Orpheus Rising

By moc.liamnotorp@tforcnevarj

Published on Jan 10, 2021


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A majestic bird with vivid iridescent plumage flew overhead and let out a shrill cry that seemed to signal their arrival as Orpheus slowly opened his eyes. As he lay there upon the deep green carpet of the forest floor, the sights and sounds of his surroundings seemed to slowly come into focus and sharpen, as if he was coming out of a hard daze. Overhead mellow sunlight battled against a thick forest canopy for entry, and there was a eerie stillness all around him with the only sound a babbling brook somewhere off in the distance. As he continued to lay there the events of what had just transpired replayed in his mind like a waking nightmare, the sights and sounds that he couldn't purge from his young mind no matter how hard he tried.

At the forefront was the ever present vision of the terror that he had visited upon Croatoan, the howls of pain as his body was ripped asunder, the taste of his blood that splattered only to be burned up in the black flame, the sound of his head being ripped from his body, and the final image of the mangled blood soaked corpse with the knowledge that he was the one responsible.

"Marrok!" Orphie exclaimed as he bolted upright

He crawled to the still unconscious wolves body, its snow white fur stained blood red and littered with broken glass. The sight before him drove Orpheus to tears and he placed his hands upon Marrok's body, it ignited in black flame when the boy's eyes intensely glowed blue. The wolves body slowly burned and as it did his wounds began to heal both external and internal, he had suffered multiple broken bones during the brief encounter with Croatoan.

As his wounds healed Marrok regained consciousness, light returned to his icy blue eyes and he raised his head to see Orpheus crying hysterically. The wolf began to lick the boy's face to comfort and reassure him, he could taste the intense salty flavor of Orpheus' tears that flowed from his deep blue eyes that seemed to be melting into an ocean like they resembled .

"You're ok!" Orphie said telepathically as he threw his arms around the wolves neck

"Because of you" Marrok said emotionally telepathically and shifted into humanoid form

Afterwards the two naked boys hugged each other tightly, as they broke from their hug Orpheus looked at his hands in horror to see them covered in the wolves blood where he had laid his hands.

"It's ok Orphie...I'm ok now" Marrok said reassuringly with a hand placed upon Orpheus' shoulder when he saw the look on the boy's face

"You will have to fill me in on what happened...and where we are" Marrok said as he looked around at their strange surroundings and with his nose to the wind

"First we need to check on Erco and Raul" Orpheus said as he used the back of his hand to wipe the remaining tears from his eyes

"Wait Raul's alive?...and Erco is here?" Marrok asked and Orpheus nodded his head

As the two boys looked around they spotted the them in close proximity to one another, they decided to check on Raul first.

"Wait...this is Raul?" Marrok asked surprised when he saw Raul looked human

"He even smells human" He spoke again as he sniffed in the air surrounding the man's body

"That's because he is" Orpheus said softly to Marrok's shock as they gently shook Raul awake

Raul's chiseled body sat upright, his long jet black hair cascaded around his shoulders as he focused his big bright hazel eyes upon the two boys.

"Raul!" Orpheus exclaimed as he threw his arms around the man and they embraced tightly

"I was so scared...I couldn't lose you" He spoke again emotionally

"You two are ok" Raul said emotionally as his youthful face peered over Orpheus' shoulder and smiled at Marrok

"You're human!" Marrok said in shock and disbelief

"I guess I am" Raul said as he looked upon his now Caucasian flesh colored hand

"What in the world happened while I was out?" Marrok asked

"It doesn't matter...I'm just glad we're all ok" Orpheus replied

"Erco!" Orpheus said as he turned his head quickly and moved to the cherub's side

As Erco slowly sat upright Orpheus could hear Marrok begin to snicker from behind.

"What are those on your back?" Marrok asked as he continued to snicker

"Are you turning into a chicken?" He spoke again as he burst into laughter

"Huh?...what?" Orpheus asked confusedly as he shifted his head from side to side to try to look at his back

"Let me see Orphie" Erco said as he spun Orpheus around

The little cherub ran his small hand across Orpheus' naked shoulder blades as he looked and felt the small black feathers that had begun to sprout upon them.

"Those aren't chicken feathers...they are angel feathers!" Erco exclaimed in shock

"You're growing angel wings...I guess it makes sense seeing as you're part angel but still it's surprising...not even nephelim grow wings" He spoke again deep in thought

"Part angel?...wait we know what Orphie is now?" Marrok asked shocked

"Yes...I'm a nephelim and vampire hybrid...they called me a vamphelim" Orpheus replied

"Whose they?...and Nephelim?...what's that?...ok you have to tell me everything that happened" Marrok said as he shook his head trying to make sense of everything

"I don't want to.." Orpheus whined as he began to cry again

"Why?" Marrok asked surprised

"Because...because I killed your father!" Orpheus screamed in anguish

"Please don't....hate me" He spoke again as he sniveled while he cried

"Shhh...calm yourself Orphie" Marrok said softly as he wrapped his arms around the weeping boy and held him close

"I didn't mean to...I was just so angry" Orpheus said as he continued to snivel and cry into Marrok's chest while Erco and Raul placed a hand on the boy to comfort him

"It's fine Orphie...I didn't love my father...I'm glad he's dead...he was a very evil man who hurt countless people...this always had to happen if we were to win...there was no other way...you had no other choice" Marrok said

"But do you know what happened to the rest of the pack?" He spoke again

"No...or the fate of the people in town" Orpheus said emotionally as he broke from the hug and wiped his eyes

"Ok now tell me everything that happened" Marrok said and Erco, Orpheus, and Raul told the events that had transpired after Marrok had futilely attacked his father only to be swatted away like a bug

"That's crazy...wow...ok so Orphie can turn into a lion now...Raul was dead but is now alive again...and human...angels threatened to kill Orphie...who is a vamphelim because he swallowed some of Erco's angel juice the day he was turned into a vampire...Erco is now Orphie's guardian angel...and we have no idea where we are because some angel named Uriel sent us flying" he spoke again as he listened

"Oh and Orphie is now growing wings" He spoke yet again as he tried to take it all in

"Yes" Orpheus said

"I'm having a hard time making sense of all of this myself Marrok" Raul said

His mind reeled from everything that had transpired, but most of all he wondered his place now. Raul was no longer a vampire with powers, he was once again just a plain ordinary human. He loved Orpheus dearly, he worried would he now become a burden on this journey that they found themselves on. Though the doubts plagued his mind his only choice was to press forward. and support the boy he loved as much as he could.

"I understand that I'm being punished because Orphie and I did sex stuff...but what I don't get is why make me his guardian angel?...Michael and Uriel have to know we will continue to do sex stuff...this just makes it way easier...like they are encouraging it...even to say I can earn my place in heaven again if I do a good job...but why encourage me to do the very thing I'm being punished for?...it makes no sense" Erco said

"I'm sure they have their reasons" Raul said reassuringly as he ruffled the cherub's hair

"You're right!" Erco exclaimed with enthusiasm as he jumped to his feet with a renewed lively energy

"We sure can't sit around here moping all day!" He spoke again as he brushed his white toga free of debris

"Yeah!" Orpheus said with a bright smile and jumped to his feet

"So let's go!" Erco said as he waved his small arm in the air

"Go where?...we don't even know where we are" Marrok asked

"Well we won't find out staying here" Erco replied with a smile

"What do you smell Marrok?" Orpheus asked

"Nothing helpful...a lot of these smells I don't recognize...I'm afraid I'm not much help right now" Marrok replied as he once again held his nose to the wind

"Might I suggest we wash off in that brook first before we go anywhere...everyone except Erco has blood and who knows what else on their bodies" Raul said as he pointed

The group made their way over to the brook which was recessed in the forests floor with moss and other fauna on its banks, and branches that overhang with various colorful foliage.

"Get that silly toga off" Orpheus said with a giggle to Erco

"Ok!" Erco said with a smile as he disrobed and stood naked like Marrok and Orpheus

Afterwards the three waddled into the shallow water, they marveled as it raced by their feet with a light tickle as if the moving water was playing a game of catch me if you can with them. Then with childish laughter they began to climb and play on the many moss covered stones in the waters path, at times pushing each other into the water. Raul watched from the bank with amusement as he disrobed and waddled into the water to join them in their play, a peaceful and joyous time that was needed after what they all had just experienced.

Water began to be splashed between them coupled with copious amounts of laughter, it seemed to not only wash away the blood and dirt from their bodies, but for a moment at least the sadness and uncertainty that weighed heavy on their hearts and minds. As they played a large majestic white stag with an equally large set of antlers and a bushy tail ran through the brook, and set off Marrok's prey drive.

"I'm hungry and that smells delicious" Marrok said and sprinted out of the brook

"I'll be back soon!" He yelled as he turned around and waved to the remainder of the group

Afterwards he shifted into wolf form in mid stride as he sprinted, his two feet became four and his naked pink skin became covered in snow white fur as the human gave way to the wolf. With his ears back, his tail down, and his maw partially agape the wolf was now in hot pursuit of his prey at a blistering pace resembling a comet as he reached top speed. The stag that was once out for a casual run through his domain was now in a race with the white herald of death, a race the stag had no hopes of winning.

Becoming ever more frightened the adrenaline rushed through the stag's body flowing to the muscles to aid its futile attempt at escape, but soon found itself taken down from behind. The stag's blood painted the wolves pearly white fangs red, as it lay dying thanks was given to the forest that had always been called home and the stag was grateful it got to take in its splendor one last time

"I hope that wasn't a foolish decision" Raul said worriedly

"He'll be fine...I'm famished myself" Orphie said with a giggle as he looked at Erco and focused his eyes on the cherub's small flaccid penis and testicles that hang beneath

"Hey!...don't look at me like I'm a snack" Erco said as he joined in the giggle and splashed water at Orpheus

"Oh...so you don't want your penis sucked?" Orpheus asked sarcastically

"I didn't say that..." Erco replied coyly as his penis began to swell

"But can you...kiss me first?" He spoke again nervously as he shifted from side to side with his cheeks blushed and hands behind his back

Erco knew in the back of his mind that one of the reasons he had been entrusted to be Orpheus' guardian angel was to nourish him, but the little cherub had developed real feelings that turned to love for the boy during his time at the sick house. What Erco didn't want was for Orpheus to look at him just as a food source, but hoped that one day the boy could love him equally and their time together would provide the perfect opportunity to explore that. Time seemed to slow to a crawl for Erco as Orpheus stepped forward and placed his hands on the little cherub's face, their eyes meeting momentarily before closing and lips meeting next in a passionate embrace. As they kissed the their senses collided with one another, their mouths becoming conduits to express the feelings held within as hearts fluttered wildly.

Erco's body tingled and his toes curled as he quickly became weak in the knees, he gave himself freely to Orpheus and wanted nothing more than to be claimed by him. As their kiss broke they stared dreamily into each other's eyes, before Orpheus slowly sank to his knees where his eyes met Erco's erect penis that throbbed in excitement and seemed to demand attention. As he leaned in Orpheus took in more of the Erco's scent, confirming with Marrok's assessment that the little cherub smelled like the dew on the fresh grass at dawn.

Orpheus' tongue darted from his mouth and swiped across the head of the hard little appendage which made Erco shudder and softly moan, continuing through each slow tender kiss and gentle flick of the tongue that followed. Orpheus parted his lips and used them to peel back the foreskin that covered the sensitive bell end of Erco's erection, slowly taking the full length into his mouth making the little cherub moan louder when he felt the warm softness of Orpheus' red lips sliding down his shaft.

Erco softly ran his hands through Orpheus' crown of white blonde hair that hang at ear length upon his head as the boy made oral love to him, their mutual love tender and warm like a gentle flame. In the warm wet confines of Orpheus' mouth Erco's small but rigid erection found itself a new playmate in the boy's tongue, as he worked feverishly to suck the little cherub's very essence through it like a straw. As time went on Erco's moans began to crescendo, his vocalizations of pleasure that had started off mere soft whimpers were now deep and boisterous.

"I'm..going to...orgasm...soon...Raul...you might..want..to close...your eyes" Erco said between moans and labored breathes to the man sat upon a rock who had decided to give the two what little privacy he could offer

Erco's angelic wings involuntarily unfurled the moment his orgasm hit due to the intensity, his body shuddered out of control. With his head tiled back and a long continuous guttural moan escaping his mouth he began to buck his hips in rhythm with the orgasmic contractions as he filled Orpheus' mouth with the nourishment he sought. As the boy swallowed the sweet angelic honey his eyes lit up once again in a blinding blue light that was so bright it enveloped the pair and radiated outwards, persisting until Orpheus had worked out and swallowed every drop. Once there was no more to be had he slowly rose to his feet again where he shared a smile with Erco before wrapping the little cherub up in a warm embrace.

"That was wonderful...thank you" Erco said softly and full of emotion as he rested his head on Orpheus' chest

"Just hold me a minute...then I'll" He spoke again but was interrupted when Marrok returned

The pair turned to face the wolf as it stood on the bank, and watched as Marrok shifted into humanoid form with his hands and face covered in the stag's blood.

"I saw the light from the distance...I guess you two" Marrok said with a slight chuckle

"I'm sorry I missed the fun...but my belly sure is a lot happier" He spoke again as he held his stomach

"I'm sorry you missed it too" Orpheus said

"Wash all that blood off... and maybe we can all have some more fun" He spoke again huskily

"Ok!" Marrok said happily

"Is it safe to open my eyes now?" Raul asked with a laugh

"Oh yeah it's safe...sorry!" Erco replied as he joined in the laugh

Orpheus continued to hold Erco while Marrok washed himself free of the blood, and just then they heard the sounds of something large moving swiftly through the forest straight for them. They had no time to act and suddenly a large black figure arrived with an ominous air, as it reared up on its two feet they could see it was a werewolf, one equally as large and terrifying as Croatoan. Marrok quickly shifted into wolf form, after leaping between the intruder and the remainder of the group the two werewolves began to aggressively growl at each other.

"Erco!..Raul!...behind us!" Orpheus yelled then shifted into lion form and took his place next to Marrok to shield Erco and Raul from danger

Once stood next to Marrok the lion unleashed a thunderous roar at the intruder, that sent all wildlife in the near vicinity fleeing in absolute terror.

"That's quite a roar you got there kitty cat" The intruder said with a sinister grin as it laughed wickedly

"Too bad I'm not here to fight" It spoke again with that same sinister grin

"You're not?" Orpheus asked as he shifted back into humanoid form and stood before the intruder

"No...I have been sent to fetch you...to bring you to my mother" The intruder said

"Your...mother?" Orpheus asked confusedly

"Yes" The intruder said

"I'm not sure we can believe this Orphie" Marrok said telepathically as he stood vigilant next to the boy

"Hmm...something tells me it means us no harm" Orpheus said telepathically

"Are you sure?" Marrok asked telepathically and Orpheus nodded his head

"Ok we'll come with you" Orpheus said

"Follow me then" The intruder said as it turned back from whence it came

"Our clothes!" Erco claimed as his toga and Raul's clothes still lay on the bank

"Who needs them!...come on!" Orpheus said as he climbed on Marrok's back and offered his hand to Erco to help the little cherub up to join him

Erco giggled at the feeling of the wolves soft fur that now tickled his naked bottom, and quickly wrapped his arms around Orpheus' waist as Marrok began to follow the intruder. Raul redressed hurriedly, not wanting to walk through the forest with bare feet and after grabbing Erco's toga he followed the procession through the forest to parts unknown.

"Here" Raul said as he handed Erco the toga once he had caught up

"Thank you!" Erco said as he grabbed the toga and hugged it tight to him

A strong earthy aroma was ever present as they followed behind the intruder, making their way over gnarled roots that dipped into and out of the ground as his loud lumbering steps became a soundtrack to their journey. They passed by countless ancient trees that stood like silent guardians of the forest, roughed with age and appeared as if they sported bright green coats around their trunks due to the heavy moss. In the canopy the birds seemed to sing a joyous song to welcome the new visitors to their forest but the denizens of the forest floor were far more reluctant, choosing to peek out from under foliage or the safety of a hole they lived in. The procession continued until they reached a clearing that seemed different than the other parts of the forest, as an unknown light source filled the area with bright warm light. An arrangement of vibrant flowers in all colors sprouted from the ground and seemed to form a circular rainbow around a centered rock formation, and upon it sat a woman.

She was wrapped in flawless porcelain white skin, with long chestnut brown hair, and wearing a white toga adorned with gold accents. The woman outstretched her hand as tiny humanoid looking creatures with butterfly wings danced around her, and as they danced golden specks seemed to fall from their wings. As the procession approached the tiny creatures became startled and flew away quickly.

"The faeries grow scared" The lady said softly

"I see why" She spoke again as the gaze of her jade colored eyes focused on Orpheus and studied him

"I am Diana...this is my forest!...who are you?!...and why have come here?!" Diana suddenly snapped

"My name is Orpheus...but you can call me Orphie" Orpheus replied as he dismounted the wolf and then helped Erco down

"These are my friends...Erco...Marrok...and Raul...we were sent here but we don't know why" He spoke again as he stood next to the wolf and Erco peeked out from behind him still clutching his white toga

"Sent here by who?" Diana asked

"By an angel named Uriel...we didn't ask to come here...he just sent us" Orpheus replied

"Why would a cloud sitter send you to this sacred place?" Diana asked in disbelief

"Hey what do you mean cloud sitter?!" Erco interjected as he jumped from behind Orpheus momentarily before retreating again for safety when Diana focused her angry gaze upon him

"You certainly have an interesting array of people with you Orphie...a werewolf unlike any that I've ever seen before...a cloud sitter...a human...but you are by far the most interesting of them all" Diana said as she studied each individual

"I'm a vamphelim...or so they tell me" Orpheus said

"Yes...but you are so much more than that...these goddess eyes can tell" Diana said

Eyes that can peer into a beings very soul, and decipher all the information held within.

"Wait...you are the goddess Diana?" Raul spoke up

"Yes I am she" Diana replied

"That would make you" Raul said as he turned to the intruder

"Romulus" Romulus said as he flashed his sinister grin

"Wait...Romulus?!...the Romulus?!" Marrok asked excitedly as he shifted into humanoid form

"I guess they still know of me in the outside world" Romulus said

"Well yeah we are called the sons of Romulus after all" Marrok said

"You are no son of mine...or my brothers...just what are you?" Romulus asked

"I used to be a son of Romulus...but Orphie changed me...I'm not sure what I am now" Marrok replied

"What do you mean changed?" Romulus asked

"That can wait" Diana interjected

"Excuse me...If I may...the records state that you and Romulus left this realm with the other gods" Raul said

"That can also wait" Diana said

"Do you know why Uriel sent us here?" Orpheus asked

"Enough !...I know you all have many questions...but you must be tired from your journey...the answers to your questions will come in time...for now just rest" Diana replied

"Help yourselves" She spoke again as she waved her hand

With the wave of her hand two ornate wooden banquet tables appeared out of thin air covered in bowls and platters of silver, each filled to the edges with food.

"I'm not hungry...I've already eaten" Orpheus said as he and Erco shared a giggle

"Angels don't eat" Erco said

"I'm too stuffed" Marrok said as he rubbed his stomach

"Well I for one am starving...and welcome the food...thank you Diana" Raul said as he sat at one of the tables and began to eat

"At least one of you has some manners" Diana said bitterly

"I know I'm going to eat...save me some human" Romulus said as he took a seat across from Raul and soon Erco, Marrok, and Orpheus filled in around them

Even though the three didn't partake of the food they did enjoy the company, and were most bemused watching Romulus eat, noting his exemplary table manners even to go as far as to tie a napkin around his neck. As they ate Diana stayed perched upon her rock seemingly staring off into space, deep in thought over the situation she now found herself in. Once she had deciphered Orpheus' soul she knew full well why Uriel had sent them there, but now she had to decide if she was willing to to aid him or not. It was no simple matter and a decision that Diana could not take lightly, especially considering the chill that ran up her spine upon viewing the boy's soul.

The power Orpheus was sent to find was indeed located there, but had the cloud sitter gone mad she wondered? He must have to send a being such as Orpheus there to gain even more power she thought. Though that said, she could not dismiss the warmth that she had found in his soul, a radiant light of goodness if nurtured could indeed be a boon to the world. Diana was broken from her reverie by the sounds of boisterous laughter, as she looked to the table where everyone had sat together she couldn't help but chuckle at their antics. At the center of it all as if a spotlight was shining down on him was Orpheus, the boy's bright cheerful smile radiated warmth.

Diana couldn't dismiss the fact he had gathered beings from other races around him, and by the looks of it Romulus was warming up quickly, no easy feat there she thought nor was it they accepted Romulus so easily in spite of his appearance Maybe she thought, just maybe there was hope yet for the world and maybe that is what Uriel also thought when he sent them there.

"Marrok was it?" Romulus asked as he finished his meal

"Yes I'm Marrok" Marrok replied

"Would you like to go for a run?...I always have a run after my meal...and I'm curious about your wolf form...I would like to see what it's made of" Romulus said

"You're on!" Marrok said as he got to his feet and shifted into wolf form

"See if you can catch up pup!" Romulus said with his sinister grin and menacing laugh before taking off in a flash with Marrok right behind

"As old as he is and still acts like a child" Diana said with a slight chuckle as she shook her head

The wolves raced through the forest matching each other at every turn, but Romulus noted Marrok seemed to be getting increasingly faster and wondered if the young pup was just toying with him.

"I know you're holding back pup...I want to see what you are truly capable of" Romulus said

Marrok looked at him as they ran, and thought really old man well don't be crying later before taking off at full speed becoming a comet. The sight stopped Romulus dead in his tracks, he had to admit in a test of speed and agility he had lost. As he stood there Marrok ran back and began to run circles around him in a taunting manner which quickly annoyed Romulus.

"Sit!" Romulus roared out which caused the wolf to cower

"Turn back into human form so we can converse" he spoke again and Marrok shifted into humanoid form

"Look pup I got to admit you got speed and agility in spades...you far outclass me or any werewolf I have ever know...but you lack strength...raw physical power" Romulus said

"I know...I know that...that's what happened in Philadelphia...I was too weak" Marrok said bitterly

"I could have gotten my alpha killed...it's shameful" he spoke again as he held his head low causing his snow white chin length hair to partially obstruct his eyes

"Your alpha?...that boy...that vamphelim is your alpha?" Romulus asked surprised

"Yeah...when he changed me...he became my alpha...but he treats me as his friend...that's why I want to help him" Marrok replied emotionally as he rubbed his upper arm

"Ok tell me everything...how he changed you...and what happened in this Philadelphia" Romulus said and listened as Marrok explained everything

"I see...my true heir...what a joke" Romulus said with his sinister grin and menacing laugh

"No true heir of mine would ever treat his pack like slaves" He spoke again

"Look Marrok...I was harsh when I said you were no son of mine...I might not be your alpha...but I do want to help you become stronger" He spoke yet again

"What...Really?!" Marrok asked excited

"Yes...we wolves must stick together" Romulus replied

"You know you are nothing like I always heard...every pup is told your legend...of your glory" Marrok said

"What?... you saying I don't live up to the hype?" Romulus asked

"No!...but the legend says you went crazy...turned into a mindless monster...like your sons do under the full moon...like I used to" Marrok replied

"The story is true...I did go absolutely berserk...and lost all sense of myself... the night I was turned into this" Romulus said as held out his large clawed hands

"What happened?" Marrok asked

"My mother did everything in her power to help me...she eventually sought the magic of the faeries...with the help of the faerie queen my mind was healed...but they could not return me to the wolf I once was" Romulus said sadly

"But I would do it all over again if given the choice...my sacrifice saved my people...that is what a king does...that is what a true alpha does" He spoke again

"Well I think you're awesome...for an old man that is" Marrok said with a laugh

"Watch it pup!" Romulus said as he joined in the laugh

"You remember this...one day you might have your own pack...when your old enough to mate that is!" He spoke again as he continued to laugh

"Hey!" Marrok exclaimed

"Tomorrow we will begin your training...we will get you as strong as we can in the time we have...but I question if you really need to get stronger...I mean when that lion roared...I about lost control of my bowels...it was all I could do to appear unfazed" Romulus said after he composed himself

"You about shit yourself" Marrok said as he broke out in hysterical laughter

"Yeah Orphie is really strong...scary strong...but he can't do everything himself...he needs allies...he needs friends...Erco can't fight...Raul is human now so he's almost useless...that just leaves me...I must get stronger" He Spoke again when he composed himself

"Spoken like a true wolf...I'm proud of you" Romulus said as he gently patted Marrok's back

"Now shall we celebrate our friendship by marking that tree together?" Romulus asked as he pointed his long claw at a nearby tree

"Sounds good to me" Marrok replied and shifted into wolf form

Back at the clearing Diana had been watching Raul, admiring the man's beauty and charm as he sat at the table laughing with Erco and Orpheus. She had been a devout maiden all of her existence, but over the years Diana's resolution had wavered as she grew ever more lonely. When the other gods had left the realm they gave Diana an impossible choice, the only way they would permit her to go with them was to leave Romulus behind. As she considered herself Romulus' mother, as much as it pained her to say goodbye to her family she opted to stay behind with her son. That had been so long ago, so long it didn't much matter anymore what she was, but above all she was lonely.

"Come with me" Diana said as she offered her hand to Raul

"Oh..Ok" Raul said as he took her hand and got up from the table while Erco and Orpheus looked at each other

"Where are we going?" He spoke again as they walked away

"To my chambers" Diana replied with a smile

"For what purpose?" Raul asked

"Well Raul...I have been a devout maiden all of life...but I think it is time to change that" Diana said with a smile

"Wait you don't mean...shouldn't we get to know each other fist?...what about Erco and Orpheus?... we just left them" Raul asked surprised

"You are an odd one...in the days of old if a man was offered the opportunity to lay with a goddess...it was accepted without hesitation...they couldn't wait to insert themselves into our divine bodies...and spill their mortal seed" Diana replied

"Oh and Romulus will see that the others are taken care of...Are you saying you will not keep my bed warm this night Raul?" She spoke again

"No..that's not what I'm saying...but perhaps in the process we should get to know each other better...I am not here to take advantage of you...even if you are a goddess" Raul replied as they walked through a glowing door that appeared then it disappeared again when they were safely through it

"They're going to do it" Erco said with a giggle

"Yep" Orpheus said as he joined in the giggle

"You know...maybe we should do it" He spoke again huskily

"Oh..." Erco said nervously as his face blushed

"Can I just suck you tonight?...and we'll talk about that tomorrow?" He spoke again

"Oh...sure" Orpheus replied sadly

"No I'm not saying I don't want to...it's just...well I've never had anything go inside there...or come out ..angels don't eat...so we don't poop...it makes me nervous" Erco said as he grabbed Orpheus

"Ok...we'll do it when you're ready...don't worry" Orpheus said with a smile

"I love you Orphie" Erco said emotionally

"I love you too Erco" Orpheus said and the pair kissed passionately

Next: Chapter 6

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