Only Man for Me

By moc.oohay@srednuas_ineehs

Published on Jun 15, 1999


The Only Man For Me By: Alex Saunders

Warning: This story contains male/male sex, if this offends you, tough, turn it off leave and don't come here again. If you are not allowed to read this due to various laws please leave also until you are of age. This story has no relevance of the sexuality of the characters used, although I'm sure some of you wish it were so. Any questions, comments or suggestions should be sent to Alex Saunders at

Chapter 4


"Uh, hi. Um, is Leo there?"

"Who's this?"

"Uh, It's Skeet." I said.

"Hi, Skeet, it's me."

It was the next night, at about 10:00. I'd thought about calling earlier, but by the time I'd gotten up the courage to do so, my phone rang, and there were a thousand and one things that needed to be done, `RIGHT NOW.'

"I see you read the note," said the man of my dreams.

"Uh, yeah." Why was I sounding like an idiot? I couldn't say anything intelligent, let alone breathe. He must think I'm a moron.

"Do you want to hang out, or something?"

My jaw dropped to the floor in shock. "Um, like what?"

"I don't know." He said. Great, I think, now he's going to say to forget it because we have nothing to do!

"How `bout you come over and we can continue our conversation from last night. Or we could watch a movie." Brilliant brain-dead ideas, so ordinary he probably wouldn't want to do that. What was I thinking?

"Sure, I'll bring the popcorn, one question though."

"What's that?"

"Where do you live?" I could hear the grin in his voice, so I laughed and gave him the directions.

I rushed around doing one of those Flight Of The Bumble Bee quick house clean- ups. Then I ran to change. By the time I had finished my quick hair check (tousled, yet sexy,) and sat down to wait, the door-bell rang. He's here already? I think as I open the door.

"Hi." It was Leo, dressed in a similar outfit to the one I had seen him in last night.

"Hi, Leo, come on in." I moved out of the way, and as he passed me, he brushed my side. (There was plenty of room for him not to, I wonder if this means something.)

"Nice place you got here." He said. He walked over to my TV stand, and picked up my copy of Titanic that I had missed during my cleaning frenzy. He held it up, turned towards me, and raised an eyebrow. "Studying?" He asked.

I laughed. "No, I'd watched it for the first time yesterday after--" I trailed off, not knowing how much to tell him.


"Uh, After my boyfriend dumped me." I mumbled.

He said nothing for a moment, and I began to wonder if he was going to make some excuse to leave, as many people are uncomfortable around people who are homosexual. "So, what are we watching?"

I wanted to laugh, my heart felt so light at that moment, but I decided against it. "You pick," I said. "You are the guest."

He ended up choosing `To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar.'

I blinked in surprise, then hid it. A gay movie? Maybe there is hope yet. We popped the popcorn, and sat on the couch about a foot or two apart. There seems to be a silver lining here, I think as I press play.

"Isn't John Leguizamo hot?" He asks me as soon as the movie is over.

"HUH?!?!?" It was the only sound I could make in my shock.

"Oh, come on, you didn't know?" His disbelief had me slowly landing in reality.

"Know what?" I asked him cautiously.

"I'm gay." He said this as if it were a well-known fact. "I figured that the whole world knew, the press certainly guessed it fast enough."

"I thought it was a rumor," I managed to squeak.

He must have found this amusing, because he laughed, and grinned. "No rumor." He seemed to think a moment. "You really didn't know, did you?"

"Uh, no." I stammered. "I, uh, don't pay attention to that sort of thing. You know how the press is."

He nodded, and the silence became deafening. I could hear the wheels turning in his brain. I was so confused I didn't know what to think at the moment.

When I could stand no more of the silence, I said, "So, how about those Knicks?"

He chuckled a bit, and we started talking about a different subject. We flirted constantly, his hand would touch my arm, mine would touch his, and we stared at each other constantly. From our eyes I felt the lust electrifying the air between us. At some point I glanced at the clock on the wall, and noticed it was heading on 2:30. I mentioned this to him.

"Really?!?!" His astonishment obvious. "Damn! I have a shoot at 10:00."

"Sorry." I muttered. Now he's going to be mad at me.

"It's not your fault. Listen, how `bout I call you after my shoot. We can hang out, do lunch, whatever."

Lady Luck must love me, I think as I smile before answering. "Sure, sounds great." I mentally cross my fingers that my schedule is free.

"Cool." I walk him to the door. "I had a really good time with you, Skeet. I hope we can continue this." The thought of kissing him, or that he was going to kiss me flickered across my mind. As I gathered the courage to do so, he winked at me, and left.

What the heck? I think. He had started to do the lean-in thing, and so had I. We were so close to kissing... I tried to put it out of my mind, but it refused to go away. He had me wrapped in knots, and I couldn't escape.

I tried to go to sleep that night, but my confusion had me tossing and turning. Did he like me? Did he just want to be friends with me? I might never know. Then another thought occurred to me. He didn't ask for my number! How's he gonna' call me tomorrow? Maybe it was just a courtesy thing to let me know that he wasn't interested at all. Well, I guess I'll find out tomorrow, I think as I start to drift off.

Chapter 5

At about 11:30 the next morning the phone woke me up from a dreamless sleep. After a few groggy seconds, I realized that I had a lunch date with my Leo today.

"Hello?" I sleepily murmured into the phone.

"Skeet? It's me, Leo. Are you awake?"

"Getting there," I mumble.

"What about lunch?"

"Lunch?" Then a thought hit me, Leo was on the phone! I had to get up and get dressed ASAP or I would miss a date with the hottest guy on the planet.

"Yeah, lunch. It's that meal people eat in the middle of the day." He cracked.

"Sorry. Um, Tell me where and if you can wait I'll be there in an hour or less. I gotta' shower."

"Ooh," he teased, "are you gonna' get all gussied up for me?" I could hear the laugh in his voice. He always made me stay in a great mood for some odd, unknown reason.

"You know it, baby. I'll make myself look so purty that you won't know what to do." I batted my eyelashes even though he couldn't see it.

He laughed. "Ooh, can hardly wait, cutie." Then he told me where to be, and what time.

I hurried through my shower, and spent at least ten minutes trying to decide on the perfect outfit. No matter what the consensus is, a gay guy takes just as long as a straight woman to get ready to go out in public. My hair was acting up, so I had to re-blow dry it and it ended up looking rather poofy. After I put in the mousse it looked passable. By that time I had to hurry to meet him on time.

By the time I got there, he had to have been waiting at least 10 or 15 minutes. "Hi," I panted as I was rather breathless by then.

"Hi," he said. He grinned and continued, "Kinda late aren't you?"


"Ah, I see."

I said nothing for a moment. The place he'd chosen was a quiet little café that was considered very chic. The waiter came up to us, and asked us what we wished to drink, and to my surprise (what can I tell you, I find meaning in everything) we both asked for Pepsi. We looked at each other then, and laughed. This could prove to be interesting, I think.

One question still stayed in my mind, and refused to go away until it was answered. "How did you know my number?" I asked. "It's unlisted."

"I called Todd and asked him."

"Oh." I'd never even thought of that. Seemed logical, I guess. I was confused as to why he would bother, and how he even knew I was there, let alone who I was.

"You look confused."

"Uh, yeah. I was kind of wondering why you'd even bother." Oh, my God, did I just say that? Now he'll think I'm some sort of loser.

He just laughed. "You really don't know how hot you are, do you?" He asked. I merely shook my head. "Todd set up the meeting because I thought you're a great actor, and a guy I'd really like to see up close and personal." I think my jaw dropped then, I don't know because the whole event is still in a sort of haze. He laughed again, a full sort of laugh that went straight to my loins. How was I ever going to hide the slight erection that I seemed to maintain around him?

"Uh." I said. It was the only sound I could make.

"Do you have any plans later?" Leo asked.

"No, uh, no I don't."

"Can we go to your place to finish this conversation?"

"Uh, sure. But what about lunch?" I asked now that my head was back in reality.

"We'll order a pizza or something." The waiter had returned then, and seemed to be snarling at us for wasting his time, but we didn't care. I paid the bill, then we left to go to my apartment.

Once we reached my apartment, I took out my keys, and was shaking so much from nervousness that he reached over and took them from me, and let us in. He smiled at me once again, and I was again left dazed as we walked into my apartment.

Somehow I knew that something was going to happen that night, I felt it as sure as I knew that the sun would rise in the morning. But I dealt with it. My palms started to sweat as we sat on the couch and continued our conversation from the night before. He was so funny, and hot, I thought as we laughed about the way the press continually placed him as a couple with his co-stars and his friend Liv Tyler. He asked me about Leonora, my friend, and I mentioned that we'd had a falling out of sorts over a guy, and the press somehow managed to tie us into some sort of relationship and that we'd broken up. He found that hilarious.

"I know what that's like. If the American public wasn't so damn picky about their celebrities I'd come out, but the second I did that they'd ride me out of Hollywood on a Rail," he said. Then his eyes grew serious. "Skeet, I--I never mind." The look on his face kept me from pressing him about it.

"How many people know?" I asked him.

"Not very many. My mom, of course. She took it rather well. And Todd. He's the first guy I came out to. It took him a bit to come around but as you can tell now, he's fine with it." He paused for a second. "You."

"Leonora knows about me. She got a kick out of our, `relationship.' Todd and you. That's about it for me. Well, there is John, my ex, too. Why is it so hard to tell people? It's what I am, not who I am, and yet it's a part of me that only a select few know."

"I don't know, Skeet. I don't know. I didn't want to be gay at first. I thought to myself, `this is wrong, Leo. It's disgusting,' but at the same time I realized that it's not meant for me to be in the arms of a woman. You know?" He looked so ... broken then. I wanted to reach out and touch him. To give him the support he needed.

So I reached over and held his hand. "I know." He took my hand and squeezed. It wouldn't be until much later that I realized that we'd held hands for the rest of the night until he'd had to leave. That's the night I began to fall in love with Leo the person and not Leo the legend.

We talked for a little while longer, and then reluctantly we realized that it was time for him to go home.

"I gotta' go." He said.

"I know." We stood up and walked to the door hand in hand. Once there, he turned to me, and took my other hand.

"I really like you, Skeet, Bryan." He shook his head as he corrected himself. "I've liked you for a while now, but now that I'm getting to know the real you, I--I this is hard. What I'm trying to say is--" And then he leaned up and kissed me. His lips were soft, yet hard at the same time. Our mouths opened and we tasted each other. His tongue danced with mine as we took. And then he pulled away, leaving me dazed, but not confused as I had been before. This was it, this was right, I thought.

"I gotta go," he said. He pulled open the door, and then left, taking a piece of my heart with him.

To be continued. That is, if I get responses. J I need some input here people. Later, Alex. Watch for Leo's side of the tale.

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