Operation Manpower

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on May 20, 2020


Operation Manpower: Chapter four: Delivered and Unloaded

This is a fan fiction.

All characters depicted in it belong to and are trademarked and copyrighted by DC Comics and/or its subsidiaries. I am not related to the company and make no claim of ownership over the characters.

Given how many continuities DC has run through in the past 30 years, it's anyone's guess which one this is set in.

This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the true sexuality of either the actors or the characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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While in transit, Luthor's men made sure their catch stayed firmly under control. In addition to the insidious super-science cock-ring and butt-plug combo, each Titan was fitted with unbreakable (or so Luthor assured them) wrist cuffs which they chained to similar bands around the young men's thighs. None of the captives had a gag imposed on him. But Jericho had a blindfold, and Cyborg wore what Luthor had called a positronic inhibitor that fit around the black stud's head like a wire helmet. This would keep the automatic electronic parts of his brain from initiating any defensive protocols. For the most part, though, the insistent sexual urges that the rings and plugs induced were enough to keep the young heroes in check.

At the Bunker, the Titan studs were unloaded and sorted under Luthor's watchful eye. Nightwing, Arsenal, Jericho, Aqualad, and Golden Eagle were turned around and pushed up against the side of the van. Even this otherwise nonsexual manhandling got a rise out of the boys.

"Get the rest of them in their tubes," Luthor told his henchmen.

"Tubes?" Nightwing thought. He should have been able to figure out what was happening from this comment, but his brain was too occupied by the incredible feelings in his cock and balls. As the head of his dick squirted out a dribble of pre-cum, he could only watch as half of his team, men he'd known and fought beside for years, were docilely led away towards a forest of clear holding tubes like you might see in a cheap 50s science fiction movie. Two of the tubes already held the naked, restrained bodies of their one-time allies, Hawk and Dove.

In the meanwhile, Luthor paced slowly from one end of this line of select studs to the other. His hands strayed here and there, stroking and teasing his prisoners' naked flesh as the whim moved him. With each contact he made, the lucky young man hissed in pleasure while his fellows envied him the touch.

Luthor stopped his pacing behind and between Aqualad and Golden Eagle.

With a simple touch, he activated the control that reconfigured the butt-plugs seated firmly in their asses into dildos and grabbed hold of the handles. Without a word, he pulled the fake cocks out an inch and pushed them back in. Both studs, dark-haired and blond, moaned as the evil genius began slowly to dildo-fuck them.

"I want to thank you two," Luthor smarmed as he started to pull the dildos a second inch further out on his strokes, "When everybody else in your little hero club went to full tights and bodysuits, you two valiantly stuck to your butt-hugging trunks."

He gave the dildos a slight twisting movement by way of reward, and the boys gasped their appreciation.

"You can't imagine how many times I've jacked off to pictures of you two wearing those trunks. Your tight ass cheeks filling out the clingy material in back and your family jewels getting star billing in the front. It's maddening the way the press always cuts you boys off at the waist when they print a picture of you or show footage of you on TV. It's even worse when they blur or photo-edit away those telling front bulges! Un-American, I call it. Don't you agree?"

The two young heroes, if they had opinions, were beyond articulating them. The steady drilling of their anal chutes was much more important than answering Luthor's rhetorical question. As the violation continued, they leaned forward until their chests were supported by the side of the van. Their heads turned towards each other, their eyes and mouths open. Partners in this bizarre rape, sometimes they moaned, sometimes they just stared wide-eyed and drooled as Luthor expertly played their bodies.

"I've had this fantasy for years," Luthor said as he played the teen heroes' asses like a Stradivarius, "Let me tell you about it. In my fantasy your mentor, either Aquaman or Hawkman, has you bent over something and is ramming his big meat-stick into your guts. And you two, yeah, the best fantasy is the two of you getting rodded at the same time, you just stand there and take it like the sluts you are, whining and begging and moaning. Then the big boys cum. Sometimes they fill your asses so that the sperm leaks out and drips down your legs, and sometimes they pull out and shoot all over your back and ass, and sometimes they whip you around and paint your pretty faces with cum—oh, so much cum. Sometimes they let you jerk off, and sometimes you just shoot without touching yourselves because you are such man-sex pigs. I hoped that someday our paths would cross, and I'd have the opportunity to see what the real thing would be like, see if you'd perform as well in real life as you do in my fantasies. And here you are--so tight, and so hot--and I think you love being fucked like bitches. Don't you, boys?"

Aqualad actually whimpered as Luthor picked up his pace, and the dildo started hitting his Atlantean prostate just right. Golden Eagle just cawed a sequence of otherwise inarticulate sounds as the evil shaft sank home deep inside him again and again.

"Arh, arh, arh, arh..." "Aw, aw, aw, aw..."

The rings around the two Titans' cocks glowed brighter, reinforcing the boys' erotic experiences, and the pair of hero teens started making more and more pathetic sounds.

"You do sound like you're enjoying it. What do you say? Would you like to cum while Uncle Lex fucks your hot asses? Do you want to be my little sperm-spiggot ass-sluts?"

Golden Eagle couldn't articulate anything more than his "Aw", but Aqualad, who had pre-cum forming streamers that dripped from his frenulum, gave it the old sidekick try.

"P.. P.. P..." he managed, his eyes wide, his face desperate.

"Are you trying to say `Please?'"

Aqualad nodded frantically.

"Pz" he finally managed to croak.

"That's good enough for me. Henchmen, put a collector on their cockheads. There's no reason to waste some perfectly good semen samples."

The attendant henchmen came forward with suction bulbs and fit one over each hero-boy's slippery love plum. That done, Luthor brushed the white button that shot a level 10 purple ray directly into their prostates, precipitating an epic ejaculation.

The two studs' bodies shook, and their balls danced as their rigid cocks tensed and fired their second huge load of the day into the collecting bulbs. The thick jizz glistened under the artificial light, and all the starch drained away from the young men's bodies.

Kindly, or maybe not, Luthor pushed their two faces together and let the young heroes enjoy a tender kiss in their afterglow. He then turned the dildos back into butt-plugs and gave the boys' asses a slap.

"Kiss all you want but stay put until I call for you. You're not done for the day."

The evil genius moved on to the blindfolded blond, Jericho. He longed to tear the blindfold away, stare into the beautiful green eyes, and run his fingers freely through the curly blond hair, but he knew too much about the boy. If Jericho could see, he might be able to use his little power.

"Not today, blondie, not today," he thought, "And maybe not ever again."

He leaned forward and whispered, "Sorry I have to keep you in the dark, golden boy, but I'm sure you understand. Or at least you would if you could think straight right now."

A subtle touch turned Jericho's butt plug into a dildo, and Luthor began to sodomize this exquisite young man just as he had the previous two. Unable to speak, Jericho could only breathe hard as his body was humiliated, and exulted, in Luthor's hands.

"I met your father once," Luthor said as he probed Jericho's rectum, "He probably never bothered to mention it to you. We were supposed to work together on a project, but as it turned out he's as big a sociopath as I am. He just had better timing on the day he double-crossed me. Afterwards, try as I might, I could never get at him, but I figure that fucking your pert little ass will make up for his fucking me over. Don't you agree?"

Jericho apparently did because he was actually thrusting back onto the dildo that was reaming out his ass. Luthor was surprised, but amused.

"Hmm, maybe daddy was an even bigger sociopath than I realized?" he thought, "Or maybe it was big brother. Whatever, this ass has seen use before."

"I'm really enjoying this, boy," he whispered in the blond's ear, "Your ass was just meant to be bred. That's why this dildo is configured to be just as long, just as fat, as my real cock. And I'm really enjoying fucking you with it."

He varied his anal assault and asked, "Are you enjoying it too?"

Jericho let out a hiss of breath.

"I wonder if Uncle Lex dildo-fucking your hot young ass could make you cum? Do you want to see?"

Desperate now, Jericho nodded his head, and, after henchmen fit the head of the kid's dick with a collector, Luthor brushed a finger over the white button.

Jericho fell back away from the van. His hips thrust forward towards the side of the vehicle, and his head lolled back against Luthor's shoulder. The young man's face was a mask of pain and pleasure as his shaft pulsed and filled the globe with his man-seed. Luthor let the curly head rest on his shoulder as his men removed the collector. Then he pushed the boy off of him and back against the van. Jericho felt himself about to collapse to the floor, but he stiffened when Lex turned the dildo back into a butt-plug.

"Don't go anywhere, sweet boy," Lex told the spent hunk as he leaned against the side of the van, gasping.

Next in line was the red-headed stud, Arsenal. Luthor stroked the former sidekick's magnificent ass and crooned.

"You probably don't remember—you were pretty strung out at the time—but we've actually met before. Under slightly different circumstances."

If Arsenal could have cringed, he would have. Part of his mind knew where Luthor was probably going.

"Yeah, it was years ago, but there I was one night, in a strange town, horny as fuck, and I thought to myself `Lex, why not just go out and get yourself a rent-boy.'"

"Ahhhh," Arsenal moaned as Luthor turned his butt-plug into a dildo. He'd been right.

"Well, to make a long story short, I cruised around, but I couldn't find a boy I liked until I stumbled over this ginger-haired junkie in a side alley. He might already have had a trick that night because his shirt was torn open and he smelled of somebody else's cheap cologne. Wow, I thought, look at the physique on this stud! That package! That face! I bet he'll do anything. Anything I want. And that rent-boy was you, lover-boy."

"No!" Arsenal groaned as Luthor twisted the dildo that was fucking his ass.

The Teen Titan had never shared anything about his days on the streets or what he'd had to do to survive, but now here was Luthor going into embarrassing details where his nearest and dearest could hear. Luthor, for his part, was disturbed by the fact that one of his prize studs had been able to articulate that well, so he turned the power on the dildo up another level.

"I'm afraid so," he said as Arsenal groaned and twisted his hips, "You said you'd do anything, and I took you at your word. Before we left that alley, you gave me one of the best blowjobs I have ever had in my life. I couldn't account for your phenomenal breath control at the time. Of course, now I know you came by it naturally."

"Urgh!" Arsenal managed as Luthor tortured him with micro-assaults on his Titanic prostate with the dildo's head.

"Then I took you back to my rooms where I stripped you naked and had my way with every square inch of your sweet flesh."

Arsenal was panting heavily. Most details of his life on the streets were a blur, but from the way his body was reacting apparently it recognized the scene Luthor was detailing, and it was responding. It wanted more of what it knew Luthor could give.

"You sucked me again while I stripped, and my shaft was positively dripping with saliva, mucus, and pre-cum when I lifted you up and threw you stomach-down on the bed. I used nothing more than that slime for lube and gave you a fuck like you never had before. I took all night playing with your young whore body. First, I fucked you in every way you knew—and you knew a lot, you cheeky little harlot--and then I taught you some more ways."

"Ah!" Arsenal moaned as Luthor pulled the dildo almost all the way out of his asshole.

"And know what? You really did love it."

"Nuh!" the red head gasped as the dildo slammed back home deep into his guts.

Luthor turned the dildo up another couple of levels, and the "Nuh" of denial turned into a frantic anguished "Oh!"

"Yeah, I fucked you like the slut you were—paid you well for it too. And when I was done with you, I left your spent naked body, covered in my cum, with more of it leaking from your ass, outside a halfway house. Bet you always wondered how you got there."

Arsenal did remember waking up in a house like that once after what had clearly been a long active night of sex, but never mind that. Getting fucked now was more important than filling in the blanks in his scandalous early life.

"And now here we are again. Me wanting to fuck you, and you giving up your ginger ass to my shaft—even if it is only a surrogate. And you love it still, you conniving slut."

Something in Arsenal broke as he writhed on the dildo, and he moaned, "Oh fuh, yeh!"

Luthor laughed as Arsenal reverted to rent boy.

"Can you still cum like you did that night, boy? God, I never saw so much sperm in my life. You shot almost as much as I did. I thought after your first orgasm that your balls were going to be weeks recovering, but I was wrong. How many times did you cum that night?"

"Mmmm!" Arsenal groaned.

"Right, I fucked six loads of boy-jizz out of you that night. Six times you screamed how much you loved the way daddy was fucking your boy-cooze."

Arsenal's body was rocking in time to the hard dicking he was getting from Luthor's dildo play, and for the first time Luthor turned the intensity down far enough that Arsenal could speak.

"Tell me again, boy. Tell me how you love being fucked up the ass."

"Oh yeah!" the hero whined, "I love it! Please fuck me, daddy!"

Luthor chuckled as he rearranged the Titan's guts.

"Whadda you say, Roy? Shalt we add to the total number of times I've fucked you to orgasm? For old times' sake?"

"Yuhplz!" Arsenal's tongue tripped over itself as he tried to get the words out as fast as possible.

"I didn't understand you. Do you really want daddy to make his hot-body rent-boy cum again?"

"Oh yeah! Please!" Arsenal managed to croak desperately.

A henchman fit a collector over the head of the ginger hero's bright pink dick, and Luthor brushed the white button. Arsenal's balls pulled up tight, and he screamed as his cock erupted and filled the globe. His output even exceeded the globe's capacity, and some of his man-goo escaped and slid down his shaft.

"Wow, boy," Luthor said as he shrank the dildo back into a butt-plug, "Still shooting the giant loads I see. Don't run away. I have more plans for you."

He stroked the panting red-head's cheek before moving on to his last, and most anticipated, victim.

Nightwing had heard (and seen in Arsenal's case) his four friends humiliated and sexually defiled by the evil genius, but his brain was in such a turmoil from the insistent sexual need he himself was feeling that he couldn't concentrate. Even the evil genius' speech that accompanied Arsenal's ordeal, which answered so many questions that the Titans' leader had been too considerate ever to ask, aroused nothing more than an `Oh, okay' in his brain. Well, that and a real stirring in his loins. Nightwing had always had a weakness for red heads. Like Roy. But then Luthor was standing right behind him.

"Ah, the noble leader at last. Such a fine physique! I suppose that years of running around after the Batman will do that for you."

The billionaire's hands rested on Nightwing's shoulders and began to knead the muscles. Involuntarily Nightwing relaxed under the touch, even though subconsciously he knew where this was leading. The hands began to work their way down his back, and when at last they came to his muscular ass cheeks Nightwing was giddy with anticipation.

"Ah!" Luthor sighed, "Such a fine pair of gluteus maximus. Such a beautiful ass! You would not believe how many websites there are dedicated to this ass, Wonder Boy."

"Boy Wonder," Nightwing thought. His lips moved, but no sound emerged. The feelings in his hard young dick, throbbing from Luthor's sensual massage, made it hard to du anything but bask in the sensation.

"And you wouldn't believe how many of those sites I run."

A brush of the sociopath's fingers turned the butt-plug into a full-fledged dildo.

"But I never dreamed that someday I'd have this ass in my hands."

Luthor slowly pulled the dildo almost all the way out of Nightwing's guts.


"At my mercy."


And Luthor slowly forced the dildo back in.

"All mine to do whatever I want to with."

And that said, Luthor began seriously fucking the team leader's famous ass.

"Oh oh oh!" Nightwing moaned as the dildo drove home over and over.

"What?" Luthor smirked, "Does my boy like getting fucked? I hope so, because I am really getting off on making this straight-boy man-pussy into my own private fuck-hole. And I plan to fuck it a lot before I have to put it away."

The speed of the anal assault increased, and the depraved villain reached around and brushed a stray finger over his captive's frenulum.

"Nghee!" Nightwing wailed as his cock leapt under Luthor's gentle but torturing touch.

"My, my, just look at all the fuck juice pouring out of your prick. There's so much that it's running down your shaft and dripping to the floor."

Nightwing dropped his head and saw the truth of Luthor's words. His cock was purple-red, harder than he ever remembered it being (well, except maybe for earlier this same day.) He squeezed the muscles in his pelvis and a special spurt of pre-cum oozed out.

"Very good, Wonder Boy. I knew you had the makings of a first-class trollop."

Luthor's free hand reached down and cupped the young man's ball-sack.

"I hope these baby-makers have a lot of juice stored up, because I plan to see how many loads I can milk out of you today."

"Oh oh oh!" Nightwing groaned as Luthor targeted his prostate with the dildo. Some villainess not many years past, he forgot which one, had once finger-fucked his butthole this way and had used his prostate to turn him into her slave for a while. If the Batman had not rescued him, he might still be her adoring cum-cow. Of course, nowadays Batman had a new Robin to save, and Nightwing was on his own.

Luthor plied his dildo in Nightwing's ass with sociopathic abandon, testing the limits of the young marvel's sexual limits.

"Let me know when you're ready to fire off a load, stud boy. I don't want to waste a single teaspoon of that jism.

"Fuck!" Nightwing moaned.

"Don't mind if I do," Luthor chortled. It was an old line, but Luthor always enjoyed the classics. They were classic for a reason.

The deep dicking (even if it was from a fake cock) was driving Nightwing close to the edge. If anyone had told him that today he'd have a gay orgy with his nearest and dearest and then be driven close to sexual insanity by getting dildo-fucked in the ass by one of his great enemies, he'd not have believed them. But now...

"Oh fuck! Oh cum! Oh gotta!" he cried.

"Get them in place, boys," Luthor ordered his henchmen.

Suddenly Aqualad and Golden Eagle were on their knees between Nightwing and the van. The dark-haired stud's desperate cock bumped against their faces, and their tongues reached out to stimulate him.

"Please! Don't—oh god, yes, yes, please, make me cum!"

"As you wish," Luthor said as his finger brushed the white button.

Nightwing thought his balls were going to shoot up out of his cock, but it was simply a repeat of the all-consuming orgasm he'd had in the warehouse. White-hot ropes of cum shot the few inches to his friends' faces and turned them from all-American boys into depraved cum-lapping fag whores. Golden Eagle somehow contrived to move his head so he got the lion's share of the sperm, but Aqualad, not to be denied, shouldered the blond aside and dove in to swallow Nightwing's still-throbbing shaft, sucking him to get the last dregs of his jizz.

Nightwing relaxed for just a moment, but then he realized his cock was rising again. Luthor was still fucking him.

"Oh no! Not again!" he cried as the desperate sexual need resumed its control of his body. He never saw Aqualad and Golden Eagle led away. The two were still wearing dripping masks of Nightwing's passion and their shame as they were loaded into their storage tubes.

Luthor leaned over and said, "I know you were brought up to have better manners than that, Wonder Boy. You can't just feed some of your buddies your delectable sperm. One for all, as the old saying goes."

"Oh fuck!" Nightwing moaned.

Luthor started pistoning Nightwing's ass, and the hero felt his body once more reaching the heights of humiliating and delectable passion. When he felt the sap run up his dick a second time he found Jericho had been put in the line of fire. The blond's angelic features caught every drop of Nightwing's white liquid gold. Salty drops decorated his blindfold, his cheeks, and even his retro sideburns.

"Fuck," Nightwing groaned as they led Jericho away, and Luthor began pumping again.

"Of course," Luthor gloated, "Since you realize you're not nearly done for the day."

Nightwing tried to remember back to a time when he wasn't being ass fucked, but his brain wouldn't oblige him. Being fucked was everything--well, that, and cumming. This time Luthor decided to expand the experience by taking advantage of Arsenal's talent and shame. Before the dark-haired stud was ready to shoot again, the red head was on his knees in front of his oldest super-friend, taking his cock, very professionally, into his mouth and applying just the right amount of suction.

"Roy," Nightwing gasped.

"Yeah, he is one greedy cum-whore, our Roy is. You think after three loads today you're up to firing off another? It wouldn't be nice not to reward Roy for such a good blowjob."

And it was a good blowjob. Except no, it wasn't. It was a great blowjob, maybe the best Nightwing had ever enjoyed. Arsenal was remembering all his old tricks, and he swallowed his leader's cock to the root, using his throat muscles to massage the rigid shaft.

"Oh fuck!" Nightwing screamed, "Oh fucking good! Oh fuck, Roy!"

Once more Luthor brushed the white button, and Nightwing flooded his friend's mouth with his man-goo. He was so exhausted he couldn't see Arsenal's smile as he swallowed and started to suck the team leader back to erection.

"No! Please, Roy! No more!" Nightwing sobbed.

The henchmen disengaged Arsenal's suctioning mouth from Nightwing's cock and lifted the red head to his feet, but Luthor stopped them before they could take him away.

"I think you owe your buddy a nice juicy kiss for that blowjob, don't you, Nightwing?"

The henchmen turned Nightwing's face towards the red-head and without a moment's hesitation Arsenal went for it. The two hard-throbs' lips met, and Nightwing tasted his seed in another man's mouth for the first time.

"God, it's so right," he thought to himself, as their lips slid and their tongues fenced, "So..."

But Arsenal and his salty lips were gone just like that. Arsenal was taken away to his own holding tube while Luthor kept dildo fucking Nightwing's exhausted, but still delectable, ass. The billionaire sociopath's final assault on the perfect ass was his most violent. Not only had increased the intensity but he'd also increased the length and diameter of the ersatz penis. Nightwing never knew he could take such a demanding fuck, open so wide, be penetrated to such a depth, yet still pray for more.

"This isn't personal, you realize, Nightwing," Luthor said, "But all those websites I mentioned, they'll never get to have any more pictures added to them."

He didn't mention, of course, that the purely pornographic sites would benefit one last time from having footage of this session uploaded. Why burden the young man's brain with details he wouldn't be able to process at this time or appreciate in future. Better just to keep fucking him.

"Let me know, Wonder Boy," Luthor said, "Let me know when you're ready to cum again. There are none of your friends left to enjoy your little cum-dance, so this one will have to be for you and me."

"Ngh ngh," Nightwing was all but inarticulate now.

"Don't bother trying to talk. Just nod when you're ready, stud-boy," Luthor prompted.

Part of Nightwing tried to nod just so he could have the white fire of the induced orgasm burn through his mind and body again. But another part fought to keep from nodding in the hopes that this fuck could go on forever. The part that would once upon a time have screamed `No! Don't! This is wrong!' was sitting in a corner of his brain jacking off like a monkey. Eventually the nod won.

Luthor brushed the white button and watched as Nightwing came for the last time this day. Instead of using a collector, Luthor caught the hero's seed in his hand and held it out to be scooped into a test-tube so this priceless sperm could also be frozen for later. After all, you never knew when you might need another Dick Grayson cloned up.

Feeling light on his feet, and, truth be told, in his balls as well, the dark-haired Titan fell to his knees at last and, panting, rested his head against the cool metal of the van. The henchmen let him gasp in deep breaths as he struggled to find the strength to stand. Eventually they gave up on that, and a couple of them simply hauled him to his feet, supporting him like a wounded warrior, one on each side.

"Before you go, Wonder Boy, you need to clean up your mess."

Luthor held his hand, still glistening with some of Nightwing's cum up to the stud's mouth.

"Lick it clean."

Mindlessly, Nightwing let his tongue roam over Luthor's hand, running down every least taste of sperm and submissively sucking on the villain's fingers. When he was done, Luthor stepped behind him and switched the dildo back to putt-plug, making the spent young man moan and his cock stiffen yet again.

"Take him away, boys. Despite what Wonder Boy's dick seems to think, play time is over."

And it was--least for now. Nightwing had no way of knowing that a different game lay in his future.

Next: Chapter 5

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