
By rodger pepper

Published on Feb 10, 2005


All the usual disclaimers... Don't read this if you are under 18, no one may reprint it without permission, etc.

This is a true story from a time in my life when I was growing up and figuring myself out, sexually, as we all were. I'm a straight guy, who grew up REALLY bi. Some people don't understand that that could be possible, that I could have so thoroughly enjoyed fooling around with both sexes, and not be gay. To clarify, I was never romantically drawn to guys, but really was into dick play. We treated it like a pick up game of hockey or Monopoly or arm wrestling. It was just something that we liked to do, and we did it A LOT!

I do like to get feedback from people, on this or any of the many reminiscence I've penned, BUT, if you are under 18 or like to pretend that you are, DO NOT attempt to contact me. Just because I like to write about my experiences growing up does not mean that I wish to relive those years, in any way, shape or form

Cool feedback can go to backinthehayloftagain@yahoo.com


When I was about 12 or so, my cousin Orrin figured out what my neighbor Donny and I were up to all the time, and basically cornered me in the pool cabana.

Cornered is probably too heavy a word, as he basically took off his clothes to change into his suit while standing next to me, and his good looking dick plopped out not all that far from my face.

We were talking and laughing, as we were friends as well as cousins, and changing next to each other was natural and not a big deal. Orrin was about 16 at this time, a good looking fellow, with quite a bit of real pubic hair which I liked alot and wished I was sporting on my dick.

He was half hard, and was turned towards me, unbuttoning his shirt slower than need be. His hips were thrust a little forward, and even though we were talking and laughing, I was clearly staring back and forth between his eyes and his dick.

I was sitting on the low wooden bench that we usually sat on while we changed. That made all this right at eye level, and I wasn't shy about taking in an eyeful.

I wasn't really very shy in general, and I grinned and said Hey Orrin, is your dick getting hard or is it really that big? I cracked up as I said it, and so did he, but then he moved forward towards me, the head rising up as it got quickly and noticably harder. He just stepped right up to me, and moved forward til it was literally at the very edge of my lips.

I was looking at it and smiling, and looking up at him and smiling. He was looking down at me with an absolute shit eating grin that was so funny that I started to laugh, but I didn't back away at all.

His dick was really cool. It was narrower than some I'd seen, but it was long. The head was purpler than mine, and the skin was not as tight as mine, which looked really great. He was now fully hard, and his dick was now more at nose level than mouth level.

I moved forward on the wooden bench a little, and sat way up, and opened my mouth, with my lower lip and tongue sticking out just slightly, again, difficult to do with such a grin going on. He moved forward just a tiny bit more and there we were... we crossed the line... his dick was officially in my mouth, and I was officially letting it rest on my tongue and lip.

I moved my head forward just a little, and then back just a little, then put my hands around it and pulled it and him forward into a full on slurp. He let out a little moan, and I looked up at him to see him worriedly looking around. Funny, but as he was a more distant cousin, he had no idea that I had done this with most of the handful of family members that were there that day, though he would find out later!

I rolled my head back and forth as I went up and down, and he was moaning little breathy moan flutters, which I liked hearing. I stopped and pulled it out of my mouth, and ran my hands back and forth along it, stretching the skin back tight, then scrunching it forward, sticking my tongue in all the skin as it came forward. He was circumcised, just a looser job than mine and Donny's.

Donny''s cousin Anita was coming towards the cabana, and Orrin could see her. He didn't know that she and Donny and I had regularly and repeatedly done every variation of ins and outs you could imagine. Donny was a year my senior, and Anita was nearly Orrin's age and incredibly cute in a cool but perky sort of way.

He yanked on his suit and held his towel in front of himself, and went out to the pool like lightning, just as Anita came into the room. Don't look, she laughed as she half turned and took her bathing suit off. She grinned and looked over her shoulder at me, and I grinned right back. Yeah, I was only twelve, but this older woman didn't think I was anything less that fun, all the time!

I stood up and tied my suit, my hard on sticking forward like a pole, but she didn't notice and I didn't make a big deal of it. We were really comfortable with each other, simple as that.

Out in the pool, Orrin's eyes were as big as saucers, and so was his smile. You're REALLY good at that, he said. And how good are you, I asked. He told me he had only done it a few times with a neighbor. They both really liked it, alot, but they just didn't do it like I did.

I was flattered that this older boy thought I was that good, and I suggested that we go to my bedroom and stretch out. I would let him practice on me!

We left everybody still in the pool, with no explanation, didn't bother to change, and ran to the house. My room was tucked away on the third floor, and we were out of our suits and onto the bed in an instant. I had Orrin lay back, and I got on my knees on the bed, between his legs, and said I'll show you what to do.

Then I leaned forward and licked from about halfway down, up til I was licking under the head, then rolled my lips a little forward and it popped into my mouth. He groaned a little, then I put my hands around it and pulled my mouth off and looked up at him. Try this, I said, and again rolled my head back and forth while sliding up and down.

He actually let out an OOOOHHHH sound, which cracked me up. Then I plopped down next to him and said OK, you do me. Wait, he said, don't stop there. I laughed and said Its OK, I'll make you come, and you'll make me come, too. It'll be really cool!

Orrin took up the same position I had been in, but he leaned forward on his elbows and played with my dick, gently but firmly, with both hands. He stretched it and stroked it slowly, and kneaded my balls a little. Then he moved up towards me some and propped himself up on his left hand, his right still circling my now rock hard dick.

I had some hair, and my dick was certainly more like a teenager's than a kid's. Orrin stroked up and down with his right hand, his whole torso and head moving up and down with his strokes, his mouth open, but just a little away from my dick. I was watching intently, propped up on pillows. His stoking hand and undulating head and body leaned more forward, his mouth open, my dick getting closer and closer, then he was actually lowering his head over it, it was disappearing into his mouth, but there didn't seem to be any real contact.

Then he slowed down, and it was well in his mouth, and finally, I could feel his tongue start to explore a little. His lips were now really wet as spit drooled forward and coated my dick, and his lips closed a little around it. That was the moment. He was sucking my dick. We were suck buddies, and we would never NOT be suck buddies, even if we never did this again.

Try moving your head like I did, I told him, and he did, slowly at first, then with more confidence and pressure. Then he started to moan with the rhythm, barely audible, but there it was... and he was sucking MY dick, he wasn't just moaning as I sucked him. I thought that was so cool, that he was so quietly into it.

Lets come 69ing, I suggested, and without further ceremony, I wiggled myself right under him as he was still on hands and knees, into position to get his dick back into my mouth. It dangled above my mouth and I slurped it back in, as he dove his lips back onto mine and really went for it. I think the super sensation of feeling me sucking him increased his speed on me, but we were really cookin'. There would be time to slow down and savor another day.

I could feel his dick getting ready to come, and I went into full twisty slurp on him as my dick started to let go the small amout of jizz I was capable of producing at the time. As it wasn't really rocketing into his mouth, but more sort of giving forth a little as I physically bucked and moaned and exhaled in snorts, I don't know if he knew he was drinking my jizz, but my slurping motions and come reactions put him over the top, and his jizz definitely popped into my mouth, several real friecracker pops, and then plenty of after ooze.

I clutched him tight in our 69 as we both came, and he clutched me back, real wrestling team clutches. We both kept bucking and shuddering for what seemed like a long time, dicks in each others mouths and muffled oooooomphs and unnnnghs coming out with our breath.

There were some last rigid body twitches, then we both just sort of fell away from each other. CHEEEEZUS, Orrin said, a few times, that was fuckin' GREAT!

I propped myself up a little to look at him, licking a little extra come from the edge of my mouth. Why don't you try THAT with your neighbor, I asked him.

Orrin and I only saw each other from time to time, as he didn't live that close, but from that time on, we would figure out a way to get a few minutes to ourselves!

Next: Chapter 2

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