
By ten.liame4@egroegsuoiruca

Published on Dec 4, 2007


About disclaimers: I am not sure if there is a standard boilerplate for these stories.

Disclaimer: No people were harmed in the production of this work of factually based fiction. The names have been changed to keep innocent people from being exposed. Please do not read this if you have a medical condition, religious righteousness phobia or psychological condition that might be irritated by stories involving beauty, freedom, thought and pleasure, specifically between same sex consenting sexual partners. Please also be advised that the author is only interested in constructive criticism and not confused or illiterate hate ramblings. Beware: this story involves two men exploring their sexuality.

It was a long time ago and I was very different. I was the kid who was everyones buddy in High School, but I never could seal the deal with the girls. I mean I had messed around a bit but I never got lucky. So when I got to College I didn't wasn't sure how to act and I was very impressionable. I just wanted to get laid, but I had no idea how to meet and hook up anyone. I only knew the people in my dorm and classes. I was going to rush the fraternities but the friends I had including my roommate said it was dumb. So I spent weekend after weekend hanging out getting hammered with kids who were as clueless as I was. The only girl I was remotely interested in, blew my roommate the night I was at some apartment party that sucked. That week I isolated myself in the library as much as I could. When the weekend rolled around I decided to check out the town by myself. I was feeling a little pissed off at my group of friends especially my roommate. I couldn't go to any bars since I was only 18 so I wandered around and ended up at a coffee house/bookstore near the university. Did I mention before I was clueless? I ordered a latte and sat down in a big love seat. There were newspapers and old books to read, and you could buy the books too. I found this one book that looked interesting since I heard of it before called "Less than Zero". I started reading it sipping on my coffee. I was getting into it when I realized I wanted another coffee, and I had to take a piss. There was a line at the register and when I returned there was some guy sitting in my seat. Not only that he was reading the book that I was reading! I wasn't sure what to do! I was about to find somewhere else to sit but I wanted to finish the book so I was standing there paralyzed with indecision. He looked up at me and smiled. He said "Sit down." As he pat the seat next to him. I don't know why but I did. He handed me the book, and asked if I had read much Brett Easton Ellis. I couldn't stop looking into his eyes. They were so blue! He was pretty short but muscle toned and he had on volleyball shorts and a tank top. His hair was spiked and he was really tan. He had this gleam that was unsettling yet I felt comfortable with him immediately. I told him I had barely remembered the book title. I told him I was really enjoying the book, and that I hadn't read anything like it before. I relaxed and sat back. It was just me and him on the love seat, and when he spoke he leaned in. He asked me if I had gotten to the part when they go to Palm Springs. I hadn't. He said he had the movie at his house. He went on to say although it was not even close to the book it was cool to watch. He pulled out a legal pad and started to write. I was glad he did. I wanted to get back to the book. I could see him look over every once in a while in my peripheral vision and I finally looked up and he asked "can I draw you?" "Huh?" no one ever asked me shit like that before. "Can I draw you? Is it OK?" "Sure I guess" I shrugged. I felt his knee against my thigh as he turned to sit Indian style. I instantly felt weird. My stomach was turning. He grabbed a pad of paper from his bag and I looked over and I saw his cock peeking out from his shorts. He looked back caught me and smirked. I went back to reading trying to act cool, but my heart was racing. What was this guys deal? I could hear the pencil scribblings. I re-read the same sentence over and over. It felt like hours but it was close to 8:00pm and the guy who ran the place came by to tell us they were closing soon. I put down the book and the guy flipped the pad so I could see. It was me. He did an incredible job. I was impressed and flattered. "Hey if you ever finish that book and want to see the movie let me know.

I am Gary by the way." He held out his hand. I shook it. I was still in a daze. "And you are?" "Wha- oh T-Thomas" I blurted out. He tore a corner of legal pad and wrote down his number. Then he stood up and stretched. "Call me if you want to hook up, OK?" I realized I hadn't finished the book and this copy was the stores and I had spent all my money on coffee. I frowned. "I guess I will have to pick up a copy some other time. I kinda like the book." "I think I have a copy, if you want you could borrow it sometime." "Cool" He packed up his stuff and left. I put the book down and went to the restroom and left. As I walked home I realized I was kind of rude, I should have given him my number. I got to the dorm and all the usual suspects were there. They were ordering a pizza and wanted to know if I wanted to get in on it. I pulled out my wallet and the piece of paper with the phone number floated to the floor. My asshole roommate picked it up. After he read it he said "Hey dude your supposed to get numbers from women not men, dude!" For whatever reason I tried to snatch it back. "Where did you meet Gary?" He asked and I heard some snickers. Like an idiot I told him that I met him in a coffee shop. He asked "Which one?" I told him. Man, why did I tell him? "Dude that is a gay coffee bar!" "Really?" and the whole room erupted in laughter. He handed me back the napkin. "I had no idea." They laugh harder. I took the napkin and crumpled it up. I threw it in the trash. I instantly felt worse. The rest of the night I was the butt of every gay joke and I laughed along with them so that they would stop, playing off how clueless I was.

They thought it was so funny that I got a number at a gay coffee bar. As soon as my roommate and his now new girlfriend fell asleep I looked through the garbage for the number. I found it and even though it was hard to read but I rewrote it in my notebook with no name, just the number. Then I crumpled it up and put it back in the can. I woke up the next morning and saw my roommate was looking in the trash. "Just checking to make sure your not really gay!" he was holding the number. They left and I began to wonder why I was so protective of Gary's number. I had read that everyone is somewhat gay and that most all men have a homosexual experience at least once. But he just talked to me. And he was funny and talented. I took a shower and went to the pool. I swam around a bit and let the sun bake me. I thought about how tan Gary was. I really wanted to finish that book. That book had homosexual overtones in it too. I was confused. But I felt OK about it. In fact I was kind of excited. I went back to my room and thought about gay sex and I was aroused. I took another shower and I played with my cock and it felt good to imagine some one sucking it soon even if it was a dude. I heard someone come into the bathroom and I dried myself and went back to my room. I decided to call Gary and see if I could borrow the book, and to see if was he really trying to pick me up. His answering machine picked up. Shit! What do I do? Leave a message? What if he calls back when asshole is here to answer it? Shit! Beep! "Hey Gary. It's Thomas. Just calling - " "Hey!" he interrupted me thank God he's home. "What are you doing? Wanna come over?" "Um sure. Where are you?" "Which dorm are you in? I'll come get you." I lied and told him one two blocks away. "See you in 15!" I quickly put on my best shirt and shorts. Why? I am going with it. My roommate is coming in when I am leaving. Later you jerk, I think to myself. I feel relief I am not stuck there. Gary shows up on a bad ass Harley. He's got on a black t shirt and jeans. I have never been on a motorcycle. He hands me a helmet. "Hop on!" I jump on the back, which was a tiny seat. Its low and I straddle the seat. I barely get the helmet strapped and he nails it. I naturally grab his waist. His body is tight! I can see him grin in the mirrors. We ride up to his place which is the top floor loft in the semi industrial area. We ride the freight elevator up. His place smells like the art dept back in High School. Paint and clay messes everywhere. There is a huge paper machete dragon hanging from the ceiling. It's mid afternoon and it's still pretty warm. "Cool place" I say looking at all the art and photos around. "Thanks! I am going to change really quick. Help yourself to anything in the fridge! Be back in 5." I walk over to his kitchenette. There is iced tea, Champagne and cranberry juice. I grab some tea. He comes back out in shorts and nothing else. Man is he tan. "There is a deck on the roof. Wanna check it out?" "Sure" He walks over to a very basic steel rung ladder and starts to climb. I follow and see that his legs are really tone too. On the roof there is a lattice work with overgrown vines and a wood deck that leads to a jacuzzi. We sit on down on the reclining deck chairs and I look over and see "Less than Zero" on the table. Gary picks it up and tosses it to me. "You can finish it and I can get another drawing." he smiles. "Take off your shirt and get comfortable" I take it off and lie back on the recliner. The breeze feels good and I pick up the book and start reading. I feel relaxed and comfortable now. It's really nice on the roof. Its warm up there but it's secluded and private. An hour later the sun is starting to set. I am at a part in the book where the main character is seducing a friend, a guy, and I have to admit I am turned on. I look up at Gary. He was drawing, but I hadn't heard the pencil for a while. I can see that he is sleeping. I watch a fly land on his stomach and he wakes up. I pick up my shirt and sit up.

I am about to put it on... "Are you leaving?" he asks groggily. "No. It's just a little cooler now." I am sitting up also to hide my boner. "Oh yeah. Hang on." He goes over to the side of the gazebo and he turns on some lights. "Ever do any nude modeling, Thomas?" "No." I see he has a camera. "Wanna try it?" "Um..." "You can say no or stop whenever, if your uncomfortable." "I dunno, I don't want these to get out..." "Look I won't publish them or anything. You can have the negatives. I will destroy them if you don't like them. I just think your hot and I want to capture it. Here" He hands me an over sized robe. I put on the robe. "Now take off everything except the robe." I kick off my shoes and take off my socks and then turn around and lower my shorts and underwear. I kick them over to my other clothes. It feels great. I turn around and Gary is naked. One hand holding the camera the other on his cock. "Lay down." I do "Now open your robe slowly" I close my eyes. I run my hands down the opening and pull the robe back. I hear the click, flash pop, of the camera. I open my eyes. Gary is standing over me. Click, flash pop, whir ^Ö click, flash pop, whir. I can smell his suntan lotion. He reaches down and puts his hand on my knee to pull my legs open. Then he pushes the robe off my shoulders. He is delicate. Click, flash pop, whir ^Ö click, flash pop, whir. He moves so he is standing by my head. I look up at his cock. It's right there, swollen and right there. I can't resist the urge to touch it. Click, flash pop, whir whir whir out of film. I sit up the robe is off. Gary is walking in front of me. I grab his hand to stop him. He looks back and stands in front of me. I reach up and wrap my hand around his cock. He runs his hand though my hair. He pushes me back down and I let go of his dick. I feel his hands on my chest and waist and finally my dick. I feel his tongue on the head and then his lips. His hands are on my hips and he is sucking my cock. I never had a blow job and this is phenomenal. I feel his hand grab my ass. His other hand grabs the base of my cock. He starts to lick my balls, while slowly jacking me off. Wow! Then I feel his cheeks in between my legs and his tongue darts under my balls, then he explores my ass with his tongue. It it the most amazing feeling ever! He replaces his tongue with his finger. Then he continues to suck my cock, with his finger rubbing slowly against my asshole. I can't stand it anymore and I shoot the most amount of cum I have ever shot. The majority is on his cheek and shoulder. Gary sits on the edge of the Jacuzzi and I see that he is still hard. Although I am feeling lightheaded from the heat of the Jacuzzi and the excitement of the moment, I want to satisfy the man who opened so many doors. I kiss Gary on the lips. He immediately responds and we start to make out. I never felt so free and safe. My hands work on his cock, and I slowly kneel down in the bubbling water, kissing and licking his tight body as I go. I wrap my hand around as much of the base as I can and I put as much of his cock in my mouth as I can. I work the shaft with my hands and I try really hard but I am not sure what I am doing. I look up and Gary is beaming. "What?" "First time huh, Thomas?" "Am I doing something wrong?" "It's not that but... "But what?" "I really want to fuck you." "I am not too sure about all this." It was a lot to take in. I mean I knew that was what gay men do, but I wasn't sure if I was ready...tonight. "Listen if you don't want to I am fine with that, it's just what I want..." "No, Gary, Listen I want you to fuck me" I felt couldn't believe myself.

What did I just agree to? No, what I just demanded! He smiled and we kissed. He reached for some lube. I was shaking, it was a little chilly but I was nervous. He led me to the side of the Jacuzzi and I knelt on the bench. I spread my legs enough that my balls were touching the bubbles. I looked back and I saw Gary smile and put his lubricated hand in my crack. "Wow! That's cold" I said instinctively. "You're so cute and sexy. Just try and relax" I felt his fingers on my asshole. Then relatively quickly he pushed them in and started to work my asshole rim. Completely finger fucking me I could feel a warm pain that was kind of like an itch, I felt more pressure as he pushed around inside. And I felt sensations I never felt. My cock was completely hard again. "How does that feel?" I could only grunt. I pushed back into his hand. He slowly rotated his fingers and withdrew them. Then I felt something massive and intensely warm. His one hand was grabbing my hip his other on my shoulder. He grunted and squeezed my shoulder. It was like white pain and I thought I was going to tear open. I felt his hips on my ass cheeks and his legs against mine. I felt his stomach on my back. I was sensitive to every movement. His breathing. It was like time stood still. With each thrust it seemed like I couldn't take any more and then I would want it again, harder and deeper. I found myself pushing back and gyrating my hips. At one point he open handed spanked my ass and it felt awesome. We went slow at first then we kept getting faster and faster. He kept kissing my body all over, and his hands were all over as well. At one point I tried to stand and he had to re enter. For the few seconds he was not in me I felt empty, incomplete. I could not wait for him to be inside me again. He pushed down on my ass at one point and I came. And just when I felt like I couldn't take it any more, I felt him tense up and go very still, then he withdrew and shot his load on my ass. We went over to the lounge chairs and collapsed on each other. Gary pulled the robe over us and we lazily recovered kissing lightly and caressing each other. I felt so at ease with everything. "Thomas are you hungry?" Gary said, snapping me out of my hypnotized state. "Yeah!" I said enthusiastically. "Let's check out what's in the kitchen." We put on our clothes and went down the ladder. I realized I was shaking as I climbed down. I was not looking forward to the ride home. Gary turned on the lights which made the place take on a Gallery appearance. I looked at the artwork as he messed around in the part of the loft that looked sort of like a kitchen. He had some amazing art. "This is beautiful!" I said as I looked at a bust of a reclining man. It was just the abs up to the shoulders and it was suspended by wires. He sneaked up behind me and hugged me from the rear. "Thanks" He was rubbing my body. "It'll be about 30 minutes, you wanna shower?" "OK where?" He pointed to a metal door. Behind it was a big room like a gym show but way more industrial. I started taking off my clothes. He beat me in and turned on the water on four nozzles above in the center and pointed them inward. We got under the "curtain" of water. It felt wonderful. Gary looked sexy as he rubbed the soap all over his body. "Come here!" He grabbed my arm and we hugged and made out under the water with the suds of the soap lubricating our bodies. He took a wash cloth and tenderly washed my back and my ass. I started rubbing his cock which felt awesome. We kissed as we did this and I wished the shower would never end. "Let's eat!" "Wow that smells great!" "It's 100% vegetarian" He must have understood the look on my face. "What?" "I have done a lot of new and different things today, that have changed my whole perspective. I mean if you told me a week ago that I would be having gay sex after posing for nude pictures, I would have a hard time believing it. But eating a meal of nothing but vegetables, that is asking a lot!" He looked at me for a while, then he smiled. "Your kidding right?" I laughed, "well no, but what the fuck?" If Gary was into it I would try it. During the time I spent with Gary, this logic got me into a lot of trouble and a lot of fun too.

The end

Thanks for all the advice! Keep emailing me suggestions! I am in Southern California if you write and want to hook up. --



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