Orton Betrayed

By Bad Boy

Published on Nov 18, 2009



This story is of course fiction and does not imply anything the true sexuality of the wrestlers known as Kofi Kingston, Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase Jr., or any other wrestler mentioned in this story or any subsequent stories. The WWE is owned by World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.

This story takes place immediately following the November 16th episode of Raw.

This is just a short story to gauge interest in this genre, so please, if you like the idea of this, and would like to see more, write me with comments or suggestions at badboy50040@hotmail.com. I love to get feedback! It's what keeps me going!

Chapter 1

Randy Orton was pissed.

Enough was enough. He had put in his time, paid his due, earned their respect. And this was how he was treated!

Just a few weeks ago he was at the top of his game, locked in a bitter struggle with John Cena for the WWE Championship. Over the past few pay-per-view events the title had gone back and forth between the two wrestlers, the two headliners for the entire industry. Though Randy yearned to be Champion, to stop this foolish rivalry with Cena, he was tolerating it. At least he was in the spotlight, fighting for the biggest prize in his sport.

And then, one morning out of the blue, Vince walked into his locker room while Randy was getting ready for a match and told him he was going to drop his title to Cena after a sixty minute Iron Man match at Bragging Rights. Randy was pissed at first, but calmed down after he thought about it. Sixty minutes was a long time to be in the spotlight; he would get to bask in the adulation of his fans, get to enjoy the lame insults his detractors would throw at him. As long as he was the center of attention.

"Not a problem Vince" Orton stated. "When do I get my title back?"

"You won't..." Vince uttered.

With those two words, Orton's world was turned upside down. Vince told him that he had a new plan for him, a feud with some new blood, a new Superstar with a lot of potential, Kofi Kingston.

Before Orton knew it, he was jobbing to Kofi Kingston on a regular basis. Here he was, at the pinnacle of his career, competing for the WWE Championship just a month prior, and now, his time on camera was spent getting his ass kicked and made to look weak at the hands of some WWE upstart.

Tonight had been the last straw. The plan had been he was going to be beat by Kingston (yet again) and left on the AV table while the referees restrained Kingston and helped him backstage. It was going to be degrading enough, but then Kingston decided to take it one step further. While Orton was on the table, waiting for the Referees to come help him, he suddenly saw Kingston climbing the metal railing, balancing himself, flying through the air and crashing down on him, sending him through the table.

He was forced to sell it, to make himself look weak and pathetic so he could prop up another guy. And to make matters worse, it had hurt. An actual medic had to spend a few minutes with him to make sure there was no permanent damage before he let him up. By the time he recovered, Kingston was nowhere in sight.

So here he was, Randy Orton, The Legend Killer, The Viper, once again stalking his prey in the corridors of Madison Square Garden. He was going to make Kingston pay, he was going to show him that he was one Superstar you show respect to, who you don't make look weak in front of the crowds. It was time for payback.

But first he had to find Cody and Ted. No point in not making sure he won this confrontation with Kingston. He was still feeling a little woozy from being smashed through the table, and he figured a little insurance by bringing his Legacy teammates with him for Kofi's beat down was fair enough. Legacy...The three of them, Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase, had been together less than a year, but it felt good to be the leader, to be at the top of the heap with those two guys.

It had not always been the case. When Orton first joined WWE, he was willing to do anything to get where he wanted to go. He had dreams of being a star, to win the adoration of legions of fans, to be superior to the rest, to show the world how talented and skilled he was, and he was willing to do anything to get there.

Like most Superstars, he had been made to suck Vince's cock for his first contract. When he was with Evolution, he routinely was made to suck the dicks of Ric Flair, Batista, and Triple H, even forced to be fucked by them a few times.

Orton hated it.

He had an overwhelming urge to be in control, to be the master of his own fate. And to have to humble himself to Vince and Evolution, night after night, went against everything he craved. He wanted the power, the fame, the glory, the control; All for himself.

Once he had his own stable, once he had Cody and Ted to do his bidding, he treated them the same way Evolution had treated him. He had made them suck his cock in front of each other the first time, relishing the feel of their throats struggling to take his erect sex down their twitching throats, loved seeing the look of surprise in their eyes as they looked up at him, his cock planted firmly between their moist lips, forcing his python ever deeper, loved the anxious looks on their faces while they waited for their turn at sucking Randy's cock.

And that had not been all. They had proved to be such good cock-suckers that he took their anal virginity, one right after the other, while the other was forced to watch. Cody was first and had struggled at first. He begged him to stop, to just be happy with having him suck his cock and leave it at that. But once he found himself on all fours, impaled on Randy's cock, his begging turned to whining and moaning. Randy loved the feeling of domination, the rush he experienced as he felt this young man submit willingly to him. He pounded into Cody's ass, loving the tight feel of the virgin ass on his large manhood, loving the moans that were escaping Cody's swollen lips, loving the sharp sounds his hand made as it slapped the ass of Cody as he continued to fuck him. As he continued to thrust into Cody, he could see Ted watching the deflowering of his Priceless partner, and Randy could see a look of defiance in his eye.

Done with Cody's now not so virgin hole, Randy pulled out and turned his attention to Ted, leaving Cody to collapse on the floor, panting, his pink man-cunt struggling to close. While Cody had protested at first, he had not put up much of a fight. But Randy knew Ted would, that he would not be controlled and manipulated quite as easily, that he would be a challenge to break. But he would break; he would make him submit to him, to bow down to his superior physique, talent, and attitude.

It did not go exactly as planned. Ted had submitted without as much as a word. He had lay there on his back, his legs lifted on top of Randy's shoulders as Orton pounded into his hole. He could see Ted bite his lip; gird himself for the punishment he was taking. Orton fucked harder, deeper, his balls slapping against Ted's ass, stretching the virgin hole further than it ever had before. And still he just lay there taking it. Orton put everything he had into this fuck, his taut muscles flexing as he lay into this man beneath him, punishing his tight hole. But still Ted did not move.

Pleasure was getting the better of frustration however. Orton desperately needed to break Ted, to make him submit, to prove to himself that he was at the top of his game, but his orgasm was fast approaching, foiling his plan. Thrusting as deep into Ted's ass as possible, Orton unloaded his seed into the murky depths of Ted's until now virgin hole. Volley after volley of white hot sperm was shot into his ass, filling the cavity up, forcing some to leak out of his ass and around Randy's dick, running down his crack.

As Orton pulled out, sexually satisfied, he looked into Ted's eyes. The look of defiance was still there, it had not been broken. This bothered Orton, but only for a moment. The man had submitted and had been bred. There would be time for Orton to break him, to make him surrender not only his body but his mind as well. He would break him and prove his dominance.

That had been months ago, and while Cody had proved to be a willing enough bitch boy, every time Randy lay into Ted, that same look was in his eyes, provoking him, mocking him, awakening a feeling inside of him. A feeling he was not quite sure of...

And now here he was, looking for Kofi Kingston, the one man who had the audacity, the gall make him play the fool in front of thousands in the audience and millions at home. He would have pay back.

Bursting into the locker room he shared with Ted and Cody, he found his two compatriots, bent over, whispering to each other. He did not have time to figure out what they were discussing.

"Let's go" Randy commanded, and the two fell in line.

As the three roamed the hall, Orton leading while the other two followed, he felt a hand on his shoulder and heard Ted whisper into his ear.

"I heard that Kofi knew you would be pissed and thought it best to lay low down in the basement." Ted muttered.

A smile crossed Randy's face. His prey was within his grasp.

Randy Followed Ted's direction to Kofi's hiding spot, following him ever deeper into the bowels of the arena. Soon, Randy, Ted, and Cody found themselves outside the door to a boiler room.

"That's it! That's where he went" Ted exclaimed when he saw the door.

Randy would waste no more time, he would attack Kofi with reckless abandon, making him pay for his arrogance.

He turned the knob and took a few steps into the pitch black room. The room was hot and humid, pipes ran along the walls and ceiling, but he did not see anyone. He turned around and noticed that Cody and Ted had not followed him into the room, still standing on the other side of the door.

Randy first looked at Cody. Cody's head was bowed, as though he were a child who knew he had just done something wrong. And then he saw Ted. Those defiant eyes burned with hatred now as a wicked grin appeared on his face.


Before Randy could react, the door was slammed in his face, cloaking the entire room in darkness. By the time he found the knob, it had been locked from the outside. He pounded on the door, trying to force it open, but the steel door held firm.

He thought he heard a noise behind him. Was someone else in here with him?

Before he could think another thought an iron bar came smashing into his head, knocking him out cold, laying him out on the floor.

The lights came on.

There was Kofi Kingston, holding an iron bar in one hand, his other hand on a light switch. He looked down on his victim, sprawled out on the floor, clothed in only his tight wrestling trunks, helpless to resist what he had planned for him tonight.

The predator had become the prey.

End Chapter 1

I hope you guys like it. Unless I get some hot responses, it won't be continued, so if you want to see what happens next, you got to e-mail me and let me know you want to see it. Always open for suggestions, discussion, flames, whatever. Just let me know you read it!

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