Operation Manpower

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Jun 11, 2020


Operation Manpower Chapter seven: More Heroes

This is a fan fiction.

All characters depicted in it belong to and are trademarked and copyrighted by DC Comics and/or its subsidiaries. I am not related to the company and make no claim of ownership over the characters.

Given how many continuities DC has run through in the past 30 years, it's anyone's guess which one this is set in.

This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the true sexuality of either the actors or the characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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As the government agents and other hunters got more and more experienced, they turned their sights on more powerful and more cunning targets.

The Batman was probably the wiliest opponent Luthor and his reluctant allies had to go against. He'd been a first responder (or second depending on how one looked on the second wave of Titans) when all the male Titans had been taken. In addition to that, his investigation of later disappearances made him arguably the most dangerous target they'd face. Accordingly, Luthor fell back on a classic strategy and schooled his team in exactly what they'd need to do.

Gotham City

The Dark Knight was leaping over the rooftops above Gotham when he stumbled across the current Robin, his son Damian, and two earlier protégés, Red Hood and Red Robin.

"Patrolling without backup?" Red Hood demanded with a sneer, "How many times did you drill into us what a stupid move that was?"

Batman frowned. Red Hood, Jason, had been hard to reason with even before he'd "died" at the Joker's hands. Anymore, his arrogance was almost on a par with Batman's own, just more obvious and more obnoxious.

"I thought I'd explained that, but I'll go through it again. There's no security in numbers against whatever we're facing," Batman said in his trademark husky voice, "You weren't there when the Titans disappeared. From the DNA evidence it's clear that not only was the whole current male roster in that warehouse, but so were most the males from the previous incarnations of their team. And whatever these villains used against them was strong enough to overpower all ten of them."

His eyes narrowed.

"Let that sink in. Ten. And that ten included Nightwing."

"Ooo!" Red Hood mocked, "I'm so afraid. Robin mark one was so megameta."

"Don't let your jealousy blind you, Jason. The danger is real, and one man patrolling might go unnoticed by our foe where a team wouldn't. I had hoped that by spreading ourselves in a net over the whole city we'd stand a greater chance of finding what is really going on without calling undue attention to ourselves. After all, I taught you all three of you to be one with the night."

"Well, we're together now, so what's the new strategy?" said Red Robin, Tim, always the reasonable one, asked placatingly.

"I have one clue. The Gotham power grid experienced a brown-out when the Titans disappeared. I've also made note of other power drains across the national power grid that seem to be coincidental with other disappearances."

"Pretty sloppy of the Supreme Evil One, don't you think?" Red Hood demanded, "He causes a power drain, and Batman Inc. rushes to wherever the next drain occurs. Doesn't that scream `It's a trap!' to you?"

"Of course," Batman said, "Did you have another idea?"

"Yeah. When Muhammad can't go to the mountain, it's time to bring the mountain to Muhammad."

The Dark Knight turned to face Red Hood looking confused.

"What do...?"

And suddenly Batman's world lit up with purple-white light. Confusion wracked the vigilante, but he forced himself to look back over his left shoulder. There he saw his son, Damian, wielding the ray-gun that was bathing him with the intense bright light.

"Welcome to the fucking Bat-Family, Dad," Damian said with a smirk.

Batman managed to take a single step towards the boy when he suddenly found himself in the crossfire of a half dozen more of the same rays.

"What...?" He started to say, but with no warning his cock went ramrod stiff and started leaking pre-cum into his tight black uniform trunks. Then his hands, seemingly of their own accord, started roaming all over his body, touching, teasing every sensitive area on it. He moaned under the stimulation. Who knew better what to do to turn him on than he himself?

Red Hood and Red Robin now stepped up into the light, surrounded their mentor, and began to peel off their uniforms. Unconsciously, Batman salivated as the panoply of firm young male flesh was revealed to him. His hand reached for his own cock and cradled its length as it fought to tear through the strained fabric of his trunks. Another flash of the light, and the two boys were on the Dark Knight, caressing him, worshipping his body, teasing him deeper into passion. Only now did he notice the mind control devices in their masks, and the analytical part of his brain realized that the villain Jason had mocking called the Supreme Evil One must have taken control of his squad to use against him. Most of his brain, though, was too caught up in the hunky young studs making wild love to his every square inch.

Determined hands now tore open the iconic black uniform and slid it over Batman's shoulders. As his skin was exposed, his boys took full advantage. Red Hood forced on his one-time mentor (and youthful crush) a kiss that spoke years of denied lust while Red Robin attacked the nipples that sat pert on the Batman's massive pectorals. When the uniform began to slip over his hips and down his legs, the Batman felt his stiff member flop free only for a moment before it was encompassed by a hot wet mouth as Red Robin abandoned his nipple teasing and headed south. Batman was all but overpowered by the feeling. In all his years of being the billionaire playboy he had been sucked off by any number of women, but this was far more mind-blowing than anything he'd ever experienced. Not even the fact that it was Red Robin, his former protégé, sucking away on his mentor's fuck-meat was enough to disgust the Batman out of his sexual frenzy. He never even stopped to wonder where the boy had acquired such skill.

The light flashed, and Batman sank to his knees. Red Robin followed him to the ground, still sucking, but something hard slapped against uncowled part of the dark knight's face. Batman looked up to see Red Hood pointing his proud young cock in the direction of the bat-mouth. Absently he noticed the cock-ring that glowed with the same light that was bathing over their bodies.

"Suck it," the angry young man said, simply, and Batman opened up to let the virile member slide inside.

Red Robin started to work his way from the bat-cock to the bat-family-jewels themselves. Since his sidekick had abandoned the bat-nipples, Batman reached up and started to pinch and tease them himself. Red Robin crawled between Batman's spread legs and was now lying on his back running a skilled tongue over the firm orbs that dangled there. He opened wide and lovingly took Batman's twin sperm factories into his mouth. Lips, tongue, and teeth now teased the glands as Red Robin rolled them back and forth on his tongue. This inspired Batman to use his own tongue on the rigid shaft that was now actively fucking his mouth, and he reached around to cup Red Hood's ass cheeks.

While sliding a finger down the crack of Red Hood's ass, Batman came across the base of the butt-plug that was the other part of Luthor's fiendish sexual enslavement process. He ran the finger around the warm metallic base, and a cry broke from Red Hood. The young stud shoved his cock into Batman's throat, delving deep into the hot tightness, and spurting a false orgasm of pre-cum into his once-upon-a-time partner's mouth. The taste drove Batman wild, and he wished Red Robin was still sucking his cock so that he could reward the boy for his efforts with a flood of pre-cum like Red Hood's.

"Oh god," Batman thought as his dick gave a half-hearted throb, "Oh fucking god in fucking heaven! How can doing something this wrong feel so good and so right?"

Light flashed again, and the trio of bat-family studs collapsed into a pile of writhing flesh on the ground. The wriggling mass resolved itself in quick order into a daisy chain of cock-sucking metas. Batman now found himself sucking Red Robin while Red Hood returned the oral attentions Batman had just afford him. Across the triangle, Batman could see Red Robin getting as good as he was giving with Red Hood's generous fuck-rod. Sucking Batman had obviously awakened some latent desire in the boy. Fuck, Batman didn't know what was turning him more, getting blown, sucking cock, or watching his boys take up the slack.

The purple-white light flashed again and again, and Batman found himself on his back, his iron-hard cock now being ridden by Red Hood. The hot tightness of the young man's guts drove Batman insane, and the playboy groaned as it squeezed his shaft. Then Red Robin climbed over top of his mentor and sat on Batman's face in order to have his taint and ass given special attention from the bat-tongue. Batman lost himself in the taste and scent, never a turn-on until now, and wriggled his hips to try to get yet another half inch inside Red Hood's guts. He closed his eyes and reveled in the pure sexual pleasure. And then both asses pulled away from him. Batman opened his eyes and saw four determined hands reaching towards his supine body. Gently they pulled him up to kneel between Red Robin's spread legs. Red Hood took hold of the bat-shaft and removed the butt-plug from Red Robin's ass. The angry young sidekick aimed Batman's erection at Red Robin's butthole and pushed on his mentor's ass. Without thinking Batman sank into Red Robin's hot flesh and eased his cock in and out of its demanding grip. He was losing himself in the age-old dance of rutting men when Red Hood forced Red Robin's butt-plug, now in its dildo configuration into his former mentor's own fuck-hole.

"Ahh!" Batman cried out. Not only was the fake dick plumbing virgin depths, it was also delivering a jolt of incredible pleasure every time it ran over his prostate.

The simple act of Red Hood debauching him that way sent the hero into spasm of lust, and his hips wriggled licentiously, driving Red Robin wild at the same time.

"Oh god, Jason, yeah! Do me! Fuck my ass!" Batman screamed.

Wordlessly Red Hood obliged and forced the dildo deep into his mentor. With no warning, though, he pulled the fake cock all the way out and slammed his own flesh and blood erection into Batman's ready to be dick-fucked hole in its place.

"Argh!" Batman screamed as he was filled with man-shaft, and Red Hood started to take out years of frustration on his mentor's most private flesh.

"Take that cock, you fucker. This is what it feels like to be used. Do you understand? Can you understand what it was like for me, for us, for all those years?!"

Batman was incapable of answering, though. The feeling of fucking while getting fucked himself was too much, and his animal mind took over—the part that cried out to fuck and cum. The three subsequently flip-flopped all over the roof, the boys using the older man's body in whatever way they could imagine. Red Hood and Red Robin even managed to get both their cocks inside the bat-ass at one point.

If anyone had been watching that rooftop, they would have gotten the sex show of their lives, but this was Gotham City where minding your own business was the most important survival mechanism and therefore second nature to most citizens. As a result, the only witnesses were an evil genius with camera drones and a corps of rabidly masturbating meta-hunters.

"Men," Luthor said to his allies as the three heroes stood in a line fucking away, "I think they're ready for the big finale." As earlier Red Hood was balls deep in the Batman who was savagely fucking Red Robin. The hunter on ray gun duty nodded and pressed the level 10 button. Bathed in the white light, the three bat-heroes went off in sequence. Red Robin shot ropes of boy-goo onto the asphalt roof. Batman pulled out just in time to anoint Red Robin's sweaty back with thick sperm. Red Hood, unlike the others, stayed buried in his bitch's ass and spray-painted Batman's guts with his punk jizz.

The three fell to the roof, and the hunters were on them in no time at all. Butt-plugs were driven home (or back home in Red Robin's case) and Batman was fit with his own butt-plug and purple-white cock-ring. But Luthor was taking no chances with this dangerous capture and had his hunters bind the Batman tightly too.

"What do we do with that one?" the chief hunter asked, pointing at Damian.

The kid was clearly sporting an erection himself, staring as the rest of the Ex-Robin squad was induced to put their mouths to good use swallowing the loads and cleaning the cocks of the masturbating hunters.

"Bind him and bring him along," the evil genius said.

"You don't mean..." The hunter started, disgusted, but Luthor froze him with a glance.

"Don't be crude. I'm not the Joker. Children are off-limits. We'll just keep him on ice for now. He might make a good bargaining chip in a world without his big buddy. Speaking of which..."

Luthor knelt beside the bound Batman and slipped one of the mind control devices onto the hero's cowl.

"Before you pass out, Bat-Fuck, tell me one thing. What are the security codes for the teleporters to the JLA fortress?"

JLA Fortress

The uncaptured male part of the JLA excepting Superman who was off brooding somewhere (that is to say Green Lantern, the Martian Manhunter, Hawkman, and Flash) materialized in the teleporter room in their orbiting headquarters.

"Wait," said Martian Manhunter, "Wonder Woman was with us. Where..."

It was the last thing non-sexual he said, that any of them said, before Luthor's purple ray, feeding through the fortress' intruder control, hit them all in the middle of the chest.

The hunters weren't taking any chances with these powerful men, and they zapped the four metas to level 7 in one go. The victims didn't simply strip; they tore the uniforms off their own and their partners' bodies. Freed meta-cocks drooled pre-cum (Hawkman actually had a fake orgasm), and the sex-addled heroes fell on one another. Mouths found now rigid cocks and suddenly swollen balls; hands slapped firm muscular pecs and ass cheeks; and virgin ass sphincters flexed in anticipation.

Two more flashes took the mighty four through an intensive indoctrination into heavy man-sex, and Luthor was surprised to see how these mightiest of heroes managed to keep in touch with their powers, even though they were using them to make the orgy more intense and more exciting. Flash, for example, had covered Jonn Jonz and was pounding the alien as with such speed that his hips were a blur. Jonz, looking up at his ravager open-eyed and open-mouthed, wasn't even screaming. He was emitting a high-pitched keening sound as Flash's cock drove him sexually insane. Green Lantern, on the other hand, was engaged in a sloppy old-fashioned sixty-nine with Hawkman.

"Sir," said one of the hunters, "Did you know Lantern could deep throat a cock like that?"

Luthor only smiled. His cameras were catching it all, and soon the whole world would know.

The Martian Manhunter managed to turn the tables on his ass-ravager and now lay splayed underneath Flash. The speedster was riding big green Martian dick like it was going out of style.

"Fuck!" Flash yelled.

"Yeah, fuck! More fuck!" Martian Manhunter cried, thrusting up to meet Flash's descending ass.

"Yes! Fuck!" Lantern cried out, and even though his brain was being assaulted by the twin stimulation of sucking and being sucked, the black hero-stud retained enough control to command his ring to summon a two-headed tentacle of pure green power. The tentacle explored their bodies for less than a minute before its heads started to probe at the heroes' man-pussies. The guardian muscles resisted for only a moment before giving up, and slowly, inexorably, the green tentacles entered the metas' bodies.

"Fuck!" Hawkman screeched as Green Lantern's cock fell from his mouth.

The green power tentacles in their asses were joined by others that separated the two studs and lifted them into the air where they dangled like fuck-puppets. Lantern strained towards Hawkman's heaving muscular body so he could kiss him hard as the green ray fucked them silly.

"Impressive. I wonder if the Lantern Corps has ever had a gay power-ring orgy before?" Luthor mused, imagining the various men who had worn the ring stark naked and going at one another (and their holes) with abandon.

Luthor clearly had not thought for a second that this would happen, but he saw the possibilities immediately. Taking a chance, he entered the teleporter room, all the while making sure to stay in the shadows, out of the light of the purple ray.

"Green Lantern," he said to the fornicated stud, "Use your ring; use the power to fuck everybody. Jerk off their big cocks and give them something big and green to suck!"

What followed would have made a gay tentacle porn mogul sulk with envy. The ring's power enveloped all four metas. No part of their bodies escaped green power stimulation as they swam in a mid-air orgy, and even when one of them did get a flesh and blood cock into a waiting hole, a green tentacle phallus was there alongside, stretching the hole even further open, doubling the stimulation from the intrusion as the heroes humped towards release.

"Shit, boss," one of the hunters said, clearly paralleling the villain's thoughts, "Who knew that Green Lantern could orchestrate anything like that?"

"Even when I think I have these heroes entirely in my power, they still manage to surprise me. But you're right. Our boy certainly is creative," Luthor agreed, "Even my genius didn't foresee that my purple and the Lantern's green rays might combine their powers this way. But we need to end this. Wonder Woman will certainly have been trying to get up here. She'll have put the pieces together and realized that her friends are in danger of abduction. The XX-clusion shield may have bought us a few precious minutes, but we need to end this. Take them to level 10 now!"

White-purple and green lights both gave a blinding flash, and howls rent the air as meta cum erupted from four throbbing cocks to fly in arcs across the room.

When the orgasm took him, Green Lantern lost control of his ring, and the green glow faded out. The four metas fell to the floor, and the dregs of four super-orgasms leaked from the spent man-shafts. The hunters were on them in a second, fitting them up with all the fixings preparatory to teleporting out.

Luthor stopped by the Green Lantern and gave the hero's drooling cock-ringed shaft a tug that started it getting hard again. His power ring began to glow again as well, and a new energy phallus manifested.

"Eager boy," the villain crooned, "That's good, but you really won't be needing this ring of yours in the bunker."

He slipped the green metal band off the hero's finger and tucked it in his pocket. Perhaps later he could find time to analyze it, maybe even duplicate it.

Next: Chapter 8

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