Online Master

By kbar boy

Published on Jul 9, 2023


This story, and all characters are fictional. If it isn't legal to read this kind of story where you live then please exit now. Make sure that in real life you have safe sex.

Last time:

...By the way - your meeting was very interesting. Perhaps you should have been more careful as I now know where you work...

Shit! Now he really had some power over me. Until then, I had been comfortable in the knowledge that my master did not really know who I was. Now he knew where I worked, and he also knew the secrets of my submissive side. I began to worry about what was going to happen next time.

...hello dave - how are you feeling?...

It was the chat message I had been anticipating, dreading and wanting for several days. Earlier in the week, my master had turned me into his slut at work, making me deliver a presentation with my crotch soaked in my own cum, and then, later in the afternoon, making me drink my cum out of a cup of coffee in front of my colleague, John. He had said he would be wanting more commitment, and my brain had been in overdrive trying to work out what he might mean. Trying to guess what he might ask me for.

...I'm feeling good sir - thank you for controlling me earlier in the week... ...I'm glad dave - did any of you colleagues suspect you were under my control?... ...I don't think so sir - I think I got away with it... ...good. I am not trying to frighten you off. However, I think you must realise that it is now time for you to show me some serious commitment. I need more involvement in your life...

Oh god - what did he mean.

...I need you to show that you can trust me Dave... ...I trust you sir - I promise... ...ok. I want you to give me the password to your online chat account...

My brain started to try and work out the consequences. I was not sure what I was going to be handing over here - I was not sure where it was going to lead.

...what do you want to do with it?... I asked

a long pause

...I will answer that question in two ways... ...yes sir... ...firstly, you can trust me - I have had your phone number for several weeks and have not abused the privilege... ...I know sir, I appreciate that... ...secondly, I know where you work - not only can you trust me, but you need to trust me, as I have information that could be damaging... ...hmmmm...

Now I was worried. I really had little choice but to hand my password over.

I figured I could probably trust him. It would mean he had access to my account details, my user profile and all my lists of friends and contacts that I'd met in different chat rooms. Furthermore, he could see exactly when I had been online and work out who I had been chatting with. It would provide him with total access to my online life. But what choice did I really have.

...ok sir, you can have my password...

Looking back, it's difficult to know what the critical decision was. When did I reach the point of no return. I guess this was the one though. This was the moment at which I really began to lose any of the traces of control I was trying to maintain.

...good boy...

I typed in my password.

...thank you dave. As before, if this password does not work, you will not hear from me again... ...I understand sir - I promise it is correct... ...good - that is your first item of commitment...

The first? What else did he have in mind? I had already handed over the keys to my online chat-life.

...I also want some photos Dave - I want to see who I've been talking to all this time, and exactly what you have to offer... ...what kind of photos do you want sir?... you have a digital camera?... ...yes sir... ...then I want you to take six photos and send them to me by e-mail... of what sir?...

He explained precisely what photos he wanted me to take.

...The first one should be a face only pic - a nice, close-up portrait. Then I want you to take two cock pics - one soft, one hard. Make sure your foreskin is covering the head of your cock when you are soft but I want to see it rolled back exposing the glans when your cock is hard. Then I want a full length naked frontal shot of you - including your face - with your hard cock clearly visible...

Oh god - he was going to have some serious ammunition with these pics - and that was only the first four.

...I'm not sure sir... ...fucking hell Dave - it's always a battle with you isn't it? You are in too deep now - you have to trust me. You have to be prepared to give your master some pleasure - it isn't all about YOU, you know. Just get me some fucking hot pictures, and I will be happy for now. Lots of masters would be wanting a lot more than that Dave... ...yes sir - I understand now you explain it like that. I have not been considering your needs and wishes - only thinking of my own submission. I am sorry. What do you want on the last two pictures... ...well Dave - they are more difficult... ...yes sir? why?... ...your boyfriend will have to take them... ...but I don't want him to know sir... ...he will not know the pics are for me - you will tell him that you want them to masturbate with... ...ok - it's possible perhaps... ...good - because I want one picture of you sucking his cock - mouth full - your face clearly on show

Oh god.

...and one picture of him fucking your ass doggy style - looking down from above - with his cock half-in and half-out, so I can see it nice and clearly...

Oh good god.

...if you think about it Dave, you will realise, that with this combination of pictures, it is not possible for you to find suitable ones on the internet that match all those criteria and have the same people in them. This means I have a guarantee that what you send me is genuine...

Game, set and match. He had me where he wanted me. And I was going to have to take sex pics with my bf without getting him suspicious.

...and do you promise that you won't post these pics on pornographic websites sir, or send them to people at work?... I asked - my suspicious mind working overtime. was the only response.

I wanted to trust - but it was so hard to submit myself in this way. My whole life in the hands of someone I had never even seen a picture of - let alone met. Then again, he had my phone number, my online account password, and he was so deep inside my mind - what could I do?

...I will send you the pictures sir... ...Good boy Dave - you are learning. Do not log back into your chat account until one day after you have sent them. If you do, I will simply deactivate your account. Remember I have full access now - I am in control...

Shit - I hadn't realised he could do that.

...I understand sir...


...log out dave...

His status clicked 'offline' and I logged out. Time to start the photography.

The first four pictures were easy - using the tripod and camera remote control I managed to eventually get a nice face pic - once I had relaxed enough to smile. I made sure that my blond brown hair was looking as funky as possible - spiking it carefully with some gel, and tried to capture a bit of a twinkle in my green eyes.

My cock was next to be photographed. It was really hard trying to keep it soft for the first pic. I was so turned on by photographing myself for my master. I just about managed it. When it's soft, my cock is about 3 inches long. It was nestled down on top of my hairy balls, with the foreskin extended over the tip. It looked like a soft, sleeping animal. The erect pic was a lot easier, and if my cock looked like a sleeping animal when soft, it looked completely different when hard. The foreskin rolled back, full 6.5 inch shaft, ramrod hard, purple head with a dribble of pre-cum coming out of the tip. Just looking at the pic I had taken turned me on even more.

When it came to the full length naked pic, I was quite proud of my handiwork. I was so turned on by the thought of having to send off my portfolio of pics, that I didn't even need to touch my cock to keep it nice and hard. It was pointing straight up in front of my slim stomach - my hairy balls hanging down just a little. My smooth chest, with erect nipples clearly in view. I also made sure that my hairy legs were in shot as well. I work out a little bit, lots of running and swimming, and my legs are one of my best features.

So far so good - but now I had to wait till my boyfriend got home.

A nervous wait.

Trying to decide what to say to him. How to explain. Turning words over and over anxiously in my head.

In the end I just blurted it out when he got home. Told him that he was special, and a great lover. Told him how horny I was feeling. Told him I wanted to be photographed sucking him and being fucked. Told him it would be the biggest turn-on ever. Told him he could do what he wanted with the photos afterwards as long as I could keep a copy for personal enjoyment. Told him that he could use my body.

Begged him to do it.

Thing about my boyfriend, Tom, is that he's not very dom. So he doesn't often fuck me. But I begged and begged. Promised him dinner every night for the next week In the end he gave in.

I started by sucking his cock. Tom's cock isn't very big - only about 5 inches - but it's perfectly formed. He has large balls, that swing like globes in a smooth sack. His cock is cut, and it always responds under my tongue. It is just the perfect size so that only when I suck it right to the base, to the very last millimeter, does it block my throat and stop me breathing. I love to give him head. And he loves to get it.

'Ohhhh - yeaahhhhh' he moaned as I swirled my tongue round his cock-head and gradually slid the full length of him into my mouth. And out. And in. His cock was hard as steel now - pulsating between my lips. 'That's good Dave', he said - smile for your photo.

He picked up the camera and took 3 or 4 shots of me sucking on his cock. I was looking up towards the camera - a look of lust in my eyes. Lust was filling my head. I knew what Tom was about to do to me next - and I was so badly in need.

'Right Dave. On your hands and knees.'

I obeyed instantly - only just stopping myself from saying 'yes sir' - it was almost a reflex action. I didn't want to give away too much about my submissive side with Tom - otherwise he might work out just what was really going on here.

He came round behind me, and gently lubed my ass. He is such a considerate lover, that he very gently slid his cock into me. Taking it really slow as I got used to having him inside me. Then he started to fuck me - in a nice slow rhythm. My cock was hard, pointing parallel to my stomach - bouncing up and down with every stroke that Tom took into me. His cock may not be the biggest - but he really knows how to use it, and I could feel it filling me nicely. I dreaded to think what it would be like taking a bigger cock - something my master had told me I would be trained for.

Tom took the camera and shot off a few more snaps.

'Make sure you actually show your cock sliding in and out on the photo' I said 'it would really turn me on to see a picture of that being done to me'.

Actually the thought of seeing pics of me being fucked really was turning me on. As was the good steady pace Tom had developed. Pre-cum was drooling out of my cock all over the sheets. A long strand of fluid running out of me - joining my cock to the bed.

'Right then Dave - now we've done your photos, it's time for me to have some fun' said Tom.

And then he really went for it.

Perhaps it was revenge for the way I'd fucked him a few weeks earlier when my master had got me so horny - I don't know. But he fucked me like an animal. Thrusting in as deep as he could. A real fast pace - pounding my ass. I could feel and hear his balls slapping against me with each thrust he made.

'Oh Jesus, Tom - fucking hell' 'Ooooohhhhhh'

Normally he was such a gentle lover - not today. With every thrust he was gasping and panting. Moaning - 'fuck yeah'.

Each time he got close to cumming, I could feel him back off.

'I want this to last Dave - you are a fucking hot piece of ass today'

Thirty minutes he fucked me for. My cock was ready to burst - just one touch and I think I would have cum - but he wasn't interested in touching me - only in fucking me.

And then he came. Deep inside me.

'Ooooohhhhhh yeeaaaaahhh' 'Jesus' 'That was amazing' he said.

He pulled his cock out and picked up the camera.

'What are you doing' 'Just one more shot Dave...'

Then he gave me the camera:

'There you go - go and toss yourself off with those then'

I looked at the screen. The last picture of me was still there - my ass, legs spread, with his cum dripping out of my asshole. It looked so hot. I took the camera to the bathroom, started to stroke my cock and came immediately. Wow - the hottest sex I had with Tom in ages - and all because of my master's control over me - incredible.

Later on, I uploaded the best photographs onto my computer and sent an e-mail to my master:

'Sir - Please find attached the photographs you requested. I have also had a seventh bonus pic taken for you. I hope you like it. I will be online tomorrow. - Dave'

Next day, when I logged into my chat account, there was a message waiting for me...

'Dave - you did very well. I am very pleased with the pictures you sent me - especially the bonus pic. In the meantime, as a reward, I have been doing something for you. You might like to check your profile. It was so boring before - hardly said anything - I thought it needed to give a bit more information.'

Oh shit - I thought. What had he done now? I opened my profile, which had previously been very discrete, only containing my username and age - after all - I wasn't out at work and if anyone stumbled across my profile it would be big hassle. And now...

A pic - face pic of me - the one I had taken. Name: Dave. Location: Leeds. Hobbies: Being submissive. Latest news: In ownership.

Oh god - the stakes had been raised.

END - This story is part of a series and was written by kbarboy If you want to give the author any feedback, ideas, suggestions, or orders(!) please contact him via

Next: Chapter 6

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