Online Master

By kbar boy

Published on Nov 8, 2023


This story, and all characters are fictional. If it isn't legal to read this kind of story where you live then please exit now. Make sure that in real life you have safe sex. All parts of this story are copyright to the author and MUST NOT be reposted on any site or reprinted in any form without the authors express permission.

Last time:

'Good Dave. You will cancel any plans you might have had for the weekend. You will be accessible by phone at any time that weekend from Friday night through till Sunday afternoon. You will be prepared to serve me at any time - no matter what I ask. And one more thing - you are not to log in to your chat account between now and the weekend - otherwise I will deactivate it' 'Yes sir - I understand' 'It is time we pushed your boundaries a little further Dave'

I lay there - soaking up Tom and my masters cum - wondering what was going to happen to me next, and whether I would accept my fate or have to fight my masters orders.

It was Friday night, Tom had headed off straight from work to his parents house. I had just got in from work, and was contemplating what lay in store for me over the weekend. I had cancelled all my plans and given my entire weekend over to serving my master. I was beginning to worry about what he might expect of me.

The phone rang - 'number withheld'.

The game was about to begin.

'Hello sir' 'Good evening Dave. How are you feeling?' 'To be honest - I'm feeling nervous sir. I'm not sure how far I want to go with this' 'Well, we will soon find out, won't we Dave?' 'Yes sir'

A pause

'Firstly, you are to remove all your clothing. You will not put any clothes on at all - NOTHING - until Sunday afternoon, just before Tom is due back. Do you understand?' 'Yes sir'

I had thought he might ask me to do something like this, and so I had done my shopping in advance and made sure I had plenty of supplies in, so I wouldn't need to go out for anything.

'Well Dave - are you naked yet'

I hurriedly removed my jeans, shirt and boxers - releasing my cock - it was rock hard with anticipation - the foreskin was even beginning to roll itself back

'Yes sir - I am naked now' 'Good - now you may log in to your chat account' 'Yes sir'

I fired up the chat program and logged into my account. One thing struck me immediately.

'Sir - my friends and contacts list has changed' 'Yes Dave - I have been busy this week. I chatted to each person on the list. Those I didn't like, or who didn't remember you I deleted. I have also been chatting to new people.' 'What sir?' 'Don't worry Dave - I have been very true to your character whilst chatting online as you. I have told them what is really inside your mind. I have only told them the honest truth. You have some new friends Dave - you should be thanking me' 'Yes sir - thank you sir'

At just that moment a message popped into my account from 'steve_northeast'.

I'd never heard of him before.

...thanks for the pics Dave - really hot - would like a bit of that ass myself - if you ever change your mind about letting me fuck you, just let me know...

Oh my god - what kind of stuff had master been chatting about - and what had he been sending these people.

'Sir - how many of my secrets have you been releasing to these random strangers' 'Dave - I'm not sure that I like your tone. You will just have to trust me.

Have I made you do anything impossible yet? Have I betrayed your trust?' 'No sir - I guess not' 'You GUESS not?' 'No sir - you have been fantastic sir.' 'Better Dave - now log out of your account' 'Yes sir' 'I will be in touch'

And with that - he hung up.

He truly was a pyschological genius. I sat there in front of my computer - shell-shocked. He had access to my phone, my work, my online account. And now I was sitting here worrying about how he had been chatting to other people in my name. Modifying my account. Where would this all lead? What would happen next?

I looked down at the phone.

That night I looked down at the phone a lot. My nakedness made me ultra-conscious of my obedience to my master. But the phone didn't ring. Eventually, at midnight, I went to bed - emotionally drained and worrying about the rest of the weekend. I fell into a fitful sleep.

The phone rang.

It was dark. Pitch black in fact. I glanced at the clock. 3 am.

I picked up the phone - 'number withheld' and answered it

'Hello sir' 'Dave - you have 2 minutes to wank and cum - starting from now' 'What sir?' '1 minute 55'

I grabbed my cock. It was soft - I had been asleep.

I started working it. My master was talking to me on the other end of the phone.

'You are under my control now - I phone you in the middle of the night and tell you to do something and you fucking do it. Stroke that big cock for me. This is an easy task - it's going to get a lot harder for you over the weekend - I hope you understand that'

I was working my cock hard now. My hand stroking the full length from tip to base.

'1 minute 20 Dave'

I was wide awake now - working my cock frantically - panting into the phone.

'If you do not cum, I will not ring you again this weekend' 'Please sir no - I need your domination' 'Then work your cock and cum - 1 minute 10'

It was a race against the clock. Who'd have thought I'd be here - at 3 in the morning - lying in my own bed and only thinking about satisfying my master. And that was the thought that did it. The thought of my master - the unknown face - controlling my cock - any time any place. I simply couldn't restrain myself.

I felt my shaved balls tightening - my cock hardening.

'Ooooh yes'

I came - screaming into the phone at the top of my voice

'Yes sir - thank you sir'

Cum shot all over my chest, up onto my face. I was covered in a sheen of sweat from the exertion of frantic wanking, and coated on top of that in a layer of sticky cum.

'Have you cum Dave?' 'Yes sir' 'Good boy. Do not clean it up, go straight back to sleep. You should sleep in your own mess - with the smell of your orgasm surrounding you.

I did as my master asked and went back to sleep.

The next day - I got up, and pottered round the house. I remained naked. Dried cum stains were visible on my chest. I knew I did not have permission from my master to clean the mess up. I made a cup of tea and sat downstairs, reading a book, trying to relax. But really, my mind was only on one thing. My master. His control. My nakedness simply reinforced the power of his mind over me.

At about 11 o'clock, the phone rang - 'number withheld'.

'Hello sir' 'Hello Dave. Are you still naked' 'Of course sir' 'Good. I have just been logged into your chat account, and have been chatting to somebody on your behalf.'

A sense of dread began to run through my body.

'He very much liked your face pic. He thought your cock was impressive as well. But when I sent them the pic of your face covered in cum, he said he simply had to talk to you.' 'Yesss.....'

I was worried.

'He gave me his phone number, and you are now going to telephone him. He knows all about your submissive side, and he wants to take control of you for a while. You will phone him using your land-line and talk to him using the speaker phone. Meanwhile, you will leave your mobile phone open so that I can hear exactly what is happening. Do you understand' 'Ermmmmm' 'Come on Dave - they are asking me on chat why I have not phoned yet' 'OK sir - I will phone them - what is their number'

He paused

'You should probably know, this person comes from Edinburgh. You are to do whatever they ask - but you are not to agree to meet them. You will also take photos to document everything, and send them to me by e-mail when your conversation has finished. Furthermore, you must never call this other man again - this is a one off. That is the deal that we have already made online - that is what he wants. Do you understand?'

'I understand sir'

He gave me the number, I got my digital camera, and I went to my land-line and nervously rang the number. I knew nothing about the guy I was ringing - what should I even say to him when he picked up the phone.

'Hello' I said nervously 'Hello - is that Dave?' came the answer from the speakerphone - a scottish accent. 'Yes sir - I am Dave - how can I help you today' 'You can fucking follow some orders you little shit' 'Yes sir - I understand'

Here I was, promising to obey someone I knew nothing about - not even his name. While my master listened in to my total humiliation.

'So Dave - you already told me that you are naked, and your cock is hard' 'Yes sir' 'And you told me that you wanted some pain'

Ermmmm - I guessed that must be what my master had told him.

'Yes sir' 'Well beg me for it you little shit'

I could hear my master give a little chuckle over the mobile - he had set me up good and proper here!

'Please sir - I really need to take some pain from you' 'And humiliation' 'And humiliation sir' 'Right then you little fucker - run to the bathroom and get a tube of toothpaste' 'Yes sir' 'I said run...'

I ran and fetched the toothpaste.

'I have some toothpaste sir' 'Good Dave. Now take some toothpaste on your finger, about the size of a pea, and rub it into your clean shaved balls'

I did this taking a photo or two for my master as I did.

'How does that feel Dave?' 'It feels fine' 'Press ups Dave. And on each rep, I want you to say - I am fucking scum' 'How many reps sir?' 'Just drop and start pressing - I will tell you when to stop' 'Sorry sir'

I dropped to the floor 'I am fucking scum....I am fucking scum.....'

Fifty repetitions he made me do. My arms were beginning to burn with the exertion. Sweat beginning to form a sheen over my smooth body.

'Ok stop. How are your balls feeling?'

As I stood up my balls were tingling - just beginning to burn.

'They are tingling sir - beginning to burn' 'Good - the toothpaste is starting to do its job'

It certainly was - I never knew toothpaste could be so painful. It was beginning to make me squirm.

'Now we are going to have some online fun Dave' 'What do you mean sir' 'You are going to log into another chatroom and you will type exactly what I tell you to type'

I went to my computer and fired up my chat account. I knew this would boot my master out of my account, but he had told me to follow instructions. I could see that I had been logged into 'sub/dom' - that must be where my master had found this guy.

'What chatroom should I log into now sir' 'Boys talk - UK'

This was a fairly mild chatroom, where gay guys just hung out, talked, perhaps cruised a little - but it was full of guys from the UK.

'Yes sir'

Shit - my balls were really beginning to hurt now - how much longer was the pain going to continue to build up?

'Good Dave - I see you are logged in'

I looked down the list of names and was unsurprised to see 'Matt_in_London' my master had logged in to the same room, so that he could watch what was going to happen next. The guy I was talking to on the phone then logged in - his user name was 'scottish_dom'.

'OK Dave - you will type the following'

He told me what I had to type.

'Please sir - do I have to - there could be anyone in the room' 'Just fucking get on with it you whining little shit - you want pain - you want humiliation - here it is'

So I typed

...I am a slut in Leeds who needs a good fucking...

That got people's attention. Private messages started appearing in my inbox.

'Do not reply to any of those private messages yet slut' said the voice over the speaker phone. 'Now type the following...'

...I have a self-pic of my face covered in cum. If you want a copy - IM me - I promise to send it to you...

Oh god - anyone could be on here. It could be neighbours, friends, anyone might see what I was doing. Anyone might get that pic of my cum covered face. They might even recognise me next time I went to a gay bar.

'I am getting lots of private messages asking for the pic sir' 'Then send it to them you shit - what are you waiting for'

One of the messages was from Matt_in_London. I opened it up.

...send it to me first, and anybody else who wants it. You'd better get used to being humiliated Dave. I can control you in lots of different ways - even get other people to control you. Get used to it and start sending...

I sent my pic - my smiling face covered in pools of thick white cum, running all over my cheeks, chin and into my hair. I must have sent it 30 times. The whole room had a copy. I got lots of appreciative comments in the room

...fucking hot boy... a bit of that...

My two masters were watching it all develop in the chatroom.

'You will type that you are in ownership and are not physically available to any of them' said the scottish voice.

If only he knew the truth - that he was being manipulated by my real master - Matt - who was controlling the whole scene. What would he think about being a mere pawn in my real master's game.

I typed what he wanted.

'Please sir - my balls are really hurting now. I need to wash the toothpaste off.' 'Do you fuck boy' 'But they are burning sir' 'Do you think I'm bothered?'

Another chuckle from my master.

'Do you have a mic on your computer Dave' 'Errrmmm' 'Well DO YOU' he shouted 'Yes sir' 'You will activate it, then you will wank and cum for the room's pleasure'

Oh god.

'Please sir - not that - anything but that' 'Just get on with it Dave - you really are worthless scum - just like you said when doing pressups' 'But'

A message appeared from Matt_in_London buts Dave - just do it - NOW...

With no question, I turned my mic on and started to masturbate. The whole room was listening to me. My balls were burning with pain, my cock was hard and leaking, and I was moaning.

'oohhh yes - fucking yes - fuck me, fuck me'

The room was going wild. A very appreciative audience.

I worked my cock - my balls aching away - desperate to cum, but the pain making it more difficult. An intense burning sensation in my shaved crotch.

'ooohh please yes, please yes'

I could hear the scottish guy wanking over the phone speaker. His breath a little out of control.

'ooohh fuck - I'm gonna cum, oh yes, oh yes'

I came - great spurts of cum shooting all over my chest. Messages were posted in the room. ...nice one mate... ..well done - if ever you really want a fuck...

But the only message that mattered was the private one posted by Matt_in_London

...Well done - you will hang up your landline now. You will never ring scottish_dom again. If I find that you have - your life will simply not be worth living. What has happened so far will seem like nothing. Once you have hung up, go take a bath and get some rest. You must stay naked. I have not finished with you yet this weekend...

Good lord - I was shattered, and he hadn't even finished with me. What else did he have planned?

END - This story is part of a series and was written by kbarboy If you want to give the author any feedback, ideas, suggestions, or orders(!) please contact him via

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