Ordinary Love

By moc.emani@12sredils

Published on Nov 3, 1999


Note: This is a work of fiction. That means that certain situations in the story may or may not reflect reality. While I try very hard to make the story very realistic, I can't help but put certain characters in situations that's a little bit forced.

Note: Thanks to everyone who had written me and I want all of you to know that I appreciate your emails.

**************** Ordinary love 8 ****************

Drew was busy typing a report in his computer later that afternoon. The meeting in Nick's office went a lot smoother than he was expecting so he was a little bit relaxed now. That and the fact that he had a great time with Clint.

"Mr. Matthews?" A voice said behind him. He swiveled his chair and saw a guy carrying a bouquet of red roses. "These are for you."

"For me?" Drew stood up as the guy placed the flowers on his desk. He looked at the flower oddly as he signed the paper the delivery guy handed him. Then he sat back down on his chair and reached for the card. He opened the envelope and fished out the card.


Thanks for the wonderful time in Boston.


This couldn't be from Nick, could it? Drew sighed out deeply as he slumped back on his chair. He was feeling giddy and mushy inside. He hated himself for that. Why can't he feel that towards Clint or anyone else? Why Nick of all people? Nick and his stupid fiancee and his stupid fear of coming out!

"Tell us about him," A teasing voice said behind him. He turned around again and saw Rinoa and Gerald giving him a huge smile.

"Tell you what about who?" Drew said as he pocketed the card.

"You're boyfriend!" Rinoa said excitedly. "The one who sent you these flowers! Is it Clint?"

"No, Not Clint," Drew shook his head. "Just someone I know. And he's not my boyfriend, okay?"

"Who's gay around here aside from Clint?" Gerald asked Rinoa quizzically.

"John from Accounting and Cody from Legal," Rinoa said thoughtfully. "But I think they're both committed already."

"Don't you guys have anything better to do than talk about people's love life?" Drew shook his head at them.

"We do but this is more interesting," Rinoa laughed out. Drew rolled his eyes before he turned his back on them and continued with his work. He heard Rinoa and Gerald walk away. Half an hour later, he felt someone standing besides him. He looked up and saw Lisa smiling at him as she sipped a cup of coffee.

"I wish someone would send me flowers every now and then," Lisa sighed out deeply.

"You don't have to be jealous," Drew gave her a wry smile. "This is nothing."

"Nothing," Lisa raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing," Drew shook his head. "It was sent by a friend."

"A friend?" Lisa leaned on his desk and looked at him keenly. "Tell me more about this friend of yours."

"There's not much to tell really," Drew laughed nervously. "He's just a friend. Not my boyfriend, nor my lover. Not anything to me really."

"So he just sent you a dozen roses just for the heck of it?" Lisa said to Drew sarcastically.

"Maybe he's going insane," Drew smiled at her.

"Love can do that," Lisa nodded her head at him as she patted his shoulder before walking away. Drew looked at her quizzically, not sure what to make of that conversation.

"I don't think this is such a good idea," Drew said slowly as Drew parked his car in the country club where the dinner party was being held.

"I just mentioned my parents being here and you want to back out already?" Clint grinned at Drew. "Don't worry. I'm not going to introduce you as the guy who's going to steal their little boy away."

"That's suppose to comfort me Clint?" Drew couldn't help but laugh.

"Come on Drew," Clint reached for his hand and squeezed it tightly. "You'll charm my parents. I'm sure of it." They got out of the car and proceeded inside. Clint grabbed Drew's hand and led him to their table, which was near the stage. Drew noted that a fiftyish couple were sitting on the table, drinking wine. They both stood up when Clint and him approached them.

"Hi Mom, Dad," Clint greeted the couple as he released Drew's hand and gave the two a kiss of the cheek and a hug. Then he turned to Drew and said, "I'd like you to meet a friend of mine, Drew. Drew, this is my mom and my dad."

"Please to meet you Mrs. Dupree, Mr. Dupree," Drew said to them politely.

"It's William and Alice," Mr. Dupree said to him with a smile. Then he looked at drew from head to foot and said, "So, you're Clint's boyfriend, huh?"

"Dad!" Clint said in embarrassment.

"Ummm," Drew blushed deeply. "Actually, I'm not your son's boyfriend. We're just friends."

"Why don't we sit down," Mrs. Dupree said. To Drew's surprise, Clint pulled out a chair for him. When they were all seating down, Mr. Dupree called over a waiter and got Drew and Clint some wine. They talked for a while until Drew saw Helen walking over to them. Right behind her was Nick and Fiona!

"Here's comes your sister with Nick and Helen," Mr. Dupree said to Clint. The four stood up to greet the new comers.

"Drew? Is that you?" Helen smiled at him. "What are you doing here?" Drew gave Helen an awkward hug as he glanced at Nick.

"Drew is Clint's date tonight Helen," Mrs. Dupree said to her. "Clint tells us Drew works for you Nick?" Mrs. Dupree looked at her future son-in-law quizzically.

"Actually Drew here is set to become a VP in the company," Nick gave Drew a smile. "We're just ironing out a few details." They all sat down and things proceeded quietly.

Drew was relieved that Clint's parents talked to Helen most of the time. He wasn't really that comfortable talking to them since they think he's Clint's boyfriend and he was having a sort of an affair with their daughter's fiancee.

"So Drew," Fiona smiled at him as the dinner started. "How's Nick treating you at the office?"

"I can't complain," Drew said slowly.

"I thought you said that you weren't coming tonight," Clint said to Nick. "Why did you change your mind?"

"Fiona called me up again and since this is for charity, I said what the heck," Nick answered him.

"When's the big day guys?" Clint asked the two teasingly.

"We...uhhh...are still talking about that," Fiona said in a stiff voice. "We agreed not to rush things."

"Rush things already, okay?" Clint grinned at them. "I want to be an uncle already."

"Then why don't you find a girlfriend and knock her up?" Fiona said to him sarcastically. Drew looked at her for a second in discomfort before he turned his attention to the band playing on stage.

"Fiona!" Nick hissed out to his date as he nodded at Drew. Everyone became silent for a while before Clint cleared his throat and started to babble about how his boss was a pain in the ass.

"Ummm," Drew stood up and looked around. "I'll just go to the men's room. Excuse me." Drew hurriedly left the table. Instead of going to the men's room, he went to the parking lot and sat down in a bench under a tree.

He was looking at the stars when he noticed a figure walking up to him. As it got closer, he recognized Fiona. He watched as Fiona came up to him and sat down besides him.

"I'm sorry Drew for that stupid remark," Fiona said to him in a sincere voice. "It was very inappropriate."

"It's okay Fiona," Drew forced a smile at her.

"It's just that I get so frustrated with Nick sometimes!" Fiona exclaimed out suddenly as she burst out into tears. She leaned on Drew's shoulders and began to sob softly. Drew became tense for a while before he forced himself to relax. He reached for Fiona's shoulder and patted it gently.

"Everyone must think I'm such a desperate woman to force myself on a guy who doesn't even love me," Fiona said softly as she pulled away and wiped her tears away. "Somehow I keep hoping that Nick will open up his eyes one morning and finally learn to love me."

"I....ummm..." Drew looked at her uncomfortably, not sure what to say. He felt a little guilty because he was part of the reason why she's so unhappy.

"I'm not such a bad person," Fiona said as she stares out into the horizon. The stars were shining brightly in the night sky. "Why can't Nick love me?"

"Why are you telling em all of this?" Drew asked her softly.

"I don't honestly know," Fiona laughed softly as she looked at Drew. "I can't talk to my family or friends because they'll just laugh at me. Either they think that Nick and I are the perfect couple or they think that I'm just fooling myself in thinking he could love me. You look like an intelligent person. You've got to tell me what to do."

"And what do you want me to say to you?" Drew looked at the person in front of him and saw a very miserable woman. He felt disgusted with himself because he knows that he was a part why she was so unhappy.

"The truth Drew," Fiona said softly. "Do you think I'm wasting my time with Nick or not? Should I break up with him?"

Drew felt his heart racing. If he say yes, Nick would be free and things between them wouldn't be that complicated anymore. But as he looked at Fiona, he saw a woman who desperately wants Nick to love her. She'd make a great wife for Nick. She could provide him with kids and security and a lot of other things he couldn't provide. Nick's family and friends would easily accept her. And he wasn't really sure that Nick wouldn't give a marriage with Fiona a chance if he weren't in the picture.

Should he say yes or no?

************* ToBeContinued *************

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Next: Chapter 9

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