Our Female Audience

By moc.liamg@709halbhalb

Published on Oct 11, 2010


Saturday began like most of them do with me waking up around noon time. I still felt great about the way last night had turned out. Not only was Jane finally aware of what Ryan and I did alone, her climax shortly after our show told us that she wanted more and to be involved. What we witnessed was incredibly intriguing too.

After Ryan's orgasm, he slumped against the wall relaxing. My cock was still aching to get out of my shorts and so I had abided. I played with my six inch uncut while Jane stared at it intently still rubbing her sex (her hand had slipped inside her sweat pants) and playing with a nipple. Even Ryan, being finished, could appreciate the sight we were getting. Soon she was convulsing and not long after I was following suit.

Jane told us about her parent's business trip this weekend. She would have the house to herself until Monday evening. Without saying it in words, she was offering us to come over. Ryan and I both said we'd be there.

Not long after my mom knocked on the door telling us dinner was ready and that Ryan and Jane were welcome to eat. In all the years of our friendship there was never any indication that us three being in a close room was a problem. So there was no suspicion from her.

At the dinner table Jane proposed to my mom the idea of us working on a school project at her place this weekend. This project was news to Ryan and I, but we kept quiet. She said that it would be easier to work with the floorspace in her living room (ours was usually cluttered) and that her parents didn't mind as long as we kept the noise level down. What an excellent liar, I thought. My mom took the bait and didn't see why it would be a bad idea.

This weekend was going to be different, and it was going to be fun. I sat up on my bed happy with the memory of last night. Then I got ready to meet Ryan, just outside my house, to head down to Jane's house which wasn't far down the street. He showed up at the planned time wearing almost the same thing I was; a comfort t-shirt and jogging shorts. Easy access was going to be a bliss tonight. But the summer season was a good excuse for our outfits.

Ryan was the first to speak. "This is going to be a blast, man. I just can't wait!" Excitement was pouring out of his tone.

"Careful. Don't want Mom thinking we're about to enjoy a project that much." My response was low, but I was very excited too. We started to walk down the sidewalk becoming more anxious as we got closer to her house.

When we got there the driveway was empty as expected. Of course we knew Jane was home though. We stood there for a moment on the walkway to the door.

Apparently she was just as ready to see us. The door opened and Jane poked her head out. "Well are you two just going to stand there all day," she asked with a brilliant smile on her face. That was all the nudge we needed to get moving.

"Hey, Jane." We got going up to her door. She let it drift open and began walking back down the hall. She was five feet four inches tall with dark georgous hair that fell to her lower back. She was wearing a big t-shirt that hang halfway down her thigh. As far as we could tell she had little or nothing underneath. Not even in her house and our organs were already starting to stir. We looked at each other and followed her into the living room.

She was already laying on the couch, looking absolutely sexy. Ryan and I were lost for words. Our jaws were practically unhinging themselves. She broke the silence. "I figured we could get started right away. Why waste any time?"

"Good idea," Ryan said. I was nodding, still in a daze. Our cocks were ready to go. The light shorts we wore barely contained their wants.

"And since I am the lady here, I'm in charge." We didn't object. It was actually kind of kinky. We were curious to what she would have us do. Still standing at the threshold, she motioned to the sturdy coffee table in front of her. "Sit." It was clear of anything on it and appeared to be able to support our combined weight. We did as were told.

Wow. She was hot. We were able to look at her in a way like never before. And it turns out she was wearing pink panties under the shirt. Her legs looked to be made of silk. She was scrumptious.

"Take off your shirts." She spoke softly seeming to enjoy her control.

Glancing at one another, we obeyed. Ryan was well toned and tanned. I wasn't too bad myself, but I was whiter and less fit though not unpleasantly.

"And now your shorts," she continued while her eyes surfed our bodies. We continued to do as told; standing up and moving the table back slightly, dropping our shorts to the floor and stepping out. Our manhood was straining to get out. With that sight, she let out a soft gasp, looking at each of our briefs.

She was breathing heavier now. Her hand had drifted down to her panties, slipped inside, and was masturbating her pussy. She purred out, "show me more." We were dieing to experience her. However we also knew we practically had all day and maybe tomorrow so we complied.

I looked at Ryan and grabbed his face, pulling him in closer and kissing him. Our tongues swirled in each others mouth; familiar territory. He slipped a hand down on my bulge and rubbed the cock-shaped fabric. I did the same for him. Soon, I stopped us and got him to lay back on the table. Spreading his legs, I pulled down his briefs and threw them in the pile of clothes. He was completely naked before me. Then I was when I did the same for my underwear. Jane was now working harder at herself. I could hear her breathing increase and soft moaning.

Ryan was layed out on this table; his feet were touching the carpet on either side. His right hand was wanking his prick. I straddled the table at his feet and moved his hand away. I leaned over and began sucking his cock. Jane and him both were moaning at this point. I love giving someone pleasure. My head bobbed up and down his shaft. I moved around and kneeled on the side of the table that the couch wasn't, his dick never leaving my mouth. Jane and I made eye contact and I held her gaze as I pleasured Ryan.

Then I stopped. With both of their eyes on me, I shifted the coffee table perpendicular to the couch. It was only possible because the living room was quite large and Ryan didn't weigh a lot. My timber was still erect out in front of me as I moved. I turned and faced Jane. She was still rubbing away. I leaned in and kissed her. It surprised all three of us, her hand stopped moving temporarily, and Ryan started jacking off. I pulled away and she restarted her masturbation, eyes locking with mine.

My fingers went to my mouth and I wetted them with saliva. Then to my asshole where I slipped a finger in. Backing up and crouching I positioned my hole over Ryan's cock. He stopped jacking off and helped aim it into my hole as I lowered myself onto it. He entered my rose bud until five inches later our balls were practically touching. I began to ride him slowly.

Jane stopped rubbing long enough to slip her panties down her legs and drop them on the floor. She took off her shirt where there was no bra. One hand went back to her lucious pussy lips while the other played with a firm breast. Soon she let out a breath of ecstasy and was cumming to the site of her best friends fucking one another.

I was riding faster now. My dick and balls were swaying around as it leaked precum. Ryan was moaning. In fact we all were without much reason to keep it down. Not that we could.

My hands were supporting myself on either side of Ryan's hips and my ass was making a slapping sound as I fucked myself on his hard pole. It was a painful pleasure and it brought on a hardness to my erection I couldn't have reached otherwise. Something unexplainable to those who hadn't experienced it themselves. Ryan's volume increased and he started spewing his seed into my hole. "Ohhhhhhhhh. Yes. Jake..."

I kept pounding away. Soon his semen was leaking back out down his dick and onto his pubic hair. I got off and sat down on the only piece of table exposed where his legs were spread. My hand reached around my back, pulling some cum off of his meat for lube. Then I started finishing myself. Looking at Jane, who was just resting now, I jacked my cock up and down.

Pumping my fist along my shaft, my legs began to go numb and my balls tightened. I closed my eyes and pictured Jane sucking my cock. She watched as my first spirt of cum flew into the air and landed just short of the couch. After that it just kept spewing for a bit as my orgasm subsided.

When I opened my eyes I realized that we had a mess to clean. Exhausted, I still had the energy to smile and think that tomorrow would be just as good as today.

Ryan and I were speechless and Jane had only one thing to say.

"That... was awesome."

Next: Chapter 3

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