Orpheus Rising

By moc.liamnotorp@tforcnevarj

Published on Jan 18, 2021


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With the smell of ripened olives and peppermint hanging in the air Diana and Raul sat naked upon an animal skin rug, the hide of the once majestic creature clay red with white stripes. In front of them a stone hearth roared vibrantly, it illuminated the elegantly sparse chamber in a warm light aiding in the creation of a romantic atmosphere. As Raul sat there he ran his hand across the soft animal hide and looked about the room with a curious gaze, noting the many scrolls and what must be various trophies from hunts.

"Monocerus" Diana said softly

"Excuse me?" Raul asked broken from his trance of curiosity

"This animal we sit upon...it's called a Monocerus...one of my most challenging hunts ever" Diana replied with a smile

"Impressive" Raul replied with a smile of equal intensity

With a wave of Diana's hand an ornate silver tray appeared with a pitcher of Falernian wine and two ornate silver goblets, she proceeded to fill them both with the alcoholic beverage.

"Thank you" Raul said as he accepted one of the goblets from Diana

"So Raul...may I ask what you're so scared of?" Diana asked

"Excuse me?" Raul asked

"Your soul" Diana replied as she placed her hand on Raul's chest

"It's crying out...almost like a newborn...that is scared and frightened...of the new world it has been thrust into" She spoke again

"I guess because...I don't know where I fit in anymore" Raul said and took a sip of wine

"Diana...I killed thousands of people during my time as a vampire...destroying countless families in the process...brought with me unspeakable evils and carnage everywhere I went ...I was a monster in every sense of the word...is all that now forgiven just because I was born anew?" He spoke again

"And for what?...now that I have been...I no longer have the means to protect Orphie...as powerful as he is...he is still a child...I should be the one to protect him from harm...I should be the one to keep him safe...but as it stands now...I can do none of those things...what good is a human to him?" He spoke yet again

"The fact he is a child isn't lost on me...nor do I think it's a coincidence" Diana said

"Meaning?" Raul asked

"Nothing" Diana replied calmly as she shook her head

"As far as forgiveness... that is a mortal concept...I can't speak of that...it is something you will have to find for yourself on this path you now travel...I will say there are forces at play that you don't yet understand...As far as Orphie...your name is imprinted on his soul Raul...and you may come to find a human is just what he needs...as a constant reminder what humanity is" She spoke again

"What do you mean forces at play?" Raul asked concerned

"That's not something I can speak of right now...maybe ever...just listen to me Raul when I say you cannot trust the cloud sitters" Diana replied

"Ok...why do you call them cloud sitters...instead of angels?" Raul asked

"I have my reasons...but if your goal is to keep Orphie safe...you will not listen to what they say blindly...but you are correct...as a human you now find yourself incredibly vulnerable" Diana replied

"May I ask how you came to be a vampire?" She spoke again

"I don't remember...my earliest memories are of twelve hundred years ago...when I first awoke as a vampire...with no memory of my life that came before" Raul replied

"Your soul certainly remembers...I find it interesting that you do not" Diana said

"Can you tell me?" Raul asked

"Maybe in time...when I have the full picture of what we are dealing with" Diana replied

"It's interesting you would ask...if you could simply decipher it from my soul" Raul said

"But let me guess...you have your reasons" He spoke again

"Yes...you will just have to trust that I don't mean you...or the others any harm" Diana said softly

"I do trust you Diana" Raul said as he placed his goblet on the tray and took her hand

"I may not have eyes that can see your soul...but every fiber of my being is saying I can trust you" He spoke again as he leaned in and the pair kissed passionately

"Shall we return back to bed?" He spoke yet again when the kiss broke apart

"I'd like that" Diana replied with a warm smile

The bed ornate in design, intricately carved of dark wood with gold inlay and a cover of golden fleece, it is to it they returned to continue their love making deep into the night. Raw, powerful, and passionate it was a union of divine and mortal that left them both a quivering mess in the end, until finally sleep took them. When Diana awoke she sat up in bed and looked down at Raul with a smile, for the first time in a long time she was truly happy.

Though accompanied with the joy was a twinge of sadness, if what she had deciphered from his soul was correct, Raul's heart was not hers to have. There was a lot she was now keeping from him, a puzzle that had begun to be pieced together with information deciphered from each of their souls. Diana wondered if she kept it all to herself and refused to help Orpheus, would it mean she could keep Raul for herself, but if she did was that true love and in time would he come to resent her for it if the truth was ever learned.

With Diana's mind as heavy as her heart and in desperate need of some air she placed a soft kiss on Raul's cheek, and exited her personal sanctum into the clearing. As Diana materialized her toga now wrapped her body once again, with the grass tickling the soles of her bare feet. With arms overhead Diana spun in place, a smile graced her face as she danced to bring the warm light of morning, and as she did the forest became alive to greet the new day alongside her.

As light filled the space to illuminate the darkness faeries joined Diana in her dance, their vibrant butterfly like wings fluttering wildly as golden specks fell like a golden rain, a magical and elegant production to start the day. As the production continued various wildlife soon began to enter the space with their heads bowed to Diana, the queen of the forest.

In almost an instant Diana felt an unwelcome presence appear behind her, she quickly spun around and as she did her bow materialized in her hands, drawn back with an arrow now pointed between the intruder's eyes.

"Why did you stop?...I was quite enjoying the show" Uriel said with a smile

"How dare you enter this space cloud sitter!" Diana exclaimed

"Now is that anyway to greet your cousin...its been ages...surely you're not still upset over that silly family feud" Uriel said with a chuckle

"Oh and can you please lower the bow?" He spoke again

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you...you know what these arrows are capable of" Diana growled

"Because you know that...should you kill me...the resulting explosion of energy would wipe out this entire forest...leaving only a handful alive...so again lower the bow...please" Uriel said

"Surely you know that I mean you no harm...I am but a humble gardener after all...I abhor violence" He spoke again

"I know exactly what you are" Diana said

"As far as the bow...I quite like it where it is...now why have you come here?" She spoke again

"To check on Orpheus and the others of course...to see how they are doing...and to see if you were going to help them...it is why I sent them here after all" Uriel said

"How it must pain you to have to lower yourself to ask me for help...knowing that I am the one who holds the key to what you sent them to find...and knowing in sending them here you expose them to these eyes...eyes that can see through the web you have weaved" Diana said

"What is painful is to hear you speak so ill of me cousin" Uriel said

"How stupid do you think I am...I know exactly what you have done...I'm almost impressed...but what I can't figure out is why" Diana said

"I have done nothing cousin" Uriel said

"Lies!" Diana exclaimed

"If you think I can be so easily deceived you are wrong cloud sitter...their souls tell quite a story...one you had to have full involvement in...it could have only been you...mark my words that I will tell them everything...but first you tell me why!" She spoke again

"A story perhaps...but it's a love story is it not?...I am a romantic after all" Uriel said with a smile

"If I'm not mistaken...you yourself have found love with that human...Raul was it?...just call me Cupid" He spoke again

"How dare you!" Diana exclaimed

"Cupid does not twist love and the hearts of others to suit their own agenda...to further whatever goal you have in mind...I will not allow you to twist mine" She spoke again

"Cousin please...I had nothing to do with you falling for that human...but I'm happy for you...you deserve happiness...everyone does" Uriel said

"You are sick!" Diana exclaimed

"I will go...I have clearly upset you...I do hope you don't let your unwarranted hostility towards me cloud your judgment... on whether to help Orpheus or not... in any case it was good to see you again cousin" Uriel spoke before he vanished

With Diana's arms cradling one another she now stood in an empty clearing, one that felt far colder than before. Like a statue she stood motionless and quiet, a stark contrast to the storm of frustration, uncertainty, and dread that raged inside of her. Most of all Diana felt like a fool because she knew that despite what she had told Uriel, she had allowed her heart to get twisted and caught up.. As Diana stood there an arm came across her body and she looked up to see it was Raul dressed in a toga and sandals.

"Are you ok?...I heard loud voices" Raul said concerned as he hugged Diana tightly to his body

"I'm fine...don't worry about me...I see you found what I left you to wear" Diana said a little coldly

"I did...thank you...and I do worry about you" Raul said

"Don't...I am not your concern...you need to go see about Orphie...and the others" She spoke again as she broke from the embrace

With a wave of her hand a magical portal appeared, and Diana walked away with her back to Raul.

"Diana wait!" Raul called out as she walked away with what appeared to be tears falling from her eyes before she vanished

Without knowing how to follow after her, Raul decided to take her advice instead and walked through the portal. He stepped into a regal marble room decorated in royal purple and gold, much like a kings chambers you would find in a grand palace, filled out in spectacular opulence. Off to the side a giant marble hearth with columns inlaid with gold roared, in front of it was the equally giant black form of Romulus curled up asleep. He casually raised his head and locked eyes with Raul, with the knowledge the man posed no threat Romulus lowered his head back down, and closed his eyes once again.

Raul then focused his attention on the grand golden bed in the center of the room with a magnificent royal purple canopy, he knew that was where the others must be. As he peered through the canopy he was greeted with the sweet sight of Erco, Marrok, and Orpheus, naked and asleep together. Raul stood there momentarily with a smile on his face as he listened to their coos and small snores, and chuckled at how Erco drooled in his sleep.

"Raul!" Orpheus said as he opened his eyes

"Did you have a good rest?" Raul asked with a smile

"Yes...this sure beats the cave...though I do miss Tomin" Orpheus replied

"If we ever go back that way...we will have to check in on him" Raul said

"Pick me up!...pick me up!" Orpheus said as he raised his arms and Raul picked him up

"This better?" Raul asked

"Much" Orpheus replied as he laid his head on Raul's chest

"Why are you wearing that?...it's like Erco's silly toga" Orpheus asked

"It was a gift from Diana...my old clothes were in need of replacing" Raul replied with a chuckle

"Did you do it with Diana last night?" Orpheus asked with a giggle

"I did...is that ok?" Raul said

"Yes silly...I had fun with Erco and Marrok" Orpheus replied with a grin

"I'm glad you had fun too...what matters most is what is in our heart...and to me you are the most important of all...the love I have for you is something I can't put into words...it transcends love really" Raul said emotionally

"I love you more than anything too" Orpheus said emotionally before the pair kissed passionately

"Will you two take it outside?...we're trying to sleep here" Marrok said grumpily

"They're sleepyheads" Orpheus said with a giggle

"I see that...but perhaps he's right Orphie...would you like to go for a walk in the forest with me?" Raul asked

"Ok!...that sounds fun" Orpheus replied and Raul placed him on his feet then took his small hand

They walked out of the space and into the clearing, where the brightness that met them was a tad startling compared to the dimly lit bed chambers. The pair exchanged a smile before entering into the forest hand in hand, escaping the light into the dark once again. As they walked Orpheus began to jump over the various roots and kick the small pebbles in their path, all the while laughing and giggling. The forest began to come alive in new ways all around them, flowers opened and bloomed with various colors of light while faeries peered out from behind trees with a curious gaze.

Overheard the birds in the canopy sang the song of morning, but to Raul it was so beautiful he considered it their personal love song. As he looked to the boy he loved Raul was grateful to be able to share this with Orpheus, something he never could have as a vampire, though it still weighed heavy on him what his humanity had to offer Orpheus.

"Stop a minute" Raul said as he stopped them in front of a large tree covered in moss

He then took a seat on ground with the moss like a soft green pillow to this back, Raul then pulled Orpheus into him.

"I want to talk to you a minute" Raul said softly

"About what?" Orpheus asked

"As grateful as I am for you saving me...and returning my humanity...I am thinking of going to grovel before Bronwen... to turn me back into vampire" Raul replied as Orpheus' face look horrified

"No!...I don't want that!...then you'd have to hurt people again!" Orpheus exclaimed

"But I'd have the power to protect you once again...that is worth my humanity...and more" Raul said emotionally

"No!...I can protect myself...I'll get stronger...please don't...don't do this" Orpheus said as he clung to Raul's toga and began to cry

"That's just it Orphie...you shouldn't have to get stronger...you shouldn't have to protect yourself...you are a child...one that I am incredibly in love with...I don't know what these angels want...Diana doesn't trust them...I don't know what we are up against...and here I am utterly useless" Raul said as he fought back tears

"You're not useless...you're not" Orpheus said through tears

"Then how about I talk with Romulus...see if there's a way I don't know of to become a werewolf...they don't have to kill people to survive" Raul said

"No..." Orpheus whined

"I want you to stay like you are...I just want you to be you...I love you just like this" He spoke again as he looked up to Raul with tear stained eyes

"If that is what you want...I will do anything you ask of me Orphie....forever more I am yours" Raul said emotionally

"Now please calm yourself" He spoke again and kissed Orpheus' forehead

"Ok...I'm glad...don't talk like that again" Orpheus said as he relaxed into Raul, and the man wrapped his arms around the boy

As they lay there Raul's hands caressed Orpheus' back, he could feel the soft downy feathers that had begun to sprout, and slowly moved lower.

"Have I ever told you...that you have the cutest butt" Raul said with a chuckle as he began to squeeze and fondle Orpheus' butt which was the pinnacle of perky, firm and cute

"You think so?" Orpheus asked as his face blushed

"I think all of you is cute...but this part stands out" Raul replied warmly as his fingers began to play in the crack

"As does the one I now feel poking me" He spoke again with a chuckle

Raul laid Orpheus down on his back, his deep blue eyes full of longing and the blush of his cheeks striking on the ghostly pale canvas of his skin. Raul leaned down, drawn to Orpheus' vibrant crimson red lips like a moth to a flame, their kiss burning with passion. As their kiss broke Raul raised up, and looked down to take in the beauty of Orpheus' once more. As he did he slowly undid his toga, letting it fall around him.

"You think this is cute too?" Orpheus asked with a giggle as he grasped his erection and wagged it

"Oh very" Raul replied with a smile

"It's not very big...and it won't ever get any bigger" Orpheus said sadly

"Why does it need to be bigger?...It's perfect just the way it is...all of you is perfect" Raul said emotionally

"See...perfect" He spoke again as he began to plant kisses and suckle the modest phallus, all the while glancing up into Orpheus' eyes and hearing his soft purrs of pleasure

Using his tongue and lips he pushed back the small covering of foreskin, exposing the sensitive glands as he sank down quickly taking it all into his mouth in one plunge. As Raul nuzzled Orpheus' bald pubic mound he took in the boy's scent, while his taste coated the man's tongue. Orpheus grasped Raul's head when it began to bob up and down, holding it gently with his small hands he began to thrust in sync, arching his back moaning out wildly. Boyish moans and loud cries of pleasure rang out through the quiet air of the forest, the pleasure radiated all throughout Orpheus' body causing tremors and shudders of pure ecstasy.

He soon began to whimper uncontrollably followed by continuous grunting as his body rode out the waves and pulses of orgasmic energy that raced and crashed through his entire core.

Neither wanting to stop they kept going, Orpheus' hands going wild through Raul's hair while he gently held the man's head to his boyish groin, his erection sliding between Raul's soft lips into the warm wetness of his mouth. As every fiber of Orpheus' being flooded with pleasure his body began to jerk about and move wildly, his head and legs in constant motion refusing to stay still under the barrage of pleasure. He soon threw his head back as he unleashed a guttural moan, and with Raul's head held tighter Orpheus drove himself as deep as he could.

His world dissolved around him as his second orgasm crashed through his body, his erection pulsed and twitched in a desperate attempt to unleash non existent seed.

"Stop...I need you inside me" Orpheus moaned out huskily

As Raul pulled off Orpheus scrambled to push the man on his back, centering himself over Raul's large erection Orpheus sank down quickly. Raul howled in pleasure as he quickly became buried to the hilt inside Orpheus, with his warm tight velvety walls gripping the man's erection like a glove. After placing hands on Raul's drawn up legs to act as a brace, Orpheus began to rise and fall, his powers activating as he plunged them both into a world of pleasure.

Their cries simultaneous, their vocalizations of pleasure uniting as Orpheus' body became like a blur, over and over, faster and faster Raul felt himself propelled inside the boy's body. As the pleasure consumed his senses Raul gripped the earth beneath him, clawing and gripping as he tried to hold on as his world was rocked to the foundation, and Orpheus relishing in the pleasure of his immature prostate pummeled. Their voices raising ever higher finally rising to a crescendo, they both screamed out in pleasure, both igniting in orgasms with Raul's sperm flooding the boy's chute.

Slowly Orpheus' body steadied as he came back into focus, and collapsed on Raul's chest as the man wrapped his arms around the boy.

"That was...Orphie...you are..amazing" Raul tried to speak through labored breathes

"That was really fun...when you rest a minute...we can do it some more" Orpheus said with a giggle

"I may need more than a minute" Raul said with a laugh

"I don't have my vampiric gifts anymore" He spoke again

"That's ok...when you're ready then" Orpheus said and Raul kiss him on the head

"Diana says she needs to see everyone...but you might want to consider bathing off first" Marrok said hesitantly as he came to fetch them

"Ok...we'll be right there" Raul said

"Aww...I wanted to do it some more" Orpheus whined

"Later Orphie...you're insatiable...you wore me and Erco out last night" Marrok said with a giggle

"Did you do that?" Raul asked with a laugh

"Maybe" Orpheus replied with a giggle

After a quick wash in a nearby stream they all made their way back to the clearing. As they entered they could see Diana stood upon the central rock, her face one of discontent. They took their place next to Erco, the small cherub happy to see them took Orpheus' hand as the two shared a smile.

"I am glad you could join us" Diana said curtly

"I have made my decision...I cannot aid you...it is far too dangerous" She spoke again

"Can you tell us why?" Raul asked

"Uriel came to see me this morning...he is obviously using all of you to achieve...something...I don't know what...but he's gone through a lot of trouble... meticulous movements...planning...now he just needs Orphie... to obtain that...no it's far too dangerous...I can't help you...I'm sorry" Diana replied

"Don't be so hasty dearie" A mysterious voice rang out

"Oh no...not them" Romulus said with a groan

"Even the fates conspire against me?" Diana said

In the clearing appeared three statuesque female figures seemingly withered by age, all three dressed in full length gowns of velvet with a matching head coverings.

"Who are they?" Erco whispered to be answered by a shrug from Marrok and Orpheus

It was the Parcae, otherwise known as the fates. Decima dressed in sapphire blue measured the thread of life, Morta dressed in ruby red cut the thread of life, while Nona dressed in emerald green spun the thread of life.

"And what do we owe the pleasure?" Diana asked

"We are here to ensure that...you play your part in Orpheus' destiny dearie...that is your fate" Decima replied

"His destiny is far greater than you can imagine...when the time comes...you will fulfill your role in it" She spoke again

"What of Uriel and his scheme?...surely it is unwise to aid him in achieving his goal" Diana said

"That matter is of Orpheus' concern... his destiny...not yours dearie" Decima said

"Speaking of Orpheus" Morta said as she spun to look upon Orpheus

"I bring with me a warning...you have tampered with the natural order... death is not pleased with you child...while my scissors may never cut your thread...there will be consequences" She spoke again

"What does that mean?" Orpheus asked

"You will find out in time...now while I may never cut your thread...I will soon be cutting one of yours" Morta replied as she surveyed the rest of the group

"Now what does that mean?...none of you are making sense" Marrok said with emphasis

"It means soon...someone here will die...and it will be I who cuts their thread of life" Morta replied as she and the other fates began to cackle before they vanished

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