Orpheus Rising

By moc.liamnotorp@tforcnevarj

Published on Dec 23, 2020


Orpheus Collins, Orphie to anyone who knew him personally, a name given to him by his mother for her love of ancient Greek myths and music, was born June 4th, 1766 in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. His mother died shortly after childbirth and it fell to his father William Collins to raise his son as a single father. In 1773 when Orphie was nine years old his father, a nightly visitor to the local Tun Tavern, would take his son with him so he could sing and dance to entertain the other patrons.

It was there Orphie caught the attention of Raul, a vampire of great age with hair black as night and eyes gone dull and gray that had recently come to Philadelphia. When Raul first saw Orphie he swore he was looking upon the visage of an angel, with his rounded face bejeweled with the most deep piercing eyes of blue, perky cheeks, button nose, full red lips and a crown of white blonde hair. As he looked upon the angelic visage of Orphie he swore for the first time in many centuries his heart beat again the child was so beautiful to him. The smell of Orphie's virgin blood also allured him, a delicacy among vampires, but Raul found himself unable to think of harming the boy, something that confused him. He was by all accounts a monster that had killed countless people to quench his thirst for blood over the span of his unnatural life, but for some reason he could not fathom harming this one boy and he wasn't sure why.

Night after night he would visit the tavern until one night the boy nor his father was there and he wondered why,but he was afraid to ask not wanting to raise suspicion. He didn't ask the tavern keeper that night for fear of raising suspicion but after a week of them not being there he had to know, after inquiring he was told William had contacted smallpox and died, Orphie now had the disease and was on the verge of death himself. Upon hearing this Raul's very core was stricken with fear, an emotion long foreign to him, and he set out from the Tavern to go to Orphie, to save his life, even if it meant ending it in the process. In using his powers Raul quickly absconded with the boy, and took Orphie to a spot deep in the woods where he took his victims to drain their blood.

The boy delirious with fever so far out of it he had no idea what was happening, or about to happen to him. Raul removed the dressing gown that covered Orphie's body and laid his naked form upon a rock, flat lesions covered his small body, a mark of the terrible disease that sought to take his life. Even in the state Orphie was in, Raul couldn't help but think the child beautiful, he ran his hand across the boy's naked flesh and as he did a pain arose in his chest, a pain of the heart, it was then he knew he had fallen in love with Orphie, another emotion he thought he had left behind when his natural life ended. He knew if he were to sire Orphie it would be breaking vampire law, there were very strict rules over siring, one of which was you were to never to sire a child for they would never age again. It was far harder to hide the fact of a child that never aged than an adult, it could threaten to expose the very secret existence of vampires. There was another reason though and that had to do with the virgin blood that coursed through Orphie's veins, but the reasoning behind the rule of never to sire a virgin was a secret to all but the lords at the top of vampire society, who governed with an iron fist.

To break either of these laws was punishable by ever lasting death, a fact not lost on Raul, but he found himself not concerned by that fact, he only cared for Orphie. Raul knew he could easily rob the boy of his virginity to lessen the crime he was about to commit, but it would be an act of rape and even being a monster he couldn't fathom such an act. Knowing full well the consequences of his actions Raul used his dagger like fingernails to slit his wrist and presented it to Orphie's mouth, holding the back of the boy's head Raul assisted Orphie in drinking the blood that spilled from the wound. Raul watched as Orphie drew his last breathe of natural life and soon awoke to his unnatural one, as he did the flesh color drained from his body, leaving it ghostly pale but flawless and free of lesions.

"Where am I?" Orphie asked as he slowly opened his eyes that glowed briefly

"Who are you?" he quickly spoke again as he looked up at Raul

"Why am I naked?" he quickly spoke yet again as he sat up upon the rock and covered his genitals with his hands

"Shh calm yourself boy" Raul spoke softy when he saw and sensed how afraid Orphie was

"Are you going to hurt me?" Orphie asked nervously

"No, in fact I just saved your life...but in doing so I forever changed it" Raul replied

"What do you mean?" Orphie asked nervously, his fear still present

"The only way to save your life boy... was to turn you into a vampire...like me" Raul replied

"No, I don't want this..I'm scared and want to go home" Orphie said as he began to cry

"I want..my daddy" he quickly spoke again as he continued to sob

Raul tried to compel the boy to quit crying through his sire link, but he found he was unable to do so, a fact that surprised him. Raul suddenly felt his body wracked by fear and tears of blood started to flow from his eyes, as if he was forced to feel the full weight of Orphie's emotions through the link instead. Unable to make Orphie quit crying through vampiric means, Raul decided to try the human way. He picked Orphie up into his arms and as he cradled the crying child, Raul began to sing a lullaby his mother had once sang to him, he watched as Orphie slowly quit crying and sleep took him. As sleep took the boy Raul felt the fear leave his body and the tears stopped, he couldn't make sense of what just happened, but he knew he had to get them somewhere safe. Using his powers their bodies became like a blur as they moved swiftly through the woods to the the cave Raul had called home ever since his arrival in the colonies.

Raul's eyes glowed red and a large boulder outside the cave covered the entrance for both protection and to block out the sun during the daytime. Now in complete darkness Raul's eyes once again glowed red and the torches he had placed along the path roared alive with flame, to light the path deep inside the cave to Raul's personal chamber, where a coffin lay he had fashioned out of stone. Though his body weak from not feeding and having sired Orphie, Raul decided what was best was for them both was to rest for now. He climbed inside his coffin with Orphie held tight to his chest and the coffin lid closed over the top of them when his eyes once again glowed red. Raul was awoken from his rest when Orphie began to stir, the boy sat up on Raul's chest and looked down at him.

"So it..wasn't a dream" Orphie said softly

"No boy...this is no dream" Raul said

"I want to go home" Orphie said

"Boy you can't...your human life is done...it is best you forget it" Raul said

"I have a name you know...it's Orphie!" Orphie shouted as he began to get angry

"and I want to go home!" he quickly added as he continued to shout and as he did his eyes glowed blue and the heavy stone coffin lid flew off, it slammed against the cave wall where it shattered into pieces

Raul was taken back by it all, the strong emotion and the sudden display of power from Orphie left him stunned. He knew that Orphie was still going through the transition process and in twenty four hours from being turned his human emotions should subside greatly, if not cease to exist entirely, but for now he was left to deal with a highly emotional nine year old boy. He was hesitant to try the sire link again, so instead he resolved himself to try to reason with Orphie instead.

"Orphie...please calm yourself...you are safe with me here...I will protect you from all harm" Raul said

"No!" Orphie yelled as he climbed from the coffin

Raul once again tried his sire link to stop Orphie, but it was no use. He watched in horror as Orphie ran towards the entrance of the cave, the boulder was quickly flung aside with a wave of the emotional boy's hand and he ran out into the sunlight. It was as if time slowed for Raul as he watched the sun first touch Orphie's naked flesh, expecting the boy to burst into flames before his very eyes, and him powerless to stop it but was surprised when the sunlight had no effect. Raul knew he couldn't let Orphie make it back into town, he summoned every ounce of strength left in his body to pull the boy back into the cave and once again covered the entrance with the boulder, passing out after he did. When Raul next awoke he was staring up into Orphie's piercing blue eyes as the boy stared down at him.

"You have the most beautiful eyes...I will miss them when they lose their color and become gray" Raul said emotionally

"Uh thanks" Orphie said unsure of what to make of Raul's compliment

"What's your name?" he spoke again

"Raul" Raul replied

"What made you stay?" Raul asked surprised Orphie hadn't taken the chance to escape

"Well..you took care of me" Orphie replied

"I thought I should take care of you..you seem nice Raul...for a vampire" Orphie replied hesitantly

"I'm not sure someone like me is who you should be calling nice boy..I mean Orphie" Raul said

"Besides what I have turned you into you...you might one day curse my name for it" he added

"Maybe it was selfish of me.. I couldn't stand the thought of you dying...but I didn't ask you if you wanted this" he further added

"So I'm a..vampire?" Orphie asked

"Yes" Raul replied

"What does that mean?..am I evil?" Orphie asked

"That's a complicated question...why don't we go bathe while we discuss it more?" Raul asked sensing night had fallen

"Vampires have to take a bath?" Orphie asked

"Yes" Raul replied with a chuckle

"You still stink like a human and I have dirt and blood on me that I must wash off" he added

"I guess I do stink" Orphie said after he raised his arms and sniffed his underarms

"Come with me" Raul said softly as he picked Orphie up and held him

As he did he noticed Orphie's penis erect, small but very hard, Raul knew the likely cause but chose to ignore it and with a red glow of his eyes the boulder was pushed aside and they walked into the night. He swiftly carried them to a local swimming hole the local children used to swim in and Raul had come to use to bathe off.

"Be right back" Raul said after he gently sat Orphie down upon a smooth rock next to the waters edge

He disappeared and reappeared almost in the same instant with a bar of soap and a washcloth in his hand, he handed them to Orphie.

"My daddy normally bathes me..but he's not here anymore" Orphie said sadly

"So you remember?" Raul asked and Orphie nodded his head softly as he sniffled

"Do you want me to bathe you?" he added

"No..I'll bathe myself" Orphie replied

Raul nodded and shed himself of his clothes, afterwards he waded out into the deeper water to wash the dirt and blood from his skin, while he kept an eye on Orphie. He could tell the boy lacked experience in bathing himself, but he also noticed Orphie kept pushing his erection down that had never subsided.

"Does that..cause you distress?" Raul asked as he pointed to the hard appendage

"Its just.. never stayed hard this long" Orphie replied as he look frustrated and continued to push it down

"It normally gets hard when I have to pee...but I don't have to pee" he spoke again

"Did you break it when you made me a vampire?" he quickly spoke yet again

"In a way..yes" Raul replied

"What? How?!" Orphie asked surprised

"It's a part of our curse, the vampire curse" Raul replied as he waded towards Orphie

"Yours is hard too" Orphie said as Raul came into shallower water and he could see the vampire's penis was erect and just as hard as his, just much larger

"This is going to difficult to explain to a child" Raul said

"Well try!" Orphie exclaimed

"To be a vampire..our very existence is an affront to all things considered holy...we have a deep innate desire to commit acts which the heavens label as sins...one of those sins is lust...to that end our bodies constantly crave carnal desires...sin of the flesh or in other words sex...it's like being in a perpetual state of puberty our entire existence" Raul replied

"I don't understand" Orphie said sadly

"So my penis will stay hard forever?" he asked

"In a way...it will go soft once it's satiated much as if you were human...but it won't remain that way for long...again it's part of the curse" Raul replied

"I just want it to go soft...how do I make it do that?" Orphie asked

"Have you never played with yourself Orphie...with your penis?" Raul asked

"Why would I play with my penis? It's not a toy...how would you even play with a penis?" Orphie asked which made Raul laugh

"It's not funny" Orphie huffed

"I'm sorry..you're just so sweet and innocent..I can show you how...or I can do it for you" Raul said

"Would you..have to touch it?" Orphie asked nervous

"Yes" Raul replied

"Only my daddy has touched me there when he washed me..or the doctor when he examined me" Orphie said

"But I feel like.. I want you to do it" he spoke again with a nervous tremor in his voice

"That's your desires being heightened...it's perfectly natural" Raul replied as he stood in front of Orphie

"I will say as a benefit of the curse..sexual pleasure is heightened for us...far beyond what a mere human would experience..an encouragement to sin" he spoke again

"Sex is when a husband and wife make a baby right?" Orphie asked

"You have to be married to do that daddy said" he spoke again

"Oh you pure innocent soul..you don't have to be married or even a man and woman to have sex...should I show you? I will only do so if you ask me" Raul said as he smiled

"Please..I want it to go soft" Orphie said tired of the constant state of hardness

As the moon hovered above them shining moonlight down around them, Raul knelt down in the shallow water and placed his hands on Orphie's knees. Raul could feel the slight tremors on the boy's skin, a sign of the nerves he was experiencing, but the modest erection that was between Orphie's legs was far less nervous, it was painfully hard and flushed. Raul leaned in and planted a kiss on the very tip which made Orphie moan out wildly, and using his lips Raul pushed back the small foreskin that covered the sensitive bell end, he began to suck on it gently and tease it with his tongue. As he did he allowed his lips to travel further down the shaft while his tongue continued to tease, until Raul's lips made contact with Orphie's bald pubic mound, devoid of even the finest hairs, and began to bob up and down the short length.

It was no surprise to Raul the sounds Orphie was making, having never been sexually touched plus the heightened sexual pleasure from the curse, had the boy going wild. What did surprise Raul was when he felt Orphie grip the back of his head and the boy held him tight tight to his groin, he found the boy's strength overwhelming and he couldn't move as Orphie thrust into Raul's mouth desperate for release. "Uh.Uh.Uh" continuously moaned as he pounded against Raul's face and as he did he almost bounced upon the rock he sat which was crumbling to pieces under his strength, and Raul became concerned. He knew had he not a vampire his skull would surely be crushed under the pressure from the back of his head and the pounding against his face, Raul knew Orphie meant no harm, he just couldn't control his vast strength, which from what he could tell seemed to be greater than any he had ever experienced.

Raul couldn't move, not that he really wanted to, so he continued to pleasure Orphie best he could in the situation they were in, until the boy began to almost howl in pleasure and Raul felt Orphie's grip loosen when his orgasm hit. The boy pounded through his orgasm, as his erection bounced again Raul''s tongue, until his movements ceased and his grip totally loosened which allowed Raul to pull away. When he did he could see Orphie's head thrown back, his fangs had involuntarily descended when he orgasmed, his fangs a clear sign Orphie had fully turned. Raul watched as Orphie's head lowered and his eyes slowly opened, Raul was expecting the blue eyes to have gone gray, but they were as deep blue as ever and just as piercing.

"You are full of many surprises little one" Raul said with a chuckle

"So how was it?" he spoke again

"That was the bestest feeling ever" Orphie replied with a smile

"But was it yucky for it to be in your mouth?" he spoke again as his face grimaced which made Raul chuckle again

"No it wasn't yucky at all...I enjoyed that very much" he spoke again which made Orphie blush

"So that was..sex?" Orphie ask

"A form of sex yes...there are many forms of sex you will find" Raul replied

"So we just sinned?..I guess I'll go to hell now" Orphie said sadly

"I'll never see..mommy..or daddy ever again" he spoke again as he sobbed and thought of what the preacher had told them in church

Raul was taken back because like Orphie's eyes, his human emotions hadn't dulled, and he had the ability to still cry human tears. He began to wonder just how different Orphie was to normal vampires, were his differences attributed to the law of never to sire a virgin he wondered, and just what were all the differences. He knew he needed to comfort Orphie but the only way to do that was to lie, in truth no one knew what happened to vampire souls once they ceased to exist, one theory was the dulling of their eyes was their very souls being snuffed out like a flame, destined for neither heaven nor hell, just vanishing. Another theory was their souls were in fact destined for hell, to join the father of their kind Domin as he ruled hell with his lover Lucifer, but in truth no one knew not even the vampire lords themselves.

As he picked Orphie up into his arms, his mind continued to wonder, why he struggled with the act of lying to the boy, why he cared about Orphie at all, he himself had not been acting like a vampire since the moment he laid eyes on this boy in his arms.

"Shh Orphie, I am sure one day you will see your parents again" Raul said soothingly

"Really...?" Orphie asked as he tried to calm himself

"You are no mere vampire that is obvious...since your eyes still shine blue perhaps your soul does too... so one day when you cease to exist your soul can go to heaven...to be with them again" Raul replied

"I hope so" Orphie said softly

"Just don't rush to find out" Raul said finding himself unable to think of Orphie not being around

"Now let's get you washed up...surely you won't object to me doing it..after what we just did" he spoke again with a chuckle

"No...you can bathe me..if you want" Orphie said with a smile

Raul sat the boy back down upon the rock and began to bathe him gently as a parent would, being Orphie's sire meant in a way he was the boy's second father now, though he had never cared for any of his other children as much as he was finding he did Orphie. As he washed the boy he saw Orphie's penis stiffen and become fully erect again.

"It's hard again..my penis" Orphie said with a sigh

"As I said it is part of our curse...you will get used to it in time" Raul said

"And we can make it soft again as much as you like" he quickly spoke again with a smile

"Can we do it again now?" Orphie asked excitedly

"Let's try something else this time" Raul replied as he help turn Orphie over, so his stomach and head lay against the smooth surface of the rock.

Raul ran his hands slowly down Orphie's back enjoying the feeling of his skin until he found himself at the boy's butt.

"That's my..butt" Orphie said nervously as he felt Raul's hand caress the tender smooth flesh of his butt cheeks

"Do you feel different here?" Raul asked as he ran his finger over Orphie's pristine pink hole

"It feels...warm...really really warm...and tingly" Orphie replied

Raul leaned in and took a long slow lick across the hole, which made Orphie jump in surprise but soon settled down. The next sounds from Orphie were squeals and deep moans of pleasure as his hole was fiercely attacked by Raul's tongue, it slathered and coated the entrance in saliva before it started to breach inside as it worked against the tight muscle. Before Raul's tongue could fully make its way inside Orphie experienced another orgasm, and Raul stopped his pleasure assault on the boy's hole.

"That even felt better..than the first one" Orphie said with a big smile as he sat up on the rock

"But that had to be yucky..that's where poop comes from" he quickly spoke again

"Not anymore...vampires do not... poop...that hole will be solely used for pleasure now" Raul said or I think it will he thought to himself, still unsure the differences

"Oh...so was that another form of sex?" Orphie asked

"Yes" Raul replied

"Are there others?" Orphie asked

"Yes" Raul replied again

"Can we try them?" Orphie asked excitedly

"Perhaps another time" Raul replied unsure if he was ready to go that far with Orphie, if even that was safe until he was clear what the differences were

"Oh..Ok..well your penis is still hard...do you want me to help it go soft?" Orphie ask sweetly

"If you like" Raul replied

"And you promise it's not yucky?" Orphie asked

"I promise" Raul replied and watched as Orphie scooted in

"Doesn't taste yucky" Orphie said happily after he took a swipe of Raul's dick with his tongue which made the vampire moan happily

Raul closed his eyes and enjoyed the pleasure as his dick became engulfed in the warm wetness of Orphie's mouth, without the need to breathe and the absence of a gag reflex now it allowed Orphie to take more of the shaft into his small mouth than a human child his age could comfortably do. As Orphie began to bob up and down it was evident he lacked experience in such matters, but what he lacked in experience he made up for in enthusiasm. Raul watched as Orphie's head became a literal blur, a sign of his powers activating, and the pleasure soon had Raul weak in the knees.

"I'm going...to cum..stop Orphie!" Raul moaned out and Orphie pulled off just in time as Raul's dick erupted cum

It coated Orphie's face, the boy instinctively closing his eyes, his chest and body

"Is this..pee?...did you..pee on me?" Orphie asked as he looked over his body now coated in the sticky substance

"No Orphie..that isn't pee..that's semen..or cum" Raul replied

"What is it?" Orphie asked

"You mentioned a husband and wife making a baby...well it is this substance that creates a baby...in humans that is" Raul replied

"Will I make it one day?" Orphie asked

"No...I'm afraid not...when one is turned into a vampire their biological clock stops and their bodies remain forever in the state in which they were turned...since you were turned prepubescent...so you will forever remain as you are...you will never look a day older than nine...nor will you go through puberty" Raul replied

"Puberty?...what's that?" Orphie asked

"In human terms it is when a boy becomes a man...his body will get larger and grow hair...his penis and testicles will grow to adult size...and he will start to produce semen to make a baby...it's a part of a natural human males life" Raul replied

"So that will never happen to me?" Orphie asked sadly

"So I'll never get any bigger...or grow hair like daddy...and my penis will always be this small?" he quickly asked again sadden to the fact he would never grow up

Raul's heart hurt again, though it no longer beat in his chest, from the moment he laid eyes on Orphie it had began to feel things again. Now he was feeling pain and guilt for robbing the boy of his chance to grow up, even if Raul knew Orphie would have surely died had he not been turned and never got to grow up anyway.

"I'm sorry Orphie...while it is true you will never change from as you are...I want you to know you are perfect to me" Raul said softly as he cupped Orphie's cheek and felt himself compelled to kiss the boy passionately

As the moon still hang overhead shining its light down upon them, Orphie and Raul kissed passionately. The boy's body willing itself into the kiss never knowing a grownup kiss before, and Raul finding himself experiencing another emotion he thought long behind him happiness, true and utter happiness.

"You...kissed me" Orphie said shocked as they broke from their kiss

"I'm sorry...I find I am not myself around you...you just look so beautiful in the moonlight...so perfect" Raul said as he looked upon Orphie's visage, his skin almost sparkling in the moonlight

"No it's ok...I liked it" Orphie said with a smile

"I did too" Raul said warmly

"Now let's get you washed up...there are other things we must do before dawn" he quickly spoke again and bathed Orphie completely

"My penis...it's hard again" Orphie said

"I see that..but that will have to wait" Raul said with a chuckle

"For now we both must feed" he quickly spoke again

"Feed?" Orphie asked

"Yes...we both must drink blood to maintain our existence...it is an unfortunate part of our curse...but if we do not...we become nothing more than a shriveled living corpse...much like the mummies of ancient Egypt" Raul replied

"Do we have to...hurt someone?" Orphie asked nervously

"It is the only way...we will have to find a human...and kill them" Raul replied

"No!" Orphie shouted

"I won't hurt anyone...I won't!" he spoke again

"You must Orphie...it is the only way for you to survive...I'm sorry" Raul said

"No!" Orphie shouted again as he looked at Raul with anger

"I...will...not...hurt...anyone" he spoke again as his eyes began to glow blue, his fangs bared and his blood boiled

Raul suddenly felt his body begin to weaken and soon he felt himself compelled to kneel in front of Orphie with his head bowed to the boy, unable to lift it.

"Stop Orphie! There is another way" Raul shouted and suddenly felt himself able to move and as he looked up he could see Orphie looked scared

"I'm sorry...I just don't want to hurt anyone" Orphie said emotionally

"It's ok" Raul said shook but unharmed

"For tonight we can drink pigs blood...it will do in a pinch...surely you ate bacon and sausage in your human life...this should be no different" he spoke again

"I do like bacon...ok" Orphie said as he thought about it

In life his daddy had always told him an animals purpose in life was to grow big to feed people, to not mourn when they died because their death served a greater purpose, god had created animals to feed people so when they died they did so that humans may live. Even though Orphie was no longer human, he figured it should still be ok if an animal were to give its life for him to live, and with that he found himself at peace with the idea. Raul disappeared again as did his clothes and reappeared dressed with a live pig in his arms that squealed in fright, its shrill cries rang out and disturbed the serene atmosphere until Raul sank his fangs into the animal, it unleashed one last loud squeal before it fell silent and died as the blood was drained from its body. After Raul had his fill, he laid the carcass on the rock Orphie had sat upon and motioned for the boy to feed from it.

"I'm sorry Mr. Pig" Orphie said as he ran his hand down the dead animals body and petted him

It was then the smell of the pigs blood drove his body to act and Orphie sank his fangs into the carcass, his eyes glowed blue as the blood flowed freely into his body until he had his fill and pulled off.

"You should feel stronger" Raul said

"I do feel better" Orphie said

"Now as I said... pigs blood will do in a pinch...but if you do not feed on human blood...your body will weaken over time...we cannot survive on pigs blood forever" Raul said and Orphie looked away

"Now I think we should begin your training...to use your powers" he quickly spoke again

"My powers?" Orphie asked

"Yes you have already manifested some involuntarily...but you must learn to control them...we will start off with something simple...like transforming into a bat" Raul replied

"I can turn into a bat?" Orphie asked

"Yes...here let me show you" Raul replied as he transformed into a bat and began to fly around Orphie's head, which made the boy laugh and giggle

"How do I do it?" Orphie asked

"Close your eyes and picture the night sky...the stars as they twinkle, the moon and clouds...grow a desire to become a part of it...to fly freely and soar" Raul replied as he communicated telepathically through the sire link

Raul in his bat form watched Orphie's eyes glow blue as he shut his eyes, his body transformed but not into a bat, instead he transformed into a great horned owl with jet black plumage and large brilliant piercing blue eyes.

"I'm an owl...not a bat" Orphie said as he began to communicate through the sire link

"Did I do something wrong?" he quickly spoke again

"You did nothing wrong...though it is very curious...I've never heard of a vampire transforming into an owl before" Raul replied

"But no matter...let's fly!" he added and watched as Orphie flapped his wings and soon took flight

The bat and owl pair played throughout the night as they talked, giggled, and laughed through the sire link. It soon became apparent to Raul that Orphie's owl form was far faster than typical bat form as they zipped around the woods with Raul struggling to keep up and Orphie having to stop and wait on him.

"Stop Orphie...I must rest a moment" Raul said as he flew to a nearby tree limb and perched upon it

"You're really fast" he quickly spoke again as Orphie landed next to him

"This is so much fun" Orphie said excitedly

"Yes...it is" Raul said as he leaned in and nuzzled into Orphie's plumage

Orphie folded one of his wings around Raul as he rested, and the pair stayed like that for a time sat upon the limb, they gazed into the sky and at the moon, both happy to be with the other, their bond growing closer.

"We best get back to the cave" Raul said as he sensed dawn approach

"Ok...race you there!" Orphie exclaimed and the whole tree rustled as he pushed off and flew back to the cave

"Slow poke" he said when Raul finally made it to the cave, having hovered at the entrance waiting on him

"You are very fast indeed...and this is just your test flight...I'm curious just how fast you will fly once you have full mastery over your powers" Raul said

As Raul transformed back into his humanoid form so did Orphie, the two walked back into the cave hand and hand with the boulder sliding behind them. When they reached Raul's inner chamber, Orphie was tossed into the air and Raul quickly spun around to shed himself of his clothes then caught Orphie as he fell. Now both naked they once again got back in the coffin with Orphie held tight to Raul's chest.

"Sorry about the lid" Orphie said sadly

"Don't worry about it...for now just rest" Raul said as he held Orphie, the boy's head rested on his chest

"Raul?" Orphie said softly

"Yes?" Raul replied equally as soft

"Will you tell me a bedtime story?" Orphie asked

"What kind of story would you like?" Raul asked

"Um about vampires...why we are like we are" Orphie replied

"Oh and while you tell me can you please make this go soft again?" he added as he we waggled his boner

"Anything else?" Raul asked with a chuckle

"No" Orphie replied with a giggle

"Legend has it" Raul said as he started to masturbate Orphie which made him coo

"That once in heaven lived an angel by the name of Lucifer" he spoke again

"Are angels real?" Orphie asked

"Yes" Raul replied

"Lucifer had a brother by the name of Michael...Now Michael didn't like the fact that Lucifer sinned with the other angels...mainly the little cherubs" he spoke again

"What's a cherub?" Orphie asked

"It is the lowest rank of all angels...they have the appearance of children..like you" Raul replied

"And Lucifer had sex with them?" Orphie asked

"Yes...he spent his days having fun with the little cherubs...and Michael hated him for it" Raul replied

"So what happened?" Orphie asked

"Well they got into a huge fight which threatened heaven itself...and god had to step in and stop it...Lucifer decided to leave heaven for good to spend his days among the humans on earth" Raul replied

"God felt like such a failure that he left this realm leaving Michael in charge...while Lucifer on earth met a human man by the name of Domin and fell in love...but Michael never forgave Lucifer..and with god gone there was no one to stop him from getting his revenge" he spoke again

"With the sword of heaven entrusted to him when god left this realm...Michael created hell and trapped Lucifer inside...He then tried to kill Domin but strangely found himself unable to do so...no one knows why...so he instead cursed him with what we know as the vampire curse...to live out his days as an unholy being" he spoke yet again

"Domin set out upon a journey... in search of a way to die...in the process siring others like him and fathering the vampire race" he spoke yet again

"Why...did he..want to die?" Orphie asked through whimpers of pleasure

"He wanted to die to be reunited with his lover...and eventually he found a means to die...they say now he rules in hell side by side with Lucifer" Raul replied as Orphie boygasmed with continued loud whimpers of pleasure

"So that's how vampires were created" Orphie said when he composed himself

"That's the legend anyway...no one really knows if it's true" Raul replied

"Michael sounds like a real mean guy...I'm glad Domin and Lucifer got to be together again" Orphie said

"Me too...now it's time for us to rest" Raul said softly

"Thanks for the story" Orphie said as he curled up on top of Raul

"And for saving me" he spoke again as he closed his eyes

"No need to thank me...in time I think you will find we have saved each other" Raul said as he held Orphie and caressed his naked flesh. One of Raul's hands eventually wound up on Orphie's butt, the other on the boy's back before sleep took him.

Next: Chapter 2

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