Ordinary Love

By moc.emani@12sredils

Published on Oct 26, 1999


Note: Is this one fast or what? I hope you like the direction this story is going. I would like to thank TJ who wrote to me and suggested a lot of good ideas. That's partially why I was able to write this chapter this fast. He got me excited about my story. Thanks TJ.

*************** ORDINARY LOVE 6 ***************

"Are you okay?" Nick leaned over to Drew and whispered it softly to his friend's ear. He noticed that Drew hardly spoke a word for the last half hour or so. He was getting worried about him.

"Umm.....yeah," Drew faced Nick and forced a smile. Then he looked out the window again as he watched the buildings below get bigger and bigger. Why couldn't he shake off the feeling that he just made the biggest mistake of his life? He should be happy that he just found a boyfriend. Or more accurately, a prospective boyfriend.

Drew have to admit that he was very happy as they finished their picnic and drove back to Boston to catch their plane. But as the plane came closer to the city, he just couldn't help but glance at Nick and wonder how the hell he could fit in his already perfect life? What would a faggot from some hick town have to offer a rich and successful man like Nick?

"You're not alright," Nick said to him softly as he took Drew's hand and gave it a squeeze. "Come on Drew. Tell me what's bothering you." Drew faced Nick again and gave him another fake smile.

"Nothing," Drew shook his head as pulled back his hand. "Just tired, I guess. I need some time to take everything that has happen into my system."

"I know what you mean," Nick gave Drew a lop-sided grin. "But don't worry. We'll be okay." Drew just nodded his head at Nick, not really believing what he said. They didn't say another word as the plane started to land. They were one of the last to get off the plane so when they didn't have a hard time getting their baggage. Joey met them at the baggage claim area. He was picking up Nick.

"I guess I'll see you at the office then," Drew said to Nick and Joey as he watched Nick get the last piece of suitcase he was carrying.

"Huh?" Nick faced Drew and gave him a quizzical look.

"I'm saying goodbye Nick?" Drew gave him a look. "I'm going to catch a cab now."

"We'll take you home," Nick said to him quickly. Then he looked at Joey, "Right Jo?"

"Yeah," Joey nodded his head at Drew.

"If you're sure then I'll take you up on your offer," Drew said slowly.

"Don't sound like you're imposing," Nick said to Drew a little sternly. "You're not." The three of them then proceeded to Joey's car.

"So, how's Boston?" Joey said as he started the car and drove off.

"Pretty boring actually," Nick laughed softly. Then he started to go over some of the meetings they had in Boston. Drew listened for a while but then he got the feeling like the conversation was just between the two of them. He sighed out softly as he stared out of the window.

"Drew?" He heard Joey call out his name a little loudly. He was staring at the people in the sidewalk intently. He didn't really know just how long he had spaced out.

"Yeah?" Drew looked at Joey's eyes from the mirror. He saw Joey looking at him intently.

"Nick said you took him in a picnic by a lake," It was more of a statement than a question.

"Ummm.....yeah," Drew said a little uncomfortably.

"That's cool," Joey said to him before he concentrated back on driving. Joey then began to talk to Nick about some people they knew. Drew once again stared out of the window, feeling a little out of place. Thankfully, there was little traffic so they reached his building quickly.

"Thanks Joey, Nick," Drew said as he opened the door and got out. Then he got his suitcase and closed the door.

"Hey," Nick stuck out his head and smiled at Drew. "I'll call you tonight, okay?"

"Okay," Drew nodded his head at him slowly. Then he said his thanks again to Joey before he watched the car drive off. He breathed a sigh of relief as he picked up his suitcase and walked into the building.

"Drew!" Shawn smiled at his friend as he as him enter their apartment. He stood up and went to Drew and gives him a hug. He was kinda surprised that Drew hugged him back tightly. He let go of his hug but Drew didn't. A few seconds later, he cleared his throat and said, "Drew?"

"Ohhh...sorry," Drew said as he blushed slightly. He let go of the hug and stepped back a little.

"You didn't miss me that much, did you?" Shawn laughed a little.

"Guess I'm just glad to be with somebody I'm comfortable with," Drew laughed out too. "Sorry."

"Did anything happen between you and your boss?" Shawn asked him worriedly. "He didn't fire you, did he?"

"No," Drew shook his head. "He told me he loved me."

"He WHAT?!" Shawn said in shock.

"He said that he might be in love with me," Drew sighed out deeply as he went to the couch and sat down heavily. "God! That sounds even weirder when I say it loud."

"He's in love with you?!" Shawn was still looking at Drew in shock.

"He might be in love with me," Drew corrected him. Shawn then walked over to him and sat down next to him.

"Are we talking about the same boss that you said hated your guts?" Shawn asked Drew. "Nick whats-his-face?"

"Nick Greene," Drew looked at Shawn and gave him a wry smile. "You were right. I shouldn't have made that wild accusation. Boy! Was I ever wrong!"

"You guys are dating now?" Shawn asked him slowly.

"I don't know," Drew shook his head. "I told him I would like to get to know him better. I guess we'll go out on dates now. But then again, he's supposed to be straight so I don't really know what his plans are for us. I don't even know if there is an us."

"He's going to see you on the sly?!" Shawn eyes grew large in disbelief. "Drew! I thought you were smarter than that!"

"We haven't talked about going out on dates or what," Drew said slowly. "Though I think he's going to ask me to keep quiet on what happened between us back in Boston."

"You're not going to have a relationship with him Drew!" Shawn stood up and said it to Drew a little hotly. Drew just looked at him in the eyes, knowing full well he was saying the right thing. Shawn closed his eyes and said on a softer voice, "You deserve to be with someone who's going to be proud to be your boyfriend. Not some bastard who just fucks you then go back home to his fiancee."

"I've been telling that to myself since he kissed me last night," Drew sighed out deeply as he stood up. Shawn opened his eyes and saw Drew looking at him intently.

"But you're not going to listen to the voice in your head that's telling you to forget Nick, right?" Shawn said in a hoarse voice.

"I'll tell you a little story Shawn," Drew said as he walked back to the door and grabbed the suitcase he dropped there. Then he faced his friend again. "A couple of years ago, I met this guy at a party. He was very charming, intelligent, handsome. I was attracted to him. But he was just going to be in the city for just another month before being transferred to L.A. He asked me out on a date and I turned him down because I know that if I fall for him, it will just end up hurting him and hurting me. I knew I made the right decision then. But up to now, I still can't figure out why I felt what I did was wrong." Drew then walked to his room.

"Uhhhh, Drew?" Shawn looked at his friend who was eating the chow mien they had ordered. They were sitting on the couch, watching TV. "I'm sorry about earlier. I want you to know that I'll support whatever you decide."

"It's okay Shawn," Drew faced his friend and gave him a smile. "I still haven't decided on what I should do. But hearing you say that is comforting." They fixed their eyes back on the TV and continued with their dinner.

"So? How's everybody back home?" Shawn asked drew softly. Drew sighed out deeply as he put down what he was eating and faced Shawn. Shawn was still watching the television though Drew knew he was listening.

"Everyone's fine," Drew said slowly. "I called your mom and she was very worried about you. Your brother also told me to tell you that you shouldn't worry about your mom. He'll take care of her."

"My dad?" Shawn faced Drew now.

"Your mom didn't talk about him," Drew said slowly as he reached out and squeezed Shawn's leg gently. "Sorry."

"Hey!" Shawn forced a smile at his friend. "At least my mom and my brother are still worried about me, right?"

"Oh yeah," Drew smiled too. "I almost forgot to tell you that I saw some of the guys from Dayton High. They were asking me if you're my boyfriend again now that we're roommates. They teased me to no end."

"At least some people think that I have a pretty good sex life even though it's zero," Shawn gave Drew a meaningful look. "Hey, honey. Wanna turn in now?" Drew just laughed as he saw Shawn lift his eyebrows suggestively. The phone rung just then so Drew reached out and got it.

"Hello?" Drew greeted the caller.

"Drew? Is that you?" Nick's familiar voice came over the line. "It's Nick."

"Yeah, it's me," Drew said to him slowly. "What's up?"

"Nothing much," Nick said to him softly. "I'm just watching some boring reruns here."

"Same here," Drew said to him.

"Ummm, listen," Nick said to Drew in a serious voice. "You know what we talked about before?"

"Yeah?" Drew said as he held his breath.

"I was hoping you wouldn't tell anyone about that," Nick said softly. "No one knows I'm gay."

"I kinda figured out that you'd want me to keep my mouth shut about that Nick," Drew said with a hint of bitterness in his voice.

"Oh come on Drew," Nick knew that Drew wouldn't be pleased with his news. "I just need some time to work up the courage to come out."

"Look Nick," Drew said in a neutral voice. "I don't really have any right to get angry at your request. It's not like I'm your boyfriend already."

"And I am sorry about what happened at the car earlier," Nick said that to Drew's surprise.

"Wh-what?" Drew stammered out. "What do you mean?" He thought Nick didn't realize he was kinda bummed out about being ignored in the car.

"I promise that from now on, I won't make you feel out of place when we're with my friends or my family or when we're in public," Nick said to him in a determined voice. "I don't want you to feel that bad being with me Drew. I know it's hard on you already that we'll be going out on dates and we have to hide it from everyone but---"

"And who said that I agreed to go out on dates with you?" Drew interrupted him.

"You..you don't mean that...." Nick stammered out. The line fell silent for some seconds before Nick said in a soft voice. "Sorry. I...I won't bother you again Drew. And..and thanks for agreeing to keep quiet about what happened."

Drew heard the click on the other end, as the line became busy. Drew stared at the phone for a while before he placed it back on the cradle. He stood up and slowly walked to his room. He wanted to be alone for a while.

"You did the right thing Drew," Shawn called out to him softly.

"No Shawn," Drew replied back in a hoarse voice. "I did the smart thing, not the right thing."

"You just saved yourself and Nick from a lot misery," Shawn said to him. "You know it wouldn't end happily."

"That's funny," Drew faced Shawn and looked at him in the eyes. "We were very afraid to be involved with each other back then because we knew we would be attending different colleges. But you were the one who finally told me that you'd rather have me as your boyfriend even for a few months rather than regret it for the rest of your life."

"We were young then Drew," Shawn said softly. "I was young. I still believed in love and happily ever after and all that crap back then. I didn't know letting you go would be that painful or that you'd be so hard to forget. I don't think we made the right decision back then."

"We made the right decision," Drew said to him. "We just didn't make the smart one. But you're correct at one thing Shawn. I still believed in love back then. Now, I am not so sure that simply loving someone is enough."

*************** To be continued ***************

Note: Don't know when the sex part will happen. Hopefully very soon. I don't want anyone in the story to be sluts who just jump in bed with anybody and anyone. Though if it was Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise, all I can say or write is: your place or mine?

All comments are most welcome:

Email: sliders21@iname.com

Next: Chapter 7

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