Oscar Ba

Published on Jul 27, 2022


Oscar B.A. Chapter 25

Laurie's dungeon was nothing like I'd imagined.

Following him into a small, two-person elevator hidden by tall, heavy curtains against the long hallway wall, I pictured black leather and dark rooms.

Dim lighting and industrial stylings. Concrete and exposed brick painted black. Black, waterproof plastic padding wipe clean.

Chains. Giant dispensers of lube. Condoms in a bucket. Chlorine on the air.

But no, this so-called dungeon was a million miles from the stereotype I had in mind.

Out from the elevator was a narrow corridor lit by expensive in-floor up-lighting that led, after only a few paces, to a wide-open, round room with long, white, ceiling-to-floor curtains covering the walls.

The floor was wooden but sealed, stained and polished with a light grey hue, and in the centre of the space, was a slightly raised circular platform.

All around the platform were comfortable and stylish recliners, assumedly for break taking and refreshing, much like you'd find in a health club. Sporadically between a few seats were little tables with little buzzers, no doubt for calling in big masked butlers.

In lieu of a sky light was a large halo of bright white strip lighting, assumedly designed to simulate day light, complementing the up-lighting spanning the room's circumference.

In fact, the only thing that seemed to fit the picture in my head, albeit painted white, was a ceiling of exposed, smooth brick.

And what was in the centre of the raised platform, of course. If it wasn't for that, I would have sworn I'd passed out and woken up in a Hilton spa.

Walking up to the platform, my MDMA well and truly at its full effect, I smacked my lips and said:

`Not what I was expecting.'

Laurie grinned above dinner-plate eyes and said, `It used to be a hot tub, back when I was more vanilla. So, we filled it in, raised it up and voila. Now it's more to my ... tastes.'

`No doubt,' I said, placing my hand on the contraption in question.

The size and shape of a large vaulting horse, it was cool to the touch. Metal boned and bolted together, its entire top was one long, plush, black leather pad.

Below to the front, and sticking out parallel to its long body, were two arm rests complete with leather cuffs, pads and straps. To the rear were two more, sporting knee pads and identical straps for ankles.

From the machine's four feet were strong metal cables reaching up to the ceiling like two upside-down Vs, attached to a single mechanism.

Does this thing fucking fly?

`You like?' Laurie said, his long, pointed tongue darting over his lips.

Four fast movements like a snake tasting the air. Or a hyena cleaning its bloody muzzle.

Swallowing a giant pool of spit, my vision gently spinning, I nodded and swayed standing in place. Felt the cool air against my neck and wrists. Wanted so badly to get naked.

`I love it,' I said, walking slowly around the raised platform. `What is it?'

`The BDSM crowd would call it a pommel horse. But it's been custom made with a few extras thrown in. I like to think of it as my pommel stallion.'

Giggling far more than I would have sober, I made my way back to Laurie, tipsy, high and buzzing to higher heaven after what we'd briefly discussed in the elevator ride.

My confession. His plan.

`You're so hot,' I said, kissing him hard and deep; meaning every word in my rock-hard, fucked-up state.

`Just you wait,' he said, taking my hand and walking me over to the far wall.

Reaching the middle of the curve, where the heavy white fabric bunched, he pulled out a wafer-thin, metal remote control from his pocket. Pressing its only button, the curtains began to pull back on quietly humming railings.

What was once a curved wall of curtains was now three doors. All three were closed, nestled between the same white, smooth brick as the ceiling.

Each door had a number. Left to right they read one, two and three.

`Intriguing,' I said, as I ran my nails gently down my own forearm just to feel the buzz of tingling flesh.

`It's all fairly simple. The doors are numbered in order. I can show you them now ... or leave them as a surprise.'

`Surprise,' I said without thinking, my eyes glued to the metal number one in front of me.

`Good,' Laurie said, opening the door with a twist of a knob and a well-oiled click.

Inside was small. Not tiny – big enough to fit five or so big men – but undoubtedly previously an en suite changing room or something similar.

Before the re-fit.

The same white and bright interior, however, was nowhere to be found.

More cell than room, it was straight from a sauna: dark and moody with black padded walls and a wet-room floor. In the centre was a chain, hanging from the ceiling in a complicated-looking mechanism.

As my eyes focused in the dark, I followed the metal shine of the chain up to the ceiling and back down to a metal wheel against the righthand wall.

At the other end of the chain, hanging in mid-air, was a pair of handcuffs. But they weren't thin like poxy police versions. These were thick, steel and leather, and large enough to cover half my forearms.

`Undress,' Laurie said from behind my ear; his voice so deep and close my cock pulsed and a jaw-jittering moan flew from my throat.

Doing as I was told, until all I was wearing was my full leather jockstrap, I stood next to the chain and waited.

Didn't wait long.

`Put your hands in front of you. Together,' he said.

`Yes sir.'

`Here,' he said, lifting the cuffs and tightening them around my arms with a jangle of metal, `tight enough?'

My arms now locked together by my wrists I tried to wriggle out. Knew I couldn't before I'd even tried.

`Uh huh,' I said, nodding vigorously; my own pupils massive; my stare manic.

Walking to the wall wheel, Laurie placed both hands slowly and calmly on it. Looked over at me with an evil smile and began to turn.

Clunk, clunk, clunk the metal chain began to rise. Within ten seconds my arms were above my head. By fifteen, they were directly above me and I could relax my entire body without falling.

My shoulders blissfully aching with obedient pleasure.

`It can go even higher,' Laurie said, absentmindedly pulling on himself over his trousers; staring into me with black eyes.

`In the air?' I said, my cock so hard it poked out the side of my jock.

`And it spins,' he said, turning the wheel three more times until my feet were just off the floor.

Every muscle and bone stretching and pulling. Every fibre of my body yearning for more.

Walking close, Laurie placed a hand on my abs. Reached down and, pushing my jock to the side, took hold of my hard cock. Then, slowly, carefully and considered, he spun me round in place until I was back to facing him.

`Fuck,' is all I managed to say, lost to total, surging submission.

`But,' he said, now back at the wheel and lowering me to my feet, `we need to go easy. Don't want to wear you out too quickly.'

Enjoying the rush of pain and pleasure as my shoulders relaxed and the chill of the floor cooled my soles, I giggled again.

Then, like my hips were being pushed and pulled by an invisible force, an overwhelming need to move my body took over.

Fuck. This is some good shit.

`That's it,' Laurie said, running his hands down my flanks, squeezing my waist tight and pushing me so I swung in place. `Let yourself go.'

`Yes. Sir,' I said, only just swallowing the pooling saliva in my mouth before drooling down myself; my head lulling in the divine weightlessness of my bindings.

Still dancing, I started to feel my limbs and body move like there was a time-delay between my kinetic and sensual perception. Like I was somehow watching myself before feeling it.

Laurie's eyes widening even further as he looked me up and down. An all over tingle as the surging adrenaline in my stomach reminded me how much I loved MDMA.

Then I whimpered with ecstasy as Laurie dropped to his knees and began to blow me.

Whip went my head as it flung back and crack went three vertebrae as I stretched my fullest, surrendering to the waves of pulsing pleasure radiating from between my thighs.

`Fuck that's amazing,' I said.

`Good,' he said between mouthfuls. `The boys will be down soon.'

Then, standing, he pushed his tongue into my mouth and held me tight by the chin, sharing my flavour. Said:

`We're going to come in, one by one, and for ten minutes each, what we do to you is your command. Anything you want. Anything you can dream of.'

`Why the chains?' I said, relaxing my legs so I could lean my upper body closer and down until our dilated eyes were level.

`So we can watch. Watch every inch of your body. How you move. How you sweat. How your muscles and lines tense and relax.' Then, leaning in until his breath warmed my cheeks and lowering his voice to a hissing whisper, he said, `If you want me like you say you do, you have to do as you're told.'

Nodding fast, the chain rattling above my head, I said, `Your wish is my command.'

Then ding. The elevator. Followed by footsteps, the rustle of clothing being removed and low chatter from grown men.

`Sounds like we're all here. Ready?'

My eyes locked on Laurie's, I said, `More than you could ever know.'

`Good. Now,' he said, walking out of the room but returning within a few seconds with a white fabric blindfold, `don't forget this.'

`Do I have to?' I said, `I want to watch.'

`Yes,' he said, placing it over my head and shutting out the dim light. My other senses heightened. `There's a whole philosophy to these rooms, you know?'

Shaking my head, I gently bit my lower lip and, in the darkness, heard myself say, `Tell me.'

Leaning in so close every hair on the back of my neck stood on end and his manly scent swamped my nostrils, he said:

`Room one is all about you. You and no one else. That's why it's number one. I don't want you knowing whose hands or lips or fingers are touching you. I just want you to know it's all for you.'

I smirked and said nothing. Love where this is going.

`Our mission is to get you so hot you'll be begging for room two. Then it's our turn.'

Grunting as a wave of sordid excitement rushed through me, I said: `I'll let you do anything.'


I nodded again. Fast and jangly.

`You sure about that?' he said, his hand squeezing tight around my cock.

One last chiming nod rang through the room. Not that I would have put up a fight. Not after what Laurie had promised.

"Prove yourself. Show me why you're worth my time."

Then I felt my jockstrap being pulled down; cool air wafting through and around my legs and crotch. My balls tingling as they hung unsupported. My long, thick cock micro-bouncing with each heartbeat.

Followed by silence. Silence as Laurie left the room, closing the door behind him.

For how long I hung in my cell waiting for the door to open on its smooth hinges and the rush of newer air to tickle my skin, I'm not sure. Couldn't have been longer than a few minutes.

But in my state, it felt like seconds. A blissful, undulating moment in time, caught in a swell of chemical and sexual euphoria. Every nerve ending working tenfold. Kaleidoscopic colours and patterns flaring behind my eyes.

Until, snapping me back to reality, the door opened. Followed by a waft a cooler air. The door closed.

Three long, low breaths in the silent dark.

Then hands.

To be continued ...

Want more?

The first in my novel-length series of tales, Oscar Down Under: Part One, is available now.

A lush sensory experience exploring themes of self-development and morality, find it on Amazon US here, Amazon UK here and Amazon Australia here.

Also available on iBooks, Barnes & Noble and more.

Want a FREE book? Download my prequel novel, Oscar, for absolutely nothing here. Or head over to my website to learn more, including exclusive content on my series, Oscar Down Under.

Copyright Jack Ladd 2019

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Next: Chapter 26

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