Online Master

By kbar boy

Published on Jul 21, 2023


This story, and all characters are fictional. If it isn't legal to read this kind of story where you live then please exit now. Make sure that in real life you have safe sex. All parts of this story are copyright to the author and MUST NOT be reposted on any site or reprinted in any form without the authors express permission.

Last time:

'Good. You will be lying on your bed at 6:30 - wearing just my cum stained boxer shorts. You will have written across your chest in thick black marker pen - GAG ME. And then under the boxer shorts - on your shaved crotch - you will have written AND FUCK ME. When he gets in, he will do these things to you. I will phone you at 6:29, so that I can listen in to what happens. I know what makes you tick Dave - but I need to know more about your relationship' 'Yes sir - I understand and will do as you ask'

My heart began to pound - this just wasn't the kind of thing I did with Tom.

How was he going to respond? What was my master going to hear? Was I going to get the fucking I so desperately wanted?

I went home - threw my cum-covered shirt in the wash and went to the bedroom. I stripped off so that I was just wearing the boxers my master had sent me. Not only were they deeply stained with the cum he had wanked into them over the last few weeks - they were also damp with my own cum. As the silk slid over my cock and balls I began to feel turned on. I took the marker pen, and wrote - in bold large text from nipple to nipple across my chest - GAG ME. I then pulled the boxers down and wrote AND FUCK ME across my shaved crotch. The words FUCK and ME split by the treasure trail of hair running down to the base of my cock - which was literally twitching with anticipation.

I took a photo - I was sure my master would want to see I had done what I was asked, then pulled the boxers back up, laid down on the bed, and waited.


My phone rang - 'number withheld'.

'Hello sir' 'You did as I asked Dave' 'Yes sir' Good, and is your boyfriend home yet'

At that moment I heard his key in the door and whispered

'Yes sir - just coming in the front door' 'Good Dave - I will be quiet from now on - you can trust me - but leave the phone on - somewhere out of sight - I want to listen to what happens' 'Yes sir'

'Hi Dave' called Tom from downstairs. 'You upstairs' 'Yes Tom - could you pop up for a minute' I replied. 'God - I'm knackered Dave - do I have to - I want a cup of tea' 'I think you better had Tom' was the only reply I could think of.

Footsteps up the stairs. His hand on the door. What the hell was he going to say??

'Good god Dave - what the hell is this?' 'A surprise?' I said somewhat lamely. 'God you're not wrong. Put some clothes on' 'No Tom - please - do as it says - I really want you to' 'I'm knackered' he complained. 'Please' I begged. 'I never ask for much' 'Gag you? My god - where did you get those boxers from - they are gross'

What should I say - I couldn't say they were caked with another man's cum - he'd go mad.

'I use them to wank with sometimes - I like the feeling of silk against my cock'

I could almost imagine my master smiling to himself on the other end of the phone - if only I knew what he looked like!

'OK' said Tom uncertainly. 'Get them off then'

I took the silk boxers down - feeling them slide down my legs. Exposing my shaved crotch. Which Tom hadn't seen before. And the words - AND FUCK ME - emblazoned across it.

'Bloody hell Dave. When did you shave yourself - and what's with the marker pen messages - are you on heat or something? On second thoughts don't answer that question.'

And with that - he shoved the boxers into my mouth. Balling them up so they filled my mouth completely.

'Don't say anything - gag on those for a while - I'm going to get a cup of tea. Maybe I'll fuck you, maybe not - who knows. Lie there - don't move and think about it. I'll be back in a bit'

I lay there calmly - breathing through my nose. The boxers filling my mouth. Tom disappeared downstairs. Gradually, as my breathing calmed I began to taste it. Cum. Filling my senses. In fact, the word cum doesn't do it justice - lets say CUM. All the dried cum from my masters orgasms was assaulting my mouth. The damp cum from my afternoon's wanking out on the road with the trucker watching. Cum. There was no escape from it. The taste of it was filling my mouth. Cum. Rolling down my throat. Gagging me. My master's cum. I couldn't have wished for anything more.

I lay there with my eyes shut - savouring the taste of my master. Wishing that it wasn't just his stale cum - but his cock that was in my mouth. What would his cock actually be like? I'd never seen it - never even asked. As I tasted his boxers, I only wanted his cock. I fantasised about having it inside me. Sucking him, being fucked by him. Taking load after load of his cum - rather like I was here - as I lay on my back in my own house, with him hundreds of miles away in London.

I was drinking the cum of a man I had never met - never seen. My cock was hard and throbbing. Just a few strokes and I would probably have cum.

Footsteps up the stairs. Tom coming back.

'So you want to be fucked then Dave' 'mmmmmmph'

If I could have spoken I would have begged, pleaded. I put as much desperation as I could into my green eyes.

'Tough shit. I don't want to fuck you' 'mmmmmpphh'

I so much needed to be fucked.

'But I do like the sight of you so hard - with your special messages written over your body for me. So I'm going to give you a real treat. I'm going to masturbate looking at you. Meanwhile - you can lie there and get nothing'

And with that, he started stroking his cock. I was so frustrated. I had my masters cum - but I wanted his cock for myself. And now I was being cruelly denied.

Tom's cock is cut, so he used some handcream to lubricate it - then he sat straddling my body. Stroking his cock in front of me - making me watch. I reached up to him.

'Don't touch it asshole - this is my pleasure - not yours. Lie there - gag on your boxers and think about things'

I watched him work his cock. Right in front of my face. His hand focussing in on the sensitive head and working it over and over in circling motions. Then pumping up and down the shaft. Then going back to the head and circling again. With his other hand he rubbed his hairy chest - tugging gently on his firm nipples. All the time, he was looking down into my face - my mouth swollen and stuffed with boxers. He maintained eye contact as he stroked himself. I could taste my master, and see my boyfriend - astride me - working his cock over me.

'I bet you're desperate to get this in up your arse aren't you?' 'mmpphhh' I nodded vigorously. 'It's just a shame you will go unsatisfied then'

I could see his big balls beginning to tense in his sack. Pulling itself up under his cock. I could also see a hazy look beginning to come into his eyes. Shit - he really was just going to wank himself off - I wasn't going to get the fucking I needed.

'Ooohhhh' he began to moan.

More stale cum ran down my throat. My own cock was pulsing, hard and excited. I reached up to try and stop Tom from wanking.

He slapped me once across the face - short and sharp - bringing a tear to my eye.

'Lie down. Don't touch me. Think yourself lucky.'

My cheek reddened and I breathed carefully through my nose - trying to avoid choking on my gag. I just had to lie still and watch Tom vigorously pumping his cock. He cupped his other hand under his cock. His head was beginning to roll now - I knew he was about to cum.

And then he came - thick ropes of cum running from his cock into his cupped hand. Pulsing again and again - a heavy load was delivered into his hand. Tom was moaning and his body was shuddering.

'Oohhh yes'

He reached down to me and wiped his hand all over my face. Depositing a load of fresh cum across my reddened cheek, over my nose, rubbing it up across my eyes and forehead and into my hair.

'There you go Dave - have my cum for your face - you're not even worthy of tasting it today.'

And with that he pulled a dressing gown on, walked out of the room, and went downstairs. Soon I heard the TV set blaring in the living room. I guess Tom was stretched out and relaxing, smiling about what a fool I was.

I lay there, emotionally exhausted. Tom's cum drying on my face, my masters cum still running down my throat - filling my sense of taste completely. My cock hard - ready to burst. It was then that I remembered the phone, and reached over to pick it up. I ungagged myself

'Are you still there sir?' 'Yes Dave, I am' 'Now you can see that Tom isn't very dom - he wouldn't even fuck me as I wanted' 'Is that your definition of not dom Dave? I would say that Tom was just very dom with you. He took precisely what he wanted from you and nothing more. The sex you just had was all about his pleasure - not yours. That is what being dom is all about Dave. That is what I am doing to you Dave - taking what I want from you.' 'I suppose so sir' 'And that is what you can expect a lot more of Dave - I am going to take more from you soon. In fact I have a request.' 'Yes sir'

My heart was thudding along wondering what he might ask me for this time.

'I need more access to you over a period of time. Is there going to be a time soon when Tom is away from home?' 'Funny you should ask sir. Tom is visiting his parents this weekend and I am staying behind. He will be away from Friday night until Sunday evening' 'Good Dave. You will cancel any plans you might have had for the weekend. You will be accessible by phone at any time that weekend from Friday night through till Sunday afternoon. You will be prepared to serve me at any time - no matter what I ask.' 'Yes sir' 'It is time we pushed your boundaries a little further Dave'

I lay there - soaking up Tom and my masters cum - wondering what was going to happen to me next, and whether I would accept my fate or have to fight my masters orders.

END - This story is part of a series and was written by kbarboy If you want to give the author any feedback, ideas, suggestions, or orders(!) please contact him via

Next: Chapter 9

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