel of it. Just touching my dick won't make you queer or anything. It won't bite! I might, but it won't."

What a surprise when Hank reached down and gently lifted Diego's dick and touched that PA. Diego's dick started to wood at the touch of that fucking hunk.

Quail yelled, "Watch out Hank, that thing is boning! You'll get knocked on your can." And we all giggled and laughed at the idea... but it was a hot sight for sure, watching Diego's dick getting harder and harder, longer and longer. And as it did, the hood started to retreat some. Hank's hand wrapped around that piece like he wanted whatever happened to happen.

"What's that creamy stuff under that hood, Diego? Never saw anything like that, although I've only seen uncircumsized dicks a few times in gym and those were soft."

"It's cheese, Hank, although the uppity-ups call it smegma. Take a little on your finger and smell of it. Come on, it won't eat out your finger."

Another surprise, but Hank did just that. Damn I was jealous as hell. When he smelled his finger he went, "Shit that stinks! My old man used to eat limburger cheese and this smells about the same or maybe worse. Fuck Diego, how can you stand that stink?" He rubbed his finger clean on his shorts.

"Dude, you'd be surprised how many people really dig that smell and the taste of it too. Man, I've had guys go bonkers sucking my dick and getting the flavor of that cheese."

"You have guys suck your cock? Man, Diego, you're weird. I mean, yeah, women sometimes suck dick, but you have guys suck on you?" Somehow, I think Quail was putting on an act... a dumb bunny act, or am I hoping again?

"Quail, you've heard that saying, Any old port in a storm'? Well, when my hormones are acting up a storm, any hole will do... mouths, assholes, pussies, men, women... as long as my dick has some nice, slick, warm hole around it, I don't care what it's attached to... Hell, there's a glory hole not too far from here, and I go there, and when a finger wiggles the come here' look I stick my dong though there and let him go to work. First he says, "WOW!" at the sight of that beauty and my PA. Then he goes to work. He gets my load and I get my jollies and that's that. We go on our happy ways."

Well, I got brave and decided to rub some of that cheese off his cock and smell it up... "Let me at some of that cream, Diego... if Hank thinks it stinks like he said, I gotta see for myself." All the time, Diego's cock kept getting stiffer and stiffer... so I dipped my finger in some of that stuff, and at the same time, Quail figured he might as well too. So we both had some... Quail sniffed his finger and I rubbed the cheese up my nostril so that smell would stay with me awhile... I got to have more of that... got to...

"Hell, Diego, I don't know why Hank got so wrinkled-up-face about that smell. I've smelled worse pussies than that," so said "Mr. Experience" Quail. "Bet if you had more, it would be great to jack with!"

"I gotta agree, Quail... something about this cheese that, when I get used to it, sorta makes me hot." Hard to hide the fact that I loved that smell and would've loved to have licked the rest off of Diego's dick.

Man, this was turning into a sort of orgy without fucking or sucking, but it was getting hot as hell there... and my dick was busting with hard...

"Fuckers... I've showed off my dick here, not that I intended to, but I don't like to be thought of as a showoff, so lower the shorts, assholes, and show what you got." Diego had the right idea and I was hoping Hank and Quail would go along. I dropped my shorts and my hard sprang up to life. Not as big as Diego's, but nothing to be ashamed of either. Not at all. And that joy of mine was drooling and slobbering all over the place. The hood stayed out over the head of it, like a good hood should.

Hank took a look, and said, "Not bad at all, Josh... and you got skin too, like Diego. No PA?"

"Nah, Hank, although after seeing Diego's I might just go for it."

Diego kept pursuing, "Come on, Quail... bet you're hung like a horse like they say most Black studs are... I won't mind being outdone, man... not at all... and you, too, Hank... I see an awesome bulge in those shorts of yours, and I'm sure it's not your thermos bottle. Hey, fuckers, we're buds here... come on."

Hank dropped his shorts like a brick and out popped that beauty of his. Like his body, it was husky you might say. Thick, and not all that long, but long enough to reach my gland if I could ever get him to fuck me. Cut, but juicy and fit for a shot in Playgirl! Along with the rest of that hunky, hot beauty.

"Hey, give that boy a high five for a fine piece," Quail yells out... and we did. I even grabbed Hank's dick and gave it a tug.

"Shit, Josh, go easy on that. I don't want it to come loose! The wife would be pissed as hell if I came home without my dick." And there goes that liquid laugh of his. Damn!

"OK Quail, it's time for the grand opening. Unzip those shorts and let the thing out for the world to see, or at least us. Is it a biggy like they say all Black dicks are? Come on, man, show it off."

So, down went the shorts and out sprang this gorgeous black tool! What a wonder! I just know I was drooling then. "Man, no wonder the ladies go ga-ga over Black dick... look at the bumps and veins all over that thing. And that big head! I can just imagine how that must feel in a nice, tight pussy, or even... er.... an asshole." Oops, I almost let it slip... almost said MY asshole. Wonder what would've happened if I had. I did notice Diego giving me that sly look of his. We couldn't resist and each of us had a good feel... Hot! That cock was boiling. And with us paying that attention to it, it was drooling pre like a fountain.

"Watch it, buds, or I'll shoot my splooge all over you." Damn I would've loved that, but...

"Come on Quail... do it, man... shoot a good load." With that I took his tool in my hand and started working it full length on that beautiful cock...

"Man, Josh... that feels so good... I haven't shot a load in a couple days... don't stop, baby." Hank came over and took Quail's balls in his hand and began massaging them. So, Diego, I guess he felt left out came over and rubbed his belly. Quail was in shit heaven. Moaning and groaning, his eyes closed and his tongue licking his lips. His dick got harder and harder and I thought it might pop. But it stayed in one piece and finally Quail gave a big grunt and shot one of the biggest loads I've ever seen. Got a lot of it on Hank and a little on me. Diego missed out that time.

"Jeeeeeeeeeeez, fuck!!! Damn, you fucks, that felt so good. Drained my balls good!" But his dick stayed stiff as if it wanted more. I milked it some more and he shot another load. Smaller than the first one, but still nice and creamy. Got it on my hand and I threw all caution to the winds and licked it off my hand. Damn it tasted good. No one came unglued at all. What I really wanted to do was suck on that beauty. Damn! Where was my guts.

Diego says, "Shit, not only did I miss getting splattered, but didn't get any to taste." He milked Quail's dick a little and a small pearl showed up and he took it on his finger and sucked on it. "Gotta say, that's fine cum, Quail. I've had my share of splooge and this is one of the best."

Hank looked a little surprised, "You mean you not only let guys suck you off, but you suck dick too, Diego?"

"Hell yes, Hank. Why not. I just dig sex in most any form. Hey, why don't you bring me off, man? Come on. It won't bite."

So Hank gingerly took Diego's dick in his hand and began working it, sliding the hood back and forth and across the PA. "That's it Hank. You're doing great man." I came around and eased my finger up his ass. We were getting into a real orgy here and it was hot as hell. "Shit, Josh, you know how to make me even hotter by fingering my asshole. You got some experience?"

" I sure do Diego. Enough anyway to know how good it feels to get finger fucked. And it feels great to do it too. You got a nice, tight asshole, Diego."

Well, with all this and Quail working Diego's nips, the orgasm came on strong as hell. His cum shot all over the place. Quail bent down and took his dick in his mouth and took whatever was left, then stood up and licked his lips.

Hank just looked on in amazement, his dick hard as a rock. So, being a good buddy, I bent over and got it in my mouth and slowly sucked on it. Hank nearly fell over. He loved it. Diego came and fingered his asshole and in a couple of minutes he blew his load. Is there anything that tastes as great as a big load of seed? Well, come to think of it, a nice turd is great too. But I didn't get any of that.

We all finally calmed down and sat down on the chairs, popped another brew and stayed quiet for awhile. Hank finally said, "Somehow, I've been waiting for this to happen. Began to wonder if it ever would. I'm so fucking glad it did. How about you guys?"

We all agreed. Quail says, "And this better not be the last time. I feel so fucking bound to you guys that all this seemed just as natural as could be. I mean it."

Well, I was feeling no pain... and I really wanted to eat some ass... and I said, "I need to lick ass. Which one of you's goin' to volunteer? I really mean it. I gotta get some fine asshole to lick. My first time, and all I've heard about it, it's got me hot." I sorta lied about it being my first time.

Diego was quick to pick up on it. "How's about me, Josh. I've had my asshole licked and tongue fucked and I've always wanted you to keep it in shape" And he got up and bent over and spread his cheeks right in front of me. I rubbed up and down his hot crack and got my tongue in there and made sure I didn't miss any part of his hot hole. It was ripe as hell, and that turned me on even more. The other two got close to get a good look at what I'm doing. Quail said, "If you don't wear your tongue out, I'm next Josh." Hank chimed in, "Fuck, I gotta get some of that too. I hope Diego didn't pull any shit out of me."

"You guys will get your turn." I really hoped that Hank would have a little shit for me to taste. I dig virgin shit.

When Diego finally pulled away from my tongue, Hank's smooth ass took his place. The smell of even a little of his shit was awesome. I slobbered all over that shitter and sucked on it and pressured in a lot of air and told him to fart it out. Man! What a stink! It was wonderful, as any ass gas is in my book. Anyway, Hank groaned and shot a load and a little piece of brown came out and into my mouth. Heaven! There is a heaven!

"OK, now it's Quail's turn. Come on hot shit, let me at your fuck hole." He spread his buns and there in all that nappy hair was a fine pucker framing a pink hole. The fumes from his crotch bathed my nose with Black-man stank. Hank and Diego got closer as I made love to this beauty. I was in fuck heaven. Quail just moaned and reached back and pulled my mouth even tighter to his hole. I even got my tongue in aways and was sure there was some brown there, but I didn't push it. Just wished that Quail would -- I could just imagine the fine flavor of his stool.

Finally Quail pulled away, turned me around and took his turn at rimming. That man had talent! He ate my hole like it was the Last Supper! "Fuck, this is just like eating a tight pussy!" Hank got under and sucked on my dick. This man sure lost his inhibitions, just as any man needs to do. No shame, just total pleasure.

It was getting late. Quail reluctantly said as he pulled his tongue away from my hole, "I gotta get home guys. Pussy's waiting dinner." Hank chimed in about the same way, "Yeah, me too, guys. Damn this has been hot. I love you guys, big time."

"Yeah, guess it's about time for us all to take off," Diego agreed. "We just gotta do this again, now that we've let our hair down and got honest with each other." He looked at me and winked. "You two go ahead and Josh and I will put stuff away and clean the place up. This is between the four of us and now that there's no shame about the fun we've had, we got some more exploring to do, big time. We can pretend we're perverts and really get down and dirty!"

Quail and Hank drove off and Diego and I got stuff put in the pickup. Then Diego got close, "We need to talk, Josh. Come on over to my place where it's more comfortable." So I followed him and, in a few, we were at his place and went on in.

I followed him in so as to eyeball his fine butt working under his shorts. That is one fine butt and I longed to be fed from it before the night was over. If I don't it's my fault. It's been way too long since I've had some good shit to eat.

We went into a small room with a mat on the floor and a crapper and shower stall in the corner.

"Well, what do you think about what went down awhile ago?"

"Well, for one thing, I'm sure you and me had each other pegged for a long time and I've waited a long time to get in your pants, and it had better be tonight. Quail - I'm not all that surprised, I bet he's been into just about everything sexual that's been discovered and maybe a few he invented. We need to get with him more."

"I agree with all you said, Josh. Hank is the one who blew me away. Damn! Never thought that was possible. Bet he's kept that locked up inside for years. As for you, yeah, we both knew. I noticed how you kept downwind of me at work as much as you could to get my stink, and I tried to cooperate. Now, tonight, I hope it'll all hang out. I could ask you what you're into, but I'd rather we found out as we go along. Sorta trial and error, you know what I mean?"

"Yep, I hear you - that's cool with me. One thing, though, I want to see what it feels like to be fucked by a dick like yours with that PA in it."

"No worries, you pervert. I planned on fucking that hot ass of yours whether you wanted it or not. You'll love the feeling of that PA up inside of you. Maybe you can even coat it with some of your shit."

"You said the magic word, Diego. Every time I saw you I eyeballed your hot butt and fantasized about how it would be to eat a turd out of it. Damn, man. Gotta do that."

Diego dropped his clothes and kicked them over to the wall. "Strip-down time Josh, let that equipment of yours get out in the open in the air." Hell, why not. When I bent down to pull off my shoes, Diego backed up to my face and said, "Stick your nose in my stink hole, Josh. Get used to that smell. Tongue it a little and get a preview of the taste of my shit. You're gonna get fed this evening, not right this moment, but you will. But I know you'll dig eating my hole out good." Just to be sure I didn't back off -- do I look like an idiot? -- he reached back and pulled my face hard against his ass. I sprang wood big time. Damn it stunk!

"Fuck, Diego I sure as fuck hope so. I haven't been fed in over a month, except for my own and I'm hungry as hell." Not easy to talk with my face buried in his crack. Diego's shitter was so hot and moist and ripe. He let out a slow, hissing fart of ass gas. Bathed my face in that stink and it got me hot as hell. I just know the shit that it came from would be heaven.

Then I felt his pucker start to open up against my tongue, and slowly I felt a firm turd start to ease out. I sucked on it and licked it as it emerged from his chute. Then he clamped and broke it off, and there it was on the top of my tongue flavoring my whole mouth. It was pure gourmet, a little spicy, nice and rough. But all I got was about an inch - maybe a little more. I did make the most of that, though. Mashed it against the roof of my mouth and as it slowly melted, drank that fine stuff until it was all gone. "That's only a sample of what I'm going to give you later, Josh. So don't worry about that's all you're going to get. No one goes away from here hungry, Josh. No one."

"There's this 19 year old guy, Brian, who comes over at least once a week and he eats all I got and begs for more. He's got a hot ass too, and I eat from him for dessert. Fine teen shit - healthy diet makes fine shit - and for followers, nice mild piss, lots of it. Next time you're over, and it better be soon, I'll give him a call and have him come over. He says he's addicted to my shit. Maybe you will be too. But I get hungry too, ya know. I need some food from you and from him and anyone else around who's got a shit chute full of food for me."

So we got down and explored the smells and flavors of our bodies. "Fuck, Diego, you stink so fucking good. Love the smell of your pits. They're so bitter to lick. Let me roll down your hood and see if there's any cheese left after the guys got most of it." There was enough to get the taste. I just wish I'd gotten more of it when the four of us were together. "I need to get a good glob of that, too, next time. Love good cheese."

"Get on your back, Josh, and legs up to your chest so I can gobble up your shitter. I need a mouthful of your brown right now. I've been waiting a long time for that.'

So I did as told and he attacked my hole with a vengeance. Pulling my buns apart and licking my hole and sucking hard on it and tongue fucking me. Easing his finger in deep and pulling it out coated with my brown. After he licked that off the said, "Give it too me, Josh. I feel that log in there and I want it."

So I pushed and I could feel the turd easing down my chute and hitting his tongue. He sucked on it. I couldn't stop it; didn't really want to. The whole fucking log came slowly out and into his mouth. He didn't say a thing but had that thing half sticking out of his mouth and a hot look on his face.

All of a sudden: "Diego, where the fuck are you? I need some of your shit, man. I'm desperate!" He came into the room. Tall, rangy stud with just some cutoff shorts and sneaks on. "Oh fuck, I didn't know anyone was here. Damn it smells like shit in here!"

Diego couldn't talk, he just, "Mmmmfff, mmmfffmm."

"What's wrong with him? Oh, fuck, I see!" He spotted the turd sticking out of Diego's mouth, "I gotta get some of that before that greedy pig eats it all. Did he give you any of his?" I told him he only gave me a small piece before he got this log of mine. He dropped down to feast on that turd. Diego couldn't say a thing, but I knew it was his teen buddy, Brian. He got on his knees with his butt in the air and got most of the turd that was sticking out of Diego's mouth and took it in his own mouth. He sucked on it and chewed it up slowly, letting some of the brown mass ease out of his mouth onto his chin. He finally swallowed it. "Damn, fuck! That is fucking good shit! I need some more of that." He was still in that hot doggie position. I had to check out his hole.

"You'll get it... you and Diego both... there's plenty in my chute to feed the both of you." I yanked down Brian's shorts and stick my nose in that dirty hole of his. Damn, it stunk, and coated with his dry shit, and every time I inhaled that stench I nearly shot my load. I licked and sucked on that pucker. I needed to be fed good. Diego only gave me a taste and I needed more than that. Brian finally pushed hard, his hole opened up wide and a hard turd slowly eased out of his shitter. To me, one of the most erotic scat experiences there is is to watch and feel a guy's asshole open up slowly, feeling the hot ass gas coming out of it and bathing my face in his stink, and then licking the end of the turd and making love to it and feeling it slowly ease out into my mouth and onto my tongue. I took Brian's gift out of my mouth and looked at it closely. Damn it was a beauty! I sucked on it, broke it in half, gave half to Diego and took the rest of it back into my mouth. It was sorta sweet and hot as hell. When I broke it in half, I noticed several kernels of corn, some pieces of carrot and some bits of lettuce.

"Diego, check out the food in that turd!" He asked Brian if he'd had corn and carrots and such for dinner last night and he said he did. It tasted wonderful... better, I'm sure, than it did at the dinner table.

As I was taking the taste and texture of that turd in, Brian eased his asshole near my mouth and eased out some softer shit and then smeared it around my face, taking some of it to eat. This fucker was as perverted as I ever met, and I loved it. Diego came around and we shit kissed and got a good taste of Brian's stuff. Diego got on his back and pulled his knees to his chest. "Get ready for a feast you fucking pervs." Brian got on one side of him and I got on the other. We both ogled the sight of his hairy brown asshole. Those full ass lips of his were perfection! Slowly his ass gas eased out along with some slime. Damn it smelled so fucking good! His pucker started to spread and a fine hard turd started the birthing process. Brian and I both took turns licking that brown piece of heaven. More and more came out. We each broke off a piece and chewed on it. More was yet to come. Diego put his hand at his hole and shit out a nice soft turd and we all feasted on it and let some of it fall on Diego's belly where we used it to draw a dick and balls. Who says we pigs don't have imagination. I was eating as much of Diego's softening shit as I could get. Brian had a hard time keeping up too. It just kept on coming. More and more, softer and softer. Finally the flow stopped and we took our time licking it and getting our fill of it. Diego let his legs down and piss started dribbling out of his dick. Brian grabbed a jar and let his piss fill it. When it was about full, we all three took turns to drink from it. What a way to wash down all that shit! As the jar emptied, both Brian and I added to it until it was about full again. I could just feel those turds in my belly sloshing around in all that golden nectar. Talk about an orgy! This was an orgy times two! Dirty, fucking pigs in heat and getting high on the whole scene.

We were about worn out... you can see why... we laid down on the floor cuddling up to each other... munching on a left over turd now and then... Finally, Brian said he had to take off and go home. So we cleaned up and washed each other. Took awhile and it was crowded in that shower stall, but that was fun too.... trading piss, showering and cleaning up. Finally Brian left and Diego and I were on our own.

"I still need that fuck you promised me, Diego. I want to feel that PA up my ass."

"OK, you're gonna get it... now that we're clean, let's go up and get on the bed where it's softer, and I'll fuck you good." We got on the bed and got to making out... nice and soft and quiet and peaceful making out. Tonguing mouths, sucking on tits and rubbing and exploring each other... even though we'd been heavy into scat, this was almost as good. "I know I'm a shit pig and love every bit of it, but there's a soft, warm side to me as well, and that's where I'm at right now. I really need some lovin' too."

We got into heat again... never thought that was possible after what we'd just been through. "Diego, I gotta feel you inside me man... can't wait any longer."

"OK, I'm ready too. Gotta be careful and get your hole ready for this PA. I don't wanna hurt you." He got out the lube and opened my hole up good. Then he got my legs to my chest and put his cock head to my shit hole. He gently pushed and he slowly slid into me. I felt the PA and it was a weird, yet wonderful, feeling. It seemed like hours before he was all the way in, and his balls rubbed against my crack. He just held it in there and we made out more. He got his tongue deep in my mouth and then hacked up a thick goober for me to eat... then another one. My first time with that sort of thing and I loved it. Diego was super in what he did... and I just laid there relishing the feeling of his cock in me and what was coming from his mouth into mine. His shit was wonderful, but this was wonderful too. Finally he slowly started stroking. His PA rubbed against my gland and I could see stars.

"Fuck, Diego. I can't believe how wonderful this feels. Fuck baby... I love that prick of yours and that ring on it. No wonder guys go bonkers over it. This is fantastic!" I reached around and eased my finger into his hole. Before, it was tight, now it was loose and I got a couple fingers in there with no trouble. We joined into one being it seemed and I was in fuck heaven. His fucking motion was like none I'd ever felt before. Don't even know how to explain it, so you guys reading this will have to use your imaginations.

"I last a long time, Josh, so if you get tired, let me know and I'll pull out."

"Don't you dare, man. Don't you dare pull out. You got me so fucking high I can hardly stand it." Right then I shot a load and he scooped it up and took my seed in his mouth, then kissed me hard and let my cum ease back into my mouth. He farted and farted against my finger. What a feeling that was. He didn't have any shit left, but that was OK. My belly was still full of his and Brian's... enough to last me for days.

I lost track of time, but too soon he was obviously getting there and he commenced speeding up and banging my ass and getting my hole hot with friction. All of a sudden he yelled out and bit my neck and I could feel his load firing inside of me. Finally he collapsed on me and we just kept breathing without saying anything and finally getting calmed down. And started making out again. His dick was softening, but he didn't pull out. In fact we were both so spent we fell asleep. Must have slept for an hour or more. We both woke up about the same time and we just kissed and made nice love. That was my first time with Diego, but not the last for sure.

"You think you might make it with Hank?"

"I'd really like to do that, but I sorta fear it too."

"Well, be careful with him if you do. He might be pretty fragile right now, what with letting himself go big time today."

"Yeah, Diego. I sure don't want to mess him up. I'll go nice and slow, even though I hope to hell he rapes me!"

We got some supper and barely made it back to bed. Slept all night and I don't think either one of us woke up until morning. When we finally did, Diego said he had a good morning treat for me. He squatted over my mouth and eased out a small turd. It was as good as all the rest of his scat. Gave me a good appetite for breakfast. After breakfast, including orange juice laced with our piss, I got dressed and went on home. I was filled with a warmth I'd never felt before. Never.

I wondered all weekend what it would be like Monday morning when we got to work. No need to worry. We were hugging and laughing as we got our tools out and got on with our jobs.

It was hot and muggy and it wasn't long until the air was filled with our body-stank. At lunch time, we usually sat under a tree and shot the shit. We weren't isolating from the other guys at all, though. Often, two Latino brothers -- Miguel and Alejandro, probably about 30, slender, black hair, deep brown eyes, soul patches on their chin, teeth that blinded you when they smiled or laughed, which was most of the time, golden brown skin, smooth torso, except for the thick hairy pits each of them had, and nicely-shaped legs forested with fine, black hair [other than that I never noticed a thing about them] - would join us. They're drop-dead gorgeous and a lot fun to be with. Of course with my twisted head, I fantasized about being fed by them big time.

But, as with most fantasies, that never happened, although one day when Alejandro came out of the porta-potty he said: "Hey papi, how's it going? You know, I bet if there was a scale right here I'd find out I weighed 5 pounds less now than when I went in. Sure feels like it anyway."

"You're full of shit Alejandro!"

"Not now I'm not, papi. Not any more!" He laughed and slapped me on the ass and took off. Even the rear view of his butt as he walked back to work was hot!

I went on in. There was enough shit in the bottom that his turd wasn't in the water. Damn it was beautiful! Nice medium brown, with lumps and bumps and crevices and coated with ass gravy and begging to be eaten. I touched it and rubbed on it. I wanted so bad to pick it up and eat it, but I didn't dare. But I did break off a small piece and swallowed it. Damn, it was good! Nice and spicy and firm. Then I knew I had to get back to work, so I just took my dump and left.

At day's end, the four of us slapped ass, hugged hard and went on our separate ways. We've developed beautiful deep feelings for one another, especially deeper after last Friday. When I get home, I usually beat my meat, those guys turned me on so much. Never wasted my seed though, I always ate it.

I think we were all anxious to have Friday arrive. I know I was. It was still hot and muggy and the cool area where we hung out was really welcome. I hauled out the beach chairs and we started on some beer and smoked some good stuff. Damn! Those guys looked so fucking hot. I immediately boned and tented my cutoffs.

Quail chimed in, "Well, Josh, seems you're in the mood for some more fun. Last Friday was so awesome, maybe today will be even better."

"Hard to top that Quail, but who knows. By the way, I dig the way your dick is hanging out of your shorts."

"Well, you know what it looks like already, but my piece always enjoys a few viewers just in case it looks a little different." So being Quail, he stripped off his shorts. "You know, I got a real suspicious nature. When you and Diego stayed behind when Hank and I took off for home, I figured you two probably got it on. How did his PA feel when he fucked you?"

Hank added, "Yeah, Quail and I talked a little about that over the weekend. Come on, fess up."

"It felt fucking awesome. I never been fucked like that before, and Diego lasts a long time before he shoots his load. You guys oughta try it."

"Hell, bros, if you want to get that feeling too, I'm sure willing. I got my PA on as usual. Come on, Quail. No need to be bashful. We're safe enough here. Have a look and see what you think." He dropped his shorts and that curved beauty of his sprang to attention.

Quail said, "Damn that thing looks dangerous. Hank, why don't you ease that pole of yours into my hole and loosen it up first before I take on Diego's piece. Since the first time I saw you naked last week, I've wanted to feel that in my chute."

Hank was more than willing. "Yeah, and when I saw your dick and that fine hairy ass of yours and tasted and smelled of it, I've wanted to get better acquainted with you too." I unbuttoned his shorts and they fell to the ground. He had a little difficulty with dropping them since they'd hung up on his boner.

"Let me get some spit on your dick to help lube it some." I bent over and took his tool in my mouth and slobbered all over it. I managed to deep throat it a few times too. Not the easiest thing in the world to do with a dick that thick, but I've had a lot of practice. Diego spread Quail's butt cheeks and rimmed the hell out of his hot hole and got it good and slimy. Hank got his piece close to Quail's ass and eased on in, real slow, until he bottomed.

"Damn, Hank, that feels so fucking good. You're gonna get me good and ready for Diego's PA." Hank slowly started stroking while I licked Diego's hole. Without warning, he passed a small turd. Damn his shit is so fine. I rolled it around on my tongue for a couple minutes and finally swallowed it. Almost shot my load. And speaking of shooting a load, Hank soon started groaning and huffing, fired a long fart, and finally rammed full hilt into Quail and let go.

"Jeez, fuck, Quail! Your fuck tube feels so much better than my wife's pussy. Hope this isn't the last time you let me fuck your ass."

"Hank, that felt thumbs up for me too. I don't think this'll be the last time that you'll be fucking me either. Now pull out easy, baby, and I'm ready for Diego." Hank did pull out. There was a little brown on his dick, but I guess I was the only one to notice. Fuck it, I took Hank's soft dick in my mouth and got it cleaned off. Quail's shit was quality too. Hank's dick started to wood again, but we backed off to watch Quail and Diego. Hank and I sat close to check out what was going on. Diego slowly entered Quail's asshole. Quail moaned like he was really getting off on it. I know that feeling. Finally, Diego was all the way in. He reached around and got hold of Quail's dick and milked it. Hank and I worked his nips and rubbed all over him. I licked Diego's asshole some more and got another little nugget from him. I switched to Hank's smooth hole and sucked hard on it. No turd, but he did blow a nice fart. That hunk is full of gas!

"Shit, Diego! That feels even better than when Pussy eases a big dildo up my ass when we're feeling frisky. This is fucking awesome like Josh says. Take your time coming, man. I'd love to have this last forever." Diego gave him a nice, slow, deep fucking. The kind that drives men, women, boys and girls totally crazy. I know, he's been in me that way too. Unforgettable!

Hank was getting hot as hell again, and eased his hard cock in my ass and did a fine job of fucking me. Bet his wife loves that prong up her pussy. I wonder if he ever gets enough. I hope not. He can fuck me night and day if he wants to. "God I love fucking ass. I've never fucked ass before, and now I've fucked two. Maybe I can even fuck Diego's hole before the day is over!" Man, I don't think he REALLY does get enough.

"Hey, Hank.. you'll wear your dick out if you're not careful.. and that would be a calamity." But he kept on going. So, I licked Diego's ass some more and got another little nugget. This day is going to go down in history for sure. Can't you imagine how all this looks to those birds up in the trees! Quail on his hands and knees with Diego fucking his hot asshole, me eating out Diego's hole hoping for yet another turd, and Hank probing my hole like it was the only one left in the world. Cum to think of it, it sounds pretty damned perverted. I love it. Who wouldn't!

After I don't know how long, Diego gave the signs that the end was near. He sped up his fucking and grabbed Quail's dick to hold on. All of a sudden, Diego gave a shout and grunt and drove his dick and PA deep inside Quail. I could almost hear his seed splashing against the walls of Quail's tube. Quail collapsed on the ground with Diego on top of him. About the same time Hank's balls started boiling again and he tried his best to get me pregnant. With all that seed of his, he just might.

Well, after all this perversion, we all got up and sat in our chairs again. Quail brushed the dirt off his dick and said, "Shit oh fuck! I never had an experience like that! But, you know, the one thing I need now is to shoot my load. Pussy has had the rag on the past few days and my balls are running over. One of you gotta help me out here."

"How about me, Quail? I missed getting part of your load last week, and sure would like a good mouthful."

"Have at it Josh. It's all yours." Quail scooted down in his chair with his legs spread so his ass hung over and his dick stood at the ready. I licked up and down that fine tool of his and noticed some splooge was dripping out of his hole. I lifted up his legs and licked it up -- a mix of cum and shit. I had a hard time not trying for more. What the fuck, why not try for more and I did. It was something I'd never done before, but I don't think it could be the last time. Damn what a treat that was! Talk about chocolate with a cream topping! All that and getting a good nose full of his black-man stank. Then I got to work on his dick. I licked the coarse hair on his big balls. Felt so good against my tongue. Smelled and tasted so good. Then slowly licked up that fine shaft of his cock, feeling the veins and bumps on my tongue as I went towards the head. Lapped around the crown of the head and into his piss slit, licking up his salty pre. Then the whole head in my mouth, tonguing it round and round, while he moaned his approval. I slowly went down the shaft until his dick head rubbed the back of my mouth, then farther and farther until his whole cock disappeared down my throat and my lips and nose were nuzzling that nappy pubic hair of his. As I came up for air, I eased my finger in his ass and met with a nice treasure. How to get it? The only way... I slowly ran my finger up alongside that turd. Felt the roughness of it... kept on sucking on his dick... rubbed that turd some more... eased my finger out and had his nice brown on my finger... stopped sucking him long enough to lick his shit off my finger... damn it was so fucking good.. then back to his dick... deep throated it some more and felt of his balls... they were getting harder and harder and his breathing was getting hot and pained... his dick head was hard as a rock and suddenly he yelled out, pulled my head down on his cock as it spurted his seed in my mouth.. so much cum.. thick and creamy... kept on coming out of that hot cock of his... some of it leaked out of my mouth there was so much of it... I pulled off and it still kept on coming.. Hank got his mouth on it and took some of it in... still coming... damn Quail was really emptying those balls... even Diego got some of it. I let his load run around on my tongue to get all that hot flavor... and swallowed the whole load. Fuck, it was so good!

Quail didn't even get soft, so I got back on his tool again and started sucking hard which made him jump...he held my head so I couldn't move any more... then I felt his stream of piss going in my mouth... hot and sweet.. that piss was so fine! And I took it all. Neither Diego nor Hank knew what was happening, but I kept my mouth on Quail's piece until he'd emptied out all his piss. Jeez! What an experience.

Quail finally calmed down and his dick softened. I pulled off and he sat up. "Man you are some cock sucker, Josh. That's the finest job I've had in years. You'll be numero uno on my list from now on."

I said, trying not to be a party pooper, "Gotta get going bros., not that I have that much to do. But I'm about all out of pep here, even with Quail's seed down there in my belly."

"You're right, Josh. Even though the wife and kids are gone this weekend and I'm batching it. I'll go find something to eat and get some stuff done around the house."

I took the opportunity and said, "Hey Hank, you can hang out at my place and I'll fix us something to eat. I'm a pretty good cook and you can clean up and shower there." I tried not to have my evil eye showing.

Wise ass Diego chimed in, "Watch out, Hank. He might molest you!"

"Well, I can always hope for the best," he said with sorta nervous laugh.

I think he meant it.

OK my piggy readers. It's time to hang this up for now. I'll start working on Part 2 soon. Diego just called and said that Brian is coming over and needs to have us sample what he ate last night. Can't miss that. So you'll have to wait to see how it goes with Hank. And I think Quail and I will do a one-on-one soon too. Damn, I hope so. Wonder how things might go with Miguel and Alejandro? News at 11, pervs. You'll have to wait and see.

Meantime, e-mail me and let me know what you think of this tale -- up or down.


Next: Chapter 2

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