Online Master

By kbar boy

Published on Jul 16, 2023


This story, and all characters are fictional. If it isn't legal to read this kind of story where you live then please exit now. Make sure that in real life you have safe sex. ALL PARTS of this story are copyright to the author and MUST NOT be reposted on any site or reprinted in any form without the authors express permission.

Last time:

...well done Dave. I think you are finally beginning to learn how to surrender control. You shall be rewarded - watch out for a present arriving at your workplace soon. When it arrives, you must not open it until you receive permission. And one more thing Dave - I updated your profile - hope you like it...

I quickly clicked on the link to my profile

A pic - my cock - hard and throbbing Name: Dave. Location: Leeds. Hobbies: Being submissive. Latest news: In ownership and ready to move up a gear.

Move up a gear - oh god - I was only just getting to grips with what was going on here - how much further would I actually allow my master to push me? ____________________________________________

Since our last session, I had been worrying about exactly what my master might have in mind for me. What present was he going to send me - how was he going to move me up a gear? It occupied a lot of my mind - I had been neglecting my boyfriend Tom, and I wasn't really able to concentrate at work. I guess you can successfully say that my master had worked his way deep into my mind.

A few days later at work, there was a knock on the door. It was my colleague John, and he had a strange look on his face. He was holding out a package wrapped in brown paper and tied with string.

'This has been delivered for you Dave - I just picked it up from the mail room' 'Oh' was about the only response I could muster. 'It says on the front that it's a present for all your good work - you going to open it?' 'Ermmmm'

What could I say?

'Oh I think I know what it is John. I'll open it later' 'Oh yeah?? Big mystery! Don't tell me you've got a secret admirer?' 'Errmmmm' 'You're not having an affair are you Dave?' 'No, no - sorry - my mind's on other things - I'll deal with it later'

And so - eventually - John left me in peace. And the package sat on the corner of my desk. It was about 12"x6" and was fairly soft and flexible. I poked and prodded it, trying to work out what could be inside, but I didn't have a clue. In fact, I didn't know what to do with it. I was not supposed to open it without permission from my master, Matt. I put it into one of my desk drawers.

It was about 3 o'clock the next afternoon when my mobile rang - 'number withheld'.

I was in my office - alone.

'Hello sir' 'Good morning Dave - I trust you are well. Have your cock and balls recovered from our last session together?' 'Yes sir - just about' 'And have you been having sex with your boyfriend?' 'No sir - I cannot get you out of my head, and haven't had sex with Tom for a week or so now' 'That is not so good - we will have to remedy that. You have been keeping your cock and balls neatly shaved for me - just leaving the treasure trail running down to the base of your cock' 'Yes sir' 'And Tom hasn't noticed this?' 'No sir - like I said, we haven't really had sex' 'Hmmmmm'

Obviously he was planning something - I wondered what.

'Did my present arrive Dave?' 'Yes sir' 'I hope you haven't opened it yet' 'No sir - I have kept it in my drawer - waiting for you to ring' 'Good boy. The present is something that you should wear to help you think of me. You must wear this item every time we speak to one another - unless I ask you to be naked.' 'Yes sir I understand'

My brain was ticking over - what could it be? I guessed it could be a collar, or a cock ring - I had read stories that involved such items.

'You may open the package now Dave' 'Thank you sir'

I tore into the brown paper envelope ripping off the string. Inside was a polythene bag sealed up, and inside what looked like some black fabric. I opened up the sealed polythene bag. The fabric inside was black silk. I reached out to touch it - it was damp. I opened up the fabric - it was a pair of boxer shorts. The unmistakable smell of cum wafted up into my nostrils. The black silk had large damp patches and was heavily stained with dried white marks.

'Have you opened your present Dave' 'Yes sir' 'As you will see - it is a pair of my boxer shorts. Since we have been talking together, every time I have felt the need to masturbate - I have cum onto this pair of boxer shorts. The last time I came onto them was when you abused your cock and balls for me with clothes pegs. Then I sealed up the shorts in polythene to keep them damp and sent them to you.' 'Thank you sir'

Just being able to smell my master sent me into overdrive. I held the boxers up to my nose and inhaled his essence. This was the first physical contact of any type that I had with my master.

'Thank you sir - it means so much to me'

I truly felt grateful for this present - yet wondered inside my head about these feelings.

'Good. Now put them on. Whenever we speak - you will be wearing them. You must keep them with you at all times. Strip and put them on Dave'

I didn't even bother locking my office door - I was so keen to be wearing a part of my master. I just ripped my trousers and boxers off - replaced them with his and put my trousers back on. I could feel the damp fabric pressing against my cock - which was ramrod hard. I could smell my masters cum - both fresh and stale - wafting around in my office. I felt horny.

'I have put them on sir' 'Good boy - now go and get in your car - I have a job for you' 'Yes sir'

Not even questioning the fact that I would have to walk out in the middle of the afternoon. After all - my colleagues would never suspect I was walking out under instruction wearing another mans pair of cum stained boxer shorts up close against my engorged cock!

I went out to my car - got in shut the door - and put my phone into the hands-free system.

'I am in my car now and hands free sir' 'Good boy - I want you to drive to the M62 Dave. When you get there you may turn in either direction - it does not matter. I will call you back in 15 minutes - you should be there by then. You will be driving at 60 miles an hour in the inside lane' 'Yes sir'

These were seriously strange instructions. I tried to work out what my master may be planning but had no idea. I simply followed the instructions.

I got to the M62 and headed for Manchester - sitting in the inside lane - going slowly - not the way I usually drive.

My phone rang - 'number withheld'.

'Hello sir - I have done as you asked and am on the M62' 'Good Dave. I can hear that you are on a busy road - there is lots of background noise. I believe you are telling me the truth and obeying me. Now I want you to take your trousers down to your knees' 'What sir - I am driving' 'You can do it - just brace the steering wheel with your legs and work your trousers down' 'But...' 'Remember what I told you Dave - no buts' 'Yes sir'

I worked my trousers down to my knees.

'Now get your cock out through the fly of my boxer shorts Dave - work it through the black silk and get it out good and hard' 'B... - yes sir'

I figured that other car drivers should not be able to see my cock anyway - and because I was on the inside lane - even lorry drivers who sit higher up would be on the wrong side of their vehicles to get a really clear view. And anyway - my cock was so hard, I was desperate to cum. The thought of wearing my masters cum filled boxers was just about sending me crazy.

I got my cock out, the silk boxers shimmering against the shaft. Almost as if my masters fingers were gently whispering round my cock. I was hard - the head of my cock bright purple. I began to work the foreskin over the head - pre-cum lubricating the motion - oozing out of the tip of my cock.

'I am working my cock sir' 'Good boy - now maintain a steady 50 mph in the inside lane - and stroke your cock until you cum.' 'Yes sir'

I worked my cock - cars streaming past me. Sometimes the drivers would give me a sideways glance - but probably only because I was going slowly - not because they could see anything. Perhaps they wondered why this guy was pottering along in his executive car towards Manchester. The M62 is a busy road, and even the lorries were streaming past me.

It was incredibly liberating - looking out at the whole road ahead of me - seeing all these cars, all these drivers. Stroking my big hard cock - talking to my master over the speaker phone - following his instructions as he told me to stroke faster and slower. Thanking him for the cum filled boxer shorts. Telling him how much I wanted him to fuck me. Begging him to fuck me.

It was then that one lorry seemed to slow its pace and start running along beside me. I looked up, and realised that it was a continental lorry - so the driver was sitting on my side of the vehicle. He had a perfect view down onto me out of his cab, and could see my rock hard cock and my hand stroking it.

I told my master what was happening.

'Keep stroking Dave - do not stop. You'd better speed up a bit to 60 as well - otherwise the two of you will end up blocking the whole motorway'

I sped up, and the lorry driver kept in pace with me - his cab running alongside my car. The lorry driver was a big guy. Blond hair - probably Scandinavian by the look of him. He was wearing a white t-shirt and you could see the muscles bulging in his arms. As I was looking up at him, he smiled at me.

'Wank for him Dave - he wants to see you cum. Stroke your big cock - slowly - make sure he can see the slow movement of your foreskin - back and forwards over the head of your cock'

This was mind-blowing. I should be at work - but instead I was putting on a show for a Scandinavian trucker on the M62. And my cock was loving it. My hand was wet with pre-cum, which was running down my cock and making my master's boxer shorts damp. The big wet head of my cock felt fantastic with the soft foreskin sliding back and forth over it. The trucker looking down at me, watching me - on the edge.

When the orgasm came it was spectacular. Cum shot all over me. Covering my shirt - running down onto the boxer shorts. Shot after shot of thick white cum. It was all I could do to keep my mind on the road. I glanced over at the trucker and he gave me a thumbs-up sign. He then started gesturing at me. He was indicating that he wanted me to pull over. We were approaching a service station.

I told my master what was happening.

'He is gesturing at me to pull over at the service station sir - do you want me to pull in?' 'No Dave - I do not. You might be my slave - but you are not a slut. If other people are to be involved in physical contact with you, I will decide who they are, and I will decide when. Do not assume that because you are serving me, you have no dignity. Drive to the next junction - turn round, go home and get your clothes in the wash. You will not wash the boxer shorts.' 'Yes sir' 'Do I assume you might just have wanted this trucker to fuck you Dave?' 'No sir - not really - I just wanted to know what your wishes were.' 'But would you like to be fucked Dave?' 'Well - yes sir - I love being fucked' 'By a stranger?' 'I don't know sir - I have never done it' 'How do you think that would make your boyfriend feel - knowing that you want a stranger to fuck you?' 'It would make him feel bad sir' 'Exactly Dave - it would make him feel like you didn't need him. And you do need him.' 'Yes sir' 'In fact, you told me you loved him' 'I do sir' 'Well then - what time will he get home from work today?' '6:30 sir'

I began to wonder what my master was going to suggest.

'Good. You will be lying on your bed at 6:30 - wearing just my cum stained boxer shorts. You will have written across your chest in thick black marker pen - GAG ME. And then under the boxer shorts - on your shaved crotch - you will have written AND FUCK ME. When he gets in, he will do these things to you. I will phone you at 6:29, so that I can listen in to what happens. I know what makes you tick Dave - but I need to know more about your relationship' 'Yes sir - I understand and will do as you ask'

My heart began to pound - this just wasn't the kind of thing I did with Tom.

How was he going to respond? What was my master going to hear? Was I going to get the fucking I so desperately wanted?

END - This story is part of a series and was written by kbarboy If you want to give the author any feedback, ideas, suggestions, or orders(!) please contact him via

Next: Chapter 8

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