Osaka Gang

By bjjl

Published on Jan 17, 2023


Osaka Gang. Chapter 3.

Daiki leaned back in the chair and took another sip of tea. "You know what I envision?"

Nakamura shook his head, "No. What?"

"To have you masturbate me. Touching my hard cock with your big hands. Squeezing me and making me spill my cum in your hand." Daiki stood up and removed his shirt and pants.

Nakamura gazed at his slim, naked teenage body. His five inch cock stood straight up in the air. He looked clean shaved except for a small patch of hair around the pubic bone. "Sit down," Daiki said.

Nakamura sat in the chair, Daiki stepped in front of him with his legs open. "Make me cum."

Daiki's cock was almost concealed in Nakamura's hand. He tightened his grip and gently pulled the skin up and down over the shiny pink head of Daiki's cock. He watched as the small testicles rolled up and down with each stroke. Daiki's eyes were closed and he head was rolling back and forth.

"Put your finger in my ass."

Nakamura slid his finger between his crack until he felt the ring of the tight orifice.

Slowly he forced his forefinger past the opening and into his bowels. "Oh...Oh...Oh..Oh..." Daiki groaned as the finger went in. He was grinding his ass into the finger and rocking his hips upward. "OH FUCK!" He gasped. "Oh, fuck!"

Nakamura's hand was suddenly wet with semen but he kept going, raking his palm over and over the sensitive glans. Daiki arched his back and dug his fingers into Nakamura's shoulders. He almost couldn't stand the milking Nakamura was giving him.

Nakamura held Daiki's cock in his hand, watching as it shrunk back to normal. Daiki leaned forward, still breathing hard. He put his arm around Nakamura's neck and sat on his lap. "I knew you would be so great at that! I just knew it."

Nakamura wiped his hands off on the towel. "Don't you think you should be going home now? I mean you father might be worried."

Daiki smiled, "he's not. His body guards are outside in the car." Daiki stood up and stretched. "Do you mind if I take a bath?"

"Not at all," Nakamura led him down the hall, into his bedroom and into the bathroom. "You can shower or take a bath if you like."

Nakamura put on his robe then knocked on the bathroom door. "You want some breakfast?" All he heard was the shower going and Daiki sinking.

He went back to the kitchen to begin breakfast. Nakamura was a bit of a traditionalist when it came to breakfast. He liked steamed rice, grilled salmon with skin, miso soup with a side of Natto and green tea. He was in the middle of preparing breakfast when Daiki came walking down the hall completely nude.

"I didn't get a reply so I fixed breakfast for both of us."

Daiki quickly took over the kitchen. "You sit down at the table! I know how to cook. I'll serve the food to you." He led Nakamura to the table and sat him in a chair. "I'll serve the tea first."

Nakamura sat and watched while the naked teen bounced around the kitchen preparing breakfast. His naked little butt wiggled from side to side while his flaccid cock and balls bounced up and down as he darted back and forth. Occasionally he would ask where something was and Nakamura would point.

Daiki placed the food on the table in front of Nakamura. "If there's something you don't like. I'll make over for you."

"This is great! It smells delicious." Nakamura too a bite of salmon. "Sit down and have some."

After breakfast, Daiki cleaned all the dishes, pots and pans. Nakamura was amazed, Daiki was a direct opposite of his brother Isamu. However, his sexual needs was about the same. He saw Daiki standing in the living room with another erection.

"I suppose you would like me to take care of that?"

Daiki smiled. "Yes. I want you to milk me dry again."

When Nakamura finished, Daiki put on his clothes and disappeared into the waiting limo.

....................(Seven months earlier).......................

Mr. Aramaki was an exceptional athlete, trim, fit and well muscled. He was even on the Olympic soccer team one year. He was now the new soccer coach for the private school. He had heard some rumors about Isamu and that his father was connected to The Hara. He naturally assumed that it was just that, rumors. His problems with Isamu came that first summer.

It seemed Isamu had an altercation with another student. Isamu and his friends stripped the student then tied him face down to a locker room bench. They smeared some jelly on his ass and raped him. On Isamu's orders some of the other boys received oral sex from the tied down student. Mr. Aramaki happened to walk in in the middle of the assault.

He reprimanded Isamu the only way he knew how, by giving him a failing grade for the class. This action was not acceptable to his father, Tanaka. He immediately had Aramaki brought to his house and showed him how wrong it was to fail Isamu. Aramaki was stripped, bound, gagged and whipped for a start. He was raped by four of Tanaka's body guards then forced to ingestion the sperm from nine other men.

His final humiliation was in the school locker room. They tied him with his hands raised up behind his back stark naked. A vibrating dildo was shoved into his ass, a vibrator was attached to his cock and a five pound weight tied to his testicles. That was the way he was found Monday morning by the students. There were also a few dried puddles of sperm on the floor between his legs.

Isamu wasted no time in dominating this handsome hunk of man. He knew Aramaki was now frightened of his father Tanaka and what he could do. All the students were on the soccer field in the mist of a game. Isamu walked off the field, over to where coach Aramaki was standing and whispered in his ear.

"Go to your office. Strip off your clothes and wait for me."

When Isamu opened the door, Aramaki was standing by his desk completely nude.

"Bend over the desk. I wanna fuck your ass!"

Reluctantly, Aramaki leaned over his desk and waited for the humiliating intrusion of his ass. Isamu jammed the tube of jelly into Aramaki's rectum and squeezed in healthy portion. Then he filled the hole with his hard cock!

A bit tired from the powerful fucking he just gave Aramaki's ass, Isamu plopped down in the coach's chair and put his feet up on the desk. "Now, masturbate for me!Make it quick too. The game is almost over."

Filled with nothing but complete shame, coach Aramaki grabbed his penis and began quickly stroking up and down.

Isamu didn't have to wait for long. Aramaki groaned, humped his back and thrust forward while his cock squirted forth its semen.

"That's very good, coach. Keep up the good work and I won't have to report you to my father."

Aramaki hung his head because he knew there was no way out of his predicament.

One day, Tanaka had Aramaki brought to him. Aramaki was immediately stripped, hung up and whipped. Both on his back side and on his front side.

"This is just a small sample of what you'll get if you fuck this job up!"

Tanaka snapped his fingers and the body guards took Aramaki down and tossed him on the floor. Tanaka yanked Aramaki up by the hair.

"On Saturday and Sunday I will send men to you. You will do whatever they want to do. You will preform whatever they want! DO you understand?"

Aramaki nodded his head for yes.

"Good! There is no set time when they will arrive. They'll use the name HARA to identify themselves. You just be ready no matter when. Don't think you can run from me or get away. All the gangs work together. You'll be found and returned. Then I'll make you wish you were dead!"

Aramaki returned to his home and took a long painful bath. He put lotion all over his body to help the welts go down. He now realized he was trapped in this hell forever. Tanaka was using him like a whore. Selling him to men that would come to his home, violate him and he was helpless to do anything.

Things were a little better at school now since Isamu found a new teacher to terrify. Mr. Nakamura, who was teaching math and history along with being the vice principal. Aramaki did not envy him in the least bit. Especially if he was going to go through what he had to endure.

Six A.M. Saturday morning, the door bell rang over and over as Aramaki stumbled out of bed stark naked to answer it.

"HARA" The voice said behind the door. Aramaki opened up to see an older chubby gentleman at the door.

Aramaki was still half awake. "Come in quickly."

The chubby gentlemen smiled as he stared down at the morning erection Aramaki had on. He quickly stripped his clothes and got down on his hands and knees.

"Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Go ahead. Fuck me like the dirty whore I am!"

He spread his ass cheeks so Aramaki had a perfect view of his tight pucker. "Make my cock cum when you do it!"

Aramaki rubbed lotion on his cock then slid it inside the chubby man's ass. He began pumping then reached around taking the chubby man's cock in his hand. He had a good rhythm going with his cock humping in and out and his hand yanking back and forth. He felt the chubby ass begin to quake, "OOOOOhhhhhhh," he moaned. Just then, Aramaki felt the orgasm mount and he rammed hard into his large ass.

The chubby man quickly got dressed and hurried out the door. Tanaka was making him do a very disgusting thing. Aramaki immediately took a shower in an effort to cleanse his body and soul. Four more men visited Aramaki that day, each one requesting different sexual attentions of their host.

.........................(The present)...........................

Mr. Nakamura sat at his desk quietly, suddenly the classroom door opened. Isamu walked in with a bag in his hand and tossed it on the desk.

"Here, wear these!" Isamu turned to leave. "Don't tell me you won't either."

Nakamura slowly opened the bag to examine the contents. There was a 5" remote control butt plug, a pair of pink panties and a gold cock ring.

Mr. Nakamura was walking down the hallway, suddenly without warning the butt plug began to vibrate in his ass. He glanced around several time, before seeing Isamu standing at an open locker with the small plastic remote in his hand. Nakamura continued on his way down the hall while Isamu had fun clicking the vibrator off and on.

In class, Mr. Nakamura found it was difficult to concentrate with the vibrator thumping against his prostate and in turn making his cock erect. Once again Mr. Nakamura was in the position where he had to hide behind his desk. He sat down, held his legs tight together and tried to control the overwhelming orgasm he was having under the desk.

It was Friday night and that evening after school Isamu came back to the classroom.

"Stand up and drop your pants! I wanna see what you look like in those pink panties."

Nakamura decided not to resist anymore. He decided that one day they would get caught by some members of the school board. Then Nakamura would be fired and he would be free fro the clutches of Tanaka and Isamu.

He stood there in the pink panties for Isamu to see. "Is that what you wanted?"

Isamu smiled, reached over and tore the panties from around Nakamura's waist.

"That looks better. Now take the plug out!" Isamu slapped him on the bare ass. "I think you're ready for my cock up your ass!"

Nakamura bent over the desk all the time hoping someone would come in and find them.

When he finished, Isamu removed the rest of Nakamura's clothes then tied him in his chair. His arms were tied behind the chair back his legs spread open. His ankles were tied with rope and the rope tied to the chairs arm rests. Isamu then rolled the chair out into the hall. Standing down th hall by some lockers were several of Isamu's friends.

Isamu took a run and pushed the chair down the hallway towards his friends. Nakamura went flying down the hall in the chair until Suko reached out and grabbed him. Mr. Nakamura got another surprise he was not expecting. Some more boys rolled out another chair with coach Aramaki tied to. Nakamura could not help but see the large erection between Aramaki's legs.

Isamu reached over and slapped the hard cock across the head. "I thought since we weren't doing anything this Friday night. We could have some chair races!"

The boys proceeded to race the chairs, running through the halls pushing Nakamura and Aramaki as fast as they could. Then one thing led to another and soon the boys had their cocks stuffed into the mouths of both teachers. Nakamura's cock was now up like a flag pole. He was very surprised when one boy turned, spread his ass cheeks and forced his ass over Nakamura's hard cock.

He bounced up and down as fast as he could all the time stroking his own cock. Nakamura was feeling a sensation like he never felt before. Suddenly his cock burst out, shooting semen into the boy's ass. Nakamura watched as another boy yanked hard on Aramaki's cock, almost as if he were trying to yank it off. Then Aramaki gave out a loud groan and his cock squirted juice into the air.

For the final humiliation of the evening. Nakamura and Aramaki were tied together on the floor, each with the others cock in his mouth. Before they would be released, they had to such each off. While this was going on some of the boys masturbated, letting their sperm drop right on the faces of Nakamura and Aramaki.


Next: Chapter 4

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