Opposites Attract

By Mark Hall

Published on Feb 13, 2016


Chapter 2 - A Day at the Beach

The first few months in LA were spent getting to know their surroundings and meet new people. Both Craig and Joe found Los Angeles to be quite different than the Big Apple mostly because of the necessity of having a car to get around. Having spent more than they anticipated they shared a Ford Focus, and bought a $1000 Chevy for back up. Other than having to get used to the different personality styles and weather changes they enjoyed their new home and looked forward to exploring their new surroundings and getting to know more people. As far as the job situation Craig landed a gig as security at a popular gay dance club while Joe got a job as a computer technician at a local university. Life was getting better for the two of them. Their work hours were complete opposite of each other so the time they did spend together were spent fucking or watching TV, usually in that order. Having been together for over a year they were still strongly attracted to each other which led to sexual gratification on a regular basis. Their agreement to be honest with each other led to what they called "You share, I share" moments where they confessed performing sexual acts outside their relationship, leading to more intense sex than normal. As previously mentioned Craig and Joe were two of the biggest freaks known to be together. On a weekend day in which they had rare time together they decided to head to the beach where gays hung out and enjoy the sun and sand. Lying side by side with Joe wearing boxer trunks and Craig bikini briefs they watched the eye candy pass by while most eyes were directed at Craig's huge bulge in his yellow briefs that did nothing to hide the long thick member pressed down by the tightness. "You know your bulge is a big distraction Craig," said Joe as a passerby licked his lips looking at Craig. Craig laughed lightly, taking off his sunglasses to see what Joe was talking about,then looking seriously at Joe. "You saying I should put something else on?" "You have no shame Craig. I knew this was going to happen when we got dressed to go." "Aw baby, let them look, and let me know if anything worth looking at is looking." With that Craig put his sunglasses back on and laid back on the lounge chair, finishing his Corona. "Another?" asked Joe. "Yep, got the day and night off so going to enjoy." Joe dutifully got Craig his beer, opened it and handed it to him. Although on equal terms Craig was still the dominant alpha male was while Joe enjoyed being the submissive and making sure Craig's needs were met. Craig had become more comfortable where Joe showed his obvious love and lust for him. It worked for both of them and brought much attention to them, particularly in openly gay settings where the two were obviously more relaxed. "Hey Joe." said Craig still laying back looking cool in his sunglasses. "Yes Craig?" Joe was on his belly which displayed his mounded flesh that was then envy of many white men who lacked in that department. The contrast between Craig's beautiful dark skin, now glowing with sweat, and Joe's white, lightly tanned body was picturesque. The contrast between Craig's large bulge and Joe's bubble butt created pornographic images. "Share." said Craig challenging his partner to reveal a secret. Although Craig and Joe vowed honesty towards each other they knew that their lack of time together due to work schedules would lead to sexual encounters with others that they hadn't had the chance to tell. Being that they were secure with each other these moments had no impact on their mutual love for each other - a strange love. "Here?" asked Joe. "No bitch, we going to get up, go home and talk about it." Craig's crassness and sarcasm would end most relationships, as would his pet names, but that's where Joe was special. He knew it was not personal and that Craig was never going to be the sensitive type. "Ummmmm - you're going to get excited and that swimwear is not going to hold it back." said Joe. "So? Go on, tell it." Craig said, taking another swig of beer. Joe tried to remember a sexual encounter that the had not already told Craig about but was drawing a blank. Not to say there wasn't one. "Damn baby, I can't remember one that I haven't already told you." "Uh-huh." mumbled Craig in disbelief. "You got one?" asked Joe. "Not unless you got one bitch." Craig and Joe's playful banter seemed childish but it was natural to them to take each other lightly. Neither one was guilty of being overly serious during off work hours. "That's really fucked up Craig. You've passed me in 'outside the relationship' screwing around.' said Joe jokingly. "Appears so." said Craig as he continued to down his beers. "Got to pee." Craig got up to walk to the nearest facilities as Joe admired what many people were gawking at. He shamelessly sported the tight briefs which barely covered his large shapely ass. As he walked away Joe admired his huge thighs and calves, strong broad shoulders covered by a beautiful dark skin tone that was covered in sweat. Joe also noticed that a young man began to follow him into the bathroom, which was not surprising considering the looks he was getting. After about 5 minutes Joe knew something was up and got up to investigate, not so much out of jealousy but out of his voyeuristic tendencies. When he got to the restroom area he saw Craig and the young man talking outside the bathroom door. Already being there Joe went in to take a piss but Craig stopped him. "Hey boo - I want you to meet Fernando." said Craig putting his large arm around him.

"Nice to meet you ..." Fernando hesitated realizing he didn't know my name. "Boo?" he said reluctantly. That was cute Joe thought to himself. He seemed like a really nice guy as they shook hands. "You can call me Joe. I'm his Boo." Joe said as he put his hand on Craig's leg. Fernando laughed somewhat uncomfortably. "Cool. You guys make a good couple." said Fernando. Having nothing better to say it was a good comeback. "Thanks man. You guys go back to what you were doing." said Joe as he headed into the bathroom. While standing at he urinal Craig snuck up on him and gave his ass a loud whack which sent urine flying across the wall. "What the fuck." said Joe, stunned. "You know you like that shit baby." said Craig as he hugged him from behind and Joe put his dick back in his swim trunks. "You are a fucking moron Craig. But I still love you." Joe turned around and kissed Craig's beautiful full lips. "So what's with the guy you were talking with?" "He invited me to a secluded spot." said Craig, reaching his hand around the back of Joe's shorts and pulling them down, which Joe pulled right back up. "This is a public beach Craig." said Joe just as someone was walking in. "I haven't seen a straight man yet." said Craig as the young man positioned himself at the urinal. Overhearing Craig's remark, he laughed. "You're right about that." he said as he shook his dick and walked to the sink to wash his hands. Joe could see that he was checking out Craig in the mirror.

Craig and Joe left out together but when then got outside the facility Craig let Joe know he was going to meet up with Fernando. "Well I'm going to check out the young man, see what his game is." said Craig as he walked away. "Have fun." Joe shouted to which Craig pulled down his briefs and shook his ass at him. As Joe headed back to the spot where they were he thought about if the two of them would ever settle down and become exclusive. He's seen too many gay relationships end in disaster over jealousy and dishonesty. Craig and Joe vowed not to go that route.

Next: Chapter 3

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