Ordinary Love

By moc.emani@12sredils

Published on Oct 25, 1999


Note: I know that I'm taking a long time to post the chapters but what can I do? I never thought that this story would be as complicated as this one. It's much simpler to write about a bitter, angry, closeted guy than a gay guy who's out and who's trying to find love. Less plot twists available in the later. Anyway, I hope you like this one.

********* Part 5 *********

Time seemed to have stopped for Drew literally. He vaguely saw Nick hurrying inside the house as he stood there on the porch, frozen in his place. Nick just kissed him! Shit! That couldn't be true.

He slowly lifted his fingers to his lips as his mind told him to go inside and follow Nick. But he didn't know what to do! That was the last thing he expected to happen! Nick couldn't be gay! Then the front door opened slowly and he jerked his head at once. He was hoping it was Nick but he was kinda disappointed that it was Anne.

"You'll freeze here," Anne motioned him to come in. Drew slowly walked inside. He followed Anne silently to the kitchen. Anne turned on the lights before they both sat down on the table.

"I thought you said you weren't seeing anyone?" Anne said to Drew slowly. "How come Nick kissed you?"

"You saw us?" Drew said in embarrassment as he blushed deeply.

"Yeah," Anne nodded her head at him. "I don't mean to pry but shouldn't you tell your parents about the two of you? They'll be happy for you guys. You know they love you even though you're gay."

"I...uhhhhh...I..." Drew looked at her helplessly, not sure what to say. Finally he gave a deep sigh and said. "I don't know what's going between me and Nick. A few minutes ago he was just this straight guy who happens to be my boss. Now he's this really incredibly attractive guy who just kissed me on my parent's porch."

"Ohh," Anne said as it took a while before she realized what Drew just said. "OHH! You mean you didn't know he was gay?!"

"No," Drew shook his head at her. "I thought he was straight. I mean he's got a fiancee and everything. There's even no rumor about him being gay back in the office."

"Ohhhhh," Anne looked at Drew quizzically. "But you're interested in him, right?"

"I'm not interested in someone's who's engaged, okay?" Drew laughed uneasily. "Even though he's very attractive. Besides, he's my boss. I can't have that kind of relationship with him."

"And I was going to make a big deal out of this tomorrow," Anne stood up and gave him a weak smile. "You should let him make the next move Drew. Find out just how serious he is with you. Or if the kiss was just a one time thing." Anne then left Drew alone in the kitchen. Drew sat there thinking for fifteen minutes before he stood up and went to his room.

He took off his clothes and put on a boxer and shirt and climb into bed. He was about to close his eyes when he heard someone knocking on his door softly. He stood up groggily and went to open the door. He was very surprised to see Nick standing in the hallway, giving him a nervous smile.

"Ummm," Nick looked at him uneasily. "I was kinda wondering if you..uhhh.. that is if you'd like to..." He trailed off as he blushed deeply. He was trying to avoid looking at Drew's eyes.

"What?" Drew said in a whisper. Is he going to ask if they could sleep together tonight? Drew held his breath as he listened to Nick.

"Maybe we could have a picnic or something tomorrow at the lake we passed by earlier," Nick said to him hurriedly. "Before we head back to Boston that is." Drew was taken aback by what Nick said. He didn't know if he was relieved or disappointed he was wrong.

"Okay, if you'd like that," Drew said to him slowly. "I know this spot I think you'd like."

"Great!" Nick broke into a smile.

"Nick, could I ask you about---" Drew said seriously as he looked at his boss in the eyes.

"Tomorrow, okay?" Nick cut him off as his smile faded. "Let's talk tomorrow."

"Your family is great," Nick said to Drew. They were sitting on top of small hill, overlooking the lake. They had spread a blanket and they were eating the sandwiches and fried chicken that Mrs. Matthews cooked for them.

"They all think you're such a great guy," Drew smiled at his boss. Then his voice drops to a whisper as he turned his gaze back on the still waters of the lake. "Nick, can we talk about last night?"

"That was kinda stupid, huh?" Nick laughed uneasily as he looked at the lake too. He didn't want to see Drew's face right now. He might not like what he will see. "I shouldn't have done that."

"I thought it was sweet," Drew said slowly as he faced Nick. He saw him looking at the lake. "I know I loved what you said before you kissed me. That was the most romantic thing anybody ever said to me." Nick turned his head sharply to face Drew. He saw Drew giving him a weak smile.

"Really?" Nick didn't quite believe his ears. Nick picked up the basket and moved it aside and moved closer to Drew. "You like me kissing you?"

"Under the circumstances, yeah," Drew laughed uneasily. "I mean, I never thought kissing a guy who's engaged could be......that enjoyable."

"Shit!" Nick muttered out loudly. "Fiona! I forgot about her!"

Drew looked at his boss and saw that he was really torn. He turned his gaze back to the lake and said in a somewhat hoarse voice. "I think we should just forget what happened last night Nick."

"Wh-what?" Nick said in shock. "But..i thought you liked it."

"I do," Drew said softly. "But what are you going to do? Break off with Fiona? I know you can't do that."

"We...we can still see each other even if I'm engaged to her, right?" Nick reached out and touched Drew's hand and gives it a squeeze. "I---"

"I can't believe you said that!" Drew looked at Nick angrily as he pushed his hand away. He stood up and glared at Nick. "What do you propose Nick? Every time you get horny, I'll just fall to my knees and suck you off? Or every time you need a fuck, you can just call me to your office and I'll drop my pants and bend over the table for you? Fuck!"

"No!" Nick started to cry as he saw Drew start to get so worked up. He quickly stood up and wiped the tears in his face. "I..I wanna get to know you....the real you. I didn't say that I expect you to do all that." Drew looked at Nick in disbelief. He wanted to know the real him? What the hell is that suppose to mean?

"What the fuck you want from me Nick?" Drew said bitterly. "A few weeks ago, I was just this employee you didn't even want working for your company. Then you start to get friendly all of a sudden. You even made up a position just for me and start to take me to all your meetings with you. What is that all that about Nick? You expect me to sleep my way to the top?!"

"NO!" Nick said defensively. "I.....I...Fuck! I think I love you, okay?! Is the enough of a reason for you?!" Drew's jaws dropped in shock as he stared at his boss dumbly. Nick turned to face the lake, not believing he said that to Drew.

"Wh-what?" Drew said weakly.

"I admit that when I first met you, I thought you were just some leech sucking up to my mom and taking advantage of her," Nick said softly. "But I saw just how great you are with Rose every time she's in the office. And the way you helped her out without wanting us to know about it. When I learned about that, I felt stupid because of all the crap I thought about you."

"The truth is that when I first saw you, I was attracted to you," Nick said as he hung his head. "I didn't want that so I told myself you're just a bastard who's out to take advantage of my family. But you had to be this really nice and great guy. A guy that I could fall in love with and did."

"Shit," Drew said after Nick became silent. He reached out to Nick and touched his shoulder with his hand. "Nick, I...I didn't know you felt this way. I thought you hated me."

"It would have been much easier if I did," Nick laughed bitterly as he faced Drew. Then in a trembling voice he said, "Is......is it to much to ask for you to love me back?"

"I......don't know Nick," Drew looked at Nick in fear for a second or two before he grinned at him uneasily. "Yesterday, you were my boss who works me to death. Now you........." Drew trailed off, not sure what to say.

"Yeah?" Nick said breathlessly. Drew sighed out deeply and looked down on the ground.

"You're still my boss Nick," Drew said softly. "I can't change that. Just like I can't change the fact that you're engaged to be married to somebody already."

"What are you saying Drew?" Nick asked him fearfully.

"I'm living with my ex-boyfriend, who I know I still love on some level, but I can't even bring myself to try and see if we could work things out between us," Drew sighed out deeply. Then he looked up and stared at Nick's eyes. "I'm not that good at this relationship stuff. I don't know if I should try to have a relationship with you Nick. But I would like to get to know you better. I've got to admit that I'm starting to see you as a friend rather than my boss. And I like you as a friend."

"So you don't love me," Nick said in a hoarse voice.

"You saw where I studied in high school, met my old friends and heard a lot of stupid stories about me," Drew grinned at him weakly. "But all I know about you is what you told me and what's being said in the office. I don't know you that well to decide if I love you or not." Nick stared at Drew thoughtfully for a while before a smile formed in his face.

"Then get to know me better," Nick said as he stepped closer and put his hands on Drew's waist. "I wasn't sure if you would have liked having dinner with me and my friends and having them bore you to death with stories about me."

"I would love that," Drew heard himself saying those four words that would change his life. He wasn't quite sure why he said that but when he felt Nick pulling him close and Nick's arms hugging him tightly, he didn't care anymore. But at the back of his mind, he heard a voice saying this was a stupid thing. Nick wasn't the kind of guy he should fall in love with. He wasn't quite sure just how deep Nick's love for him really is. Or just how far Nick was willing to take their relationship.

*************** to be continued ***************

P.S. I think I'm going to have Drew or Nick change from a sweet guy into a bitter one. It's more fun writing about a character like that. That way I can have him swear and curse every time. It may lead to more plot twists and confrontations.

All your comments are welcome. Email: sliders21@iname.com

Next: Chapter 6

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