Opposites Attract

By Mark Hall

Published on Feb 29, 2016


Chapter 3 - It's a Start

After about an hour or so Craig came back and settled innext to Joe, but not before leaning over and giving him a quick kiss.

"Hey baby." said Joe glad to see him back."I'm about roasted out here so was about to leave your ass."

"You know you're not going to do some stupid assshit like that - don't waste your breath." said Craig. Joe was silentwhich got Craig to become concerned about his long absence. "Youokay?"

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" Joeasked as he lay on his stomach anticipating a hard-on which would be easily seenin this swim wear.

"Joe, that was some damn good ass." said Craig,whose way with words was always direct.

"Do tell." said Joe with genuine interest witha bit of jealousy mixed in. This was usually the point where Craig appreciateda man like Joe but his time seemed different. He sensed the concern in Joe'svoice. He took off his sun glasses and looked Joe in the eye to see if he couldget a read about his feelings. Nope - same look of wanting to hear the sluttydetails.

"Dude was a contortionist. Those legs went way pastthe back of his head and that ass just sucked me in. He complained a little bitwhen I went balls deep but he took it all. Fucked the hell out of that Ricanboy." As Craig went on Joe found himself wanting Craig more and lessaccepting of the amount of pleasure that Craig had with the young man. Havingbeen lost in his own thoughts he drifted back to Craig who continued hisaccount. "Then that motherfucker snapped his ass on my dick when I wastrying to pull out and that was it - shot a bucketful into that condom.Then..."

"Stop!" Joe said shaking his head. "Yousure had a great time - too good I'm thinking."

"Oh baby, you know you're getting some when we gethome." Craig looked at Joe, still unconvinced that he was satisfied."Or right here if you wish."

Joe could not help but laugh. He knew Craig's devotion tohim paused on occasion but his heart was in the right place. "Glad youused a rubber baby - but I can't help but be a little jealous."

"Best part is that we don't have to worry aboutdinner yet - we got invited over." said Craig.

"The guy can cook?" asked Joe.

"Don't know, his partner invited me and said tobring you when I told him I got a man." said Craig nonchalantly.

"His partner was there?" Joe watched as Craignodded his head in the affirmative. At this point Joe reminded himself how lifewas never dull with Craig. "What did you tell him?" asked Joe. "Said I'd have to ask you. Hell I guess someone cancook." said Craig.

"Well you must have left quite an impression onthem." said Joe. "I'm game for someone else to do the cooking. By theway what did his partner look like?"

"Old dude - I mean old." said Craig emphasizingold.

"Damn, hold old?"

"OLD. And I think he wants me to fuck him."

"Alright Craig, got to draw the line somewhere. Wecan get dinner out. I'm not liking the sound of this. You're not a stud that ismeant to pleasure everyone who wants big black dick up their ass."

"Why not?" asked Craig. Joe couldn't tell ifCraig was serious and would play his bluff.

"Alright Craig, you go ahead and fuck the old dude,I'll cover my eyes."

"Nice try Joe. I ain't tapping that ass." Joewasn't surprised by Craig's uncanny ability to read his intentions. "But hewasn't bad looking." Joe shook his head, not wanting to hear anymore.

Being relatively new to the area Craig and Joe welcomedconnections to develop a social circle and looked forward to making newfriends, even though Craig just fucked one of the partners. They got home thatafternoon from a day at the beach with intentions of stopping at the store andgetting a bottle of wine to bring for dinner.

"Baby let's skip the store, we got a bottle athome." said Craig anxious to get back to the apartment.

"That's fine with me." said Joe. "I'drather get home and take a long shower first anyway, which is something youneed to do too."

"Funky?" asked Craig.

"You know you sweat a lot, and you did just have sexwith someone." said Joe.

"And you like that manly smell bitch." retortedCraig playfully. They both laughed knowing it was the truth. Joe liked themanliness of Craig, never wearing cologne or using perfume like soap. Joeleaned over and smelled Craig while he drove.

"Not bad." commented Joe.

"You're sick." answered Craig. "Which iswhy I love you." Craig turned around and pursed his lips to kiss which Joeeagerly accepted.

Once home they both undressed, unashamed of each other'snakedness, and prepared for dinner. While in the shower Joe heard Craig comein, pull back the shower curtain, and join him. As has been the routine, Joetook the soap from Craig's hands, lathered up his big neck and shoulders while Craig stoodletting the warm water wash it away, revealing a beautifully dark skin tonethat glowed like a clear night lit dimly by the moon. As Joe soaped his entirebody he marveled at his size and how well proportioned he was - wide shouldersand torso, large, firm round buttocks, tree trunk thighs and calves supportedby size 17 extra wide feet. Joe felt lucky to have him in his life and tookevery opportunity make sure Craig was pleased. Turning around Joe saw thatCraig was getting aroused, his 10 inch penis growing in length and girth. He got on his knees and licked his large,low hanging ball sac up and down, kissing each nut while caressing his nowfully engorged dick with his hands. The taste of soap that was mixed with thehot water didn't bother Joe as he took Craig's dick into his mouth and startedsucking, prompting Craig to grab his head and thrusting his enormous pole intoJoe's eager mouth for several minutes of intense pleasure.

"Stand up." said Craig which Joe dutifullyobeyed. Craig turned Joe around, bent him over and guided his penis into hismoist hole that was lubricated with a combination of saliva and soap. Craigloved the way Joe's ass felt as he pushed the entire length in. Joe moaned withpleasure when he felt Craig's swollen head in his gut. When he felt Craig'slarge hands grab his shoulders he braced for a fucking that Craig was about togive. And give he did. Joe did the best he could to maintain his balance on thewet surfaces as Craig rhythmically pounded his ass. The sound of Craig'sfucking of wet flesh on flesh and the consistent hitting of his prostate sentJoe into orgasm without touching himself. Rope after rope of semen hit thebathroom wall for what was a longer than normal ejaculation. Craig felt Joe'sass clamping down on his dick, heightening the already pleasurable sensation, sending Craig over the edge and depositing his second load of the day into hispartner's hungry ass. After a few minutes of heavy breathing, and locked wetbodies as Craig held Joe tightly around him, Craig's dick slipped out of his ass,leaving both satisfied. Craig slapped Joe's ass hard, sending a wave of soundthroughout the room, and probably apartment.

"Damn that's some good ass." Craig said as Joestood upright to continue cleaning the body of the man that just inseminatedhim. Both relaxed, they finished their shower in silence, dried each other offand got ready to head out to dinner with newly found acquaintances.

Next: Chapter 4

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