Opening of Buffy Summers

By Liz Beth

Published on Jan 21, 2006


The Opening Of Buffy Summers Part 2 (F/F/f, F/F/F/f, anal, slightly underage) by Liz

Note: This story is a variation on events in "Angel" and "Buffy" and, since it is an AU story, the timeline might be a bit mixed up. This story contains graphic lesbian sex with minors (depending on where you live that is).

Rating: NC-17

Pairings: Cordy/Buffy/Dawn, Cordy/Buffy/Dawn/Fred

Disclaimer: The characters used in this story are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy (the lucky bastards). I'm just borrowing them for a little harmless fantasy fun.

Summary: Now knowing where her sister is, Buffy heads to LA. There she learns more about herself than she ever expected.


Buffy left Sunnydale the next day. She drove off after getting Cordy's West Hollywood address from Willow. While she drove down, Buffy alternately remembered Dawn having sex with Cordelia, with Felecia, with the cheerleader squad. And she kept feeling herself becoming aroused by this.

The Slayer was becoming angry at her own thoughts and fought to suppress them. Unsuccessfully for the most part.

LA was a madhouse compared to Sunnydale. The traffic, the crowds, the noise... Buffy had to stop twice for directions. And she was from here originally which really pissed her off.

Finally she found the street and then the complex where Cordelia Chase/Charisma - Porn Star lived. Buffy slammed the ornamental door knocker, it was far more dramatic than jamming her finger on the doorbell.

She heard "Just a minute..." come from inside. She slammed the knocker again.

As the door opened, Cordy said, "Jeez! Impatient much?!?"

Buffy threwed the door open and demanded, "Where is she?"

"Buffy! This is a surp..."

Buffy grabbed Cordy's throat and, in a tight voice, again asked, "Where is she?"

There was a loud knocking in the walls but Buffy ignored it. From further in the apartment, Buffy heard a familiar voice say, "Cordy? Is that Fred...?"

Buffy turned and saw her sister standing in the hall, her face blank as she took in the sight at the front door. Buffy was equally flabbergasted at the sight of her kid sister. Dawn was wearing a man's dress shirt, completely unbuttoned, and a very skimpy pair of panties and nothing else.




"Buffy, let Cordelia go. Now!"

Buffy, stunned by the forcefulness in Dawn's voice, released Cordy. The brunette fell back against the wall and massaged her throat. Her voice was raspy as she said, "Dawn, Buffy's here..."

"Buffy, we need to talk," Dawn said, sounding very mature.

Dawn led her sister into the living room. Cordy raked her long, dark tresses back from her face. as she slowly followed them. She massaged her throat and muttered, "She better hope this doesn't bruise..."

"Sit down Buff." Buffy slowly sat down and noticed Cordy's attire for the first time. Her former classmate was wearing a sheer, red negligee top and matching, sheer g-string panties. The top was tied at the neck with a loose bow but even so, Buffy could clearly see Cordy's breasts through the sheer material and the dark fur between her bare legs..

Dawn's voice brought her back to the moment. Sitting next to her sister, the younger Summers asked, "Buffy, why did you come here? I told you I was fine and I'd be in touch..."

Despite the anger still simmering underneath, Buffy replied in a calm voice, "Because you're my sister and my responsibility." Flashing a glare full of malice at Cordy, she added, "And you're underage!"

"Not everywhere, Buffy. Besides, most teenagers my age are already sexually active. Why shouldn't I get some money for doing what I enjoy?"

"But...that's like prostitution."

"No. No it's not. I can pick who I have sex with and I can say no at any time to anyone or anything. Cordy and I decided this long ago."

Buffy looked over at the older brunette, "And you! How could you do this to her? You should know she's too young. And too..."

Cordy, her voice almost normal, said, "Buffy, if I didn't take her in, she'd be out there on her own and at the mercy of..." Cordy paused then said, "LA is worse than when you lived here Buffy. Maybe even worse than Sunnydale. While you may not like what I did, she is a helluva lot safer here than out there."

"But to...have sex with her. And to film it!"

Dawn interrupted, "Buffy, I came on to Cordy. She refused. Several times. But I wanted her and finally I wore her down and..." She paused while Buffy blushed. "Then, after I convinced her I really wanted this, I got her to let me be in a movie.

"I'd wanted to be with her ever since I saw that movie with Mom. God that was so hot Buffy! You did see it right?" Buffy nodded reluctantly. "I thought so. I left it on top on purpose. Did it make you hot? Did you diddle yourself while watching it?" Buffy didn't respond but her blush deepened. "I thought you would. You like to watch women together, don't you? Have you ever been with another woman?"

Buffy shook her head. "No, I... No, never."

"But you want to be. I knew that back when I once saw you standing outside of Willow's door. You were listening to them and getting excited. So was I. But there was no one in Sunnydale to go to that I... I came here to see Cordelia since I was so turned on by her in those movies and..."

Buffy looked at Dawn, "You could've come to me." Then, realizing what she had said, Buffy blushed again and turned away.

Dawn decided to take her sister literally, "You mean you'd've helped me? Would you help me now?"

Buffy was shocked, staring at her sister with her mouth hanging open. Dawn leaned over and placed her hand on Buffy's thigh as her teen-aged breasts peaked out of the open shirt. In a low voice, Dawn breathed, "I'd love to...with you."

Buffy was frozen in place and felt a hand on her shoulder and another breath drift by her ear as Cordelia added, "We'd love to."

The Slayer's paralysis ended with an excited shiver when she felt Cordy's tongue trace the outer edge of her ear. Dawn leaned forward and gently nibbled on that ear's lobe.

Hearing her sister practically purr with pleasure, Buffy realized her hand had slid beneath the white shirt and closed over Dawn's bare breast and was slowly squeezing and caressing the rounded flesh.

Dawn licked her sister's ear then kissed Cordy, a sound unmistakable to the Slayer. Then she kissed Buffy.

As Dawn's tongue slid over Buffy's closed lips, the Slayer's reluctance vanished. Suddenly uninhibited, Buffy wasted no time but plunged her tongue into Dawn's mouth. The thrill of breaking such a taboo was a huge turn-on to the older girl.

Cordelia came around behind Dawn and pulled the dress shirt off the girl, leaving her only in a lacy thong. Dawn's now-bare arms wrapped around Buffy as they continued to kiss, their tongues twisting and sliding against each other.

Pulling back from her sister, Dawn let her lover have a turn and the Slayer and the Seeress shared a deep, wet kiss. As they kissed, part of Buffy's mind wondered why it took her so long. Strangely, she later realized, no part was stunned that she was kissing another woman and that she had kissed and felt up her sister.

Dawn loved her sister. And she loved Cordelia. To see her two loves kissing so passionately was incredibly exciting to the teenager. She reached out and untied Cordy's top. In seconds the woman was also wearing only a thin pair of lacy panties.

The two former classmates pulled apart. Cordy caressed Buffy's cheek, saying, "You have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss you. To make love to you."


A series of sharp knocks echoed off the walls.

"Dennis! You'll have to wait. We have some things to discuss," Cordy said to the room. Turning back to Buffy, she shrugged, "Sorry. Got a voyeuristic ghost who really has a thing for lesbians...."

"Ghost?" Buffy looked around.

"Don't worry, Sis. He's Casper," Dawn said.

Cordy directed the conversation back to the original topic, "I've been in love with you since high school, Buffy. Why do you think I was such a bitch, especially to you? It was a defense. I wasn't ready to accept I liked girls, much less you."

"And I love Cordelia," Dawn said, gasing at her sister. "I love you too."

Cordy took Dawn's hand and smiled, "She is so sweet. So sexy too. I finally accepted her love when I learned she was really a part of you."

"I finally just waited for her in her bed, naked as...the day I wasn't born," Dawn snickered.

"I have to admit, I was too turned on to resist this little temptress," Cordy said. "And I'm glad I didn't fight her off anymore. I've come to love her as much as I love you."

"But the pictures... The...?"

"The porn? My visions were killing me," Cordy replied. "I found out by accident that orgasms help ease the visions." When she saw the unvoiced question on Buffy's face, Cordy smiled, "I was...fucking a girl I met in a bar. When I came, I had a vision. And it didn't hurt.

"I found that orgasms actually help trigger my visions with little and then no pain. I went ahead and became a...sort of lesbian nympho. I so much didn't want the pain of the visions and I was having fun getting laid. I had already decided I liked women better, and they can last a lot longer in bed.

"The porn came later. I met a girl who told me I could make some extra cash posing for mens magazines and from there I went into videos. Before long I was a star. Then, with some outside investment, I started my own production company. We specialize in lesbian movies. And since all the actresses are really into it, we don't have to fake the sex. Well, not too much," Cordy ended with a grin.

"So you quit Angel's team?"

"No. Well, not quite.. Just semi-retired. Angel doesn't get the whole lesbian thing. And the porn? Forget it! I call him as soon as I have a vision and pass on the info. I've helped out from time to time too. Like Fred..."

"I...I think I saw her in one of your movies," Buffy admitted. Now for the big question that was still nagging at Buffy. "And Mom...? How...?"

Dawn chimed in, "Mom and Cordy were lovers when you guys were still in high school. Right Sweetie?"

Cordy smiled, "Yes. She was the one who set me straight about my sexuality. Well, not straight but... You know." Cordy actually blushed.

"But the movie?"

Cordy shook her head, her long, dark locks floating around her face. "Believe it or not, she wanted to do it. She saw one of my movies..."

"I have that one Buffy," Dawn interrupted. "Introducing Charisma. I found it in Mom's room after..." The younger Summers chin quivered as she stopped talking.

"Dawn," Buffy said as she hugged her half-naked sister. The girl snuffled on her shoulder.

"Buffy... I miss her too. Dawn and I have talked about this and..."

Buffy looked up at her old classmate with pained eyes. "You expect me to believe that she wanted to do that?"

Cordelia knelt before the Slayer. Taking Buffy's hand, she looked at the girl and said, "Yes. You know she came to LA a lot on buying trips. Every time, she stayed with me. After finding out about my new career, she...she wanted to do it. She...felt a sense of...freedom down here."

Dawn, who was now kneeling next to her lover, holding her sister's other hand, added, "Even Willow feels that way."


"You didn't see The Lesbians Of Eastwick?" Cordy asked. Buffy shook her head. "I had a lot of fun with Willow, Tara and Amy."

"I... They were sold out of that one..." Buffy managed to say, her eyes falling on the hands holding hers.

Cordy giggled and said, "In case you wondered, Willow is a natural redhead. And Tara isn't... But she and Amy have that in common."

Buffy's eyes snapped up as a small smile formed. "You are still so..."

"Hey, I'm not as bad as I used to be." Cordy winked, "I'm better!"

Dawn giggled, "I think it's time we showed Buffy, don't you?"

Nodding, Cordy directed the Slayer, "Stand up."

Buffy rose from the couch as the two brunettes knelt at her feet. Dawn stood and kissed her sister, her supple tongue sliding easily into Buffy's waiting mouth. Buffy sucked on it softly, causing Dawn to purr with pleasure.

The teen's hands slowly peeled Buffy's shirt from her, exposing the Slayer's bare breasts with excited nipples. "No bra? Naughty, naught Buffy," Dawn laughed.

Dawn didn't wait for any reply before she was kissing then licking and sucking on her sister's breasts. She moved from one pert mound to the other as she sucked and nibbled the hard nipples.

"Ooohhh..." Buffy moaned as she ran her hands through Dawn's long, lustrous hair.

Cordy wasn't idle through all this. Watching with excited eyes as the younger sister pleased the older sister, she gently lifted Buffy's legs one at a time as she removed the Slayer's shoes and socks. Once Buffy was barefoot, Cordy moved up, kissing Buffy's bare belly softly.

Her head just below Dawn as the young girl suckled, Cordy felt Dawn's hard nipples nesting in her dark hair. Almost immediately, the teenager began to rub her chest against the porn star's silky hair.

French kissing Buffy's belly button, Cordy opened the blonde's pants and slowly peeled them down her muscular legs. After pulling the jeans off and tossing them aside, Cordy noted that the three were all wearing nothing but panties.

Buffy's aren't exactly fantasy material, Cordy thought to herself. But at least they aren't granny panties.

Then remembering the cloth was less important than what was concealed beneath the plain cotton, Cordy pulled them down and away.

"So the drapes and the carpet don't match, huh?" the former cheerleader chortled as she gazed at the trimmed tuft of dark fur between the Slayer's legs. To prove that didn't matter to her, she moved in, pressing her face between the muscular thighs, and took a light lick at the pouty lips.

Buffy's moan turned into a quick squeal. "Oooo..."

"Hmm... Tangy. I like," Cordy said.

"I want some too," Dawn said. "Buffy, sit down."

She held her sister's hand as Buffy sat on the sofa. Dawn then knelt next to Cordy again. She leaned forward and kissed Buffy. Again Buffy's tongue plunged into her mouth, probing and exploring.

"Wow," Dawn breathed after a moment.

Cordelia took the opportunity to kiss her new lover and found out what Dawn was talking about. The Slayer was a helluva good kisser. Cordy sucked on the Slayer's tongue hard while stroking it with her own. Then she turned and kissed Dawn.

Buffy thought she'd never seen anything as erotic and beautiful as the two girls kissing before her. They were similar but wonderfully different at the same time. Both had long, dark hair (Buffy decided she liked Cordy better this way than the short bleached hair she sported in her earlier movies); both were naked but for slimpy, wet panties; and both were beautiful But Cordelia's breasts were fuller and rounder than Dawn's and her slightyly shorter hair had more curl than Dawn's straight locks which hung to the teen's soft, round ass.

Ending the kiss, the two brunettes pushed Buffy's thighs apart and leaned down to lick the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs. They moved in and each took a long lick from Buffy's perineum to her clitoris, their tongues slipping between the puffy outer lips as they shared a wonderful French kiss inside Buffy.

After that, Cordy moved up and took Buffy's hard clit in her mouth, sucking gently. Dawn moved her face down slightly and began to probe her sister's depths with her tongue.

Buffy's head fell back on the couch as she moaned. Her hands gently held each head in place as she felt her orgasm begin to build. She tried to hold her hips in place but soon she was moving them back and forth as she thrilled to her old friend sucking on her clit and her kid sister tongue-fucking her pussy.

As she felt herself begin to peak, the girls pulled away. She moaned, "Noo... Don't stop! Please..."

"Don't worry sweetheart," Cordy said. "Just rearranging ourselves. Dawn? Do you want...?"

"Her ass. I want Buffy's ass!" the teen cried enthusiastically.

Cordy, the visionary lesbian porn producer, began to resettle herself and her lovers.

Sitting against the base of the couch, Cordy directed Buffy as the Slayer knelt above her with her face pillowed on her arms and her nipples poking into the couch's cushion. Dawn knelt behind her sister. Cordy grabbed the Slayer's hips and brought her wet pussy close, her tongue slowly moving in and out of Buffy's cunt.

Dawn leaned forward and planted licking kisses on her sister's round ass, occasionally sucking a baby-soft cheek. Prying the perfect globes apart, she licked the length of Buffy's crack. She watched her sister's anus wink at her and giggled. "I'll take that as an invitation..."

Slowly, Dawn licked around the tight, brown pucker. She felt the small ridges with her tongue as she circled in to the incredibly tight hole. She whispered against her sister's rosebud, "Relax Buffy."

As her tongue slipped into the tight warm ass, she marveled at a Slayer's control. And thrilled to know she was finally tonguing her sister's ass.

Buffy cried out as she felt her sister's tongue move in and out of her ass and Cordy licking her pussy. When the two began to tongue-fuck her in tandem, Buffy nearly lost it. It was exquisite. Buffy had never experienced anything like the sensations her new lovers were creating.

Several times, reluctant to let the feelings end, Buffy forced herseilf not to climax. Finally though, she decided to let go and screamed out loud as she came.

Dawn and Cordy felt the Slayer's orgasm as the girl's flesh tightened around their tongues, squeezing them spasmodically.

While Buffy was still leaning on the couch, sucking in air in huge, shuddering gulps, the two lovers switched places. Dawn began to eat out her sister while Cordy finally got to taste that ass she had ogled covertly years before in the Sunnydale High girls' locker room.

The two made love to the one for a long, long time. Between her Slayer strength and the first, massive orgasm she'd had, Buffy was able to hold out even longer as she enjoyed the girls' oral explorations of her.

At some point, the door opened and a voice called out, "Hey Cordy! Your vision was just about perfect... Oh!"

Fred giggled as she saw the tableau before her. She knew the Slayer and was intimately familiar with the girls who were licking her ass and cunt. Pulling off her shorts and t-shirt, Fred needlessly exclaimed, "Aw, screw dead ha'kma demons! Is it too late to join in?"

Cordy sat back and took a breath. "No, you're just in time to take over for me. I wanna see how good the Slayer really is..."

Fred, still wearing her thin-framed glasses, happily sat behind Buffy and said, "Hi Dawn." She leaned forward and began to lick the unfamiliar but sexy ass before her while her fingers deftly removed Dawn's panties. While tonguing one Summers girl, she masturbated the other.

Dawn managed to reciprocate as she shoved a couple of fingers into the newcomer's cunt, sawing them in and out of Fred's pussy.

Cordy had taken her panties off and sat before Buffy. "So, Slayer? Ready to show me how good you really are?"

Nodding, Buffy began to lick the Seer's wet pussy. What she lacked in experience, she made up for in enthusiasm. And, surprising to her, she enjoyed the tang of the former May Queen. 'Wonder what my sister tastes like?'

After getting into a routine licking her new lover's sex, Buffy finally let herself go and climaxed again on Dawn and Fred's faces. She screamed into Cordelia and set the Seer off, her cries echoing with Buffy's in her living room.

When Buffy clamped down on the two tongues inside her, their owners thrust their fingers in deeply each other and climaxed as well.

Gotta love Willow's mutual orgasm spell, Cordy thought.

Later, the four sat quietly together and official introductions were made between Buffy and Fred. Buffy kissed the Texan, thanking her for the great rim job.

"My pleasure," Fred said with her adorable accent. She pushed her glasses up on her nose and said, "I really enjoyed myself."

Buffy turned to her sister and said, "I definitely owe you, Little Sister."

"You bet that oh-so sweet ass of yours you do," Dawn replied.

The two sisters kissed then lay side by side on the floor in a classic sixty-nine position. With little preamble, Buffy began to lick her sister's young pussy while Dawn again enjoyed her older sister's wetness.

While the Summers girls licked each other, Fred and Cordy sat side by side on the couch, fingering each other. "This is better than your movies, hun," Fred commented.

"Yeah," Cordy agreed. "Live performances always are. Definitely."


The AVN Awards in Las Vegas...

Charisma, in an extremely tight, very revealing gown, told one of her interviewers, "Sisters? Nah. But they are...extremely close."

"You seem to be close to them too, if the scene in Family Girl is true," another interviewer said.

"Well, you know at Charisma Productions, we pride ourselves on the reality of our sex scenes and our orgasms. And, to tell the truth, we are very close. Actually, you can ask them yourselves."

Dawn and Buffy walked up to their lover, hand in hand. Both were incredibly sexy in their gowns - what there was of them. Buffy had let her hair go dark and grow longer.

She still acted as the Slayer from time to time but Giles had Faith to keep him busy and Sunnydale safe so she was content to enjoy this new aspect of her life - loving both her friend and her sister.

And Willow, Tara, Amy, Fred, Kate and their attorney, former Wolfram and Hart associate Lilah Morgan

And they all loved the new house Cordy had built in the hills above Ventura. They had all the privacy they needed.

And it was perfect to film any new Charisma productions. After extensive rehearsals, of course.

Cordelia/Charisma beamed for the cable news cameras, announcing, "Yes ladies and gentlemen, here are my lovely and sexy co-stars in our award-winning little movie, Family Girl: Sunny and Starr."


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