Only One Road

By moc.liamg@dniotrecnoc

Published on Oct 29, 2009


This is a work of fiction. All the resemblances are completely accidental. Don't read it if you are not supposed to. You know the drill. My e-mail is if you want to tell me something (insults, praises, and whatnot). Thanks!

  • XXI -

Two Months Later

"Ah, crap..." I muttered when I saw flashing lights of a cop's car behind me.

I pulled over obediently and shut off the engine. Dylan opened the door and got out of the car.

"Are you crazy?" I demanded and he just gave me his trademark smile. "He'll shoot you for all we know!"

"We are in the middle of nowhere", he answered evenly. "The last town we passed had population of five hundred... Do you seriously believe that cop is going to do something drastic?"

"If he shoots you, I'll just say I told you so", I said and he closed the door.

I watched him in the rearview mirror. He walked slowly towards the cruiser, leaned into the opened window and a couple of minutes later he was walking back, his posture as relaxed as ever. I watched him with growing suspicion. He slid into the passenger's seat, gave me a small smile, and said:

"Let's go."

I looked in the rearview mirror again. The cruiser was just sitting there, lights flashing. I frowned and looked at Dylan.

"What did you do?" I asked quietly.

"I killed him", he said indifferently and I just stared at him.

Finally he looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"You are so gullible", he sighed. "I gave him fifty bucks. Now move it before he starts wondering why the hell you just sitting here."

I blinked and glanced into the mirror again. The lights on the cruiser went off. I muttered something under my breath and turned the car on. Dylan laughed softly, lit a cigarette and rolled down the window. I started driving, making sure that I go speed limit this time. I had no desire to get pulled over again.

"So where we going?" he asked after several minutes of silence.

"Don't care", I replied. "Give me a cigarette, will you? Thanks... I'll just drive. When you see something you like, speak up."

"Sounds good", he said solemnly and turned the radio on.

I just snorted when I've heard Axl Rose scream: "And I'm going down, all the way down... I'm on the highway to hell!!" You've got that right, buddy, I thought with a small smile playing on my lips. Highway to hell, indeed. At first I was wondering why I didn't feel even slightly bothered by everything I've done. I mean, I didn't have a single bad dream, can you believe that? Finally I stopped questioning myself and just shrugged the whole thing off. Who cares.

I wrapped my fingers around the gear stick and glanced at Dylan when his hand slid on top of mine.

"It will be very ironic if you get into a wreck right now", he murmured after I just kept staring at him. "Either keep your eyes on the road or pull over."

I grinned and shifted my gaze towards the road. Ten minutes later I pulled over to the shoulder and turned the car off. We relocated into the back seat without even unlocking our fingers. He was pulling my shirt off when I grabbed his chin and pulled his face up.

"Mmm?" he asked quietly.

"Kiss me", I muttered and he didn't smile this time.

I closed my eyes when his fingers sunk into my hair and I felt his mouth on mine. I realized that the past, the present, and the future had exactly the same name. That name was Dylan. I also realized that the feeling of getting lost was one of the best feelings on the face of the planet.

The End.

Thank you so much for all your feedback! This is the first story I published on Nifty but I have published other stuff on the different site. I am planning on publishing another story here soon.

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