Opposites Attract

By Mark Hall

Published on Mar 3, 2016


Chapter 4 - The New Friends

Aftergrabbing the only bottle of wine that Craig and Joe had they headed out todinner with Fernando and his partner. On the way there the discussion involvedprotocol if things turned sexual, as often they did for the couple.

"Sowhat are you going to do if the old guy makes a move on you?" asked Joe.

"ShitI don't know." answered Craig.

"Maybeif he drinks some of that cheap wine we got he won't make it through thenight." joked Joe.

Craiglaughed loudly which pleased Joe as he remembered when they first met. Craigwas involved in a relationship with another white guy who was basically a fuckup who attempted to use Craig for purely sexual gratification. Craig's mentalstate at the time was questionable but had apparently made great strides inrecovering from post traumatic stress syndrome after being in the military. Soit felt good to Joe to see Craig happy and enjoying life. They drove the restof the distance in silence, listening to upbeat 80's music on the way. Life wasgood for both Craig and Joe but being an interracial, gay couple provided manychallenges. Los Angeles proved no different than New York in that regard asthey would discover later that evening.

Therewere greeted warmly by Fernando and led in to meet the partner Dale, a 60ish darkerthan normal white man smartly dressed in khaki shorts and bottom down shirtthat revealed a barrel chest covered with curly hairs that were graying. Mostlikely of Greek descent he was actually quite handsome and well built. Dale wasan energetic man who took care of himself and didn't let age stop him for whathe loved doing most - directing gay pornography movies as would later berevealed.

Fernandofirst introduced Craig, the Joe. "Dale, this is Craig, who you already metof course." Craig and Dale shook hands.

"Definitelycan't forget that." said Dale warmly looking Craig into his eyes as if toocommunicate a sense of respect.

"Andthis is his partner Joe." said Fernando as Joe and Dale greeted each otherwith a another handshake.

"Youtwo make a wonderful couple." remarked Dale. "Thank you for acceptingour invitation." "Thankyou for the invite." Joe returned, usually the more socially appropriatebetween the two. "You have a wonderful place here. Condo?"

"Yes,and thank you." said Dale. "Can I get you two something to drink?Wine, beer, hard stuff. Notice I did not mention anything but liquor."

"Mykind of man." said Craig approving of his pre-dinner choices. "I'llhave a beer - whatever you got."

"Soundsgood to me." said Joe anticipating an interesting evening seeing that itwas starting out with getting drunk.

Fernandogot everyone their drinks as the four sat on the couch enjoying the atmospherecreated by richly decorated walls and soft music. For the rest of the eveningthe two couples warmed up to each other quickly, exchanging stories of beingmisidentified as friend by unknowing straight people. Their efficiency inpreparing and serving dinner was remarkable. Obviously they did this regularly.While in the kitchen cleaning after a delicious dinner of pork tenderloin,asparagus and some strange grain Joe and Craig observed their routine.

"Theseguys know how to entertain." said Craig, finishing his dinner wine that hehad taken to the living room after dinner.

Definitelypros at this." Joe responded. Comfortable in the home of a gay couple, Joesat closer to Craig rubbed his big neck.

Damnbaby that feels good." said Craig enjoying the warm rush of alcohol andthe loosening of his neck muscles.

Havingfinished in the kitchen Dale and Fernando joined Craig and Joe with a bottle ofwhiskey that neither one recognized. Dale poured each one a small amount, thenproposed a toast.

"Towhat I hope will be a friendship." said Dale. They toasted in awkwardsilence as the claim to friendship happened quicker than normal. After a fewminutes of small talk Dale let it be known that he was a producer of gay porn,which led to his compliments of earlier in the day when Craig fucked hispartner.

"Craig,I must say your performance earlier today was very impressive." said Daleas he poured more whisky into everyone's empty glass.

"Looksto me as if you're trying to get us drunk." joked Joe.

"Looksto me as if you're taking the bait." said Dale as both Craig and Joedowned another shot.

WhileJoe turned red with embarrassment Craig laughed loudly, high fiving him."You the man. I like this dude." said Craig with enthusiasm.

"Ilike you too Craig. So I'll be straight up." Dale continued. "I'dlike to video tape you and Fernando having sex, sort of an audition. Of courseJoe would have to agree to it, and...." Dale paused and looked atJoe. "... think about participatingin it."

Whilethe thought of being filmed intrigued Craig, Joe was less interested."That's ok - I'm out." said Joe, waiting for Craig to respond.

"Solet me get this straight. I screw your partner while you tape record it. That'swhack." retorted Craig.

"Justputting it out there Craig." said Dale. "I'm pretty confident withyour size and ability there's some money in it for you. You don't have toanswer now but do consider the offer."

"Believeme, you will make money." chimed in Fernando.

"Damnman, I had no fucking idea this shit was going to happen. But you got methinking man. Sounds like easy money to me but got to talk it over with myboo." said Craig as he leaned over and kissed him.

Joewas open to most anything Craig did but had reservations about what this couldlead to. It seemed as if the more exposure the two obtained in social settingsthe more offers Craig was getting. Joe always knew he had a man that would bedesired by many but wasn't sure when Craig was going to realize it. Craig wasphysically imposing and a handsome big man. His outgoing personality and quickwit was making him even more popular. Joe wasn't comfortable in social settingsas was Craig and always wanted to spend every possible moment with Craig. Thiscurrent expansion of their social circle was not working in Joe's favor but hehoped that his love and commitment for Craig would not be adversely affected.Joe's deep thoughts drowned out the talking and laughing among the newly foundfriends. They continued to drink heavily throughout the night and at some pointthey enjoyed a few rounds of T before Joe passed out on the couch while Craig,Dale and Fernando enjoyed each other sexually in their spacious studio loadedwith equipment for every sex act possible. Craig loved every minute as hefucked both Dale and Fernando, sending them both to a bed spent and fullysatisfied. Craig showered in a giantglass walled cubicle in the middle of a very large bathroom. "These guyshave some big money." thought Craig to himself as he washed away the sweatand saliva that covered him. He padded naked to the studio where he found hisclothes strewn about. Upon entering the living room he stopped and looked downat Joe who was peacefully sleeping. Craig really loved that man for his manyvirtues, including patience and the understanding that their hearts were takenwith no room for others. Now their body parts - that's something different.

Craiggently shook Joe. "Wake up baby." Joe moaned lightly and turned over,obviously feeling the effects of the drugs and alcohol. "Come on Joe, wegot to go. I need my own bed."

Joeslowly got up and tried to focus on the surrounding but he was too fucked up.He lie back down after the room spun. "Not happening Craig."

"Yehyou're right baby. We don't need to be driving anyway." said Craig as hesettled for the night on a sofa opposite his partner.

Next: Chapter 5

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