
By rodger pepper

Published on Feb 18, 2005


All the usual disclaimers... Don't read this if you are under 18, no one may reprint it without permission, etc.

This is a story from a time in my life when I was growing up and figuring myself out, sexually, as we all were. Since at least one of us in this story was 18 and alchohol was involved, even though I supplied it and I was 13, I will say here that this is a work of fiction. As far as figuring ourselves out, sexually, I'm a straight guy, who grew up REALLY bi. Some people don't understand that that could be possible, that I could have so thoroughly enjoyed fooling around with both sexes, and not somehow then be gay. To clarify, I was never romantically drawn to guys, but was REALLY into dick play. We treated it like a pick up game of hockey or Monopoly or arm wrestling. It was just something that we liked to do, and we did it A LOT!

This story is connected to other stories, but I don't like to run them together. Look for other stories in this section with the name of my cousin, Orrin, in the title. I've written a number of reminiscense here on Nifty, under Bi Camping and Gay Camping and Gay Interracial and Gay High School and Bi High School.

I do like to get feedback from people, on this or any of my writings, BUT, if you are under 18 or like to pretend that you are, DO NOT attempt to contact me. Just because I like to write about my experiences growing up does not mean that I wish to relive those years, in any way, shape or form.

Cool feedback can go to backinthehayloftagain@yahoo.com


I mentioned before that Donny and I had a game that had lots of variations, but the purpose of the game was to show friends that we liked to suck each other, and that we would suck them, too, but at some point, they would be sucking us... AND enjoying it!

We would, essentially, create an environment where whoever we brought in would feel excited and safe, and then we would reveal a little more and a little more, checking their reaction all along, then all of us ending up in a big suck fest.

This usually took the form of inviting somebody over to my place or Donny's. We lived on small farms right next to each other, so it didn't matter whose house we ended up at. Then we would do something typical like go horse back riding, play a game of street hockey or, if the weather was lousy, Monopoly or Risk.

At some point, we would switch to cards, either in the third floor bedrooms or in the tack room or hay loft of the barn, and then the fun began. We had stacks of old chips, but not too many. Whoever ran out of chips had to bet a piece of clothing, and either Donny or I would start this part of the performance. Then, we would be basically playing strip poker, but we didn't start out saying it was that, so that made it better, somehow. Certainly easier.

Then, there were variables, but it came down to Donny telling me I had to pull his dick out or stretch it all the way and make it hard, that sort of thing. Our new friend would see this, and show real interest, every single time. Then on the next hand, I would make Donny do the same to our new buddy, who never said no.

The next step was Donny would command me to suck our new friend while this new buddy pulled and stretched Donny's dick. There were lots of variables to this, but eventually, we would be set up in a 69, and our new friend would be getting sucked off with either my dick or Donny's next to his face or dangling over his mouth. There was really nothing to do at that point but smile, open up and get started!

We did this with dozens of straight friends and neighbors and cousins over the years. Most everyone was our age, though we played this sometimes with older guys and college age cousins. Every single guy we took through this funny but obligatory ritual could sense where it might go, and every one went the whole way. All we did was show that it was OK to do here, that no one would bother us, and that our fun and our knowledge of it and each other stayed right here.

Once someone was a suck buddy of ours, we could invite them to hang out with various combinations of friends who had also played the game successfully with us. THEN, there was real action, but it was always cool, and always fun, and funny. It was never tough or mean or nasty. It was cool. It was friends.

Now, this isn't to say that this is what we did, all the time. We did all the normal things teens do. We were very happy and active guys, but there was an element of furiously funny sex that the promise of it hung over much of what we did, and we indulged frequently. There were many, many times growing up when Donny and I would 69 twice a day, in between doing other things.

Donny's sisters knew what we did, as it was hard to miss, and I regularly fooled around with both of them, seperately and eventually, together . What we did was different than my time with Donny, but we had a really good attitude about being naked together, whether we were fucking or just laying in the sun, hidden from the world, catching some rays.

I mention all this because Orrin, one of my cousins, had become my suck buddy without bothering to go through the rituals, and when my sisters, who I DO NOT fool around with, and I stayed for 5 days at Orrin's while my folks went on a vacation, I could see that Orrin was setting me up for a ritual of his own.............

Orrin's house was about 30 miles from our place. A really nice old colonial revival, in a neighborhood of very large, well kept old homes. There was an addition above and past the garage, where Orrin's room was, that connected to the main house by a second floor hallway that went over a first floor breezway. It was spacious, had two beds and a sofa and his folks' old console TV, big but ugly!

My first night over, Orrin and I picked up where we had left off months before. We had dinner, watched TV with the family, and then headed off to Orrin's wing of the house. Do you want to fool around with it a little, he asked. Sure! I had pajamas laid out, and flew out of my clothes, but didn't bother with the PJs. My dick sproinged out of my clothes at full attention! Orrin took off his clothes and we sat across from each other, smiling and stroking.

Let me do this, he said as he hopped off the bed onto the oval rag rug, on his knees, and just leaned forward towards my hard dick, face first. I leaned back a little, and he tore right into a really great blow job. Much, much better than he was before. I was so horny with the anticipation of hanging out with Orrin and so excited by his improved technique, that I came pretty quickly. I could really shoot much more than I could the last time he and I were together, and I wasn't sure Orrin would be as into the taste and experience of a blast of come in your mouth as I was. I tensed and popped, all sort of at the same moment, which didn't really give him time to prepare or decide whether he was into it or not. He stopped still as the first jizz shot off into his mouth, and I wasn't sure what would happen. Then he let out a little pleasure moan and lowered his head again, and I could feel my dick around the back of his mouth, top of his throat, much further in than I usually suck. He moved his head around with my dick that far in while I came, and I let out a sound that was like a low cry mixed with a gulp. It was GREAT, and so unexpected!

I lay back on the bed, and he climbed up onto it with me. We just hung out for awhile, laughing and talking, half turned to each other, with my stroking and playing with his great looking dick and balls the whole time.

Did I remember his neighbor he had told me about, that he had experimented sucking with a few times before we first got together last summer? Well, he and Brian, the neighbor, had started to get together about once a week since then. Both Bri and Orrin dated girls, fucked girls, liked straight porn, all of that, but they liked this suck thing they had going on, too.

I wanted to know more. Was Bri as much fun of a guy as we were? Yes. Was his dick a nice dick? It looked more like mine than Orrin's, Orrin said, but it was a good bit bigger. I was only 13 at this point, and while my dick was not as long as Orrin's, I knew from comparing it to lots of dicks at home that it was a little more than just a decent size for my age. It was certainly thicker than Orrin's, so I imagined Brian's must be a good solid size, and I said so. Orrin laughed and said it wasn't any sort of monster, but it was cool. His little brother's dick looked just the same, only not as big. In fact, his little brother's dick looked just like mine!

Oh. He hadn't mentioned the brother, and I squeezed my hand tighter around his dick as I perked up. How old? 15. Cool? Yeah. Did the brothers suck each other? This I really wanted to know, as I only had sisters, and the idea of it was way cool to me. No, Orrin had jerked off with both of them for quite some time now, but always seperately, and always they asked about the other one. When Orrin and Bri moved on to sucking each other, Bri wanted to know if Orrin and Ed had gotten into it. No, they hadn't yet, but not for any big reason that he could figure out, it just hadn't happened... yet.

Did I want to meet Bri? Sure!!!! He and his little brother were coming over tomorrow night, Saturday. We could play Monopoly, maybe.

I suddenly realized where we were going to go with tomorrow night, and I was excited to be a part of someone else's ritual games.

Bri was 18, Ed was 15, Orrin was now 17, and I was a mature 13 year old.. It sounded cool to me. Way cool!

Then Orrin told me something that I had never heard of before, and it sounded totally wild and crazy to me. Bri was now at Villanova University, and there was an older building near the administration building that was still in use with offices and meeting rooms, but not as intensely as it had been because other buildings had recently been built on campus. The older building had a small auditorium in it that was still used for events from time to time, but there was a men's room near it that only saw use when there was an event there, and that an unusual weekly tradition had developed there.

Basically straight students would go there on Wednesday afternoons, from roughly 12:30 to 1:30, and the further two of the four stalls would turn into a suck fest. Two guys would sit on the two toilets, and two lines would form. He said it was really funny but really cool at the same time. The guys at the end of the lines would look at their schoolbooks or otherwise pretend they weren't in line to have their dicks sucked, but by the time they were one or two people away, they had their dick out, stretching and pulling and stroking like crazy, checking each other out and grinning and waiting to get their cocks into whoever's mouth was there that week.

Sometimes a guy who had just been sucked off would sit, and then the line would continue with him doing the sucking. I half thought he was kidding, but Bri had absolutely taken him there, and first they hung out in the third stall and looked at the action over the top of the stall, then got on line as the line was down to nearly nothing.

He said it was so goddam hot that he barely got sucked at all before he came. Bri took just a little longer, then they left. Everyone was gone by 1:30, like magic.

I asked him if these guys were gay, meaning the overtly gay folks I'd come to associate gayness with. He said no, they were just regular guys, like we were. His story had so worked me up that my eyes must have looked huge, and I know my grin was. Telling the story and knowing what it was doing to me had pushed Orrin from just hard in my moving fingertips to really hard in my hand, so I got into my favorite position, on my knees on the bed between his legs, bent forward and took his long, slender dick into my mouth.

This time, I wasn't in any kind of a hurry, and gave him a really great blow job, the kind that a friend can really give a friend when he wants to. Orrin's dick really was long, and the almost ball shaped round head was in nice proportion to the slender body of it, much more purple than my tannish red head. The roundish head felt different in my mouth than the classic, angled helmet head like mine and Donny's. It was round like a plum and had a nice slit on the front, and I paused at the top of each suck stroke to work my mouth all around to really get to know it better.

As he started to tense up and come, I used my hand with my mouth, to let my mouth loosen a little, so that I could feel the jizz spray. He let loose with real firecracker pops, and I kept pausing with it at the edge of my mouth so I could feel the jizz shoot across my whole mouth. I swirled it around with my tongue as my tongue bathed his still shooting dick head. He was absolutely rigid, body bucking off the bed as I kept my mouth and tongue and hand really working. Then, as his come slowed to ooze, I took my mouth off and squeezed the last globs up. It was fun looking at the head as I squeezed from the base all the way up his long prick, and a ball of white jizz appeared again, and again. Each time I leaned forward and licked it off the tip as I grinned and looked up at him, and he moaned and smiled. He was laying with both hands behind his head, his head tilted up to watch me work, and he sure as hell looked like one happy guy!

It was all right!

The next night, Bri and Ed came over, had dessert with the family, then we headed off to play Monopoly. Orrin had turned the heat way up, and the room was really toasty. I had brought a full bottle of vodka from my house, and since we bought alchohol by the case, it wouldn't be missed. Orrin brought up ice and big glasses and lots of orange juice. We made light weight screwdrivers, and played the game just as a million others were doing that night around the world. It was fun, and I got to know the brothers better over the two hours of laughing and playing. I liked them both, and they seemed to really like me, and it was clear that they were both the best of friends with Orrin.

At the end of the game, I suggested that we switch to cards, and I turned off the main light, leaving only the desk lamp over in the corner and the big tv on for illumination. That was still plenty bright enough, but the idea of cards, and everyone present having been, already, in some sort of combination of jerking and sucking, suddenly, quietly, electrified the room. We played poker, five card draw, and we didn't have to say it was strip poker, and we didn't offer up the pretense of chips. We just played and took off our clothes.

The next thing you know, four comically half lit teenagers were three quarters out of their clothes.

Brian and Ed were both handsome, friendly jock types. Just really nice, intelligent boys next door, as were Orrin and I. Bri was very much the young man, physically, but we all had basically the same build. He and I were naked first, and when Bri lost the next round and I had the highest hand, Ed and Orrin had to remove another piece of clothing, and I got to tell Brian to perform some sort of task. I told him that I wanted to see his dick all the way hard, and that he had to come over to me and show me.. That was too easy, because as he both stood up, he was clearly totally hard, but he moved around the table to where I was sitting so I could get a closer look. It was a good looking rod, classic curve with an angled helmet head, almost exactly like mine, except considerably bigger.

I reached up and gently took it in my right hand, and put my left hand under his very manly balls, and bounced them and carressed them. I looked at Ed, sitting next to me, and his eyes were wide and totally lit up. As far as we were all concerned, from that moment on, I had officially crossed the line and the action was on. The stroking didn't last long, and it was back to the card game. The cards flew!

Soon all four of us were naked, and after I lost another round, Orrin said I had to put his dick in front of my face, and stroke it four times. Recounting it now, it sounds like such a funny, teenage thing to say, and it fact, it was! Orrin stood up, plenty naked, and stood next to my chair, and leaned in. I took hold of it and started to run my hands up and down its length, with the tip just at the edge of my lips, my mouth open a little, my eyes half shut. I pulled up and back on the skin, almost but not quite brushing my lips, and then asked... like that?

When Ed lost a round, I told him he had to suck himself off, which I liked to do at home, and figured everyone else did it, too, they just didn't talk about it. This surprised everyone, and they all laughed a little nervously, but Ed surprised them both and said he could do it, but he could only get the tip in.

Now, Ed and Bri had seen each other half hard, as brothers will, but had never seen each other fully hard until all this action started to unfold, though Orrin was familiar as hell with both of their dicks. As Ed got up from the chair, both he and Bri were both pulling their dicks in long forward strokes, hips forward, grins going, checking each other out as well as eyeballing Orrin and I. It was really fun, and really exciting. It was also the heat of the moment and the heat from the alchohol. The room was absolutely charged.

Ed lay back on the bed, still looking at our dicks and still stroking his own, but now we were all around him, almost like we were jerking off ON him. At that point he rolled up and over, and slowly, slowly, he curled up enough to get nearly a third of it into his mouth. I pushed gently on his ass cheeks to help, and leaned over to look really closely, enjoying really seeing Ed's handsome crank up close, which, sure enough, really did look just like mine, as Orrin had promised. Both Bri and Orrin were standing on either side, watching, and pumping their dicks like crazy.

This was the first dick we'd seen this night cross the line into a mouth, and it was driving us all wild!

Can I suck it, I leaned in and asked, and he mumbles UUMMM HHMMMM, and uncurled his body on the bed. I climbed up on the bed and was on top of him in an instant as he lay on his back, my head towards his feet. His dick went right into my mouth, and he let out a happy drunken moan of delight. I started to bob up and down, and suck his dick like crazy, driven a little by way the vodka unleashed my roaring teen passion. Ed had never had a real blow job before, beyond putting the tip of his own into his mouth, though he certainly knew what it was all about! Thing was, in the position I was now in on top of him, furiouly sucking away, my dick was now dangling over his mouth. Both Bri and Orrin had moved around so that they could see Ed, and were still stroking their cocks, furiously, and, Orrin told me later, Ed looked back at them with my dick flopping back and forth and back and forth across his lips. Actually smacking his mouth, back and forth. He looked back at them, his eyes swooning with the great blow job he was receiving and the vodka I'd brought, dick back and forth against his slightly open mouth, lips and tongue now sticking out a little, feeling the feeling of my dick brushing back and forth over them. Brian and Orrin made steady eye contact with Ed, and they smiled huge smiles, kept pulling their dicks right towards the two of us, nodded and actually gave the thumbs up! I couldn't see any of this, but at that point a warm, wet, VERY hungry mouth encircled my dick and sucked me like an old pro. Orrin told me later it was the hottest goddam thing to see Ed finally open up his already parted, pursed lips and suck my dick into his mouth for the first time. He clutched and kneaded my ass cheeks and pulled his face up and again and again up, slurping and sucking while I totally polished his knob at the other end.

Suddenly, I found myself being dislodged from the dick I was so totally into sucking by Brian, and for a split second I didn't know what was going on, then I moved my head and shoulders aside and Bri was on his knees on the bed, between Ed's legs. He grabbed ahold of Ed's dick and inhaled it. This was the first I had seen Brian with a dick in his mouth, and here it was his brother's, and here it was their first time!

I was on my elbows, Bri next to me with his body in the other direction, ass up in the air on his knees, sucking his brother's dick like it was water at the oasis. Ed still laying on his back under me, sucking me like crazy, and it was all just too much for me. I shot my load into Ed's mouth, pow, pow, pow, and I should have warned him. He stiffened and sputtered,, and I was shooting on his cheeks and chin as he coughed out the unexpected jizm. His brother Bri sped up, and freshly jizzed on or not, Ed started coming, still not knowing it was his brother giving him his first real blow job.

I jumped up and off of Ed, and as I got out of the way, suddenly Ed got the full picture of what was really going on. He was making great, breathy ooooohhhhhsss, and put his hands roughly onto Brian's head, pulling and pushing and riding all at the same time as he came in waves.

I pushed Orrin down on the bed next to them at an angle that put my sucking his cool, long dick right next to Ed's face, and proceded to give him a fast and furious dick draining.

Ed was still convulsing, and tilting his head up and looking at his brother, holding his hair tightly, not to hurt him, just uncontrollably coming, his hips still jerking every few seconds and thrusting violently, athletically, into Bri's face, Brian still with Ed's dick deep in his mouth, holding and then swallowing a familiar tasting load of come spray, but keeping his lips clamped on, and Ed's dick way in.

Ed looked at me, and then back at the top of his brother's head, and then back at me. He still hadn't let go of Brian's hair, and was still convulsing his hips into Brian's face every few seconds, his whole spine tensed forward into a curve, his knees stiffly up, his body rigid and bucking spasmodically.

I looked at Ed while I sucked, my head flying up and down, and in a very few moments when Orrin clutched the blankets and started to shoot load after load into my mouth, some burbled out of my fast moving lips, and I let some rundown my chin to show Ed that it was cool, way cool. I kept eye contact as I slurped it back in and pushed some into my mouth with the end of Orrin's pulsing cock.

I repeated my long slow strokes up Orrin's dick that produced a ball of jizz each time. Each time, I licked it off and grinned at Ed.

Finally, Ed started to relax and uncoil from his absolutely monumental orgasm, and with his face very close to where I was cleaning up the last of Orrin's come drops. Ed took the side of his index finger and pushed my jizm up off his cheeks and chin into his mouth, licked his lips to clean them up, and made swirling, tasting motions with his mouth, testing out the flavor and texture of someone else's jizm besides his own. It must have been good. We were both smiling knowing, happy, tired, satisfied, and slightly drunken smiles....

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