Other Duties as Assigned

By J Zander

Published on Oct 28, 2020



Steve sighed and looked down at this client report. That idiot Isaac had lost another of their best clients. Steve wasn't sure how he managed it, whether incompetence at trading or through less than stellar customer service, but somehow Isaac had managed to lose two clients this month. That was it, really, he was going to have to fire him.

It was too bad. Morale had improved a bit when Isaac came on board. Steve wasn't going to say that most of his brokers were gay, but they sure as hell weren't straight. And Isaac was obviously not skipping any gym days. He had classic blonde good looks and a well-muscled body. Isaac also seemed to know something about clothes because his shirts always seemed a hair too tight, to show off his excellent pecs, and his pants were always made of some sheer cotton and showed his bubble butt off to whomever wanted to look. Which seemed to be most of the office, really. Whenever Isaac went for coffee, plenty of eyes followed his progress around the floor. And there'd been that incident when Isaac had dropped some papers on the way back to his desk and spent a few minutes on his knees, bent over, getting the papers back together. The man's ass was phenomenal.

But two clients in a month? No.

There was a knock at his door.

"Come in."

Isaac came in. He looked subdued and every bit as hot as he always did. He came in, closed the door, and stood before Steve's desk.

"Isaac. I'm afraid I'm going to have to let you go."

Isaac looked panicked. "What did I do? Is there any way I can fix this?"

Steve gave him a steady look. "You lost two clients, Isaac. There really isn't any way to recover from that."

"Can I apologize to them, get them back? I'll do anything to keep this job!"

Steve quirked an eyebrow. "Anything?"

Isaac licked his lips and nodded. "Really, sir, anything."

Steve nodded. "Well, of the two clients you pissed away, one of them might come back to us if we can offer him ... exceptional side benefits, in addition to our normally excellent service." Steve contemplated Isaac. "But most men wouldn't be willing to go the extra mile to provide those benefits. If you're willing, I'll take you through what you'll have to do for Mr. Raymond to get him back."

Isaac nodded. "Anything."

Steve stood up, unzipped his pants, and took out his half-hard cock. "Ok, come over here and suck me."

Isaac goggled at Steve's cock. "Uh, sir?"

"Did I stutter? Suck me off. That's the start of what you'll need to do to get Raymond back."

Isaac swallowed, stepped behind Steve' desk, and knelt. Steve was impressed with how fast the man had decided. He'd made the offer to several previous screwups, but few had the will to carry through with the "extra duties".

Isaac took Steve's cock in his mouth and swallowed it down to the base of the shaft. Steve groaned. Isaac worked his tongue around the shaft, used his lips, and gave Steve head better than just about anyone he'd ever had.

Steve let Isaac suck on him for a few more minutes and then pushed him off, pulling him up to stand.

"Ok, that's excellent work. You're obviously a very accomplished cock sucker."

Isaac licked his lips and nodded. "Thank you, sir."

"Now, while that's a good opener, it's not going to get Raymond back. He'll want more."

"More, sir?"

Steve gave him a tight smile. "He's going to want to fuck you the way you fucked him. He likes men about your age, so that works in your favor, but when he feels he's been slighted, he wants the person responsible to be punished. In the past, that's been by me firing them. This time...."

Isaac swallowed and nodded. "He'll want to fuck me. Yes, sir."

"And from what I've heard, he likes to do that rough. So if you want to keep working here, you'll need to take off your pants, bend over the boardroom table, and let Raymond fuck you hard. Can you do that?"

Isaac blushed and nodded.

Steve put a hand on Isaac's shoulder. "You don't need to, you know. You can just walk away from this firm."

Isaac shook his head. "No, sir. I want this job. And I will do anything."

Steve smiled and gave Isaac's muscular shoulder a squeeze. "Excellent. Now take off your pants."

Isaac only hesitated a moment. He unbuckled his pants and let them drop to the floor. Underneath, he wasn't wearing anything. Well, that explained why his ass always looked so damned good -- no lines.

Steve took Isaac by the shoulder and bent him over his desk. Then he caressed that beautiful ass. "So the first part of you keeping your job is to make this whole mess up to me, too. Do you need a gag, Isaac?"

Steve gave Isaac's ass a swat and he made a delightful little yelp. Steve watched as Isaac's ass jiggled. Then he rummaged in a drawer, removed a ball gag and put it on Isaac.

"There we go. Now you can scream and moan all you want and we won't disturb your co-workers."

Steve dribbled a little lube on his cock, lined up, and rammed it into Isaac, who screamed into the gag. The man's ass was wonderfully tight and hot. Steve kept his cock all the way in and moved it around a bit. The he began to fuck Isaac hard and fast. Isaac moaned and screamed into the gag, almost non-stop, which Steve thoroughly enjoyed. A bit sadistic, but Isaac had cost his firm quite a bit of money.

Still, his ass was more than making up for that.

Steve had come earlier that morning and so was able to ride Isaac for a good fifteen or twenty minutes before he came. Steve could skip the gym today, he'd had his cardio.

When he got Isaac up and removed the gag, Steve noticed that Isaac had cum on carpet. Steve frowned.

"Ok, now get down there and lick that all up. No cum on the carpet, if you can help it."

Isaac got down and cleaned up.

"And be ready for tomorrow. I'll line up a meeting with Raymond. You'll want to be ready."

Isaac swallowed the cum he had licked up and nodded.

*** Frank Raymond was a big guy. He was in his mid to late 40s, but looked like he sidelined in body building. He had square-jawed good looks and a stormy expression.

"Why the hell am I back here, Steve? We've done this scene a few times and it's boring. You're going to parade some idiot in front of me who is going to apologize, then you're going to fire him, and then I'm supposed to let another of your beautiful but rather stupid employees screw with my money. Not interested."

Steve gave him a professional smile. "This apology is rather different." Steve motioned to Isaac, who stood just outside the open door of the conference room. Isaac came in, shut the door, and put a small duffle bag on the conference table.

Isaac turned to face Raymond. "I am so sorry, sir. I gave you terrible service and I'm willing to do anything to make it up to you."

Raymond turned to Steve. "And now you fire him? Like I said, boring."

Steve shook his head, smiling less professionally. "No, like I said, not your usual apology. Isaac here is willing to do anything you want to make up for his failures. Starting with a blow job and going just about anywhere you want to go after that." Steve patted the duffle bag. "I have some toys here to make it more interesting for you."

Raymond had his eyebrows up and turned to Isaac with a considering look. "Well, he is cute. All right, let's see how apologetic Isaac really is."

Raymond stood up and unzipped his pants. He pulled out a large cock, still pretty soft, but larger than Steve's certainly.

Isaac immediately knelt in front of Raymond and began to suck him with vigor.

Raymond made a pleased sound. "Ok, this is nice. I like the direction this apology is going but I'm going to want a lot more sex and quite a bit more humiliation before I'm swayed."

Steve nodded. "We're prepared for that."

Raymond smiled thinly. "Good."

Then he started to vigorously fuck Isaac's mouth. Isaac gagged quite a bit, some spit drooling out of his mouth, some tears at his eyes. Raymond kept the pace up for a few minutes, and then pushed his cock into Isaac until his nose was buried in Raymond's crotch. Isaac choked and started to turn red, but he didn't try to pull back.

Raymond grunted, sighed, and then pulled back and out of Isaac's mouth. Isaac gasped and took deep breaths, spit and snot dripping from him, and looked up at Raymond.

"That's a start." Raymond said. Then he looked over at the bag. "Show me what toys you have."

Steve got up, unzipped the bag, and withdrew all the items. There was a large bottle of lube, a box of condoms, several dildos in increasing sizes (all with handles), wrist and ankle cuffs, several lengths of rope, and a ball gag.

Raymond nodded. "Good, even excellent. Right, you," he said, pointing at Isaac. "Strip. Steven, you can watch but don't interrupt."

Steven nodded. Isaac took of his shirt, then took off his shoes, and then his pants. He stood naked, looking to Raymond for direction.

Raymond grabbed the wrist cuffs and swiftly put them on Isaac. Each cuff had a d-ring on it, ready for rope. Then Raymond grabbed the ankle cuffs, knelt, and attached them to Isaac's ankles. While he was down there, he took a moment to grasp Issac's balls and give them a twist. Isaac groaned.

Raymond smiled and stood up, letting go of Issac. "Well, I see why you included a ball gag. He's a bit of a screamer. I'm tempted to leave it off and let the office hear how we punish failure. Maybe next time."

Raymond took the ball gag and put it on Isaac firmly. Isaac's eyes were a little wide. Raymond took Isaac by the shoulder, guided him to the head of the conference table, and bent him over, putting his arms out spread-eagled on top of the table. Then he grabbed rope and tied a length to each of the cuffs, arms and legs. Then he pulled the arm ropes down and tied them to the struts under the table, making sure they didn't have a lot of give. He did the same with the leg cuffs, though they had less travel.

Finally, Raymond stood up and caressed Isaac's stunning ass. "Nice. If I'd known how hot a young man was on the other end of the phone, I would have set up dinner or a spa date. Though this has its attractions."

Raymond lifted his hand up and smacked Isaac's ass, which jiggled wonderfully. Isaac let out a muffled yelp. Raymond continued to smack Isaac's ass, alternating cheeks, until he was red and his yelps had turned to cries of pain.

"Very nice. Now. Let's see about some of these other toys." Raymond picked up one of the dildos, holding it by its handle and admiring its girth. He dribbled a little lube on it, then rubbed the tip against Isaac's asshole. "Yes, this should do. This should simulate exactly how I felt when I saw my account balance drop."

Raymond shoved the dildo into Isaac, who screamed into his gag. Raymond got the toy firmly planted, then idly turned and twisted it. "Yes, very nice indeed. Steve, bring a chair over here, will you, I want to spend some quality time fucking Isaac with this fine dildo."

Steve brought over a chair and Raymond sat down. Isaac was gasping for breath through his ball gag, sweat already springing out on his back.

Raymond pulled back the dildo until it was out, then roughly shoved it back in. Isaac gasped into the gag, sounding more like a frenzied grunt. Raymond repeated the action several times, each time Isaac grunting in some pain. Then Raymond began to rapidly fuck Isaac with the dildo, pulling only a little back each time and rabbiting back in on the upstroke. Isaac's screams turned into a long grunting moan. Raymond caressed Isaac's ass with one hand and rammed him with the dildo with the other.

Steve stood behind them, watching the show. He couldn't help but notice that Raymond's cock, still bare and sticking out of his zippered fly, was at full mast.

After several minutes of dildo-fucking, Raymond pushed the toy all the way into Isaac and left it there. He stood up and caressed Issac's ass.

"All right, that was fun, but now the main event. Isaac, I'm going to fuck you now. I'm going to try to last as long as I can and I'm going to take great pleasure in fucking you."

Raymond didn't disrobe, he just sheathed his bare cock in a condom, lubed it a little, and then pulled the dildo out of Isaac. Then Raymond shoved his large cock into Isaac. He didn't ram it in like he had with the dildo, instead moving slow and sure. Once Raymond had his large cock all the way in, he stopped, leaned forward and grabbed Isaac by his muscular shoulders. He waited a good minute with his cock shoved all the way in and then Raymond pulled out and shoved back in, hard.

Isaac moaned loudly, even with the gag. Steve suspected that Isaac was starting to enjoy his punishment.

Watching the fully clothed Raymond pound the fuck out of the naked and bound Isaac was making Steven more than slightly hot. He unzipped his own pants and started to stroke his hard cock.

Raymond continued to pound Isaac, who was breathing heavy. Bending down, Steve could see that Isaac was hard. If this hadn't been Isaac's punishment, Steve would have gotten down there and sucked that beautiful cock right down.

Raymond paused on an upstroke and grunted. He shook slightly, and was breathing heavy, too. Steve guessed the man had finally cum.

Raymond pulled his cock out of Isaac with a slight pop, disposed of the condom, and carefully put this monster cock back in his pants. Then he zipped back up.

"Ok, Steve, that was very nice. Good apology. But I'm going to want a little more."

Steve stopped stroking his own cock. "What did you have in mind?"

"I want Isaac to be fucked by you and the guy you get to take over my account. And maybe a few of his other co-workers, just to drive the point home."

Isaac was looking back, his look a little wild. But he didn't make a sound of protest.

Steve nodded. "We can do that. You want to watch me fuck him now?"

"Yes, and I want to meet the replacement guy, and then watch him fuck Isaac too, if he's so inclined."

Steve stepped over to Isaac and stroked a hand along his magnificent ass. Isaac might not have been a great hire for the work they did, but good grief, his ass might be worth the large salary Steve paid him.

Steve slapped on a condom, put one hand on Isaac's ass, and directed his cock with the other. He found Isaac's hole and then pushed in. As much as Steve wanted to take his time and savor the fuck, this wasn't about his pleasure and it definitely wasn't about Isaac's pleasure. Steve thrust in hard, sinking his cock all the way into Isaac.

Isaac screamed into the gag and his body shivered under Steve. Isaac's ass grabbed at Steve's cock. Steve pulled back and began a regular fuck rhythm. Isaac's cries eventually turned to moans. In ten minutes, Steve had fucked enough and came.

He rested for a moment and then looked over at Raymond. "Good so far?"

Raymond nodded and adjusted himself. He pulled the chair back and sat down, ready for another show. "Right, let's talk to Isaac's replacement and then see how that goes."

Steve nodded, walked over to the conference room phone, pressed a button, and a voice said "Seaborne."

"Mr. Seaborne, please come to the conference room. You'll want to bring your notebook."

"Yes, sir. Be right there."

Alex Seaborne was a multigenerational broker, his father and grandfather both having been brokers at other firms, and ultimately he'd be a partner in this firm or another, like his family. Seaborne had the easy good looks of the young Connecticut crowd and looked like a clean cut guy who had once been in a fraternity. Steve knew for a fact that Seaborne would be happy to tap Isaac's premium ass, since Steve had caught Seaborne more than once dropping pens to get the new guy to retrieve them.

Seaborne knocked once and came into the conference room. He stopped cold when he saw Isaac bound to one end of the table.

"Close the door, Alex, and come over here."

Alex Seaborne closed the conference room door, never taking his eyes off the naked and sweaty man tied to the table, and then walked over to his boss. "Yes, sir."

"This is Frank Raymond. He's a client that was mishandled by Isaac, who is now being punished for that. I'd like you to handle Mr. Raymond's account. Mr. Raymond, this is Alex Seaborne, one of our more talented brokers."

Raymond stood up and came over. He put out a hand and they shook. "Good to meet you Alex. I hope this object lesson won't be necessary a second time."

Alex swallowed. "No, sir. I'll give your account my full attention."

"Excellent. Now, as part of my re-signing with this firm, I stipulated that the previous idiot running my account," Raymond slapped Isaac's naked ass and Isaac yelped through the gag. "Be punished. As part of that, I've fucked him, Steve here has fucked him, and I want you to fuck him, too. Hard."

Alex's eyes got wide and he swallowed again. "Uh. Yes, sir." Alex looked down at Isaac's luscious ass. "Do you mind if I fuck him while I'm naked?"

"Please do. I think Steve and I will enjoy the show."

Alex nodded, still distracted by the naked and bound Isaac. The he set down his notebook, loosened his tie, pulled it off over his head, unbuttoned his shirt, and piled both of them on his notebook. Alex kept in great shape; his finely muscled torso and six-pack abs a testament to that.

Alex unbuckled his trousers and let them drop. Instead of underwear, Alex was wearing an old-fashioned white cotton jockstrap. Raymond grunted at the sight. And it was a sight, too, because the exercise Alex must be into the most was obviously biking. Nothing else would give him such heavily muscled legs and that great ass.

Seaborne ran a hand over Isaac's ass, who moaned. Isaac was looking back at Alex and it looked like Isaac was looking forward to being pounded by the athletic Alex.

Well, they couldn't have that, Steve thought. He got up from his chair and went over to Alex, putting a hand on the muscled shoulder of the stud. Steve put his head closed to Alex's and whispered. "Fuck him for fun on your own time. This is his punishment for losing this firm nearly a million dollars and two clients. I want you to fuck him hard."

Alex grinned back at him. "Yes, sir!"

Steve gave Alex a friendly pat on the butt and wondered if maybe he could find a reason to bend Alex over his desk at some point. There was always hope.

Alex pushed his jockstrap down, put lube on his cock, lined up, and rammed himself raw into Isaac, who provided a delightful scream through the gag. Alex pulled all the way back out and shot Steve a grin. Then he rammed back in. Isaac screamed. Alex repeated this a few times, and then began to fuck Isaac in earnest. His strokes were rapid and though he ran his hands over Isaac's body in obvious appreciation, he kept up a punishing speed.

Steve glanced over at Frank Raymond, who was rather openly stroking his cock, once again released from his pants. Well, who could blame him? Steve walked over to stand next to Raymond.

"Want me to see if I can add Alex's ass as a signing bonus, Frank?"

Raymond looked up at him. "What? Oh, that would cement the deal nicely, please do. Those are two hot young men you have there. Are you keeping Isaac on after this?"

The two young men weren't paying attention to anything but their fucking. Steve grinned. "Do you know, I think I may have other duties for him to perform here than handling accounts. Clients, maybe, but not accounts."

Raymond grunted. "Interesting idea. I can see that catching on in a few offices."

Steve nodded and went over to the conference room table. Alex was still vigorously fucking Isaac, both of them grunting like wild animals.

"Alex, if I could have your attention for a moment?"

Alex stopped, his dick on the upswing into Isaac. He was breathing heavily. "Yes, sir?"

"Mr. Raymond has mentioned something that would cement his return to our firm and I'd like to add that there's a sizable bonus for you if you can land his account."'

"What's that, sir?" Alex was sweaty and looked magnificent.

"Mr. Raymond would like to fuck you while you fuck Isaac here. Not with the same roughness that Isaac is getting but firmly." Steve smiled at Alex.

Alex looked uncertain and swallowed. "He, uh, he wants to fuck me? Right now?" Alex glanced over at Raymond and then back at Steve.

"Yes, right now. I think you'll find that Mr. Raymond is a talented fucker and has a sizable cock. Would you like me to prep you?"

Alex glanced over at Raymond and then back. "Uh, how sizable a bonus, sir?"

Steve smiled. Exactly the question he would have asked. "I'll put in $75,000 if you can carry this off."

Alex licked his lips and then nodded. "I'm in, sir. Happy to help the firm."

And his Ferrari payments, Steve suspected. "And the prep?"

"Some prep would be great, please. I ah, haven't done that very much. I'm usually the one fucking."

"No worries, Alex."

Steve grabbed one of the unused dildos, liberally coated it with lube, and got behind Alex. He used some of the lube on a finger and instructed Alex to bend over a little. He'd gone back to fucking Isaac but reduced his pace and then stopped when Steve put his hand on Alex's big meaty ass.

"Ok, try to relax. You'll feel some pressure."

"Yes, sir, I was in a frat."

Steve laughed and pushed his lubed finger into Alex's ass. He was pretty tight. It took several minutes of work with his finger to get Alex a bit more relaxed.

Raymond made an impatient noise. "How's that prep coming, Steve?"

"Be just a moment, sir. I want to be sure to get him ready for you and that cock of yours."

Steve pulled his finger out and replaced it with the head of the dildo. He firmly pushed the toy into Alex, who swore and gasped in turn. Steve took his time but the show seemed to be worth it, since Raymond didn't complain. He was front and center for a unique sex show with two hunky guys. Eventually the dildo was all the way in. Steve rotated it, then pulled it out and pushed it in a bit. It felt like Alex had relaxed enough.

Steve stood up and slowly withdrew the dildo. Alex let out a breath of relief.

Mr. Raymond stood up and walked over. His large cock was out and stiff. Steve motioned with the lube bottle and Raymond gestured at his cock. Steve smiled at him, dribbled some lube from the bottle directly on to his shaft. Then Raymond pumped it a few times.

Raymond got in position behind Alex. "Ok, Alex, let's see how you can service my account."

With that, Raymond pushed the head of his cock into Alex, who gasped. Raymond put his arms around Alex's torso and stroked his body. He didn't move his cock.

Raymond put his head to Alex's ear but didn't whisper. "Ok, why don't you pull out of Isaac and fuck yourself on my cock? Then if it's too much, you can go back into Isaac and his lovely ass."

Alex nodded shakily. "Yes, sir."

Alex licked his lips and slowly backed up onto Raymond's cock. He moaned "Oh, fuck!"

Steve moved around to the side. The sight of Frank Raymond, the hulking muscled businessman still in his exquisite three-piece suit, with his cock deep in Alex's completely naked ass, who in turn had his cock in Isaac's tied-down ass, was sweet. Alex backed up as far as he could and then rammed forward into Isaac, who grunted and then moaned. Then Alex backed himself up onto Frank's cock again, and rammed Isaac again. Alex repeated this maneuver several times. Isaac's moans became louder. Alex was moaning, too, and Steve wondered if he needed to get another ball gag.

Raymond had the same thought and put a hand over Alex's mouth. Then he pushed himself forward into Alex, who was pushed into Isaac. Alex moaned a little desperately when Frank didn't stop pushing and got his cock all the way up into Alex.

"Very. Ugh. Very nice." Raymond said.

Raymond held the tableaux like that for a moment, both cocks firmly all the way up both stunning asses. Then he began fucking Alex steadily, pushing Alex's cock into Isaac on every upswing. Alex's frantic moans seemed to turn on Raymond even more, for he picked up the pace and got the same agonized moan from two men at the same time.

There was a discrete knock at the door.

"Come." Steve said.

His personal secretary, Jonas, slipped into the conference room. He wouldn't have interrupted if it hadn't been urgent, though Steve could see a flash of shock as Jonas took in the scene. The sight of one of their worst and one of their best brokers being fucked at the same time was probably not what he expected to see.

Jonas handed Steve a clipboard. "The Miami deal came through."

Which was one of the few things, other than the building being on fire, that he wanted to be interrupted during Isaac's "apology". Steve quickly read the document while Jonas avidly watched the sex.

Steve signed the paper and handed back the clipboard. "You can have a turn at Isaac when Mr. Raymond is done here."

Jonas smiled. "Thank you, sir. Very kind. Wow, he really does..."

Steve nodded. "Yes, great ass. Both of them, really."

Both men being fucked were now moaning non-stop. Even Raymond was grunting and breathing heavily. They weren't going to be long.

"Sir, should I draw up a list of those to receive this month's special bonus?" Jonas eyed Isaac.

"Yes, thank you. That would be handy to have. Coupons for the straight men or uninterested women for that escort place we used last year, what was the name?"

"Companionably Yours. Yes, sir. Very discreet."

"Thank you, Jonas, you are a treasure."

They both watched as Raymond's thrusts became ragged. With a final big heave, he thrust up into Alex and shuddered. He held Alex as he came and then let him go. Alex for his part nearly flopped on to Isaac, but held himself up, breathing heavily, resting his hands on the table. Alex still had his cock in Isaac, who was moaning quietly and shaking a bit. It looked like he'd come at some point during the fucking.

Jonas moved to Mr. Raymond and handed him a towel. Raymond used it to wipe off his cock, then stored the member away in his apparently expertly tailored pants. Raymond handed the towel to Jonas and then came over to Steve.

"Excellent. Happy to be doing business with you, Steve. I'll fax over the paperwork."

They shook and Raymond left.

Steve went over to Alex and patted him on his sweaty ass. "Great work, Alex. You have the account and Mr. Raymond's thanks. Let Jonas know when you finish up, there are other people in line behind you to fuck Isaac."

Alex nodded, still winded. "Yes, sir."

Alex then ran his hands along Isaac's back, pulled his cock part way out and began fucking him again. This time, under his own power. Isaac moaned. Alex was going a bit slower and less hard than before, not as much a punishment fuck as a regular fuck.

Steve lingered a moment and then headed out, leaving Jonas to take charge of things.

Jonas, for his part, set down his clipboard, loosened his tie, and moved over to stand right next to Alex and the bound Isaac.

Jonas smiled, watching the two hunks. "Very nice, Alex. If I'd known you had a thing for Isaac, I would have arranged a threesome for us." Alex was breathing heavy but managed to gasp out. "I've only got, uh, one dick."

Jonas shrugged. "You can still have a fun threesome even if two of the guys need to be fucked. For instance."

Jonas knelt down and took Isaac's cock in his mouth. Isaac groaned more. He'd obviously cum recently but he got harder in Jonas' mouth pretty quickly. Jonas didn't take his time or try to extend Isaac's pleasure -- for one thing, this was supposed to be punishment for Issac's transgressions. For another, Alex was likely to cum soon, and Jonas wanted to time the two orgasms to happen at the same time.

A few minutes of fucking and Alex's strokes became irregular and then he gasped and moaned, lodging his prick as far up Isaac's ass as possible. Jonas swallowed down Isaac's load, poor Isaac's legs shaking in ecstasy as he came again.

Jonas stood up and ran his hand along Alex's back. "Also, you should know that I wouldn't mind trying to reverse our usual positions. I've admired that ass of yours for a while now and started to have ... thoughts about what I might do with it. I don't only love you for your dick, you know."

Alex laughed weakly and pushed himself upright from where he lay across Isaac's back. "Oh, man, if I'd only known how hot a fucking sandwich could be, I'd have let you fuck me while I plowed Isaac or that guy Tim in accounting." Alex leaned forward and kissed Jonas. They made out for a bit and then Alex pulled back. "But right now I'm going soft inside Isaac and I'm pretty much spent. If you want to arrange a third for our usual Friday night, I'm in. Totally."

Jonas smiled and kissed Alex again. "Call it a plan. Now could you pull out of Isaac so I can try out this fucking thing and see how I like it?"

Alex laughed, pulled out, and cleaned up. He started to get dressed as Jonas began to strip. Alex watched Jonas and his lean but toned body as it was revealed.

Jonas stripped down to his socks and his tie, which he left on for humor value. Otherwise, he was naked. Jonas rather long cock hung down between his legs, half-hard from all the sex going on around him.

Alex walked over, now fully clothed in his broker suit and tie. He put a hand on Isaac's ass, and his other hand on Jonas' back. "God you're sexy in that tie. I wish I could fuck you while you're fucking him. This ass of his is amazing."

Jonas smiled at him, kissed him, and then slid a condom on his hard cock. "I wish you could too, but we'll have to settle for Friday, and either Tim or maybe Isaac. We'll see how today goes. What do you think, Isaac, you up for some personal threesome fucking?"

With this question, Jonas slid his cock into Isaac's ass. Isaac moaned and gasped around his ball gag as Jonas slowly but surely drilled his cock into him. After a few seconds, Jonas was all the way in and Isaac was breathing heavy.

Alex kissed Jonas. "Gotta go, Jonas. As much as I want to stay, I've got a big new client and I do not want to blow this." He laughed. "I'm not sure I could handle the fucking."

Alex gave Isaac's ass a pat and then headed out, leaving Jonas fucking Isaac.

Jonas could only last another ten minutes before he blew his load. After watching Alex fuck Isaac and for that matter, watching Raymond fuck Alex fucking Isaac, he was really keyed up. And Isaac's ass really was sweet. Just the right combination of hot, tight, and that jiggly bubble ass that set mens' minds aflame. Well, probably women, too, but Jonas wouldn't know much about that.

Jonas pulled out, ditched the condom, and cleaned up a little. He always kept some hand towels stocked in the conference room, in case of spills, and it was a good thing, too. Once he was dressed, he untied Isaac from the table and helped him stand up. He was a little shaky. Jonas didn't remove the leather cuffs from Isaac's wrists or ankles, though he did undo the ball gag and set it on the table. He got Isaac carefully seated in a chair, with a towel on it because Jonas was always a bit careful, and got Isaac some juice from the mini fridge built into the back feature wall.

"Ok, Isaac, how are you doing?"

Isaac sipped some more juice and cleared his throat. He was a bit raspy, probably from the panting, screaming, and moaning he'd been doing for the last hour or so.

"Pretty good." He blushed and Jonas found himself smiling despite himself. Isaac was a cutey, no doubt about it. "All things considered. That was ... rough. But god! So good."

Jonas pointed to a spot under the table where it looked like several loads of cum had been deposited. "Yeah, I can tell. You'll have to clean that up later, but don't worry -- you won't have to lick it up. And I'll tell you what to do to get the cum out of the carpeting. Believe me, I've had experience."

Isaac raised his eyebrows at that and then took another swig of juice. "I kind of wish I knew how perverted this firm is sooner."

"Because you find yourself turned on more than you thought you'd be by the gang bang and the bondage?"

Isaac nodded. "Fuck yeah. And I am totally up to a threesome with Alex and you. Holy shit that guy can fuck."

"Don't have to tell me. Though I'm intrigued by the possibly of fucking him while he fucks you. That's starting to really get my engine going." Jonas pondered with a smile on his face for a moment, then stood up. "Ok, you ready for round two?"

Isaac nearly choked on his juice. "There's more?"

"Oh yeah. Steve wants you to make it up to your co-workers, too. So basically anyone in our office is going to get the chance to come in here and fuck you while you're tied down to the table. Including any women who have an urge to use a strap on."

Isaac goggled on him for a second. "Ok, is it wrong that I'm extra turned on by that?"

Jonas shook his head. "Oh, no, honey, that's not wrong. It's exactly right. Come on, let's get you back into position."

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