Our Female Audience

By moc.liamg@709halbhalb

Published on Oct 9, 2010


We had been caught. Jane had been our friend for years. The three of us were practically an unbreakable trio. Attending school together since 5th grade we thought we knew everything about her and she thought she knew everything about us. Boy was she wrong.

Ryan and I had our little secret. Around the age of thirteen we became more curious with our bodies than ever before. And what better way to explore the unkown than with someone else to explore it with you. When Jane wasn't around we were figuring out just what our manhood was.

It all started with a duet jack-off thinking about hot girls. At this point we were hiding the scene under seperate blankets. It didn't seem too odd to be doing this together. I don't think we ever really gave it much thought. It all abruptly changed when Ryan decided it was much easier and more pleasurable to just throw the cover off. That was the first time his four inch uncut cock came into view. Our relationship would never be the same.

Ever since that moment of masturbating freedom we realized that, even though girls were amazing, the male sexual aspect was very appealing. From then on we pretty much used every moment alone to find out more and pleasure one another. You could say we were addicted. We experienced handjobs on one another, then brave enough for blowjobs. Then one day we took each other's virginity. We kept at it like rabbits.

And now here we were, about five years later. Ryan stopped by after school and we hung out in my room with the door closed. This was very common at my house and my mom didn't seem to mind. Usually we played a lot of video games and a lot of the times we would end up pulling out our dicks one way or the other. This day Jane decided to stop by unannounced. My mom must have let her in.

He was sitting on my bed, back against the wall. I had his trunks and briefs down enough for his rock hard cock to stand at salute freely. It had lengethed to about five and a half inches in the past years and I was taking the full length in my mouth. Swirling my tongue around as he moans I begin to bob my head up and down his shaft. Suddenly there is a light courtesy knock on the door and a milisecond later Jane is swinging the door open to a suprising sight.

"What the hell?", Jane says on the threshold.

Ryan quickly hides his soldier, but with our excitement the tents in our shorts are rather obvious.

"Jane, I uh...", I stammer out barely able to speak in my shock.

"Well at least come in and close the door", Ryan manages with a forced whisper.

Jane does what she's asked and hesitantly comes a little closer to us. At this point we had some explaining to do. With my face red from blushing I ask her to sit down on the bean bag chair. I then nervously tell her what had been going on without her knowledge for some time. After hearing it all she actually seemed to take it quite well. At least it was better than our worst fears.

"So you two are gay?", she asks.

Ryan and I simultaneously try to defend to this statement. Ryan overpowers me and says simply, "No we still like girls, but we like guys too. Bisexual. Even though technically we've had no experience with girls." There he trails off and breaks eye contact.

"Well... you know we've all been friends for years", Jane responds. "I never knew about you two, but honestly it doesn't bother me." She looks at us both with a sincere smile on her face. We look back with gratitude. Thats when I notice that the front of her sweat pants appear damp.

I get the courage to point it out, now that I know it wasn't a disaster she found out about us. "Jane, you seem to actually like what you saw earlier", pointing and looking at the spot.

Now it was her turn to blush as she looked down at herself. "Oh I, uh, I've never seen a guys penis before..." Thats when I felt a stir in my groin as the horniness came back. Ryan took initiative at that moment noticing the situation.

"Maybe this can be a good thing that you know now Jane", he says rather easily. As she looks back up in puzzlement he continues on. "Obviously it turns you on what you saw, and we've never lost interest in women. Look at porn all the time, don't we Jake?", glancing at me. "Anyways, you can experience sex and we can find out what a girl is like." He looks at her, waiting for a response.

"I don't know", she looks away biting her lip. It seems shes giving it a lot of thought.

I get an idea. "Alright, how about we give you a demonstration of what we do? Give you an idea of more of what its like. See then if you want to try things with us. It is an awesome experience. However if you don't want to continue then we will leave it at that. Simple as that. No harm done. What do you say?"

She looks at me for a moment, giving it more thought. After what seems like forever she speaks. "I don't see how it could hurt." She looks at Ryan. He has a grin on his face and his cock is coming back to life. So is mine.

I look at Ryan. No need for words. He pulls down his shorts and briefs back to where they were when Jane first entered the room. Just where I want them. His dick isn't at full attention, but I can help that. I wrap my hand around it and begin to caress it. My other hand plays with his balls. This gets the blood flowing pretty quickly.

Now that he's ready I move my lips down and wrap them around his head. I suck hard and move my tongue up and down his slit. Of course he's moaning. I work his length slowly into my mouth. Once I reach all the way to the base I hold for a second, looking up into his face. He's leaning his head back as an exhale escapes his lips. That is when I go to town. I furiously work my mouth up and down his cock, saliva flowing freely. He's keeping his moans as low as he can, as to not be heard by my mom, but boy is he enjoying this. His scrotum is tightening, his balls pulling closer to his shaft. I'm going faster now.

I glance over and notice that Jane is enjoying this indeed. She is slightly touching the damp area that has gotten darker since I last saw. Moving her fingers over her mound and breathing heavily.

Going back to the job at hand I know the end for Ryan is coming soon. Time with someone can help you make that judgement. Just like I know that, he knows that I love to swallow his load. "I'm gonna cum", he barely gets out.

His balls tighten even more and his manhood begins to convulse as he orgasms. I go about half of his length, lips tight, and suck as he shivers with pleasure; swallowing each load as it erupts in my throat. For thirty seconds I take all of it down until I feel his muscles go limp.

When I pull back I look to Jane. She is still rubbing her sex with her right hand, legs spread, left hand fingering her nipple. And on that note I know she has made up her mind.

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Next: Chapter 2

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