Operation College Quarterback

By Phoenix Mountaineer

Published on Mar 6, 2005


Operation: College Quarterback

By Phoenix

The following story contains erotic situations between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this, please leave now. The characters and incidents portrayed and the names used herein are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All rights reserved to the author. Please do not copy or distribute without the author's permission.

This multi-part story is my first posting, so comments are greatly appreciated. Send them to shotgun047@yahoo.com. Thanks, and enjoy!

Chapter Six - Beach Mission II

The hot sun beat down on the beaches of Fort Lauderdale on a cloudless Sunday afternoon in November. The gorgeous weather gave way to a beach packed with college kids, who were all making the best of their last day of Fall Break. Dylan sat on the beach under an umbrella, close to the water, trying to be discreet as he surveilled all of the hot college stud boys as they passed by. Dylan was wearing a pair of dark blue board shorts, no shirt, sunglasses and a baseball cap. His tanned upper body was slick with suntan oil, which made the muscles in his chest and arms pop. Because the beach was so crowded that day, he easily blended in among the other college kids who were there. Although the majority of the guys on the beach around him fell squarely into the "undesirable" category, there was one group that was more than worthy of special attention.

Just about 50 feet away, Jason and his friends were playing a game of touch football on the beach. The uniforms worn by the Campden College jocks that day came in the form of various pairs of bright, multi-colored board shorts that sat low on their hips. Luckily for Dylan, not one of them wore shirts or shoes. Dylan was practically hypnotized by the players' hard, sweaty muscles glistening in the sun as they played. Of course, Dylan focused most of his attention on the beautiful, masculine form of his super jock, who only got hotter when he was in action. Curvy coeds wearing tiny bikinis pranced about on the sidelines, acting like cheerleaders for the guys as they played. Dylan knew that even though those girls would be reluctant admit it, they lusted after those muscled athletes just as much as he did. Dylan secretly gloated, knowing that he was having sex - hot, amazing sex - with the best athlete of them all.

Dylan's mind was still having difficulty processing the fact that he woke up next to Jason, that gorgeous muscle boy, in his hotel room that morning. It was the first time that they had spent an entire night together. Even though Dylan was the most comfortable he had ever been lying there in Jason's arms, he barely got any sleep. He just listened to the sound of Jason's steady breathing all night, and relished in the warmth exuded by his perfect body. He would never forget that wonderful night as long as he lived. In spite of this, Dylan had to keep reminding himself that he and Jason were playing games in two completely different worlds.

As the football game grew more intense, Dylan's eyes began to move from Jason to his jock friends who were playing with him. Two guys in particular managed to keep his attention. One of them was Steve, a linebacker on Campden's football team, who definitely fit the dumb-jock profile. He was 21 years old, but was still only a sophomore. He was 6' tall, and was about 225 pounds of thick muscle, Dylan guessed. He had a nearly hairless torso, with huge pillow like pecs, thick shoulders, and nice big, round biceps. He was stockier and beefier than Jason, but not nearly as cut. Dylan was particularly fond of Steve's big, bodybuilder butt, which was prominent no matter what he wore. Dylan shivered as he tried to imagine what it must look like in a jock strap. Steve had sandy blonde hair that was a little wavy on top but short on the sides. He had relatively fair skin that didn't tan too well - it had become quite red from being out in the sun without appropriate sun block. Steve was definitely a good-looking guy, but in a "blockhead" way. From what Dylan could gather, Steve never had much to say, and what he did say was not exactly profound. It was painfully clear that his football scholarship was the only thing keeping him at Campden College. Steve also had the notable distinction of being Jason's roommate and, thus, a frequent obstacle in setting up the meets with Jason.

The other stud Dylan admired was J.T., a kicker on the football team and one of Jason's close friends. J.T. was at the opposite end of the body type spectrum from Steve. He was 20 years old and also a sophomore, and, not unlike Steve, would probably keep that designation for another year or so. He was 6'2" tall and about 175 pounds of tight, lean muscle. His brown hair was shaved quite short, and his sideburns traveled almost to the bottom of his cheek. He had an incredibly lean, muscular build that stopped just short of being too lanky. From the way J.T.'s abs stood out, Dylan assumed that he had almost zero body fat. His chest was completely hairless, and he had sinewy arms that were thin, but very defined. Predictably, J.T. had a tight little butt, which Dylan still thought was cute, even if it was "barely there." His skin, unlike Steve's, tanned fairly well. All around, J.T. was a hot guy, but in a rough trade kind of way. He had a crooked nose, which Dylan found rather sexy, and he had a number of scars on his face and body which were evidence of his wild and reckless antics. He also had several tattoos - a tribal symbol around his right arm, frat symbols on his stomach near his belly button, and an eagle on his back. J.T. was perhaps best known for being a total loud mouth. He had no problem with saying exactly what he thought at all times, and his voice could always be heard above every one else on the beach.

Dylan had seen both Steve and J.T. around Campden College campus, even before seeing Jason for the first time. Dylan admitted that he had lusted after them both until Jason became the central figure in his life, and they had even been the subject of many of Dylan's jerk-off fantasies. Though worlds away from Jason, they both possessed physical qualities that appealed to Dylan. He had often wondered what it would be like to suck them off - and to be fucked by them. But could they really even come close to being as amazing as Jason?

Dylan never spent too much time entertaining that thought, however. Though Dylan had never met them, he knew that they were the enemy. They may behave like Jason's best buds, but they were the individuals who would no doubt quickly turn on him if they ever found out Jason's secret. And God only knew what fate they would have in store for Dylan if that day came.

As the football game went on, the guys started playing quite rough with each other. The "touch" aspect of the game had evolved into them slamming each other down on the sand. Dylan's super jock didn't seem to be phased by the unnecessary roughness, but instead gave back the punishment he received from the other guys in triplefold. Sweaty and tanned, Jason looked absolutely stunning, wearing a pair of bright red board shorts that slipped down his hips slightly whenever he tackled one of the guys (he, of course, was rarely tackled). Jason's athletic skill easily adapted to the foreign terrain, and to anyone watching the group, it was immediately apparent that he was the star. More than that, however, was that Jason just looked so damn sexy playing the game. Each time Jason bent over to grab the snap from Steve, Dylan could see just an inch or so of his delicious butt crack. How Dylan hoped that Jason would someday let him run his tongue down that crack, just once.

Dylan's cock had grown rock hard in his board shorts as he watched the boys play. Their game seemed almost sexual, the way they pounded each other with such intensity. Dylan's insides churned seeing their hard muscles connect with each other again and again, coating each other with their sweat and suntan lotion. Every so often, it seemed that the guys would accidentally grab each other in "inappropriate" areas when they connected, and Dylan's cock would jump. J.T. tackled Steve and grabbed his muscled butt as they went down. Later in the game, Dylan could have sworn he saw Steve grab J.T.'s crotch when he tackled him. And, of course, Jason constantly had his hands on Steve's ass as he waited for the snap. Dylan wondered if Steve would be so quick to bend over in front of Jason if he knew his secret. What would he do if he knew that Jason had actually slicked up Dylan's ass with his tongue one night when they forgot the lube but Jason just had to fuck him? If Steve knew how good it felt, he would probably want Jason to do the same for him. Dylan watched Jason standing behind Steve as he bent over, and he just couldn't help but picture Jason spreading Steve's thick, muscular ass cheeks, and then driving his tongue deep inside his straight boy hole as Steve begged him not to stop.

Without realizing it, Dylan had started stroking himself through his swim trunks while he gazed at the muscled athletes in their prime, as hot sexual scenarios played out in his mind. Lost in lust, Dylan got himself all worked up, and before he could stop, he felt his balls tighten as an orgasm began to rush over him.

"Oh, shit! Damn it! Uhhh!!" Dylan said under his breath as he shot a hot load right into his trunks.

Dylan turned beet red as he looked from side to side to see if anyone had noticed. Luckily, no one seemed to be paying attention to what he was doing at that moment. As his warm boy spunk began to trickle down his thigh, Dylan quickly mapped out a path in front of him and took off running to the water. He dove into the waves, swimming around for a bit to make sure the sticky boy jizz was completely washed out of his board shorts. After that little disaster, Dylan decided it best to call it a day and head back to the hotel.

Later that evening, Dylan positioned himself on a bench on the boardwalk a few blocks from Jason's hotel. He pulled a book out of his backpack and began reading an assignment for his AP English class. He figured he may as well get some schoolwork done while he had time. It was his last night at the beach and he would have to take off early tomorrow for the long drive home. He desperately wanted to see Jason again, but Jason took off in such a hurry that morning that they didn't have time to spec out a plan. Dylan decided it was probably a lost cause at that point.

Hours passed and Dylan became lost in the book he was reading. Suddenly, he looked up to see Jason, Steve and J.T. walking right in front of him! Jason was looking painfully hot in a pair of cargo shorts, flip flops, and a tight red t-shirt. Dylan was shocked when Jason yelled over to him as they walked by. Dylan couldn't breathe.

"Hey, man - what time is it?" Jason asked nonchalantly.

"Oh, um, it's just before 10.00pm," Dylan responded, his heart beating fast, talking in a low voice and trying not to make eye contact with the other guys.

"Damn, feels like it's 2.00am! Hey - guys - let's go check out that sports bar down the street - I'm not drunk enough yet!" Jason said.

"Dude, why the fuck are you out here reading instead of trying to get some ass?! There's hot chicks all around, man. Take a look! Why don't you go get some action?!" J.T. shouted to Dylan, laughing and high-fiving Steve.

Dylan just shrugged his shoulders and didn't respond. He pulled his cap down and stared at his book. He didn't want to take the chance that they would recognize him from his frequent appearances on the Campden College campus. As the three guys walked off, Jason suddenly turned around and stared at Dylan intently.

"Hey, dude - remember - an easy bitch could help!" Jason said, in a weirdly serious tone, before continuing down the boardwalk.

That was a strange thing to say, Dylan thought. Jason hated the word "bitch" and even berated Dylan when he used it the very first night they met. Was it a message? A code of some sort? Dylan reached down into his backpack and got out a pad of notepaper. He wrote down exactly what Jason had said to remember: "An easy bitch could help." Dylan stared at the words, trying to parse out some hidden meaning. Minutes later, he had it.

"He's using skip-sequence cipher text!" Dylan thought to himself.

Dylan circled the first letter of each word in Jason's message: A E B C H. He then rearranged the letters to form an actual word: BEACH. Jason wanted Dylan to meet him on the beach! But when? Dylan thought for a moment, and then he remembered that Jason had said that it felt like 2 am.

Later that night, at just before 2.00am, Dylan, overwhelmed with anxiety and anticipation, took a big towel down to the beach in front of his hotel. He assumed that Jason wanted to meet there rather than in front of his hotel. The beach was dark and completely deserted. Apparently, most of the college kids had taken off late that afternoon. There were tall stacks of beach chairs lined up in clusters along the sand. Dylan walked down and spread out the towel in front of one of the stacks, thinking that it would keep them safely out of view from the boardwalk. Dylan sat down on the towel and began scanning the vacant beach for signs of life.

Ten minutes later, Dylan saw a dark figure walking near the water to his right. He soon recognized the figure as his super jock. Dylan whistled and caught Jason's attention, and Jason jogged up to him.

"Hey, man! Glad you figured out my message. I just had to see you one more time before we leave tomorrow," Jason said, smiling shyly as he placed a hand on Dylan's shoulder.

"Yeah, I almost didn't catch that one. Very clever," Dylan replied, placing his hand on Jason's tight waist.

"Ok, then - let's not waste any time," Jason said, as he grabbed the bottom of Dylan's shirt and quickly peeled it off, before ripping off his own.

Both boys then kicked off their flip flops and dropped their cargo shorts at the same time, leaving them standing there on the beach in the moonlight in nothing but their thin cotton boxers. Dylan stepped toward Jason and grabbed him around his waist, placing his thumbs into the glorious dents in his hips, and Jason began massaging Dylan's shoulders firmly. Dylan then moved closer and put his arms around Jason's mid- section, stepping into the warmth of his big chest, which felt so good in the cool sea breeze. Dylan pressed his lips into the ridge between Jason's chiseled pecs, licking the indentation and tasting the sweet saltiness of his skin.

"Ok, dude. I've been waiting for that hot mouth all day. Why don't you work on my cock for me, man," Jason moaned, as he pulled away from Dylan and sat down on the towel.

Dylan knelt down beside Jason and began worshipping his college jock body, which was still hot from the sun he had gotten that day. He pushed Jason down onto the towel, massaging the thick muscles of his pecs, and then moving out to his round biceps, squeezing them firmly. Dylan then brought his lips to Jason's left nipple and began sucking and biting gently. As his tongue explored every crevice of Jason's chest and arms, Dylan became drunk in the delicious saltiness of Jason's taut skin, blended with the intoxicating scent of his athletic maleness. With his left hand, Dylan began rubbing Jason's thickening tool through his boxers, feeling it stretch and grow to its full 9-inch massiveness. Jason took his strong hands and started to massage Dylan's arms and shoulders, then down his lower back.

After Dylan's tongue had covered every inch of Jason's chiseled torso, spending extra time in his arm pits to relish in his wonderful muskiness, he then made his way down to Jason's manhood, sliding his mouth up and down the cotton-encased member while tugging at his ball sack with his left hand. As he did that, Jason moaned and his cock began drooling through the thin fabric.

"Aw, come on, dude - you gotta suck me. I need it so bad. Take my cock down your throat like you always do, man. You make me feel so fucking good, Dylan," Jason moaned, as he squeezed the globes of Dylan's ass through his boxers.

Jason lifted his hips and Dylan quickly yanked down his boxers, causing his dripping tool to smack back against his tight abs. Dylan grabbed the base of Jason's big dick and took the head into his mouth, swirling the sensitive underside with his tongue, all while still massaging and tugging his meaty balls. Dylan sucked Jason hungrily, so happy to have Jason's thick meat in his mouth again and also to taste his sweet nut nectar as it oozed out in a steady stream. Jason's moans told Dylan that he was glad to be where he was, as well.

Suddenly, in one quick motion, Dylan took all 9 thick inches down his throat and held it there, feeling it throb and pulse.

"Uhhhh, fuck! Yeah, dude!! That's it, man! Oh, God!! Yeah, man, you're so fucking hot! Uhhhh!!" Jason hissed, as he continued to squeeze Dylan's muscled butt through his boxers.

After Dylan deep-throated Jason several more times, he began sucking and jacking him feverishly. Jason writhed and moaned beneath him, his abs rippling and flexing as his body submitted to the fantastic blowjob Dylan was giving him. Jason slipped his hand under the waistband of Dylan's boxers, parting the firm, fleshy cheeks of his butt. Jason's fingers searched and soon found Dylan's quivering, tight pucker and began massaging and flicking it gently. Dylan moaned and arched his back and started sucking Jason faster. When Jason slipped a thick finger into his hole, Dylan released Jason's cock and cried out in both pain and pleasure.

"Oh, God, Jason! Easy, man! Uhhh!! But don't stop!! Ooooh!!" Dylan moaned, trying to catch his breath for a second before continuing to work over Jason's meat.

"God, dude, I love that hot mouth. Damn!! Uhhhh! But you know what I really want, man. I want this tight little ass. Come on, let me fuck you, man," Jason moaned, practically begging.

It was at that point Dylan realized that he had left the bottle of lube on his nightstand. What the hell was he thinking? He was definitely hoping that Jason would want to take his ass again, and he would gladly give it up. How could he be so freaking forgetful?

"Damn it! I forgot the lube, Jason. I'm sorry," Dylan said, before quickly swallowing Jason's cock again, milking him for his sweet load.

"Hmmm. It seems to me that we came up with a solution for that, didn't we?" Jason asked, in a sly tone.

Jason sat up and pulled his cock out of Dylan's mouth. Dylan gasped as he pushed him down on the towel on his back and tore down his boxers. He then rolled Dylan's legs up to his chest, raising his ass in the air and exposing his pink pucker to the cool night air. Dylan stared up into Jason's crystal blue eyes, which were burning with a fiery lust. Dylan had longed to feel Jason's hot tongue on his ass again, ever since their amazing night in the basement storage room. Dylan wondered if he subconsciously left the lube in the hotel room, secretly hoping that Jason's desire would once again overtake him and force him to rim Dylan's hole to get it ready for his big cock. In any event, Dylan was about to get what he wanted. He gasped and gripped the sides of the towel beneath him.

Jason squeezed Dylan's legs and buried his face in his smooth boy butt. Dylan moaned in ecstasy as Jason's warm, full lips connected with his tender flesh. Jason's tongue first gently traced around the circle of Dylan's tight pucker, then suddenly attacked his hole with a wild fury, forcing its way past the clenched sphincter, much in the same way that Jason had torn through the defensive line during their football game that afternoon.

"Oh, God, Jason!! Oh, fuck, it's so good!! Uhhhhh!! I love your tongue in my ass!! Oh, God!! Uhh, uhh, uhhhhhhhh!!" Dylan hissed, digging his hands into the sand under the towel and bucking his hips in the air.

Jason worked his strong, hot tongue deep up Dylan's chute, preparing it for the monster that was about to invade it without mercy. As Jason drove his tongue in further, he playfully bit at the sides of Dylan's hole, causing Dylan to scream out loudly and wildly thrust his ass against Jason's hot mouth. Sensing that Dylan was getting close to the edge, Jason suddenly stopped licking his hole and pulled his legs back down to the towel.

"Oh, God, Jason!! Please don't stop, dude!! It feels so fucking good, man!! Please!!" Dylan begged, gasping for air.

"Not yet - I want my cock inside you when you cum. It is SO hot the way your ass clamps down around me when you shoot, man! Sends me right over the edge!" Jason said, as he knelt between Dylan's trembling legs, spreading them apart.

Dylan looked up at his college quarterback's perfect physique, his chest and right bicep flexing as he stroked his thick shaft, still wet from Dylan's mouth and glistening in the moonlight. Dylan closed his eyes and arched his back, offering up his ass to his jock god. Jason grabbed the underside of Dylan's right leg and leaned forward, placing his mushroom cockhead at Dylan's slick hole. Jason then slowly, but forcefully, thrust his hips forward, causing Dylan's resistant sphincter to submit and allow his warrior to enter.

"Ahhh!! Oh, God, Jason!! Uhhhhh!!" Dylan hissed, biting his lip and fighting through the brief moment of pain that he knew would soon melt into incredible pleasure.

"Damn, dude, you are always so fucking tight!! You'd think I would have loosened you up a bit by now!! God, this feels good!! Ummm!!" Jason moaned, as he continued to gently slide his cock in inch by inch.

When Jason's massive tool was finally all the way inside him, Dylan wrapped his legs around Jason's waist and grabbed his powerful arms tightly. Dylan never stopped being surprised at the indescribable feeling of fullness and completeness that came over him when Jason's entire cock was buried inside him. Dylan opened his eyes and Jason looked down at him, his crystal blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. Through the burning lust, Dylan saw compassion in those eyes - something more than base animalistic urges. Jason no longer seemed to be solely concerned about getting his rocks off - he wanted to please Dylan, too.

As if to grant the wish Dylan was secretly making, Jason leaned towards him, and brought his lips to Dylan's. Jason first softly kissed Dylan's upper lip, then opened his lips to allow their tongues to caress each other. Jason then gently took Dylan's hands off of his arms and, locking their fingers, held them down against the towel at opposite sides of Dylan's head. With his tongue still exploring Dylan's mouth, he began to slowly fuck Dylan with long, deep strokes. Waves of pleasure washed over Dylan as he felt Jason slowly slide his massive tool out until only the head remained, and then drive the full length all the way back in, until his meaty balls pressed against Dylan's tender ass cheeks. Jason seemed to be trying to stave off Dylan's orgasm as long as possible - to prolong the moment of bliss.

Not taking his lips off of Dylan's for a second, Jason continued his slow, gentle fucking, as Dylan's swollen cock began leaking a river of precum into the ridges of his abs. After almost 15 minutes of that sweet torture, Dylan could hold back no longer. He tightly squeezed Jason's hands, which were still restraining his hands above his head. He moaned into Jason's mouth and arched his back, as his balls churned and boiled over. Jason then thrust all 9 inches of his jock cock deep up Dylan's chute, making it flex and throb against its tight confines.

"Oh, God, Jason!! Oh, fuck, I'm coming, dude! Oh, fuck! Uhh, uhh!! Jason!! Oh, Jason!! Uhhhhhhhhh!!" Dylan screamed, pulling his mouth from Jason's and biting into the side of his neck.

At that moment, Dylan's cock erupted in a blast of hot white boy jizz, shooting out all over his chest, as well as Jason's. Simultaneously, Dylan's hole spasmed and clenched down tightly around Jason's thick tool with the force of his climax, which sent Jason rocketing toward his own orgasm. Jason moaned loudly as his balls tightened against his body, signaling that he had slipped over the edge.

"Oh, fuck, dude! You're gonna make me blow, man!! Oh, fuck, I'm coming!! I'm coming!! Uhh!! Uhh!! Uhhhhh!!" Jason roared, before biting into Dylan's shoulder as a powerful orgasm surged through his tense body.

Dylan locked his legs tightly around Jason's waist as his stud climaxed hard, still squeezing his hands above his head. Dylan was in absolute heaven. The feeling of Jason's thick cock pulsing and jerking in his ass, as his hot, muscle jock load shot out inside him in several mighty bursts, caused Dylan's own cock to drizzle out a few more globs of boy jizz.

As Jason's orgasm began to fade, he released Dylan's hands and collapsed onto him, breathing heavily. Dylan put his arms around Jason and held him close - savoring the feeling of his hard, sweaty body against his own. Between their heaving chests, Dylan could feel the masculine mixture of perspiration and his own teen spunk sliding across his skin and dripping down onto the towel. After a few minutes, Jason slowly pulled his spent tool from Dylan's punished ass and got back to his knees.

"Whew! Man, that was really fucking hot! Hey, I've got an idea. No one's out here. Why don't we get washed off in the ocean? Come on!" Jason said, as he got up darted down the beach towards the water, in an apparent burst of energy.

Dylan was a bit surprised at Jason's boldness, but he wasn't about to turn down the invitation. Dylan got up and jogged down to the shore behind Jason. Dylan paused to take in the incredibly sexy sight of Jason's perfect nude form as it dove into the waves. Dylan followed suit and dove into the water behind him. He expected the water to be freezing, but was surprised to find it quite warm. He swam up to Jason and jumped up onto his back. Jason, laughing, reached around and pulled him off and threw him to the side with a splash.

For the next hour or so, the two naked muscle boys engaged in what could only be described as "frolicking" in the ocean - they swam out to deeper waters and then back again, splashing along the way, and then wrestled around, laughing and joking with each other. Dylan had never felt so free and uninhibited - all of the stresses and worries of the "real world" faded into nothingness.

After a bit, Dylan swam up to Jason and, without a word, wrapped his legs around his waist, and put his arms on his shoulders. Jason reached under and grabbed onto Dylan's firm, but still tender ass to support him. Dylan gazed at Jason's perfect, chiseled features gleaming in the moonlight. As Jason flashed his billion-dollar smile, Dylan watched the sea water drip down his beautiful face. Staring deeply into Jason's sparkling eyes, Dylan leaned in and touched his lips to Jason's. To Dylan's delight, Jason didn't pull away as he had expected him to, but instead passionately returned the kiss. First Jason's tongue explored Dylan's mouth, and then Dylan's explored Jason's, as Dylan stroked his wet, jet black hair. The two continued their luscious kissing for nearly 10 minutes, until Jason suddenly broke the kiss and let go of Dylan.

"We should probably get out now. We've been out here for, like, an hour," Jason said, as he began swimming to shore.

After all that Dylan and Jason had been through, there still seemed to be a wall between them. Dylan wondered if he could ever get through.

Frustrated, and slightly heartbroken, Dylan darted out of the water ahead of Jason. Jason watched Dylan's wet bubble ass bounce as he jogged out of the water. The moonlight and shadows perfectly framed the firm, muscular globes of his amazing boy butt as it flexed with each stride. Dylan had not realized it yet, but that was all he needed to do to drive Jason absolutely crazy. Jason ran after him and tackled him at the edge of the water - the same way he had tackled his teammates on the beach earlier that day. Dylan felt Jason's hard cock against his thigh, and his own cock began to swell.

"What the hell was that for?" Dylan asked, laughing and somewhat in shock from the tackle.

"Damn, dude, I've just gotta have that ass one more time! Are you still sore? Do you think you can handle it?" Jason asked, smiling as he slapped and then squeezed Dylan's butt playfully.

"Yeah, I think so. I don't feel that sore, actually. But - there's one condition," Dylan said, smiling wickedly.

"Oh, really? And what's that?" Jason asked, slapping Dylan's butt, a little harder than the last time.

"I loved that we went super slow last time - it was awesome. But this time, I want you to give it to me hard and fast - don't hold back," Dylan instructed, his pucker quivering at the demand he had just made.

"I was hoping you'd say that," Jason said, smiling as his eyes filled with desire.

"Ok, let me get you lubed up," Dylan said, standing up at the edge of the water.

Jason stood up, his hard cock bouncing at a 45 degree angle as his lime-size nuts dangled low underneath. Dylan knelt before his jock god and grabbed his thick tool at the base. He then greedily took the cockhead into his mouth, released his grip on the base, and deep-throated the entire 9 inches in one swift motion.

"Oh, God, yeah! Suck my cock, Dylan! Yeah, baby! God, you know how to work my dick!! Uhhh!! Yeah, get me all lubed up!! Uhhh!!" Jason moaned and grunted, grabbing the back of Dylan's head and guiding him as he continued to swallow his cock.

Dylan reached around and grabbed Jason's powerful, thrusting muscle butt, pulling him closer as he began sucking his cock faster. Soon, Jason's massive tool was dripping with Dylan's spit, and Jason moaned that he was ready.

Dylan got down on his back at the edge of the water and leaned back against the sand. Jason knelt down in front of him, lifting Dylan's legs and resting them on his strong shoulders. Jason grabbed the shaft of his thick, dripping cock and pressed the head against Dylan's hole. Dylan yelped as the giant mushroom popped past his already defeated sphincter. Jason slid in slowly, Dylan's chute still slick with Jason's load from less than an hour ago. Dylan moaned and gasped as the entire length of Jason's pole began to fill him once more. Dylan arched his back and grabbed onto Jason's biceps, holding on as hard as he could. Jason started with a few slow strokes to allow Dylan to get used to him again but was soon ready to pick things up, as Dylan had requested.

"Ok, dude - you said you want it hard and fast, huh? You ready?" Jason asked, lust burning in eyes.

"Yeah, Jason - don't hold back, man. Give it all to me - please!! Fuck me as hard as you want, man!" Dylan moaned nervously, now wondering if would really be able to handle Jason at full force.

The play had been called and the quarterback had just yelled "hike." With a snap, Jason began furiously slamming his baseball-bat-sized cock deep into Dylan's tight hole, as the salt water splashed around them. Dylan remembered the intensity of the touch football game earlier that day - the way the athletes ruthlessly pounded each other into the sand, showing no mercy. Dylan was now living his own version of that game, playing against the strongest, fastest, most finely-tuned athlete of the bunch. But, in this game, there was no winning or losing - just the incredible ecstasy of being taken by the star quarterback and his 9 inches of thick jock meat.

"Oh, fuck, yeah!! Uhh!! I love fucking this ass!! So fucking, tight, dude!! Yeah!! Is this what you wanted, Dylan?! You want me to pound you hard and fast like this?! Uhh, uhhh, uhhhhh!!" Jason moaned in between gasps and grunts, as he picked up the pace and tore into Dylan's ass like he never had before.

"Oh, God, yeah!! Oh, God, Jason, yes!! Fuck me!! Uhh!! Uhh!! Uhhhhh!! It's so good, man!! I love it!! Please don't stop, dude!! Uhh, uhhh, uhhhhhh!!" Dylan screamed, as the minor bit of pain he felt was totally eclipsed by the unbelievable pleasure of having Jason's huge muscle jock dick pummel his ass over and over again.

Dylan reached back and grabbed Jason's round, muscled ass, feeling it flex with each powerful thrust, and pulling Jason into him deeper. Dylan kept his right leg on Jason's shoulder, but let his left drop down to rest on Jason's hip. Jason leaned down and nipped at Dylan's left ear, then began biting and sucking his neck like an animal. Dylan knew he would have to cover up a massive hickey tomorrow, but he really didn't care. He would gladly take home battle scars after the hot fuck he was getting. Jason didn't miss a single beat as he continued to pound Dylan's tight ass relentlessly, with the same natural power as the waves pounding the beach around them. Through the crashing of the surf against the shore, Dylan could hear the rhythmic smacking of Jason's loins against his body.

At first, Dylan had been thrusting his hips up to meet Jason's - trying to throw back the same hard fuck that he was getting. It wasn't long before Dylan relented and allowed his super jock to take over. After only 10 minutes of Jason's hard, beastly pounding, Dylan, trying desperately to hold back, felt himself reeling uncontrollably over the edge. He clawed Jason's muscled back and butt, slick with sweat, as his throbbing balls contracted, his orgasm surging through his body.

"Oh, God, Jason!! Oh, God, I'm gonna cum!! I'm gonna cum!! Uhh, uhh! Oh, yeah, fuck me!! Uhh, uhh, uhhhhhhhh!!" Dylan screamed deliriously, as his cock exploded in a torrent of hot boy spunk, the first shot hitting Jason's chin and the rest coating both of their flexing chests and stomachs.

Jason tried to slam his thick tool in and out of Dylan's butt at the same furious pace, but feeling Dylan's spasming hole clamp down on him like a vise once again drove Jason to a roaring climax. He began thrusting wildly as the orgasm rocked his body.

"Oh, Dylan!! Yeah, man!! Uhh, uhh!! God, you feel so good, dude! Fuck!! Gonna shoot inside you again, man!! Oh, God, here it comes!! Uhh, uhh, uhhhhh!!" Jason screamed, as his thrusting 9 inches exploded in a spray of hot jock cum, emptying his balls deep into Dylan's ass for the second time that night.

Panting heavily, Jason collapsed onto Dylan, and Dylan wrapped his arms around him and buried his head in his shoulder. Dylan could still feel his stud's hot cock pulsing inside of him as his orgasm subsided. Jason's body was dripping with sweat, and Dylan couldn't resist drinking in the salty taste when his lips grazed the hot skin of Jason's shoulder. When Jason's breathing finally returned to normal, he lifted his head and brought his lips to Dylan's, offering him a sweet, but brief kiss.

"Do you have to go back now, or can you stay out here for a while," Dylan cautiously asked, praying to get the answer he wanted.

"Actually, yeah, I can stay. I told the guys I was staying over at Kelly's, so they won't be expecting me until morning. But, I'll have to take off pretty early, because we have to check out by 11.00am, and I've gotta get all my crap together," Jason said, as he carefully lifted himself up and slid his cock from Dylan's conquered boy hole.

"Cool. Well, since we're out here, why don't we just nap for a while on the beach? We can watch the sun come up, and then you can take off. What do you think?" Dylan asked, feeling so achingly empty without Jason inside him.

"Yeah, that works. Let's run down to the water and rinse off, and then we'll lie down for a bit," Jason said, walking down towards the water.

After they had cleaned up, Jason and Dylan went back up to their towel and cuddled, holding each other tightly in the cool, salty air. The warmth from Jason's body was the only blanket Dylan needed. Jason permitted Dylan a few brief kisses, but nothing like the kiss they shared in the ocean earlier. Both Dylan and Jason drifted in and out of consciousness as the sun came up.

Lying there in Jason's arms was a torturing mix of pleasure and pain for Dylan. He was finally admitting to himself that he felt far more than simply lust for Jason. Dylan was falling in love with him, but he knew that Jason did not feel the same way. He and Jason had kissed the entire time while fucking on the beach, but Dylan still felt an impenetrable barrier between them. His heart ached, wanting to be with Jason in every way, but feeling deep inside that it would never happen. Was what they shared real, or was it merely a secret identity that would soon reach an end, like the conclusion of a mission?

Not having the courage to speak the words to Jason while he was awake, Dylan kissed his chest and whispered softly, pretending that Jason could somehow hear him: "Jason, I love you."

Next: Chapter 7

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