Operation Queer Bait

By Dae Cha

Published on Feb 28, 2001


The security services of the United States Government employ various tactics to route out subversive elements and agents of hostile foreign governments. I was in the unusual position of contributing to this effort.

Operation Queer Bait

The waiter was cute. And young, about my age or a little older I estimated. He had made eye contact as soon as I entered the bar, coming over to take my drink order and hovering over me like a puppy in heat as he placed the tray of bar snacks on my table. And I made eye contact back, unable to overcome my natural instincts. It had all the makings of a pickup in progress as his hand brushed mine as he sat the drink in front of me, his right knee imperceptably made contact with my left thigh.

"Is there anything more I can bring you?" he questioned, his eyes flitting all over me in one of the most suggestive scans I could remember. "Anything at all?" his English accent captivated me to no end.

"Not at the moment" I tried to make it sound as responsive as he was suggestive "but please do keep an eye on me....my drink I mean" the innuendo not wasted on him.

"Oh...I'll keep a little eye on both, mon cheri".

"That would be wonderful" I fairly gushed at him.

"Keep yer panties on Mary" the voice from the tiny receiver in my ear blasted me back to reality. "You've got work to do, and it's NOT some faggy cocktail waiter."

God, these were animals I worked for! And with that, I let my mind wander.......back......

Mine was a `normal' childhood, a normal life in a normal small town. Oh, I had certain feelings, certain fantasies, but then again we all did. Didn't we? No, my life was no different than any of the others growing up with me. I dated girls, went thru the pain and confusion of puberty in the repressive atmosphere of small town USA.

High school was an opportunity to have fun, nothing more, nothing less, and I had my share. I had my first piece of pussy at 18. My first taste of it, my first oral sex, all in one year.

And, I had more. More than I bargained for, but probably no more than I needed. A friend and I, drunk after a particulary disappointing double date, experienced the utltimate in youthful experimentation as we went down on each other. He was sleeping over' and a combination of frustration over our dates and the liberating effect of the bouron worked it's magic on our inhibitions to the point that we lay, feet to head in my bed, our eager mouths searching for, and finding each other's willing penis and working each other up to a fevor pitch of passion. Being novices at this, we didn't take it to conclusion, satisfied that we had done enough to warrant a secret' bond between us.

We didn't talk about it the next morning, or the next week for that matter, but as sure as rain, we found the opportunity to do it again the very next weekend. While we both classified ourselves as hetrosexual, we both admitted that it was fun, and we would find every opportunity we could to do it again and again.

It was weird, I knew what I was doing. I enjoyed it. I thought about it more and more, and convinced myself, and my friend convinced himself - or so he said - that it was just a natural thing to do. We didn't know the meaning of bisexuallity, we only knew it as queer sex. But since neither of us was a queer - I mean we both screwed girls, right? - we dismissed any thought that what we were doing was anything other than normal. We did know enough to keep it secret though, both of us aware that if that secret got out.....well, let's just say we didn't want it to get out.

I wasn't a stellar student in high school, college was out of the question with my grades, so I looked around for some opportunity to get out of the small town and see the world. Enter the Navy. With their promise to travel the world and get an education doing it, it seemed the obvious solution. I left for boot camp not quite a month after graduation.

Life in the Navy was what I needed. I learned the ropes, so to speak, and graduated boot camp in the fall, assigned to an arm of Naval Intelligence that required 9 months of schooling in the South. Buttoning up (repressing) any thoughts of deviant sex, I was a model sailor and student, graduating near the top of my class and spending 30 days at home before leaving for the Pacific. My friend and I re established our laison, consumating my visit home by letting him deflower me anally. I knew I was turning now, the signs were too obvious, and I would spend most of my leave in the backseat of his car, on a dark country road, trying to perfect my oral and anal skills. We both got better and better at it, and the 30 days passed much to quickly in a series of sexual couplings whenever and wherever we could find the right amount of privacy.

Okinawa! What an eye opener for a 19 year old. Everything was for sale, and the price was cheap. My work was mind numbing and the hours were the strangest I had ever experienced, being eve - day - midnight with 2 and half days off after that. It was an orgy of drinking and sex with prostitutes, bar girls and street girls, and even on our meager pay it was all affordable. Seduced back to women, it was 6 months before my `other' feelings could even surface.

But surface they did, and I found myself thinking about it more and more. Liquor was the magic loosener here too. I found my bisexual yearnings coming out more and more as I drank. A few bungled attempts to seduce the Japanese cab drivers, with nothing more than a wave off, and my beer courage couldn't be repressed.

It finally happened one dark and drunken night as I took a cab, alone, back from Koza city to my base. Another come on by me. But, instead of waving me off as another drunken GI, this cabbie drove to an old abandoned quarry near the airstrip, parked in the darkened cavern of the quarry, and motioned me into the back seat. While he whispered words of encouragement in Japanese, I knelt in the back floor and drunkenly devoured the cock he offered me. I was so drunk and so hot, I didn't notice that he shot my mouth full of cum. Or that I swallowed it. I remember thinking, on the silent ride to my base, that I had just eaten cum for the first time.

In the days to come I would think about it more and more, jerking off two and three times a day as I did. By next payday I was out on the town again, drinking with my buddies, but always finding an excuse to take a cab back to base on my own. I believe I struck out twice before an understanding cabbie took me up on my offer, in broken English with a lot of visual aids, to suck his dick. He backed his cab into a darkened alley in an off limits (to GI s) section of Naha City, and let me kneel in the front floor while he humped my mouth til he came. I went to sleep that night with the unmistakeable smell of semen on my breath. To me it was the most envigorating aroma ever.

Within a week I had scored again, this time I showed the cabbie the rock quarry and he dutifully pulled into the darkend interior. He sat stiffly behind the wheel as I stretched out on the seat and took his cock in my mouth, bobbing up and down on it til he filled my mouth with the delicious goo that I was becoming addicted to. He was talkative on the ride to my base, suggesting we meet again and promising to take me to a hotel. And a bed. I agreed immediately, and we planned to meet outside the gate when my next rotation ended in 3 days. It was all I could do to function for those 3 days, I jerked off 3 and 4 times a day just thinking about it.

But time, while not exactly flying by, does eventually yield, and true to his word he was waiting for me outside the gate at the appointed time. I literally flew into his cab, pushing past several others in line, afraid someone else beat me to him. He was all smiles and explained that the hotel, again in an off limits to GI s part of Koza, would hold a room for him all night. I didn't know what to say. The thought of a man wanting to spend the entire night with me made me feel good.

The mamasan gave me a knowing smile as I checked in and paid for the room. We had agreed that I would go first, and he would come later that evening when his shift was over. I had beer and fried rice for dinner, then more beer, then more. By 9 I was feeling none the worse for the wait as the mamasan responded to my repeated requests for more beer.

When the soft knock came at 10:30, I fairly staggered to the door, clad in only a white tee shirt, my clothes long ago finding their way to the floor as the beer worked its magic on my inhibitions.

My prince fairly barged into the room, pushing me backwards a few feet and then indicating, none to gently, that he wanted me on my knees by pushing down on my shoulders. As I complied with this most reasonable request, I caught sight of him exposed in front of my face. I don't know how he unzipped and got it out so fast, but my mind wasn't dwelling on such mundane matters now.

Instinctively I thrust my head forward until the head of his cock was firmly between my lips. Bringing my hand to the base of his shaft, I slowly tried to force more of his rigid penis in my mouth.

From the corner of my half open eyes I noticed that the door was ajar about 3 nanoseconds before the bright flash illuminated us in its glare. As I froze in horror, the dick was pulled from my mouth as my friend withdrew and beat a hasty retreat to the door as the three burly men burst thru. From my kneeling position they appeared to be giants and they descended upon me in a flash, grabbing me under the armpits and hoisting me roughly to my feet. I had no idea what had happened, and it would be a few minutes before the fog of fear cleared to the point that I could think halfway straight.

I was sandwitched between two of them, one on either wrist, towering over me as the third collected my jeans from the bed where I had left them.

"Here, put these on" he instructed me in a firm voice. It wasn't a request, it was an order, and I knew better than trying to resist. I slipped on my jeans over my naked bottom. Satisfied that I would follow instructions, the two move slightly apart as I dressed.

"Alright" the talking head continued when I was dressed "follow us. No funny business or we'll beat the living shit out of you. Understand?"

Yyyeeessssss..." I stuttered. What was to answer? Of course they would beat the shit out of me. I had no doubt about that. After what they had caught me doing in that hotel room, I had absolutely no doubt that they would beat me up.

They led me out the door, down the stairs and out thru the small lobby of the hotel as several patrons stared at the sight in awe. This part of town was off limits to Americans, and the sight of these three hulking giants escorting me out must have been something they talked about for months afterward. Into the backseat of the waiting gray military car, and off thru the darkened streets of Koza toward Naha. I caught glimpses of town as we sped thru, not really aware of where I was. Silence in the car as my captors concentrated on eyes front and mouths shut.

I recognized the gates of the main Naval Base at Naha as the sentry acknowledged the driver thru. We drove down one darkened street after another before finally pulling up behind a gray, barn sized building with no markings other than the number `93' painted in black above the door.

I was ushered out of the car and into the building by my two `guides'. Once inside, the glare of overhead lighting made me squint as my pupils adjusted from the dark ride here. I was quickly signed in, they already knew my name, rank, and serial number, and deposited in a small room with nothing but a table and 3 chairs inside. I was left alone. Alone for the first time since this awful mess began. I broke down in tears.

I wasn't alone for more than 10 minutes before one of the three, the driver, came in and stood across the table from where I sat.

"You're in big trouble, boy" he sounded ominous. I knew he was right. Although I hadn't had too much time to think about anything since I had been caught, I had enough time to realize that I was in a lot of trouble. They (whoever they were) had caught me in the act of sucking a cock. I couldn't deny it. I couldn't cover it up. They had been there. And the flash. What was the flash? A sick feeling in my stomach told me that the flash was from a camera. That I had been caught in the act, and the act had been recorded. No, I knew I was in trouble. Big trouble. I didn't respond.

"Big trouble" he continued in a gruff voice "this mans Navy don't cotton to queers. You know that. You know the code of conduct, and you know your kind have no place in the service." It slowly sunk in as I sat there in the dim light of the room. I had been caught. And I knew the consequences even before he spelled them out for me.

"Suckin dick gonna get you a DD, you know that." Dishonorable discharge. A one way ticket home. And the stigma associated with a discharge on the grounds of homosexual conduct..

"I...I..." I tried to form the words, but they wouldn't come out. It was no use. I had been caught.

"You like Jap peter? You like to gobble them Jap cocks? You like to be a little round eyed cocksucker for all them yella boys?" his voice was low and mean now, I could tell he was enjoying his little game.

"I...I, don't....I" I was still stammering incoherently as I tried to form some sort of defense, some statement.

"Sure you do boy" he went on as he flung the pictures down in front of me. My eyes settled on them and I made out the night vision assisted camera shots of the taxi. The shots were from the rear, the driver and my forms evident in the faded green and black that were typical of shots made at night. The cabs number was prominent in all the pictures. Several shots showed our two heads, then the next only part of me as I must have been slouching in the seat, and then several more showing only the head of the driver as I went down on him. Then another couple of both of us upright again. And then a final shot of the cabbie dropping me off at the main gate. It was obvioulsly me in this last shot, as the camera captured a full profile of me.

"Sure you do" he repeated, his voice full of hatred and disgust. And with that he turned abruptly on his heels and strode out, leaving me with only the pile of pictures and my thoughts. They had me! I wasn't going to get out of this one, I knew it. I was destined to wear my shame home instead of the uniform I had left in. As I sat in silence, the tears formed in my eyes again and I broke down in uncontrollable sobs.

My life was ruined.

I must have sat there for an hour before the door opened again and an officer in khakis came in. He pulled up a chair across the table from me, peered at the pictures, and laid an 8X10 down beside the pile. My eyes were drawn to it immediately and I saw the awful truth in front of me. It was taken thru a partially opened door, and showed clearly what I had been busted for. There I was, on my knees, the cabbies cock halfway in my opened mouth. My hand grasping the base of his shaft as my lips closed tightly around the circumference. My tee shirt didn't cover the lower half of my body and my stiff penis gave away the fact that I was excited at what I was doing. I fought the urge to vomit as the damning evidence was laid before me.

"Son" he began in a stern, but softer tone "you realize that you're in big trouble. You do realize that don't you?"

"I...I..yes" I finally got the word out.

"Homosexual behaviour is not allowed in the military. You know that. But more importantly, your work is very sensitive in nature. We're constantly watching for deviant behavior amoung your group. The work is so sensitive that we have to. Your kind is such an easy target for agents of enemy governments, for political groups trying to infiltrate the intelligence apparatus of the US that we have to keep an eye out for these kinds of things. The Soko Gaki would turn you in an instant if we didn't. They would black mail you to spy for them, to sell secrets, what ever. It can't happen, and that's why we're here. To protect the government of the United States from breaches by your kind. The NSG can't be compromised by anyone or anything. If they do, we've failed our job. Understand?"

"I...yes..." I understood. I understood the workings of the Naval Security Group very well. We were spooks, in a manner of speaking, and the work we did - the information we processed every day - was sought after by every foreign government, friend and foe, in the world. No, ours was a protected job, watched over by the ONI, or Office of Naval Intelligence, and I knew now that's where I was.

The ONI shadowed the spooks of the NSG for two reasons. First, the work. And second, Okinawa. It was a series of fleshpots irregularly spaced on a small island that attracted thousands of tourist each year. Most of these tourists were from Japan, but a growing number were of indeterminable origin, and they mingled with the young service men in the meat grinders that passed for bars around here. Some more than mingled, and that's what the ONI boys were looking for. As the salt of a Warrant Officer laid it out for me, the ONI had the island wired, top to bottom, port to starboard. The tried to find out everything that went on from sea to shining sea on the `rock', and they did this mostly thru a series of informants, locals on the payroll so to speak, who became their eyes and ears, looking for the indescriminate sailor, or the tourist who bragged to much, or the odd pairing of GI and civilian visiting a hotel.

They used this information to set up their stings and their hit rate was in the high 90% according to him.

But, more than anything, they shadowed us because of our young and imprssionable ages. The average member of my team was 18 _ years old, with this being our first real time away from home. Mix that with the permissiveness that was this place, and trouble was sure to erupt at least a few times. And for the ONI, once was too much.

They had been tipped off to me by the second cabbie, the one who backed his cab in the alleyway. He had given them a description of me, told them where he picked me up, and more importantly, the base he took me back to. That was an absolute red flag for them because it was the NSG base. The third cabbie, the one who obviously set me up, had actually been trolling for me that night, instead of the other way round as I had thought. An agent had shadowed me and correctly positioned the cab by walky talky to be the one to respond to my hail. And the agent had trailed us to the quarry where he got the night vision assisted pictures that provided the initial proof of my sexual leanings. With these in hand, the agents had no trouble opening up a case against me and the elaborate ruse of the cabbie and me spending the night together.

It was a matter of feeding me beer in the hotel room after that, the mamasan being a paid participant in their sting. Both the mamasan and the cabbie had profited in this. And he got a blowjob to boot. I wondered how they managed to overlook his duplicity. Or if they even cared.

So, it was out. My secret was a secret no more. As the WO explained it to me, this would go into my permanent record, I would be discharged under less than honorable conditions (read Dishonorable) for medical reasons and it would be noted that I was a homosexual, and/or had been caught participating in or initiating homosexual realations with another male. It would be enough to sink my boat for the foreseeable future in a sea of shame. I was a marked...."person"....he struggled to add. And with that he strode out of the room to leave me with my thoughts again.

He was replaced now by the two crew cut giants who had escorted me here from the hotel. They stood me up, pulled my hands behind my back, and snapped on a pair of handcuffs. "To protect you from yourself" one of them murmured as he clicked them tight. Were they crazy? Did they think I would.....? Maybe that's how the Navy get's rid of problems like me. As all this ran thru my mind, I kept thinking that maybe this was the way they handle it. Why not? He was despondent, don't know why. Took his life. So sorry. Clean for them.

Or would they arrange for an `accident'? Cover up. End of story. My mind was filled with all sorts of awful possibilities now, and try as I might I couldn't stop the thoughts from coming. I was working myself into hysteria by the time the WO reappeared.

To be continued


Next: Chapter 2

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