Open Your Eyes

By ten.tta@3131legnA

Published on Nov 19, 2000


Open Your Eyes Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I don't know/own/have anything to do with *NSYNC. If you don't like homosexual relationships, what are you doing in Nifty anyway? Feel free to send me feedback, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you, and enjoy! -Angel1313 ^_^

Note: This is from Lance's point of view, so it will be in first person. I'm not really Lance, so if I get something about him totally wrong, you can tell me, but, uh, I do have a literary license, you know! =P

"Hey, Scoop, can I talk to you?" What's wrong, Chris? Have I been spending too much time with your best friend? "Sure, c'mon in." I really don't feel like seeing you right now. It's nine in the morning, and "Jurassic Park" ran late. "Listen, Lance, I don't really want to drag this out, so I'll just cut to the chase." What is he talking about? I haven't done anything to Chris. Hell, I've hardly talked to him for the past couple days. It must be about Joey. "Well, Justin and JC both spoke to me yesterday, after they each spoke to you. You know that I didn't watch a movie last night because I asked Justin if he wanted to invite JC and he began to cry, saying that he was going to break up with him? Once I got the story from him, he explained that you had told him that it was a good idea." Uh-oh. I don't like where he's going with this. "I would have just thought that you were trying to help," Would have? That's not a good sign. "Except that I had talked to JC earlier. After you went out to lunch with him. And I bet you already know what he told me about Justin and Britney, and what you said." Great. He's talked to them both. "Now, do you care to tell me *why* you're trying to break up JC and Justin?" No, I don't. It's none of your business. Although, I am glad that Joey didn't tell him yet. I thought best friends were supposed to tell each other everything. "I'm surprised Joey hasn't said anything to you yet. I thought you guys were closer than that." May as well play the "I'm replacing you as Joey's best friend" card. "Look, all that Joey has said is that you've got your eye on someone in the group." WHAT?! "He what?!" How could Joey do that to me?! "Oh, don't act all pissed off. He was happy, Lance. He's the only reason I'm not beating the shit out of you right now." Like you could, old man. "Why is he stopping you? He's made it pretty clear that he doesn't care about my feelings for JC." Oops. I wasn't supposed to say that. "It's JC? You like JC?" No, dumbass, I just said that to throw you off. "Yeah, and Joey supports him and Justin, even though he knows I love JC." "What?! Have you *told* him that it's JC?" "Well, no, not exactly, but that's besides the point. JC and Justin obviously don't belong together, or else they wouldn't have fought so much when I talked to them." I know Joey knows. He couldn't possibly think that it's this annoying old man or that airhead, Justin. Why does he look so angry all of a sudden? "I can't believe this! Damn it, are you blind? Open your eyes, Lance. They're in love! And Joey! God, can't you see it? He loves you, Lance. He fucking loves you and you can't even see it! Stop chasing after something you'll never get. Stop ruining their lives. Why don't you try to start living your own? There's a whole world of opportunities for you, Scoop, if you'd only take a moment to look for them." What? Joey... loves me? Wait, Chris, don't go! I didn't know, I didn't know, I didn't know... How could I have been so stupid? I've been thinking about Joey since Chris told me how he feels about me. How *didn't* I see it? How he always goes out of his way to make sure I'm included. How he always offers to go out clubbing with me. How he watched "Jurassic Park" even though he likes "There's Something About Mary" better. It all adds up. How could I messed up so much? And how do I feel about *him*? I know that I like spending time with him, and that he makes me happy, but... Wait. Did I just say that he makes me happy? I guess he does. In fact, every time I try to think of something that I did that I enjoyed, it's always time that I spent with Joey. But what about JC? I've loved him for so long, I don't know if I *can* love Joey. But if I really love him, then why do I feel like I'm obligated to do so? I guess it's `cause I've spent so much time on JC that I forgot *why* I loved him. Loved? I guess I'm more over him then I thought. Why did I love JC? He's nice, polite, and good looking, but he was never interested in me. It was always, "Oh, that's nice, Lance. Say, have you seen Curly?" He never wanted to spend time with me. I always had to find a way to trap him. God, the more I think about this, the more pathetic I feel. What was I doing? How could I not have seen JC's love for Justin? Breaking them up wouldn't have helped. They'd get back together. In fact, from what I hear, they've been having a "heart to heart" for the past couple hours. They'll probably be closer *after* that then before I got them to fight. *Sigh* I wish that I didn't have a conscience. This would be so much easier if I didn't feel so guilty. And it's not just that I tried to come between JC and Justin. It's that I wasn't aware of Joey's feelings. Now I know I'll never be able to replace Chris as his best friend. I'm obviously a lousy friend, and a bad person in general. I guess I'll have to apologize to JC and Justin. If they'll talk to me, that is. Or maybe they didn't realize what I was trying to do. Maybe we can forget that this whole thing ever happened. I'll just show my support for them from now on. But as for Joey... What? Who's at my door now? I don't think Chris is speaking to me, and JC and Justin are probably still working things out. "Hey, Lance. Can I come in?" Oh, Joey. Of course! "Yes, please do." I'm so nervous right now, I don't know what to do. Did Chris tell him about me and JC? Did he tell him that I know he loves me? Oh God... I guess I'll just have to wait for him to start talking. "So, what's up, Scoop? Chris is in a pissy mood, so I had to get out of there. And JC an' Justin are fighting or something. It's strange, I don't know what brought that on. They were getting along so well, and they're so into each other and stuff." I know, Joey. I know. I'm sorry. "Joey, I'm sorry." I just had to say it. Just looking into his beautiful doe-eyes is enough to make me regret that I've ignored his feelings for so long. And my own. "Sorry? What for?" I bet that beautiful smile will disappear after I tell you. "I tried to break up JC and Justin. No, wait, let me finish. I thought that I was in love with JC. And maybe I was. But if I ever was in love with him, it was a *long* time ago. I just didn't want to let go. I thought he'd be mine if I could ruin things between him and Justin, but Chris made me realize that I never had a chance. JC's heart has belonged to Justin since the day those two met. But I didn't see that. I was so determined to get JC that I ignored how I was actually feeling. About you." Oh my God, I can't believe I said that. Do I love Joey? Have I ever *not* loved Joey? "I-I can't believe this. It's all pretty sudden. But... Wait, what did you say? How do you feel about me?" It's all I can do not to laugh right now. The look on his face when he realized what I said was just priceless! "I love you, Joey. Recently you've been the only good thing in my life. It took Chris to make me see, but I *do* have so many opportunities to be happy and they all revolve around you." I can't believe I said that! Is he even going to want me after I told him about JC? And that I tried to come between JC and Justin? I should've kept my mouth shut. Then at least he wouldn't know what a bad person I am. "I love you, too, Scoop. I can't believe this is happening." Aw, he's so cute when he looks all shocked. Wait, did he say that he loves me too? What's happening? Are we going to get... together? "So, what comes next, Joey?" I can't believe I'm blushing. Oh, he knows it, too. But I forgive him for laughing `cause he's got such a warm smile. "I guess I ask you to be my boyfriend. What do you say?" OH MY GOD!!! "YES!" Oops, I should stick to yelling in my head. "I, uh, mean, sure Joe. I'd like that." Oh, nice save! He probably doesn't think you're too crazy now. "Great! I can't believe we're together, Lance. I've loved you for so long..." Have you? God, how long have I been hurting you, Joe? "I'm so sorry that I didn't realize any of this earlier. I'm so sorry, Joey." Oh, good, start to cry. Aw, but he's holding me, so I guess it's okay. "Hey, it's all right. I was happy as long as you were happy. Besides, you were worth the wait." If he doesn't be quiet, I'm never going to stop crying! The boy is just too sweet! "I love you, Joey." I really do. I really, really do. "And I love you." How did I not fall for those beautiful eyes sooner? Maybe I did. "Thank you, Joey. For everything." I mean it. "It's my pleasure." And now I finally understand why you say that. It's the truth. *OWARI* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry this is out so late! I had completely forgotten about "OYE." Thank you so much, Red! If you hadn't bugged me about this... Anyway, that's the end ("owari" is the equivilent of "the end" in Japanese... so I'm into anime... but if I wasn't, then I would've never discovered yaoi and therefore slash, so it's a good thing, I hope ^_^) and I don't have an epilogue planned or anything, but if you think I should have one, I suppose I could try to whip one up. Well, I hope you liked it! -Angel ^_^

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