Open Your Heart

By Robin

Published on Apr 8, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know *N Sync or their sexual preferences. If it is illegal for you to read fictional stories about male/male relationships where you live, please leave. Same thing goes if you just don't like the idea of two beautiful men in love.

Title: Open Your Heart Author: Robin ( Rating: R Pairing: Joey/Lance Notes: Thank you to Mikko for help with the title and thanks to Cele who always helps me out so much. :) Thank you to everyone that's sent feedback! I appreciate it!

Chapter 4

He was watching another movie when Lance knocked softly knocked on the door.

"What're you watching now?" Lance asked softly.

"L.A. Confidential." Lance smiled at him and Joey couldn't help but smile back.

"That's a lot different than Dazed and Confused."

"Yeah, both damn good movies, though," Joey replied. "Want to watch with me?"

"Yeah." Lance sat down on the other end of the couch.

"You can sit closer. I don't bite." Lance blushed. Joey discovered that he really enjoyed making Lance do that.

"I'm good over here."

"Okay, just sayin'." They watched the movie in silence, Joey completely aware of Lance's presence. As the credits rolled, Lance turned to look at him.

"I'm sorry, Joey." Joe settled himself back on the couch to look at Lance, giving the younger man his full attention. He sensed that this was something important. "I've always closed myself off from people...not just strangers, but people I've known awhile, too. Just worried about opening myself up too much, I guess."

"Why?" Joey asked curiously. Lance looked startled, almost as though he was surprised that Joey would care.

"Um...a few reasons, I guess."

"What are they?" Lance was quiet for a moment, his head bowed. Joey assumed he was gathering his thoughts. Maybe Joey was pushing Lance's boundaries...maybe Lance would tell him to fuck off, but then again maybe he wouldn't. Lance looked up at him.

"I've known I was gay for a while, Joey. Pretty much since I was fourteen years old. I was teased a lot in high know, the whole cliche sob story. I never had the guts to come out to my parents or anyone else. I've pretty much always felt alone...ya know blah, blah, blah," Lance dismissed everything with a wave of his hand. He smiled lopsidedly at Joey. "I saw the way you looked at Justin and all of the sudden, I didn't feel quite so alone anymore." Joey felt a warmth settle over his heart at Lance's words. "What do you think the other guys would say if they knew we were gay?" Joey was at a loss for words. He'd never actually defined himself...categorized himself. He didn't know if he was ready for that--much less telling the other guys that he might be gay.

"" he stumbled. Lance watched him for a minute before smiling that knowing smile that Joey quickly came to hate.

"You don't think you're gay?" Lance asked. Joey blushed and looked away and Lance laughed. The bastard. "Joey..."

"Shut up. I've just never...God, I mean, I just figured out a month ago that I was...attracted to Justin. I've never thought of other guys that way until...until..."

"Until what, Joey? What made you notice Justin?" Lance asked and Joey could tell that Lance was actually interested in his answer.

"You're going to think I'm an idiot."

"No, I'm not. Attraction is a weird thing, Joey. Sometimes it's the simplest things about a person that draws you to them. Or the weirdest things." Joey nodded. That made sense.

"Itshisarms," Joey mumbled. Lance leaned forward a bit, his forehead wrinkled in confusion.


"His arms! It's his arms. I don't know why. They're just...well...yeah, hot." Lance sat back dumbfounded. Evidently that was a new one for him.

"His arms?" Lance repeated before laughing. It didn't take long for Lance to double over with laughter, clutching his middle. "His arms?! Joey!"

"What!? You said it was the weirdest things that attract you to people. Why can't it be his arms?" Joey asked defensively.

"No, can be. I just...just never heard anyone say something like that!" Lance exclaimed as he continued to laugh. Now Joey was more than embarrassed, he was annoyed.

"Okay! What the hell? You asked and I told you. Stop laughing at me!"

"S...sorry," Lance stuttered, making an attempt to calm himself. "So, what is it about his...arms that you like so much?" Lance managed to ask with only half of a smile. He was biting his lower lip, though. Joey glared at him.

"I don't know," Joey bit out.

"Joey, I'm sorry. I'll stop laughing. I promise."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Joey said. He could only look at Lance for a minute before they both burst into laughter. "It is weird. Honestly, I don't know why I think his arms are sexy. It was just once I realized his arms were sexy, I figured out that the rest of him was sexy. That's crazy, right?" he asked when they'd both calmed down.

"So is it just a lust thing? Do him, you think?" Big that scared the hell out of Joey.

"I...I don't know. I mean, of course, I love him. He's one of my best friends, as in like want to marry him...I don't know. I don't think so...maybe it is just a lust thing," Joey rambled on, trying to work through his thoughts out loud. " know...I, nevermind."

"What, Joey?" Joey shook his head.

"Nevermind." Now Lance looked annoyed.

"What, Joey?" Joey couldn't believe he was about to do this.

"I actually want to...ya know...court him." Joey knew without a doubt that his face was bright red. He was thankful for the beard that covered the lower half of his face.

"You want to court Justin?" Lance asked in surprise. "Like take him out on dates and stuff?"

"Yeah," Joey nodded reluctantly. He'd said so much, he might as well go all out. "I want to buy him roses. Take him to dinner...a fancy place, kind of like the one you and I went to last night. Read him poetry and shit." Lance actually snorted at that.

"Poetry and shit?" he repeated with a laugh.

"Shut up!" Joey said, but he couldn't stop the grin that crossed his lips.

"Poetry and're such a sappy romantic, Joey!" Lance's gaze became serious and he studied Joey intently, making Joey a little nervous. "Somehow I never pictured you as a sappy romantic," Lance said thoughtfully.

"I don't think anybody has," Joey said. Lance smiled at him sympathetically.

"Least of all Justin, huh?"

"Least of all," Joey agreed.

"So, you've never been attracted to another guy?" Joey could tell that Lance was purposefully trying to change the subject. He was grateful for that. The last thing he wanted to do was dwell on the fact that he had a thing for a straight guy.

"Well, maybe one or two," Joey conceded.

"Really?" Lance asked in surprise.

"Yeah...just a passing thing though. Maybe this will pass, too. It's been going on for about a month, though. That's definitely longer than a passing phase, right?" Lance shrugged.

"You haven't slept with any girls for the past month or so." Joey raised an eyebrow. Lance has been monitoring his sleeping partners. What the hell? Lance had the good grace to blush and look away.

"You've been keeping track of who I sleep with?"

"Not just you. The others, too. Ya know, a point of interest, something to keep me busy," Lance muttered.

"Something to keep you busy? Dude, that's what books are for," Joey said pointedly.

"Shut up! It's not like I hang outside of your rooms, listening at the door or anything. I just notice who's with who. Not a big deal!" Lance sounded like he was trying to convince himself and Joey decided to let it slide. He shrugged.

"So you said you've known you were gay since..."

"Since I was fourteen," Lance supplied.

"Is that when you lost your virginity to Michael Abshire?" Lance cocked his head to the side at that question. "Yes, I was paying attention last night," Joey said smugly. Lance flashed him a genuine smile.

"No, that's not when I lost my virginity. That didn't happen until I was sixteen. Long story," Lance said with a role of his eyes. Joey wanted to know everything, but he wasn't sure Lance would appreciate him asking about Michael so he just nodded. "How did you know you were gay?"

"Just knew," Lance shrugged. "Had fantasies about guys instead of girls. Big clue right there." Joey nodded again.

"I guess I'm bi. Feels weird to label myself like that though. 'Course I could always just insist that I'm straight."

"What if the one person you were meant for turns out to be a guy?" Lance asked quickly.

"Umm...guess I couldn't insist that I was straight then, could I?"

"Nope." They both grinned at each other. Joey decided to switch gears.

"You really believe that everyone has one person that they're made for?"

"Sure, why not? Guess I'm a little bit of a sappy romantic, too." They were interrupted by Chris's voice echoing throughout the bus.

"JOEY! What the hell are you doing?! We've been at the venue for thirty minutes!" Joey and Lance looked at each other before pulling back the closed blinds from the window. Outside, people milled about the silent, motionless buses. A huge building proclaiming to be the Georgia Super Dome blocked the sunlight. They were definitely at the venue. Chris popped through the door and promptly stopped in his tracks, a confused frown on his face. "What are you doing back here, Lance?" Lance stood up and moved to the door without bothering to reply to Chris.

"Lance and I were talking," Joey supplied. Lance left without a backward glance to Joey. Chris's mouth formed a perfect "o" and he stared at Joey.

"Why?" Chris asked simply. He honestly seemed confused. Joey frowned. He didn't want to deal with Chris. What he wanted to do was continue his conversation with Lance.

"Why what? Why were we talking?" Chris nodded his head and Joey shook his head as he stood from the couch. "Don't be an ass. Why can't Lance and I talk?"

"I'm not trying to be an ass, Joey," Chris replied, strained hurt in his voice. "I just don't get it. What were you talking about?"

"Nothing," Joey said as he shouldered his way off the bus. Chris followed behind him but didn't ask him anymore questions like he normally would have. He must have pissed Chris off, but Joey wasn't worried about it. Chris would lick his wounds in silence, then come back for more. Joey spent the rest of the day looking forward to the evening. He hoped Lance would want to watch a movie with him.

Copyright 2001 nsajscgirl. All rights reserved.

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