Oscar Ba

Published on Sep 10, 2018


Oscar B.A. Chapter 19

Thankfully Harry thought I was talking to him.

`Oscar,' he said, snatching up his t-shirt from the floor and pulling it on. His sublime toned back tensing. Panic in his eyes. `I thought you weren't coming home tonight. I mean, it's late, and after this morning.'

Redressed in a tight, deep purple t-shirt that complemented his smooth skin, blue eyes and blond hair, Harry stood from the bed and walked over. Put his hand on Toby's flawless, muscled shoulder and gently pulled him back from the door frame. Took his place between us.

Black skinny jeans on his legs. His feet bare. His fly open.

I clocked it and raised my eyebrows. Harry's face flashed red and he reached down and closed it in less than a second. At the same time Toby pulled on his own shirt – a white tank top from the top of a pile of denim – pulled up his zip a lot slower and leaned against a vintage Cinzano poster tacked to the right wall of the narrow room.

Smiled at me.

`Am I interrupting something?' I said, my face dead-pan.

My mind raging with warring emotions.

The most prominent: fear. Fear that Toby had tracked down Harry somehow, so he could spill my secret. If he had, I'd just walked into the furious storm of a teen scorned.

But, how would he have known I was dating Harry? No. It's not that. Can't be. Doesn't make sense.

It took me a second to realise that, by the guilt in Harry's face and the surprised grin across Toby's, like he too was putting the puzzle pieces together, I was safe.

For now.

Fear temporarily soothed, came relief. Relief that maybe breaking up with Harry wasn't going to be as hard as I thought. Perhaps I'd found myself smack bang in the easiest excuse known to man.

But there was also a feeling I didn't expect. Something I hadn't thought was possible to feel over an annoying twink who had basically pestered me into being his boyfriend.

It was small, but I could feel it deep in my gut. Like someone was poking me over and over, pushing into my flesh with a blunt nail.

The green-eyed monster.

`This is Toby,' Harry said.

I tried to shake the jealousy. Before it turned into anger and I said something I'd regret. Told myself I was being hypocritical. That I didn't care about Harry. Or Toby. That I only wanted Richard.

No use.

After all the shit he gave me about quitting dark rooms. No more anonymous fun. No more no strings. Just me and him and no one else. Fucking liar. Even I don't bring men back to my fucking room.

It's like he wanted to get caught.

But I couldn't let the rage out. Toby was stood right there. He knew I was cheating on Harry, and I was certain he would relish an opportunity to stick his nose in if I got my back up.

From our chat on the bus that morning, it was clear Toby hated me for being with Richard. I'd seen it in his eyes when I'd told him Richard was divorced. Practically saw the moment his heart broke, realising he was too late.

He's loving every second of this bullshit, coincidental revenge.

I managed to swallow it down. Took a deep breath and focused. Said nothing. Looked at Toby. Toby said nothing.

`It's not what it looks like,' Harry said, sitting on the bed, the fear and surprise in his face replaced with concentration.

Like he'd rehearsed what he was about to say but the curtain call had come earlier than expected.

Pulling out Harry's desk chair to my left and taking a seat, I yanked open the top drawer and took out his rolling box. Helped myself to a joint.

Might as well get comfortable.

They watched me roll in silence. Harry from the bed with pleading eyes that pierced into the top of my head as I fumbled with the rolling paper. Toby, still leaning against the wall, in subtle awe like an intrigued audience member in an impromptu immersive theatre performance.

Sixty seconds of awkward silence later, came the scratch of a lighter and I took a deep pull. Held it and let the THC boost to my system relax my shoulders and calm my nerves.

`I'm all ears,' I said, blowing out a thick grey cloud.

Harry took a deep breath and nodded slowly. Then he said, `I went for a walk. After we argued. Ended up in town. Got a coffee and people watched. Then Toby sat on my bench and we got talking. Ended up back here.'

`Needed some company?' I said, trying my hardest to keep my tone neutral.


`Well, yeah,' Harry said with sad eyes. `I felt like shit after how we left it. I needed a friend. Wasn't the only one.'

I looked at Toby and he smiled. I wanted to punch it from his face and make out with him at the same time. As much as I disliked his presence, he was undeniably hot.

Especially in that tank.

`It's true,' Toby said, his voice calm and deep and smooth; his folded arms bulging his biceps. `I had a pretty shitty morning myself.'

`Oh yeah?' I said, clenching my jaw and fixing my hardest stare on him; my heart beating in my throat. `Get out of bed on the wrong side?'

`Something like that,' he said matching my glare. `Got some bad news about an ex. Turns out he's fucking some classless slut.'

I looked at Harry. No response.

`In fact,' Toby continued. `If it hadn't been for that revelation, I wouldn't have had the courage to flirt in the first place.'

My fists clenched by themselves, glued by fury. I couldn't believe he'd just called me a "classless slut" to my face. But I couldn't do anything. For some reason, Toby was keeping my lie alive.

`Sorry to hear that,' I said through clenched teeth.

`Thanks,' he said.

`So, what?' I said, turning back to Harry. `You bring him here. You let him answer the door. Obviously you aren't bothered about being caught.'

Harry went to speak but said nothing, stumbling over his words. So, I said, `Is this your way of saying we're over? Because if it is.'

Jumping to his feet and planting his palms on my chest before bunching my t-shirt in his fists, he said, `No, no, that's not it at all.'

`Then what?'

Letting go, he took the joint from my hand and pulled a drag. Offered it to Toby but he shook his head. Turning, Harry sat back on the bed, took another drag and looked up at me.

`I know you've been unhappy lately,' he said, a curling line of dancing smoke rising. `And I know it's my fault.'

`Go on,' I said.

`I mean, you never explicitly said anything, but I know you didn't want to stop fucking around. But you did. For me.'

I said nothing but couldn't stop myself from shooting a glance at Toby. He smirked to himself. Said nothing.

`So, I thought,' Harry continued. `Maybe instead of pretending like everything's ok until you eventually find someone else, we could have some fun again? On simpler, less sleazy terms. Toby's keen.'

I paused for a second as my mind caught up.

`You are?' I said.

`Definitely,' Toby said. `I mean, I was totally cracking onto your boy here, but then he told me he'd had an argument with his boyfriend. Said you were the hottest guy he'd ever dated and didn't want to lose you. Told me about your situation.'

`And what exactly is our situation?' I said.

`Well,' Harry said, his tone passive but tinged with excitement, `You don't want to be exclusive. And, honestly, I'm up for some fun. I just don't want to be passed around like a piece of meat by old men in the dark. I thought we could meet halfway.'

I grinned. Didn't want to. Didn't want to give Harry any hope. But I couldn't stop myself. The idea of sharing Harry with Toby made my balls tingle and my cock push against the zip of my jeans.

`I knew you'd like it,' Harry said, beaming.

`Still doesn't explain why you're both here,' I said, my resolve to rip off the band aid that was Harry and I's relationship crumbling with each second.

`That's my fault,' Toby said, taking a step closer. `Harry was very clear about what he wanted. He suggested we all meet for a drink, so it didn't look like him and I were going behind your back. But my sister lives in the block over from you and I left my phone charger in her room after I crashed there last night.'

That explains the bus this morning.

`Yet I find you both topless,' I said.

Harry looked at his feet and frowned. Toby took another step closer and raised both his hands in the air. Said:

`My fault. Again. When we got back here, and Harry realised you weren't home, and probably weren't coming back, we smoked some weed and had a few beers. Consoled one another.'

`Consoled?' I said, one eyebrow raised.

`We just kissed,' Harry said, his pleading expression back from ear to ear.

`Don't worry handsome, I'm sure Oscar's fine with it, right?' Toby said.

Envy flaring harder than before and practically punching me in the stomach, I managed to supress it into a nod and a forced smile. Said, `Of course. No harm, no foul. Just a kiss. All good.'

`I know it'll take some getting used to,' Harry said, smiling wide and walking over to me. `But I think, with time, this will be good for us.'

Then, leaning in, he kissed me on the lips. As he did, he reached out and pulled Toby towards us. As Harry's lips left mine, I felt Toby's heat and smelt his cock-throbbing scent. Watched him lean in and kiss Harry: his rich black skin sublimely contrasted against pale white. Then, Harry leaned back and waited.

Neither of us moved an inch.

`Tell you what,' Harry said. `I'll grab some Cokes from the machine. Why don't you two get ... acquainted? I'll be back in say, ten minutes?'

`Plenty of time,' I said, my lips smiling but my eyes trying and failing to pierce through Toby's obvious façade.

`Awesome,' Harry said,

Snatching up his wallet, Harry left us alone, poking his head round the door and giggling with excitement before disappearing. I counted three seconds in my head. Then I turned on Toby.

`What's your fucking game?' I said.

`Me? That's ironic coming from you.'

`You don't know me.'

`I know you're cheating on that poor lad, who is head over fucking heels in love with you, by the way.'

`That's my business.'

`Not anymore.'

`I won't say it again,' I said, squaring up to him and stretching my spine so I was at least an inch taller than him. `What's your fucking game?'

Folding his arms and looking me up and down, like he was about to laugh in my face, he smirked. Then he said, `Look, Oscar. Truth is I saw a cute, blond all by himself and I made a move. Wouldn't you?'

Of course I would, but I wasn't going to give Toby the pleasure of agreeing with him, so I said nothing.

`Turned out, however,' Toby continued, `he's a love-sick puppy with boy troubles. After he filled me in, I realised the only way I could tap that was a three-way. He is besotted with you.'

`So, all this was your idea?'

`From the start.'

`But you didn't know it was me?'

`How the fuck would I?'

I nodded. Said, `And you're not going to tell him?'

Toby smiled wider and more devilishly than before. Said, `I thought about it. When I answered the door. Especially after this morning. But, fortunately for you, I have a better idea.'

`Let me guess. You want me to break up with Richard? Well, joke's on you, I came here to finish things with Harry.'

`No,' he said laughing. `That's not it. You can keep Richard. I'm better off without the drama.'


I wanted to ask more. But that would have implied I was happy with the situation at hand. And I didn't trust Toby one iota. So, I said, `Then what?'

`I have a proposition for you.'

`By all means.'

`You can dump Harry. It's a free world. It would certainly make your life easier. Or, you could see this for what it is.'

`Which is?'

`A chance to have your cake and eat it.'

`Do you always speak in fucking riddles?'

Rolling his eyes, Toby said, `You take Richard, I take Harry.'

`So you do want me to break up with him.'

`No. If you dump him, I'll lose my chance. He'll be a wreck and want to be alone and I've been waiting for a chance at his arse all day. I've put in too much time and energy not to enjoy this.'


`I was thinking,' he continued. `Instead of you creating some massive drama and ending up with a neighbour who hates you, the three of us could have some fun. And if you make sure to enjoy yourself, which I know you will, then we can make it regular. And once we're regular, whenever you fancy a night away, I can keep Harry busy.'

I scoffed. Said, `Bullshit. I'm sure you can find plenty of other blonds. Besides, why do you want to help the classless slut who muscled in on your unrequited love?'

Chuckling, Toby ran his hand down my chest and took hold of my belt buckle. Stepped closer until his lips were less than four inches from mine.

`Seems you are as smart as Harry says you are.'

`Thanks,' I said, my mind desperately stopping my body from doing what my pulsing balls wanted. `What else do you want?'


`Good luck with that.'

`Not from you, dickhead.'

`Oh, how stupid of me,' I said. `I'll just grab a few notes from Richard's wallet each time I see him, shall I? I'm sure he won't notice and drop me like a sack of shit.'

`Not cash,' Toby said, his hand now undoing my belt buckle; my cock stuck behind denim running thick and hard across my right thigh. `Spoils.'

`Spoils?' I said as he dropped to his knees; a gasp leaving my mouth by itself as he undid my zip.

`Yeah,' he said, pulling down my jeans and undies before taking hold of my cock and slowly pulling it with a warm hand. `The watches and jewellery and clothes. If you let him do the things I know he'll want to do to you, you'll be drowning in gifts.'

`I think he'll notice if I don't wear them.'

`Not all of them,' he said, kissing my shaft with thick, pink lips. `I'm sure you'll be able to spare one or two choice items. The odd bracelet or pair of sunnies. Shit I can flog for coin.'

I knew I should have said no. Should have told Toby to get up and leave so I could do the right thing and break up with Harry. But, looking down at him on his knees, holding my cock, my purple head centimetres from his pink tongue, I'd already passed the point of no return.

When the door opened and Harry returned to find me balls deep in Toby's throat, my amazing master plan to make my life easy went right out the window.

To be continued ...

Want more?

The first in my Australian series of erotic tales, Oscar Down Under: Part One, is available now.

A lush sensory experience exploring themes of self-development and morality, find it on Amazon US here, Amazon UK here and Amazon Australia here. Or simply search for `Jack Ladd' on the Amazon homepage.

Also available on iBooks, Barnes & Noble and more.

Want a FREE book? Download my prequel novel, Oscar, for absolutely nothing here. Or head over to my website to learn more, including exclusive content on my series, Oscar Down Under.

Copyright Jack Ladd 2018

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Next: Chapter 20

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