Orion X

By scott mckay

Published on Apr 17, 2012


Please be aware that I do not own the characters in this story they are property of the Marvel industry, this is a work of fiction.

I had spent the last half an hour lost in ecstasy, Seth had pulled out all the stop and was fucking like a man with a purpose, driving deep inside of me then withdrawing until just the head of his cock remained inside of me then slamming back into me. Each thrust grazing that sweet spot inside of me and pushing me closer to the edge, like water filling a cup, with one final thrust the water split over the edges and I exploded into pieces as cum erupted from my throbbing cock.

Limp and life less I collapsed onto the wet stain I had just created, Seth still hammering away to reach his own pleasure. After a minute of his continued pounding and another orgasm threatening to tear me apart again, an uncomfortable burning feeling began spreading through my hands, I ignored the worst of the pain as Seth's breathing changed and he frantically pounded into me like a jack hammer. Though instead of lessening, it stayed as a steady heat that warped around the skin of my hands.

Seth pulled out as he came covering my back in ropes of creamy white cum, his arms giving out he collapsed on top of me into his own mess and lay there breathing for a couple of seconds before rolling off and wiping himself clean with a towel. I was too boneless to move, instead I turned my head to watch him, when he was as dry as he was going to get he used the towel to wipe off the remaining cum from my back, before dragging the towel downwards and removing the lube from my ass.

He lay down on the bed, and pulled me on top of him, the burning sensation almost completely forgotten, a jolt like static electricity passed between his chest and the hand that was perched on his chest. As it did images of Seth with other guys ran through my mind, it was the weirdest feeling, I Was Seth, staring down at these guys backs, I somehow knew that it was recently, and it was only when through Seth's eyes that I noticed the tattoo on his left forearm, one that had only been done three weeks ago.

"You okay babe?" he asked looking at me with his honeyed brown eyes, I hadn't realised that tears had built in my own eyes until a salty drop rolled down my face and leaving a wet trail behind it.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked, my voice quivering in fear of the answer that I somehow already knew.

"Of course you can, after two years together you know you can ask me anything!" he replied smiling sweetly at me.

"Have you been sleeping with other guys?" I asked tentatively

"What the Hell! Of course not! Why would you ask me such a stupid, fucked up question like that?" he demanded, sitting up so abruptly that he threw me off him. He stood there naked, and like every time he wanted to win a fight with me I wanted to applaud and say congratulations, but not this time.

"I saw it, through your eyes, that static shock I dunno, let me see the five guys in the last three weeks that you've plunged your dick into that wasn't me; I also know that one of them had a tattoo of Lola Bunny on his ass cheek!" I stood up and looked him square in the eyes

"Yes, ok! I fucked, and have been fucking other guys since we started! But they mean nothing to me, I swear, I love you! Have done since the moment I saw you walk into uni's changing room to use the gym."

"So what now that I know you're going to stop? I don't fucking think you will, did you even think of using a condom with any of them?"

"Well no, but I never came in any of them I swear,"

"Holy fuck! Just because you don't cum in them doesn't mean you can't have caught something, and then I let you fuck me! I feel sick! You could have caught HIV and passed it onto me, did you think about that?"

"How do you know all this anyway?"

"I told you, you fucking prick, when I got that static shock I saw it!"

"Fuck, think the least of your problems is HIV, fucking mutie!" his face twisted into a mask of disgusted hate.


"You haven't figured it out yet, you are a filthy, plague carrying Mutant!" he spat the words through clenched teeth, before grabbing his clothes and walking out of the bedroom. I heard the front door slam shut, then a sound of something scraping on wood. I collapsed onto the bed and cried my self to sleep, as the sun was beginning to sink below the horizon, promising not just a chance for new beginnings but also of the end of the current.

The next morning I awoke to the bell of my flat ringing constantly, still naked I walked to the intercom and pushed the button. I tried twice to clear my throat before I could speak.


"Hello, Noah Heartily?"


"My files indicated that a transformation took place here last night"

"Wow, home land security got here fast!" I said into the microphone.

"I can assure you, I am not a member of home land security, My name is Charles Xavier..." the voice on the intercom went silent only to be replaced by the same voice inside my head, `And I am a mutant'.

Next: Chapter 2

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