Osaka Gang

By bjjl

Published on Jan 10, 2023


Osaka Gang Chapter 2

As the weeks went on, Isamu enjoyed his power and control over the handsome Nakamura. While Nakamura himself still resisted surrendering to his fate. Isamu let his close friends in on his secrete of his control over the teacher. One morning Isamu dropped a package on Nakamura's desk. His mouth dropped open when he saw what it was. A remote control vibrator for the penis. The note inside read:

"You will put this on your cock and wear it when in class. I have the remote."

Nakamura went to the lavatory, removed the small device from the package, read the instructions then clamped it around the base of his cock. As he stood before the class, writing lessons on the blackboard he suddenly felt the vibrator go off in his pants. He turned his head and saw Isamu smiling from his desk. Nakamura was determined not to let this distract him.

He continued with his writing on the blackboard but he could not control the sensation on his cock. He knew his cock was swelling up hard so he had to remain with his back to the class so they would not see the huge bulge in his pants. Suddenly the vibrator quit, Isamu had clicked it off.

Nakamura took a deep breathe, quickly turned and sat down at his desk.

"This history lesson is in your book. I want you to read it completely because there will be a test on....on it on Friday."

Nakamura shuddered for a moment, the vibrator in his pants went back on as he was speaking.

A student raised his hand. "What is the Muromachi period?"

Mr. Nakamura held his head up trying to ignore the vibrator. "During the chaotic, between 1467 and 1573. Japan consisted of...."

Nakamura's cock was fully erect now. He closed his leg and tried to keep his train of thought.

"Dozens of independent states which were constantly fighting each other. Consequently, the demand for Samurai was very high....."

The orgasm quickly overcame him as his cock erupted in his pants. He bit down on his lower lip, tightening his legs and trying not to let anyone know what was happening.

"And, and between wars, many Samurai worked on farms. Many famous Samurai that you read about appeared during that era."

When class was over, Nakamura quickly went to the lavatory and cleaned himself of the dried semen in his crotch. He though to himself if he could get his hands around Isamu's throat. He would strangle that little bastard! He clamped the vibrator back on his penis and returned to class. The last class of the day was math and Isamu had fun.

He intermittently would click on the vibrator, leave it for a minute then click it off. He did this during the whole class. It was very difficult for Nakamura he had to stay close to his desk to hide any erection that may come up. When class was over, he told Isamu he wanted to see him after school.

Nakamura was seated at his desk when Isamu walked in with his friend Suko.

"What is it Mr. Nakamura?"

Caught off guard, Nakamura was not expecting him to be with a friend.

"This was suppose to be a private meeting," Nakamura said. "Your friend can wait outside."

Isamu brushed the papers aside and sat down on the corner of the desk. "I don't think so! Suko knows all about you. I have told him everything."

Nakamura took a deep breath and in a stern voice said, "I would like this to be private!"

Isamu motioned to Suko to leave the room. "What is it?"

Nakamura handed Isamu the penis vibrator from his desk. "I won't wear this any more. It is too distracting in class."

Isamu laughed, "you're afraid you'll shoot your load in class?"

"That already happened. And you know it! You made it happen!"

Isamu laughed again. "Yeah, it was hilarious. Watching you trying to control your ejaculation."

Nakamura slapped his hand down on the desk. "Some things we have to get straight. Some things you carry too far! If you want to do things then they have to be in private."

Isamu smiled and nodded. "OK. I can live with that." He stood up and started for the door. "I'd like to see you at my house Saturday. My father will send a car for you."

Before Nakamura could reply, Isamu slipped out the door and down the hall with his friend Suko. Saturday morning came too soon for Nakamura.

There was a loud knock on the door, Nakamura opened it to see two large men in black suits standing there. The pushed their way inside. "We came to pick you up."

"I just got out of the shower. All I have on is my robe. I need to change."

The big man grabbed him by the arm. "We don't care! Get in the car!"

Nakamura was escorted to the car and tossed in the back seat.

A few minuted later they pulled up to the big gates of Tanaka's house. The gates opened and they drove up around the house and parked at the back entrance. Nakamura was taken downstairs to a large game room. There were pool tables, fooseball tables and electronic games along the wall. They shoved Nakamura in a chair. "Stay there!"

After a few minutes Isamu appeared with another boy Nakamura had never seen before.

"This is Daiki," Isamu said. "He is my younger brother. He'll be in private school next year. You'll be one of his teachers I'm sure."

Isamu leaned against the pool table. "Daiki is a student of Shibari and very good at it. He is going to use you as his subject. Stand up and take off your robe."

Nakamura had no choice, he stood and removed his robe.

Daiki smiled, "good you're already naked. Turn around place your arms behind your back."

Nakamura did as he was told. The young Daiki worked his magic with the ropes, making elaborate knots and patterns. Underneath his arms, across his chest, around his abdomen and hips. Back up his chest and around his back in small diamond shapes. One strand of rope wrapped tight around his cock and balls then back up.

Nakamura looked at himself in the full mirror that was on one whole wall of the game room. Daiki had made two diamond shapes of rope over the pectoral muscles leaving the nipples in the center. The final touch was a ball gag.

"Now Mr. Nakamura," Isamu smiled at him. "We are ready to play some games. After all this is a game room."

Nakamura was stunned by what he saw next. Six more of his students came into the room. They all had Kendo bamboo swords and Suko was among them. There were eight including Isamu and Daiki. They lined up four on each side opposite each other.

"This is the gauntlet. You have to run through the center six times. You will be struck with the Kendo swords as you go."

Nakamura was lined up and told to go. He ran straight down the center as the Kendo wielding boys struck him on the chest, legs, arms, thighs and ass. He made it through three times. The rope around his cock and balls was just making him hard now. The forth time through someone struck him solid in the cock. He fell and curled up on the floor. All the boys laughed and poked fun at him.

Isamu laughed. "That's too bad Mr. Nakamura. Now you'll have to start over. You have to make it six time without falling."

They got Nakamura to his feet and made him go again. He was getting the most sore on his thigh muscles and ass cheeks. Despite the fact all the boys were aiming for his hard cock, he finally made it through all six times.

They made Nakamura kneel in the center of the room. He could not express how much humiliation he felt with his hard penis in full view of all the boys. The boys knelt around him and took turns yanking on his cock. Finally, Nakamura could not resist any longer. The hand rubbing up and down over his glands sent him into an orgasm.

The teens were thrilled when they saw the sperm squirting from the hard cock. They kept it up milking and milking until he finally went soft. The teens turned their attention to another part of Nakamura's anatomy. His unprotected ass! They forced his head down on the floor and his ass up in the air. After everyone had some fun finger fucking him, Suko slid his cock deep into the tortured ass.

His ass was not all was tortured. His hard nipples were a great plaything and they had a lot of fun pinching and twisting them. All seven teens took their turn raping Nakamura. The semen dribbled down the crack of his ass, dried and encrusted in his pubic hair and on his balls and cock. The boys went upstairs for lunch leaving Nakamura curled up on the floor. The body guards were ordered to take him in the shower and get him clean. One of the body guards could not resist that inviting ass.

When they returned from lunch, they played with Nakamura some more. This time they played "command and obey" They would take turns shouting out commands to Nakamura and he would have to obey. If he did not obey he would get slapped on the balls. They had to remove the ball gag for this game. The teens wasted no time in humiliating Nakamura.

"Spread your legs. Say slap my cock!"

"Slap my cock." And one of the boys would comply with his wish.

"Say I want to lick your balls!"

"I want to lick your balls." The teen shoved his crotch into Nakamura's face. "Lick!"

It didn't take much time for the party to get under way.

"Say I want to suck your cock dry!"

"I want to suck your cock dry."

That was the start and everyone joined in, feeding Mr. Nakamura one cock after another until they were all satisfied. By this time again, Nakamura's penis was fully erect. The rope that was tight around the base kept it stiff for a long time. Daiki took his forefinger and gently rubbed the tip of the cock then back over the swollen head and under the glads. He just kept doing it over and over using only one finger.

All of a sudden, Nakamura jerked and he let out a loud groan. The teens watched in silence as the sperm appeared from the slit in his cock. Nakamura was rocking his hips in and out. Daiki grabbed the cock, forced it downward and jerked on the head over and over. Nakamura bucked and grunted his hips still pumping into the hand of Daiki. He was surprised by Daiki, it was one of the best masturbations he ever experienced.

Isamu and Daiki yanked him to his feet and took him to the bathroom. They helped him get in the bath tub then they made him lay down on his back.

Once Nakamura was in the tub, Isamu took his cock out and urinated on him. He aimed especially for his face, splashing him with every drop of pee. Then he told Daiki to urinate on him too. Daiki urinated directly on his crotch. They turned on the shower head and let it wash him off.

Nakamura was standing in the bathroom soaking wet from the shower.

"Spread your legs!" Isamu ordered.

Nakamura did as told, Isamu reached over with his palm and gave him a sharp slap to the testicles. Nakamura gave out a yelp and doubled over, dropping to his knees.

Isamu quickly slapped his face.

"Don't ever tell me what you'll not wear! If I give you a cock to shove up your ass. You'll wear it! Understand?"

Isamu and Daiki pulled him to his feet. Isamu gave him another slap to the testicles and he dropped again.

"Don't ever tell me who I should bring in the room with me! Do you understand me?"

Nakamura quickly nodded his head before he got another slap to the balls.

The next game was not to Nakamura's liking. There was a long plank with dildos placed about every two feet apart. Nakamura had to start at one end and go all the way to the other end as fast as he could. He had to slide his ass down over each dildo before he could go to the next. There were six of them on the plank. Everyone watched him as he went from one to another dildo. They also watched as his cock got rock hard half way through. When he got to the end, Isamu made him turn around and go back through it again.

It was late that night before Tanaka's men returned Nakamura to his home. They didn't even bring his robe along they made him walk in from the car naked. His body ached all over he was ready for a long hot bath and a good night sleep. He laid back in the bath water recalling his experiences of the day. The only thing that kept coming back into his head was the young Daiki and the way he had masturbated him. Just thinking about made his cock poke out of the water.

The way he used his index finger and how he gently rubbed the glands until they were throbbing and finally exploded. He even seen the slit in his cock open up when Daiki touched it. He wondered how he did that? As he thought about it his hand was vigorously stroking his hard cock under the water. The more he thought about it the faster he stroked until he reached ejaculation.

Nakamura stepped out of the hot bath, dried himself then wrapped the towel around his waist. He walked down the hall and into the family room. It was when he was began to make some tea that he noticed the pictures all laid out on the table. They were pictures of him taken at Tanaka's from Saturday. Six pictures of him sucking the cocks of his students. Several more of him bent over being raped and several of him squatting down on the dildos that were on the plank.

He quickly looked around, expecting to find Isamu hiding somewhere in the room. There was nobody except him and the pictures. He sat down and stared at them, realizing what a horrible mess he was in. He knew there was no way out. Suddenly the door bell rang. He opened the door to find Daiki standing there.

"Can I come in?"

Nakamura held the door and motioned for him to enter.

Nakamura gathered his composure. "I was just have some tea. Would you like some?"

"Yes I would, thank you."

He handed Daiki the cup, then sat down in the chair across from him. "To what do I owe this early morning visit?"

Daiki smiled and sipped his tea. "I wanted to see you again. How old are you?"

"Right now, I am forty-one."

"You have taken care of your body. You are in great shape." Daiki took another sip of tea. "Would you stand up for me?"

Nakamura knew Daiki was also a son of Tanaka's so he dare not disobeyed. Daiki slowly reached over, gave the towel a tug and it immediately dropped to the floor. Now Nakamura had no way to hide his slowly enlarging cock.

"I liked you very much the first time I saw you." He reached over and gently rubbed Nakamura's dangling balls. "I am impressed with your manhood. Your big balls and your thick hard cock." Daiki took hold of the erect shaft. "You are so big. Your hard cock feels so good in my hands."

Nakamura could not deny the fact this teen stirred something inside him. However, he did not dare touch him, he just stood there letting Daiki fondle his genitals for as long as he liked....


Next: Chapter 3

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